
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 66

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(1) I am (being) loved. (2) He was loved. (3) We shall be loved. (4) You would be loved. (5) I have been washed. (6) She had been washed.

(7) They had been washed. (8) You will have been washed. (9) It would have been washed. (10) We are (about) to be invited. (11) I was (about) to be invited. (12) He would be about to be invited. (13) Be loved. (14) Be (having been) washed. (15) This merchandise is always willingly (being) bought by me. (16) The overcoat has been (was) bought by me, consequently it belongs to me. (17) When your house was being built, my house had already long been built. (18) I make known that from now my son's debts will not be paid by me. (19) Be tranquil, my entire debt will soon be (have been) paid to you. (20) My gold ring would not now be so long being looked for if it had not (should not have) been so cleverly hidden by you. (21) According to the project of the engineers this railway is (about) to be constructed in the s.p.a.ce (duration) of two years; but I think it will take (be under construction, be being constructed during) more than three years. (22) Upon the fireplace between two pots stands an iron kettle; from the kettle, in which is (finds itself) boiling water, issues steam; through the window, which is (finds itself) near the door, the steam goes into (on to) the yard.


_Correlative Words_ (see pars. 139-157).

(1) _Ia, Ial, Iam, Ie, Iel, Ies, Io, Iom, Iu._ (2) La montritajn nau vortojn ni konsilas bone ellerni, car el ili ciu povas jam fari al si grandan serion da aliaj p.r.o.nomoj kaj adverboj. (3) Se ni aldonas al ili la literon K, ni ricevas vortojn demandajn au rilatajn: _Kia, Kial, Kiam, Kie, Kiel, Kies, Kio, Kiom, Kiu._ (4) Se ni aldonas la literon T, ni ricevas vortojn montrajn: _Tia, Tial, Tiam, Tie, Tiel, Ties, Tio, Tiom, Tiu._ (5) Aldonante la literon C, ni ricevas vortojn komunajn: _Cia, Cial, Ciam, Cie, Ciel, Cies, Cio, Ciom, Ciu._ (6) Aldonante la prefikson NEN-, ni ricevas vortojn neajn: _Nenia, Nenial, Neniam, Nenie, Neniel, Nenies, Nenio, Neniom, Neniu._ (7) Aldonante al la vortoj montraj la vorton _Ci_, ni ricevas montron pli proksiman; ekzemple: _Tiu_ (pli malproksima), _Tiu ci_ (au, _Ci tiu_) (pli proksima); _Tie_ (malproksime), _Tie ci_ (au, _Ci tie_) (proksime). (8) Aldonante al la vortoj demandaj la vorton AJN, ni ricevas vortojn sendiferencajn: _Kia ajn, Kial ajn, Kiam ajn, Kie ajn, Kiel ajn, Kies ajn, Kio ajn, Kiom ajn, Kiu ajn._ (9) Ekster tio, el la diritaj vortoj ni povas ankorau fari aliajn vortojn, per helpo de gramatikaj finigoj kaj aliaj vortoj (sufiksoj); ekzemple: _Tiama, Ciama, Kioma, Tiea, Ci-tiea, Tieulo, Tiamulo,_ k.t.p. (kaj tiel plu).


(1) _Ia_ = some, any. _Ial_ = for some reason. _Iam_ = at some time, once (on a time). _Ie_ = somewhere. _Iel_ = in some manner. _Ies_ = somebody's, some one's. _Io_ = something. _Iom_ = some (quant.i.ty).

_Iu_ = someone, somebody. (2) The nine words shown we recommend to be well learnt, for from them everyone can straightaway make for himself a large series of other p.r.o.nouns and adverbs. (3) If we add to them the letter K, we get interrogative or relative words: _Kia_ = what (kind or sort of). _Kial_ = why, wherefore, for what reason.

_Kiam_ = when, at what time. _Kie_ = where, at what place. _Kiel_ = how, in what manner. _Kies_ = whose, of which. _Kio_ = what (thing).

_Kiom_ = how much, how many, what amount. _Kiu_ = who, which, what one. (4) If we add the letter T, we get the demonstrative words: _Tia_ = such, that sort of. _Tial_ = for that reason, therefore.

_Tiam_ = then, at that time. _Tie_ = there, in that place. _Tiel_ = thus, so, in that manner, like (that). _Ties_ = that one's, of that.

