
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 65

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(1) I am as strong as you. (2) The men are as strong as the horses.

(3) Girls (in a general sense, par. 99 (_a_)) are not as strong as boys. (4) John is stronger than George. (5) She runs more quickly than you. (6) William is weaker (less strong) than Charles. (7) The more I know him, the more I esteem him. (8) The less I eat, the more I drink. (9) The more I see him, the less he pleases (is pleasing to) me. (10) My stick is the same as yours. (11) My brother loves my daughter more than my son. (12) I love my daughter more than my son (does) (loves her). (13) John is the strongest of (out of) the boys.

(14) They are the weakest (least strong) of all. (15) George is the least courageous boy in the school.


_Personal and Possessive p.r.o.nouns_ (see pars. 126-134).

(1) Li amas min, sed mi lin ne amas. (2) Mi volis lin bati, sed li forkuris de mi. (3) Diru al mi vian nomon. (4) Ne skribu al mi tiajn longajn leterojn. (5) Venu al mi hodiau vespere. (6) Mi rakontos al vi historion. (7) Si diris al mi la veron. (8) La domo apartenas al ni. (9) Ili vidis mian patron, sed ne vian fraton. (10) Li estas mia onklo, car mia patro estas lia frato. (11) Mi ne vidis iliajn librojn. (12) Sinjoro Petro kaj via kuzo amas miajn infanojn. (13) Mi havas mian capelon, nun sercu vian. (14) Mi lavas min en mia cambro, sed vi lavas vin en la cambro de via patro. (15) Mi vidis la beston, sed gi ne vidis min. (16) Cu vi vidis gin? (17) Oni diras, "Per mono oni povas aceti cion." (18) Mi vidis vian libron, lian bastonon, sian ombrelon kaj ilian keston.


(1) He loves me, but I do not love him. (2) I wished to beat him, but he ran away from me. (3) Tell me your name. (4) Do not write to me such long letters. (5) Come to me this (to-day) evening (lit., to-day in the evening). (6) I will relate (to) you a story. (7) She told (to) me the truth. (8) The house belongs to us. (9) They saw my father, but not your brother. (10) He is my uncle, for my father is his brother. (11) I did not see their books. (12) Mr. Peter and your cousin love my children. (13) I have my hat, now look for yours. (14) I wash myself in my room, but you wash yourself in your father's room (in the room of your father). (15) I saw the animal, but it did not see me. (16) Did you see it? (17) People (one, they) say, "With money one can buy anything (everything)." (18) I saw your book, his stick, her umbrella, and their chest.


_Possessive Reflexive p.r.o.nouns_ (see pars. 130-138).

(1) Mia patro estas en sia gardeno. (2) Mia patrino estas ankau en sia gardeno. (3) Via frato rajdas sian cevalon. (4) La hundo amas sian mastron. (5) La patrinoj amas siajn infanojn. (6) Mi vidis mian amikon kaj lian edzinon. (7) Johano renkontis mian patron kaj lian[27] amikon. (8) Johano renkontis mian patron kaj sian[28]

amikon. (9) Vilhelmo kaj Jozefo vidis siajn kuzojn kun iliaj hundoj.

(10) Vilhelmo kaj Jozefo vidis siajn kuzojn kun siaj hundoj. (11) Niaj hundoj estas en siaj hundejoj. (12) Ni vidis niajn cevalojn sur la kampo. (13) Mi vidis vian hundon, sian cevalon, lian azenon, iliajn bovinojn, niajn safojn, kaj miajn birdojn. (14) Si vidis la birdon sur gia nesto, sed gi baldau forflugis de sia nesto. (15) Mia frato lavis sin en sia cambro kaj mia fratino lavis sin en sia cambro. (16) Mi lavas min en lia cambro.


[27] _Lian_ = his, viz., the father's friend.

[28] _Sian_ = his own, viz., John's friend.

See par. 135 as to use of _Lia_ and _Sia_.


(1) My father is in his garden. (2) My mother is also in her garden.

(3) Your brother rides his horse. (4) The dog loves its master. (5) Mothers love their children. (6) I saw my friend and his wife. (7) John met my father and his (my father's) friend. (8) John met my father and his (John's) friend. (9) William and Joseph saw their cousins with their (cousins') dogs. (10) William and Joseph saw their cousins with their (William's and Joseph's) dogs. (11) Our dogs are in their kennels. (12) We saw our horses in the field. (13) I saw your dog, her horse, his a.s.s, their cows, our sheep, and my birds.

(14) She saw the bird on its nest, but it soon flew away from its nest. (15) My brother washed (himself) in his room, and my sister washed (herself) in her room. (16) I am washing (myself) in his room.


_Verbs, Simple Tenses, Negatives, and Questions_ (see pars. 58-64, 91, 92, 168, 214).

(1) Mi legas. (2) Li ne legas. (3) Ni legas. (4) Ili legas. (5) Vi legas. (6) Mi legis la libron. (7) Mi ne legis la libron. (8) Cu vi legis la libron? Ne! mi ne (legis gin).[29] (9) Cu vi vidas mian cevalon? Jes! mi vidas. (10) Mi promenos en la gardeno. (11) Mi ne promenos en la gardeno. (12) Cu vi ne promenos en la gardeno? Ne!

Mi ne (promenos). Jes! mi promenos. (13) Se mi estus sana, mi estus felica. (14) Se mi ne estus sana, mi ne estus felica. (15) Cu vi rekonus min, se vi min vidus sen mia peruko? Jes! mi rekonus. Ne! mi ne rekonus. (16) Cu vi deziras kafon? Ne! mi jam havas. (17) Ne tusu la spegulon. (18) Li venu, kaj mi pardonos al li. (19) Ordonu al li, ke li ne babilu. (20) Petu sin, ke si donu al mi kandelon.

