
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 67

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(1) He became engaged (was affianced) to (with) Miss Bertha after he had spoken to (with) her father. (2) I am remaining here by (according to) the advice of my doctor. (3) In spite of my advice, he left the city by a by-path. (4) The house built by my uncle has been covered with slates. (5) There is a time for everything. (6) We invite all to see for themselves. (7) At that price I bought for the children a tiny table. (8) I must start in (after) a quarter of an hour. (9) Day by (after) day we went by (past) the windows of the house. (10) They followed one after the other. (11) He asked her why (because of what) she cried (cries). (12) Do not sigh for (about, concerning) your lost happiness; do not think of (about) it. (13) Without you, we are as without a head. (14) In spite of my protestations, and in spite of everything I could say, he went away.

(15) The dog ran under the table to (in order to) seize the cat, but the cat ran away, and the dog killed it under the sofa. (16) The bird that sat on the tree flew on to the roof of the house. (17) He threw a stone over the wall. (18) He went through the wood, and then pa.s.sed across the bridge.


_Preposition "Je" and the Accusative_ (see pars. 65--69, 251, 256).

(1) Se ni bezonas uzi prepozicion kaj la senco ne montras al ni, kian prepozicion uzi, tiam ni povas uzi la komunan prepozicion "je." (2) Sed estas bone uzadi la vorton "je" kiel eble pli[34] malofte. (3) Anstatau la vorto "je" ni povas ankau uzi akuzativon sen prepozicio. (4) Mi ridas je lia naiveco (au, mi ridas pro lia naiveco, au, mi ridas lian naivecon). (5) Je la lasta fojo (au, la lastan fojon) mi vidis lin ce vi. (6) Mi veturis du tagojn kaj unu nokton. (7) Mi sopiras je mia perdita felico (au, mian perditan felicon). (8) El la dirita regulo sekvas, ke se ni pri ia verbo ne scias, cu gi postulas post si la akuzativon (t.e., cu gi estas aktiva) au ne, ni povas ciam uzi la akuzativon. (9) Ekzemple, ni povas diri, "obei al la patro," kaj "obei la patron" (anstatau "obei je la patro"). (10) Sed ni ne uzas la akuzativon tiam, kiam la klareco de la senco tion ci malpermesas; ekzemple, ni povas diri, "pardoni al la malamiko," kaj, "pardoni la malamikon," sed ni devas diri ciam, "pardoni al la malamiko lian kulpon."


[34] It is more usual to use _plej_.


(1) If we need to use a preposition, and the sense does not show (to) us what preposition to use, then we can use the general (common) preposition _"je."_ (2) But it is well to use the word _"je"_ as seldom as possible. (3) Instead of the word _"je,"_ we can also use an accusative without a preposition. (4) I laugh _at_ his simplicity (or, I laugh _because of his_ simplicity, or, I deride his simplicity). (5) On the last occasion (or, last time) I saw him with you. (6) I travelled two days and one night. (7) I sigh _for_ (I bemoan) my lost happiness. (8) From the said rule (it) follows that if we, concerning any verb, do not know whether it requires after it the accusative (i.e., whether it is active) or not, we can always use the accusative. (9) For example, we can say, "to obey _to_ the father," and "to obey the father" (instead of "to obey _je_ the father"). (10) But we do not use the accusative (then) when the clearness of the sense forbids this; for example, we can say "to pardon _to_ the enemy," and, "to pardon the enemy," but we must always say, "to pardon _to_ the enemy his offence."


_Participles, Substantival, Adjectival, Adverbial_ (see pars.


(1) Se la lernanto scius bone sian lecionon, la instruanto[35] lin ne punus. (2) Fluanta akvo estas pli pura, ol akvo staranta senmove. (3) Kiam Nikodemo batas Jozefon, tiam Nikodemo estas la batanto kaj Jozefo la batato. (4) Al h.o.m.o, pekinta senintence, Dio facile pardonas. (5) Trovinte pomon, mi gin mangis. (6) La falinta h.o.m.o ne povis sin levi. (7) Ne riprocu vian amikon, car vi mem pli multe meritas riprocon; li estas nur unufoja mensoginto, dum vi estas ankorau nun ciam mensoganto. (8) La tempo pasinta jam neniam revenos; la tempon venontan neniu ankorau konas. (9) Venu, ni atendas vin, Savonto de la mondo! (10) En la lingvo Esperanto ni vidas la estontan lingvon de la tuta mondo. (11) Augusto estas mia plej amata filo. (12) Mono havata estas pli grava ol havita. (13) Pasero kapt.i.ta estas pli bona, ol aglo kaptota. (14) La soldatoj kondukis la arest.i.tojn tra la stratoj. (15) Li venis al mi tute ne atendite.


[35] _Instruanto_ = The one who is teaching, possibly only an occasional teacher. _Instruisto_ = A teacher habitually, or by profession.