_Tio_ = that (thing). _Tiom_ = so much, that much, so many. _Tiu_ = that (relative or personal). (5) By adding the letter C we get general words: _Cia_ = each, every, every kind of. _Cial_ = for every reason, for all reasons. _Ciam_ = always, for all time.

_Cie_ = everywhere. _Ciel_ = in every way. _Cies_ = everyone's, each one's. _Cio_ = everything. _Ciom_ = all, the whole (quant.i.ty). _Ciu_ = each one, all, everyone. (6) By adding the prefix NEN- we get negative words: _Nenia_ = no kind of, none.

_Nenial_ = for no reason. _Neniam_ = never. _Nenie_ = nowhere.

_Neniel_ = nohow, in no way. _Nenies_ = no one's, n.o.body's. _Nenio_ = nothing. _Neniom_ = no quant.i.ty, none. _Neniu_ = n.o.body, no one.

(7) By adding to the demonstrative words the word _Ci_ we obtain a nearer indication; for example: _Tiu_ = that (the one further off); _Tiu ci_ (or, _Ci tiu_) = this (the nearer one); _Tie_ = there (further off). _Tie ci_ (or, _Ci tie_) = here (nearer). (8) By adding to the interrogative words the word AJN we get indefinite words (expressions): _Kia ajn_ = whatever (kind). _Kial ajn_ = for whatever cause. _Kiam ajn_ = whenever. _Kie ajn_ = wherever. _Kiel ajn_ = however, in whatever manner. _Kies ajn_ = whosesoever. _Kio ajn_ = whatever (thing). _Kiom ajn_ = however much, or many. _Kiu ajn_ = whoever, whichever. (9) Besides (outside) that, from the said words we can still make other words by help of the grammatical terminations and other words (suffixes); for example: _Tiama_ = of that time, contemporary (adj.). _Ciama_ = continual, permanent.

_Kioma_ = which, or what (number or quant.i.ty). _Tiea_ = yonder (adj.), of there (that place). _Ci-tiea_ = of here (this place).

_Tieulo_ = an aborigine (man of there, of that place). _Tiamulo_ = a contemporary (man of then, of that time), etc. (and so on).


_Correlative Words--continued_ (see pars. 139-158).

(1) Ia ajn plumo suficos. (2) Ciu helpus tian h.o.m.on. (3) Tiu virino ne estas tia virino, kian mi estimas. (4) Ial li foriris de Berlino, kaj mi ne scias guste kial; iu persono (au, iu) diris, ke li lasis la urbon pro malsano. (5) Kie estas mia naztuko (au, postuko)? Mi gin ne vidas ie. (6) Gi kusas tie, sub tiu kanapo. (7) Kiam vi venos min viziti? (8) Mi venos al vi iam morgau. (9) Kies domo estas tiu? (10) Mi neniam audis, al kiu gi apartenas. (11) Cu vi konis iun en la cambro? (12) Mi ne konis iun (au, mi konis neniun). (13) El ciuj miaj amikoj, li estas la plej intima. (14) Kian carman leteron vi estas skribinta! (15) Kia h.o.m.o estas tiu, kiu rajdas sur la griza cevalo? (16) Mi ne scias, mi neniam vidis lin antaue. (17) Kiom da cevaloj vi havas? (18) Mi ne havas tiom, kiom mi havis antau tri monatoj. (19) Cia ago havas siajn devojn. (20) Cial tio estas la plej bona. (21) Ciam pripensu, antau ol vi parolas. (22) Cies ideo estas diversa. (23) Preskau ciu amas sin mem.


(1) Any kind of pen will do (suffice). (2) Anyone (everyone) would help such a man. (3) That woman is not the (that) kind of woman (that) I esteem. (4) For some reason he left Berlin, and I don't know exactly why; some person (or, a certain person, _or_, someone) said that he left the city on account of an illness. (5) Where is my handkerchief? I do not see it anywhere (somewhere). (6) It lies there, under that sofa. (7) When will you come to visit me? (8) I will come to you some time to-morrow. (9) Whose house is that? (10) I never heard to whom it belongs. (11) Did you know anyone (someone) in the room? (12) I did not know anyone (or, I knew no one). (13) Of all my friends, he is the most intimate. (14) What a charming letter you have written! (15) What sort of man is that who is riding on the grey horse? (16) I do not know, I never saw him before. (17) How many horses have you? (18) I have not so many as I had three months ago.