(21) Ni estu gajaj, ni uzu bone la vivon, car la vivo ne estas longa. (22) Kial vi ne respondas al mi? Car mi ne komprenas vin.


[29] In replying to questions the complement is usually omitted (par. 64).


(1) I read. (2) He does not read. (3) We are reading. (4) They read.

(5) You are reading. (6) I read (perfect) the book. (7) I did not read the book. (8) Did you read the book? No! I did not (read it). (9) Do you see my horse? Yes! I do (see). (10) I shall walk in (not _into_) the garden. (11) I shall not walk in the garden. (12) Shall you not walk in the garden? No! I shall not (walk). Yes! I shall (walk). (13) If I were (should be) well, I should be happy. (14) If I were not (should not be) well, I should not be happy. (15) Should you recognize me if you saw (should see) me without my wig? Yes! I should (recognize). No!

I should not (recognize). (16) Do you want coffee? No! I already have (some). (17) Do not touch the looking gla.s.s. (18) Let him come, and I will pardon him. (19) Order (to) him not to chatter (that he do not chatter). (20) Beg her to give (that she give) me a candle. (21) Let us be merry, let us use life well, for life is not long. (22) Why do you not answer (to) me? Because I do not understand you.


_Verbs, Compound Tenses, Active Voice_ (see par. 214).

(1) Nun li diras al mi la veron. (2) Hierau li diris al mi la veron.

(3) Li ciam diradis al mi la veron. (4) Kiam vi vidis nin en la salono, li jam antaue diris[30] al mi la veron (au, li estis dirinta al mi la veron). (5) Li diros al mi la veron. (6) Kiam vi venos al mi, li jam antaue diros[30] al mi la veron (au, li estos dirinta al mi la veron). (7) Se mi petus lin, li dirus al mi la veron. (8) Mi ne farus la eraron, se li antaue dirus[30] al mi la veron (au, se li estus dirinta al mi la veron). (9) Kiam mi venos, diru al mi la veron. (10) Kiam mia patro venos, diru al mi antaue la veron (au, estu dirinta al mi la veron). (11) Mi volas diri al vi la veron. (12) Tuj kiam mi estos ricevinta vian leteron, mi foriros.

(13) Kiam mi estis kolektinta la sumon, mi acetis novan libron. (14) Estas necese, ke vi estu[31] fininta (or, finu) vian laboron, antau ol mi revenos.


[30] Always use the compound tense if the simple form is likely to confuse the meaning. Note that the words _jam antaue_ (already beforehand), or, simply, _jam_, show the action has pa.s.sed, and that therefore the simple tense can be used. If these words be omitted, the compound tense must be used. The same remarks apply to the Sentences 8 and 10 (see par. 226 (_a_)).

[31] Note the imperative mood after verbs expressing "wish,"

"necessity," etc. (par. 200).


(1) Now he tells (is telling) me the truth. (2) Yesterday he told me the truth. (3) He always told (habitually) me the truth. (4) When you saw us in the drawing-room, he already previously (had) told me the truth (or, he had told me the truth). (5) He will tell me the truth.

(6) When you (have) (shall) come to me, he will already previously have told me the truth (or, will have told me the truth). (7) If I (should, were to) ask him, he would tell me the truth. (8) I should not have made the mistake if he previously told me the truth (or, had told me the truth). (9) When I (shall) come, tell me the truth. (10) When my father comes (shall come), tell me beforehand the truth (or, may you have told me the truth). (11) I wish to tell you the truth.

(12) As soon as (immediately when) I (shall) have received your letter, I shall go away. (13) When I had collected the sum, I bought a new book. (14) It is necessary that you finish (have finished) your work before I (shall) return.


_Verbs, Pa.s.sive Voice_ (see pars. 169, 233).

(1) Mi estas amata. (2) Li estis amata. (3) Ni estos amataj. (4) Vi estus amata. (5) Mi estas lavita. (6) Si estis lavita. (7) Ili estis lavitaj. (8) Vi estos lavita. (9) Gi estus lavita. (10) Ni estas invitotaj. (11) Mi estis invitota. (12) Li estus invitota. (13) Estu amata. (14) Estu lavita. (15) Tiu ci komercajo estas ciam volonte acetata de mi. (16) La surtuto estas acet.i.ta de mi, sekve gi apartenas al mi. (17) Kiam via domo estis konstruata, mia domo estis jam longe konstruita. (18) Mi sciigas, ke de nun la suldoj de mia filo ne estos pagataj de mi. (19) Estu trankvila, mia tuta suldo estos pagita al vi baldau. (20) Mia ora ringo ne estus nun tiel longe sercata, se gi ne estus tiel lerte kasita de vi. (21) Lau la projekto de la ingenieroj tiu ci fervojo estas konstruota en la dauro de du jaroj; sed mi pensas, ke gi estos konstruata pli ol tri jarojn.[32] (22) Sur la kameno inter du potoj staras fera kaldrono; el la kaldrono, en kiu sin trovas bolanta akvo, eliras vaporo; tra la fenestro, kiu sin trovas apud la pordo, la vaporo iras sur la korton.[33]


[32] _Jarojn,_ being in the accusative, shows that a preposition _(dum)_ has been omitted (see par. 68 (_b_)).

[33] Accusative of direction (see par. 67 (_a_)).

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