
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 44

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I wish, I could satisfie you about the _Optick Gla.s.ses_ of Signior _Burattini_ in _Poland_, which he hath sent hither; but I have not yet seen their performances my self. I only saw once the Gla.s.ses, {375} which are perfectly well wrought and well polisht. Those, that have tried them, find them very good; but they are only, the one of 10, the other of 8. foot. A good Astronomer told me, that they would bear a great _Aperture_ in respect of their length.

I do not well know, what to say to yours concerning M. _Hevelius_. Mean while, the interest of truth, and the obliging manner, he has treated me with, engage me to answer him, in the matter of the _Comets_: I am perswaded, I shall convince him; but since he hath taken the _Ill.u.s.trious Royal Society_ for Judge, I accept that with all my heart.

_A Relation of the loss of the Way to prepare the _Bononian Stone_ for shining._

[Sidenote: * It is hoped notwithstanding (which also a late Letter from abroad does hint) that some or other of the _Italian_ Vertuosi at _Florence_ have secured this Secret.]

Though several Persons have pretended to know the Art of preparing and calcining the _Bononian_ Stone, for keeping a while the Light once imbibed; yet there hath been indeed but one, who had the true secret of performing it. This was an _Ecclesiastick_, who is now dead, without having left that skill of his to any one, as Letters from _Italy_ and _France_, some while since, did inform. There is no substance, in Nature, known to us, that hath the effect of this Stone; so that (to the shame of the present Age) this _Phaenomenon_ is not like to be found any where, but in Books, except some happy _Genius_ light upon same or the like skill. *

_A Description of a _Swedish_ Stone, which affords _Sulphur_, _Vitriol_, _Allum_ and _Minium_._

This was communicated to the _R. Society_ by Sir _Gilbert Talbot_ Knight, a Worthy Member of that Body, as he had received it in _Denmark_, being his Majesties Extraordinary Envoy there; as follows,


There is a Stone in _Sweden_ of a Yellow Colour, intermixed with streaks of white (as if composed of Gold and Silver) and heavy withal. It is found in firm Rocks, and runs in Veins, {376} upon which they lay Wood, and set it on fire. When the Stone is thus heated, they cast Water upon it, to make it rend, and then dig it up with Mattocks. This done, they break it into smaller pieces; and put it into Iron-pots, of the shape represented by _Figure_ C; the mouth of the one going into the other. These they place, the _one_ in the Oven upon an Iron fork sloping, so that, the Stone being melted, it may run into the _other_, which stands at the mouth of the Oven, supported upon an Iron. The first running of the Stone is _Sulphur_.

The remainder of the burned Stone is carry'd out, and laid upon a high Hill, where it lies exposed to the Sun and Air for the s.p.a.ce of two years, and then taketh fire of it self, casting forth a thin blew flame, scarce discernable in the day time. This being consumed, leaveth a blew dust behind it; which the Workmen observe, and mark with woodden pins. This they dig up, and carry into the Work-house, and put it into great Tubs of Water, where it infuseth 24. hours or more. The Water they afterward boyl in Kettles, as we do Saltpeter, and put it into cooling Tubs, wherein they place crosse Sticks, and on them the _Vitriol_ fastens, as Sugar-candy doth.

The Water, that remains after the extraction of the _Vitriol_, they mix with an eight part of Urin and the Lees of Wood-ashes, which is again boyled very strong, and being set to cool in Tubbs, crosse Sticks are likewise placed, and thereon the _Allum_ fastens.

In the Water, which remains after the _Allum_, is found a Sediment, which being separated from the Water, is put into an Oven, and Wood laid upon it and fired, till it become red, which makes the _Minium_, wherewith they paint their Houses, and make plaister.

_So far this Description_; Which gave occasion to a curious person to call to mind, That there was a kind of Stone in the _North_ of _England_, yielding the same substances, except _Minium_. {377}

_A Relation of the Raining of _Ashes_, in the _Archipelago_, upon the Eruption of Mount _Vesuvius_, some years ago._

This came but lately to hand from that knowing person, Mr. _Henry Robinson_, and was thought fit to be now inserted here, that it might not be lost, though it hath hapned above 30 years ago. It was contained in a Letter, (subscribed by Capt. _Will. Badily_) in these words:

[Sidenote: * Some of these Ashes were produced by Mr. _John Evelyn_, before the _Royal Society_.]

The 6^{th.} of _December_ 1631, being in the Gulf of _Volo_, riding at Anchor, about ten of the Clock that Night, it began to rain Sand or Ashes, and continued till two of the Clock the next Morning. It was about two inches thick on the Deck, so that we cast it over board with Shovels, as we did Snow the day before: The quant.i.ty of a Bushel we brought home, and presented to several Friends *, especially to the Masters of _Trinity House_. There was in our Company, Capt. _John Wilds_ Commander of the _Dragon_, and Capt. _Anthony Watts_, Commander of the _Elisabeth_ and _Dorcas_. There was no Wind stirring, when these Ashes fell, it did not fall onely in the places, where we were, but likewise in other parts, as Ships were coming from St. _John D'Acre_ to our Port; they being at that time a hundred Leagues from us. We compared the Ashes together, and found them both one. If you desire to see the Ashes, let me know.

_An Extract Of A Letter not long since written from _Rome_, rectifying the Relation of _Salamanders_ living in Fire._

This came from that Expert Anatomist M. _Steno_, to Dr. _Croone Videl_.