(19) Every age has its duties. (20) For every reason (all reasons) that is the best. (21). Always reflect before you speak. (22) Everyone's idea is different. (23) Nearly everyone loves himself.


_Prepositions and Accusative of Direction_ (see pars. 67, 249-261).

(1) Ciuj prepozicioj per si mem postulas ciam nur la nominativon.

(2) Se ni iam post prepozicio uzas la akuzativon, la akuzativo tie dependas ne de la prepozicio, sed de aliaj kauzoj. (3) Ekzemple: Por esprimi direkton, ni aldonas al la vorto la finon N; sekve: _tie_ = "en tiu loko," _tien_ = "al tiu loko"; tiel same ni ankau diras: "La birdo flugis en la gardenon, sur la tablon," kaj la vortoj "_gardenon_," "_tablon_" staras tie ci en akuzativo, ne car la prepozicioj "_en_" kaj "_sur_" tion ci postulas, sed nur car ni volis esprimi direkton, tio estas, montri, ke la birdo sin ne trovis antaue en la gardeno au sur la tablo kaj tie flugis, sed, ke gi de alia loko flugis al la gardeno, al la tablo (ni volas montri, ke la gardeno kaj tablo ne estis la loko de la flugado, sed nur la celo de la flugado); en tiaj okazoj ni uzus la finigon N tute egale cu ia prepozicio starus au ne. (4) Morgau mi veturos Parizon (au, en Parizon). (5) Mi restos hodiau dome. (6) Jam estas tempo iri domen.

(7) Ni disigis kaj iris en diversajn flankojn; mi iris dekstren kaj li iris maldekstren. (8) Flanken, sinjoro!


(1) All prepositions by themselves always require the nominative only. (2) If we ever, after a preposition, use the accusative, the accusative there (in that case) depends not on the preposition, but on other causes. (3) For example: In order to express direction we add to the word the termination N as follows: _tie_="in that place"

(there), _tien_="to that place" (thither); thus in the same way we also say: "The bird flew into the garden, upon the table," and the words "_gardenon_," "_tablon_," stand here in (the) accusative, not because the prepositions "_en_" and "_sur_" require this, but only because we wished to express direction, that is, to show that the bird was not (did not find itself) previously in the garden or on the table and flew (about) there, but that it flew from some other place to the garden, to the table: (we wish to show that the garden and table were not the place of the flying, but only the destination (aim, purpose) of the flying). In such cases we should use the termination N all the same, whether any preposition were there (should stand) or not. (4) To-morrow I shall travel to Paris (or, into Paris). (5) I shall remain to-day at home. (6) It is already time to go home. (7) We separated and went in different directions; I went to the right and he went to the left. (8) To one side (stand aside), Sir!


_Prepositions and Accusative of Direction--continued_ (see pars.


(1) Kie vi estas? (2) Mi estas en la cevalejo, sed mi estas enironta en la bovinejon. (3) Kien vi iras? (4) Mi iras en la pregejon. (5) La birdo flugas en la cambro (gi estas en la cambro kaj flugadas en gi). (6) La birdo flugas en la cambron (gi estis ekster la cambro kaj flugas nun en gin). (7) El sub la kanapo la muso kuris sub la liton, kaj dum gi kuradis sub la lito, la kato gin ekkaptis.

(8) Anstatau kafo la kelnero donis al mi teon kun sukero, sed sen kremo, tial mi ordonis al li, ke li alportu kremon, kaj kiam li gin alportis (au, estis gin alportinta), mi enmetis en la tason da teo unu sukerpecon, tiam mi enversis el la kremujo la kremon. (9) Mi metis la manon sur la tablon. (10) En la salono estis neniu krom li kaj lia fiancino. (11) La hirundo flugis trans la riveron, car trans la rivero sin trovis aliaj hirundoj. (12) Kiam li estis ce mi, li staris tutan horon apud la fenestro. (13) Ili iris Parizon (au, al Parizo).


(1) Where are you? (2) I am in the stable, but I am about to go into the cowshed. (3) Where are you going? (4) I am going into the church.

