
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 53

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Pri, as:--_Pri tio mi havas nenion por diri_ = With regard to (concerning) that, I have nothing to say.

Sub, as:--_Mi gin donis al li sub tiu kondico_ = I gave it to him with (under) that condition.

Adverb, as:--_Rilate vian leteron_ = With reference to (relating to) your letter.

CONJUNCTIONS (Konjunkcioj).

262. Conjunctions serve to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

Examples.--_Somero_ kaj _Vintro_ = Summer and Winter. _Tage_ au _nokte_ = By day or by night. _Li diras_, ke _vi estas mallaborema_ = He says that you are lazy. _Li estas fiera_, sed _vi estas humila_ = He is proud, but you are humble.

263. Conjunctions are of two kinds, Co-ordinating and Subordinating.

They have no influence over the moods of verbs (par. 171 (_b_)).

264. Co-ordinating conjunctions connect two sentences, or two members of a sentence that are independent of each other. These are of five cla.s.ses:--

(1). Copulative, as:--_kaj_ = and; _kaj ... kaj_ = both ... and.

(2). Alternative, as:--_au_ = or; _au ... au_ = either ... or; _nek_ = nor, _nek ... nek_ = neither ... nor.

(3). Adversative, as:--_sed_ = but.

(4). Causative, as:--_car_ = for.

(5). Illative, as:--_tial_ = therefore.

265. Subordinating conjunctions introduce a clause that is dependent on another. There are six cla.s.ses, viz., conjunctions of:--

(1). Manner or Degree, as:--_kiel_ = as, _kvazau_ = as if, as though, _ol_ = than, etc.

(2). Consequence, as:--_ke_ = that, _tiel ke_ = so that.

(3). Reason or Cause, as:--_car_ = because, since, _tial ke_ = inasmuch as, since, etc.

(4). Purpose, as:--_timante ke_ = lest, for fear that, fearing that, etc.

(5). Condition, as:--_se_ = if, _esceptinte ke_, _krom se_ = unless, except, _se nur_ = provided that, if only, etc.

(6). Concession, as:--_kvankam_ = though, although, _tamen_ = however, notwithstanding, _ec se_ = even if, etc.

266. Conjunctions connect the same cases of nouns, p.r.o.nouns, and adjectives. When there is a diversity of case, it is due to ellipsis (see par. 105).

Example.--_Mi vidis lin kaj lian fraton, sed ne lian fratinon_ = I saw him and his brother, but not his sister.

267. The co-ordinating conjunction is sometimes omitted.

Examples.--_Li venis, li vidis, li venkis_ = He came, he saw, he conquered! _Vi iros, Johano restos tie ci_ = You will go, John will remain here.

268. Conjunctions and adverbs.--Some English words are sometimes adverbs and sometimes conjunctions, more especially those introducing clauses of time or place. Some are also prepositions as well as conjunctions and adverbs, and care must be taken to use the correct Esperanto words in such cases. For instance, in English "before,"

"after," and "since" are prepositions, adverbs, or conjunctions.

Before (prep.) = _Antau._

Example.--_Li staris antau la rego_ = He stood before the king.

Before (adv.) = _Antaue._

Example.--_La rego neniam lin vidis antaue_ = The king never saw him before.

Before (conj.) = _Antau ol._

Example.--_Pripensu antau ol paroli_ = Reflect before speaking.

After (prep.) = _Post_, or, _malantau_.

Example.--_Post la hundoj, venis la h.o.m.oj_ = After (behind) the dogs came the men.

After (adv.) = _Poste_, or, _malantaue_.

Example.--_La rajdantoj iris antaue, kaj la hundoj venis poste_ (or, _malantaue_) = The riders went in advance, and the dogs came after.

After (conj.) = _Post kiam_, or, _kiam_.

Example.--_Resendu al mi la libron, post kiam_ (or, _kiam_) _vi estos gin traleginta_ = Send me back the book after you (will) have read it through.

Since (prep.) = _De_.

Example.--_De la kreo de la mondo_ = Since the creation of the world.

Since (adv.) = _De tiu tempo; de tiam; de kiam; de la tempo, kiam._

Example.--_Mi lin vidis hierau, sed mi lin ne vidis de tiu tempo_ = I saw him yesterday, but I have not seen him since.

Since (conj.) = _Car_.

Example.--_Mi devas gin fari, car vi insistas_ = I must do it, since you insist.


(Including Conjunctive Adverbs).

268. (_a_). The following is a list of the princ.i.p.al conjunctions.

Some of them, according to the sense in which they are used, are employed also as adverbs or prepositions, and will be found in the lists of adverbs and prepositions in pars. 248 (_b_) and 259.

Alie = _Otherwise_, _or_, _else_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 53 summary

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