(1) If the pupil knew (should know) his lesson well, the teacher would not punish him. (2) Flowing water is purer than stagnant (standing without movement) water. (3) When Nicodemus beats Joseph, then Nicodemus is the beater (beating one) and Joseph the beaten. (4) G.o.d easily pardons (to) a person sinning (having sinned) unintentionally. (5) Having found an apple, I ate it. (6) The fallen man could not raise himself. (7) Do not reproach your friend, for you much more merit reproach; he is only a one-time liar (has been once a liar), while you are yet now always a liar (while you are a liar always now). (8) Time pa.s.sed will never more return; time about to come no one yet knows. (9) Come, we await You, Saviour of the world!

(10) In the language Esperanto we see the future language of the whole world. (11) Augustus is my best loved son. (12) Money in hand (being had) is more important than that once had (than having been had). (13) A sparrow caught is better than an eagle about to be caught. (14) The soldiers led the prisoners through the streets. (15) He came to me quite unexpectedly.


_Numerals and Suffixes -OBL-, -ON-, -OP-_ (see pars. 115-124, 284).

(1) Mi havas cent pomojn. (2) Mi havas centon da pomoj. (3) Tiu ci urbo havas milionon da logantoj. (4) Mi acetis dek du orangojn.

(5) Mi acetis dek-duon da kuleroj kaj du dek-duojn da forkoj. (6) Mil jaroj (au, milo da jaroj) faras miljaron.[36] (7) Unue, mi redonas al vi la monon, kiun vi pruntis al mi; due, mi dankas vin por la prunto; trie, mi petas vin ankau poste prunti al mi, kiam mi bezonos monon. (8) Por ciu tago mi ricevas kvin frankojn, sed por la hodiaua tago mi ricevis duoblan pagon, t.e. (tio estas), dek frankojn. (9) Kvin.o.ble sep estas (_or_, faras) tridek kvin. (10) Tri estas duono de ses. (11) Ok estas kvar kvinonoj de dek. (12) Kvar metroj da[37] tiu ci stofo kostas nau frankojn; tial du metroj kostas kvar kaj duonon frankojn (au, da frankoj). (13) Unu tago estas tricent-sesdek-kvinono, au tricent-sesdek-sesono, de jaro.

(14) Tiuj ci du amikoj promenas ciam duope. (15) Kvinope ili sin jetis sur min, sed mi venkis ciujn kvin atakantojn. (16) Por miaj kvar infanoj mi acetis dek du pomojn, kaj al ciu el la infanoj mi donis po tri pomoj. (17) Tiu ci libro havas sesdek pagojn; tial, se mi legos en ciu tago po dek kvin pagoj, mi finos la tutan libron en kvar tagoj. (18) Kioma horo estas? La tria. (19) Je kioma horo ekiras la vagonaro por Berlino? (20) Je tri kvaronoj de la tria (horo) (au, je la dua kaj tri kvaronoj) (au, je kvarono antau la tria) (au, je la dua kvardek kvin). (21) Kiun daton ni havas hodiau? (22) Hodiau estas la dudek-sepa de Marto. (23) Kiom kostas tio ci? Nau frankojn[38]

(au, gi kostas nau frankojn). (24) Kiom estas la pezo de tiu kesto?

Kvardek funtoj.[39]


[36] _Jarmilo_ is often used in preference to _miljaro_.

[37] Better, _de_ (par. 259 (7)).

[38] Accusative, governed by the verb _kostas_ in the question.

[39] Nominative, because _estas_ does not govern accusative (see par. 64 (_a_)).


(1) I have a hundred apples. (2) I have a hundred of apples. (3) This town has a million (of) inhabitants. (4) I bought twelve oranges. (5) I bought a dozen (of) spoons and two dozen (of) forks. (6) A thousand years (or, a thousand of years) makes a millennium. (7) Firstly, I give back to you the money which you lent (to) me; secondly, I thank you for the loan ; thirdly, I beg you also afterwards to lend to me when I (shall) need money. (8) For each day I receive five francs, but for this (to-day's) day I received double payment, i.e. (that is) ten francs. (9) Five times (five-fold) seven is thirty-five. (10) Three is (the) half of six. (11) Eight is four-fifths of ten. (12) Four metres of this stuff cost nine francs; therefore two metres cost four and a half francs (or, of francs). (13) One day is a 365th or a 366th of a year. (14) These two friends always walk out two together (by twos). (15) Five together (by fives) they threw themselves upon me, but I vanquished all five a.s.sailants. (16) For my four children I bought twelve apples, and to each of the children I gave at the rate of three apples. (17) This book has sixty pages; therefore if I (shall) read (in) each day at the rate of fifteen pages, I shall finish the whole book in four days. (18) What time (hour) is it?