(5) The bird flies in the room (it is in the room and is flying in it). (6) The bird flies into the room (it was outside the room, and now flies into it). (7) From under the sofa the mouse ran under the bed, and whilst it was running about under the bed the cat seized it.

(8) Instead of coffee the waiter gave me tea with sugar, but without cream, therefore I ordered (to) him to bring (that he bring) cream, and when he brought it (or, had brought it), I put into the cup of tea one lump of sugar, then I poured in the cream out of the cream-jug. (9) I put my (the) hand on the table. (10) In the drawing-room was n.o.body except him and his fiancee. (11) The swallow flew across the river, because across the river were (found themselves) other swallows. (12) When he was at my house (with me) he stood (for) a whole hour near the window. (13) They went to Paris.


_Prepositions--continued_ (see pars. 249-261).

(1) Ili gojis je niaj malfelicoj. (2) Volu montri al mi la dormocambron. (3) Nur tajloro povas fari al (_or_, por) si veston.

(4) Ni eniris kafejon antau ol reveni al la hotelo. (5) La kelnero metis antau mi teleron, kuleron, kaj trancilon. (6) Anstatau ludi kartojn, li lernis Esperanton. (7) Mi staris apud la pordo dum li paroladis kun sia amiko. (8) La profesoro ce la lernejo venis kun mi por viziti vian patron. (9) Li sekvis post mi en la inters.p.a.co de cirkau tri pasoj. (10) Si donis al mi unufrankan moneron. (11) Li restis ce ni de sabato gis mardo. (12) Sen mia scio, la birdo deflugis de la arbo. (i3) Li paligis de timo, kaj mi, pro teruro, ne sciis kion fari. (14) Dum (au, en) la autuno mi vojagadis en Italujo. (15) La leporhundo estas ekster la domo. (16) Tiu ci estas la plej granda el ciuj arboj en la gardeno. (17) Ne miru pri mia senceremonieco kontrau vi. (18) Krom Esperanto, mi parolas la lingvon anglan. (19) Si estis bona, kaj krom tio, tre bela fraulino.


(1) They rejoiced at our misfortunes. (2) Kindly (be willing) show me the bedroom. (3) Only a tailor can make (for) himself a coat. (4) We entered a cafe before returning to the hotel. (5) The waiter put before me a plate, spoon, and knife. (6) Instead of playing cards, he learnt Esperanto. (7) I stood near the door whilst he conversed with his friend. (8) The professor of (at) the school came with me to visit your father. (9) He followed me at a distance of about three paces (steps). (10) She gave me a coin of one franc. (11) He stayed with us from Sat.u.r.day till Tuesday. (12) Unknown to me (without my knowledge), the bird flew down from the tree. (13) He grew pale with fear, and I, from terror, did not know what to do. (14) During (or, in) the autumn I travelled about in Italy. (15) The greyhound (hare-hound) is outside the house. (16) This is the largest of all the trees in the garden. (17) Do not wonder at (concerning) my unceremoniousness towards you. (18) Besides Esperanto, I speak the English language. (19) She was good, and besides that, a very beautiful young lady.


_Prepositions--continued_ (see pars. 249-261).

(1) Li fiancigis kun Fraulino Berto post kiam li estis parolinta kun sia patro. (2) Mi restadas tie ci lau la konsilo de mia kuracisto. (3) Malgrau mia konsilo, li eliris el la urbo per flanka vojeto. (4) La domo konstruita de mia onklo estas kovrita per ardezoj. (5) Por cio estas tempo. (6) Ni invitas ciujn vidi por si. (7) Je tiu prezo mi acetis por la infanoj tableton. (8) Mi devos ekiri post kvarono de horo. (9) Tagon post tago ni iris preter la fenestroj de la domo. (10) Ili sekvis unu post la alia. (11) Li demandis sin, pro kio si ploras. (12) Ne sopiru je via perdita felico; ne pensu pri gi. (13) Sen vi, ni estas kvazau sen kapo.

(14) Spite miajn protestojn, kaj spite cion, kion mi povis diri, li foriris. (15) La hundo kuris sub la tablon por ekkapti la katon, sed la kato forkuris, kaj la hundo gin mortigis sub la kanapo. (16) La birdo, kiu sidis sur la arbo, surflugis sur la tegmenton de la domo.

(17) Li jetis stonon super la muron. (18) Li iris tra la arbaro, kaj poste pasis trans la ponton.


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