
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 54

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Example.--_Mi ne vidis lin, alie mi estus vin sciiginta_ = I did not see him, otherwise (else, or) I should have told (informed) you.

Aliflanke = _On the other hand_.

Example.--_Kelkaj personoj diras, ke Johano estas fripono: aliflanke, aliaj diras, ke li estas naivulo_ = Some persons say John is a knave; on the other hand, some say he is a simpleton.

Almenau = _At least_.

Example.--_Almenau li provis gin fari_ = At least he tried to do it.

Ankau = _Also_, _too_, _as well_ (also adverb).

Examples.--_Mi ankau gin vidis_ = I, too, saw it. _Johano kaj ankau Mario estis tie_ = John and also Mary were there.

Antau ol = _Before_, _ere_.

Examples.--_Antau ol morti, li diris ..._ = Before dying he said ...

_Li vespermangis, antau ol li foriris_ = He dined before he went away. _Antau ol ni atingos lin, li estos malproksime_ = Ere we (shall) reach him, he will be far away. _Antau ol iri Londonon, ni veturis Berlinon_ = Before going to London, we travelled to Berlin.

Au = _Or._

Example.--_Oni ne scias, cu li ploras au ridas_ = One does not know whether he is weeping or laughing.

Au ... au = _Either ... or._

Example.--_Au vi au mi devos gin fari_ = Either you or I must (will have to) do it.

Cetere = _Besides_, _for the rest_, _for the matter of that_.

Example.--_Li ne venis; cetere, se li estus veninta, mi ne estus vidinta_ (or, _vidus_) _lin_ = He did not come; besides, if he had (should have) come, I should not have seen him.

Car = _Because_, _for_, _since_.

Examples.--_Tion mi scias, car tie mi estas_ = I know that, because (for) I was there. _Car vi ne estis tie, vi ne povas gin scii_ = Since you were not there, you cannot know it.

Ciufoje kiam, ciun fojon kiam = _Every time when_, _each time when_.

Example.--_Mi lin renkontadis ciufoje, kiam mi iris Londonon_ = I met him every time (when) I went to London.

Cu = _Whether_, or, _if_ (see remarks on cu in the list of adverbs, par. 248 (_b_)).

Cu ... au = _Whether ... or._

Example.--_Mi iros, cu li venos au ne_ = I shall go, whether he come (will come) or not.

Cu ... cu = _Whether ... whether_.

Example.--_Cu li skribos, cu li ne skribos, mi ne respondos al li_ = Whether he writes, whether he does not write, I shall not reply to him.

De l' tempo kiam, or, de kiam = _Since, from the time when._

Example.--_De l' tempo kiam li mortis...._ = Since he died....

Des pli = _So much the_. Des pli is generally used with Ju pli (_which see_), but sometimes alone in reply to questions (par. 112).

Example.--_Mi devas averti vin, ke li eble ne estos hejme_ = I must warn you, that perhaps he will not be (_or_, that he may not be) at home. _Des pli bone! mi tute ne deziras lin vidi_ = So much the better, I don't at all wish to see him.

Do = _Then_, _therefore_, _consequently_ (argumentative).

Examples.--_Mi do povas dormi trankvile_ = Then I can sleep tranquilly. _Estis do vidajo mirinda!_ = It was then a wonderful sight! _Kion do Johano diros?_ = What then will John say?

Dum (also preposition) = _While_, _whilst_ (par. 259 (10)).

Examples.--_Dum li estis parolanta, ni eliris el la cambro_ = Whilst he was speaking, we went out of the room. _Li povas labori, dum mi estas for_ = He can work, whilst I am away.

Dume = _Meantime_, _meanwhile_ (also adverb).

Example.--_Ili ekbruligis la fajron, dume ni pretigis la mangajon_ = They lighted the fire, meanwhile we got the food ready.

Ec se = _Even if_.

Example.--_Ili ne volus iri, ec se ili estus invit.i.taj_ = They would not wish to go, even if they were (should be) invited.

Foje kiam = _Once when_, _one day when_, _once upon a time._

Example.--_Foje kiam mi promenis, mi renkontis vian amikon_ = Once (one day), when walking, I met your friend.

Gis (also preposition) = _Till_, _until_ (par. 259 (13)).

Example.--_Atendu, gis mi revenos_[22] = Wait till I (shall) return.


[22] N.B.--Some writers would say _gis kiam_. Zamenhof never did--the second word appears superfluous.

Jen = _Behold_, _here_ (also an adverb and interjection).

Example.--_Jen la malsameco de la rezulto klarigas_ = Here the difference of the result is explained.

Jen ... jen = _Now ... now_, _sometimes ... at other times_.

Example.--_Jen li kuras rapide, jen li haltas!_ = Now he runs rapidly, now he stops!

Ju malpli ... des malpli = _The less ... the less_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Ju malpli li laboras, des malpli li enspezas_ = The less he works, the less he earns.

Ju malpli ... des pli = _The less ... the more_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 54 summary

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