Three o'clock (the third). (19) At what time does the train start for Berlin? (20) At three-quarters of the third (hour) (or, at the second and three-quarters) (or, one-quarter before the third) (or, two forty-five). (21) What is the date (what date have we to-day)?

(22) To-day is the 27th of March. (23) How much does this cost? Nine francs (or, it costs nine francs). (24) How much is the weight of that box? Forty pounds.


_Suffixes -AC-, -AD- and Prefixes EK- and FI-_ (see pars. 270, 288).

(1) En la dauro de kelke da minutoj mi audis du pafojn. (2) La pafado dauris tre longe. (3) Mi eksaltis de surprizo. (4) Mi saltas tre lerte. (5) Mi saltadis la tutan tagon de loko al loko. (6) Lia hieraua parolo estis tre bela, sed la tro multa parolado lacigas lin. (7) Kiam vi ekparolis, ni atendis audi ion novan, sed baldau ni vidis, ke ni trompigis. (8) Li kantas tre belan kanton. (9) La kantado estas agrabla okupo. (10) La diamanto havas belan brilon.

(11) Du ekbriloj de fulmo trakuris tra la malluma cielo. (12) La vortoj "audado, flarado, gustumado, pensado," k.t.p., esprimas niajn kapablojn; sed kiam ni uzas tiajn vortojn sen la sufikso _-ADO_, tiam ili esprimas apartajn agojn de tiaj kapabloj. (13) Mi timas, ke vi ne povos legi tian skribacon. (14) Ne legu tiajn fiverkojn.


(1) In the course (duration) of some minutes I heard two shots. (2) The fusillade (shooting) continued very long. (3) I started (jumped suddenly) with surprise. (4) I jump very cleverly. (5) I was jumping all day from place to place. (6) His yesterday's speech was very fine but (the) too much speaking fatigues him. (7) When you began to speak, we expected to hear something new, but soon we saw that we were mistaken. (8) He sings a very fine song. (9) Singing is an agreeable occupation. (10) The diamond has a beautiful brilliancy (l.u.s.tre). (11) Two flashes of lightning ran through the dark sky.

(12) The words "hearing, smelling, tasting, thinking," etc., express our faculties; but when we use such words without the suffix _-ADO_, then they express isolated acts of such faculties. (13) I fear you will not be able to read such bad writing. (14) Don't read such shameful writings.


_Suffixes -AJ-, -EC-_ (see par. 271).

(1) Vi parolas sensencajon, mia amiko. (2) Mi trinkis teon kun kuko kaj konfitajo. (3) Akvo estas fluidajo. (4) Mi ne volis trinki la vinon, car gi enhavis en si ian suspektan malklarajon. (5) Sur la tablo staris diversaj sukerajoj. (6) En tiuj ci boteletoj sin trovas diversaj acidoj, vinagro, sulfuracido, azotacido, kaj aliaj.

(7) Via vino estas nur ia abomena acidajo. (8) La acideco de tiu ci vinagro estas tre malforta. (9) Mi mangis bongustan ovajon. (10) Tiu ci granda altajo ne estas natura monto. (11) La alteco de tiu monto ne estas tre granda. (12) Kiam mi ien veturas, mi neniam prenas kun mi multon da pakajo. (13) Cemizojn, kolumojn, manumojn, kaj ceterajn similajn objektojn ni nomas tolajo, kvankam ili ne ciam estas faritaj el tolo. (14) Glaciajo estas dolca glaciigita frandajo. (15) La riceco de tiu ci h.o.m.o estas granda, sed lia malsageco estas ankorau pli granda. (16) Li amas tiun ci knabinon pro sia beleco kaj boneco. (17) Lia heroeco placas al mi. (18) La tuta suprajo de la lago estis kovrita per nagantaj folioj kaj diversaj aliaj kreskajoj. (19) Mi vivas kun li en granda amikeco.


(1) You speak (a piece of) nonsense, my friend. (2) I drank tea, with cake and preserve (jam). (3) Water is a fluid (thing). (4) I would not drink the wine because it contained in it some suspicious muddiness. (5) Upon the table stood various sweetmeats. (6) In these phials are various acids, vinegar, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and others. (7) Your wine is only some abominable sour stuff. (8) The acidity of this vinegar is very weak. (9) I ate a savoury (good-tasted) omelette. (10) This great height (eminence) is not a natural mountain. (11) The height of that mountain is not very great.

(12) When I travel anywhere, I never take with me much luggage. (13) Shirts, collars, cuffs, and other similar objects we call linen, although they are not always made out of lint-cloth. (14) An ice is a sweet frozen dainty. (15) The wealth of this person is great, but his foolishness is still greater. (16) He loves this girl for her beauty and goodness. (17) His heroism pleases me. (18) The entire surface of the lake was covered with floating leaves and various other growths.

(19) I live with him in great amity.


_Suffixes -AN-, -ESTR-, -IST-, -UL-_ (see par. 272).

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