That a Knight called _Corvini_, had a.s.sured him, that, having cast a _Salamander_, brought him out of the _Indies_, into the Fire, the Animal thereupon swell'd presently, and then vomited store of thick slimy matter, which did put out the neighbouring Coals, to which the _Salamander_ retired immediately, putting them out again in the same manner, as soon as they {378} rekindled, and by this means saving himself from the force of the Fire, for the s.p.a.ce of two hours, the Gentleman above-mentioned being then unwilling to hazard the Creature any further: That afterwards it lived nine Months: That he had kept it eleven Months without any other food, but what it took by licking the Earth, on which it moved, and on which it had been brought out of the _Indies_; which at first was covered with a thick moisture, but being dried afterwards, the Urin of the Animal served to moisten the same. After the eleven Months, the Owner having a mind to try, how the Animal would do upon _Italian_ Earth, it died three dayes after it had changed the Earth.

_An Account of several Engagements for Observing of Tydes._

Since nothing is more important for discovering the Cause of that Grand _Phaenomenon_ of Nature, the _Flux_ and _Reflux of the Sea_, than a true and full _History of the Tydes_; the _Virtuosi_ of _England_ have of late (especially since the Publication of Dr. _Wallis_ his _Theory_ touching that _Apparence_) taken care, to direct and recommend in several parts of the World, and particularly in the most proper places of these _Ilands_, such Observations, as may contribute to the elucidating of that Subject.

And as formerly they have sent their _Inquiries_ of this Nature to the Isle of St. _Helena_, situated in the open Ocean beyond the _aequinoctial_, and already received some account thereupon; so they have since dispatcht the like for the _Bermudas_, an _Isle_ that hath no less conveniency of situation for that purpose. And they intend (as will more amply appear, G.o.d permitting, in a short time) to lodge with such Masters of Ships and Pilots, as shall sayl into remote parts, very particular directions of that kind, to be printed at the _Royal Societies_ charges, and to be committed to the care of the Masters of _Trinity House_ for disposing of them to that end.

And, as for the Observations, to be made in these Kingdoms; 'tis hoped, that the Masters in the Art of Navigation at _Bristol_ (Mr. _Standridge_ and Mr. _Iff_) will undertake that business with affection and care: the former of these two having already (as we are informed from a good hand) made a Collection of the Tydes; {379} for some years past, and found them differing from former Observations and Tables; the other promising future diligence in this matter; noting in the mean time, that some Tydes of last Autumn were so far differing from former Observations, that neither he, nor any others there, could make any thing of it.

We must not omit here to mention the readiness, expressed by these worthy Gentlemen, Mr. _Rob. Boyle_, Sir _Rob. Moray_, and Mr. _Henry Powle_, for concurring in this Work; the first, having undertaken to recommend Observations of this nature, to be made, upon the _Western_ Coast of _Ireland_ *; the second, upon the West of _Scotland_; and the third, in the Isle of _Lundy_; to whom we must adde the inquisitive Mr. _Sam.

Colepresse_, for _Plymouth_, and the _Lands-end_. Besides, we hope to engage the curious of _France_ in the same undertaking, especially for procuring, besides what is known already concerning that place, a very particular and exact account of the Tydes upon the Coast of _Britany_, where (especially about St. _Malo_) they are found to rise to admiration, even to 60, 70, and sometime 80, feet, at the New and Full Moon.

* The Observations particularly recommended for that Coast, are these;

1. At what hour it is High-water on the day of the New and Full Moon, upon every Cape and Bay of the Western Coast of _Ireland_.

2. How long after the New and Full Moon the highest Spring-tides fall out.

3. What are the perpendicular heights of the Flood, both at the ordinary, and the Spring-tydes.

_Some Suggestions for Remedies against _Cold_._

As there have been Remedies found out against excessive _Heat_, and Means of cooling Meat and Drink; so it was lately, on the occasion of the sharp Season, suggested, That Remedies might be thought on against _Cold_; and that particularly it might be inquired into,

1. What things in Nature, or by Art, or Mechanical contrivance will retain a warming Heat longest, or a melting or scorching Heat?

2. What will continue or maintain Fire longest?

Some that observe common practises and vulgar Trades, take notice, That _Joyners_ use _Leaden-Pots_ for their Glue, alledging for a Reason, That Lead, being a close Mettal, retains the heat {380} longer than other Mettals. _Cary_'s Warming-stone promised a warmth for six or eight hours; if it performed but for two or three hours, it would be of great use. 'Tis found by sad experience, how hurtful Bright Fires, and especially of Stone-coal are to the Eyes.

To retain Fire long, certain _Black_ Earths are useful, as we were newly informed by the Inquisitive Dr. _B._ That a Gentleman in _Sommertsetshire_, called Mr. _Speke_, had bountifully obliged _Ilminster_, and his Neighborhood, by a Black Fat-Earth lately found in his Park. But the same Correspondent adds, That he never saw any parallel to a _Sea-weed_, which he and some of his Fellow-Students had in _Cambridge_ in the mouth of a Barrel of good Oysters. It was smaller than Pease-halm, yet cut, it lasted two very great Fires of Sea-coal, burning bright in the midst of the Fire; and by a stroak of the Tongues, it fell into the Hearth, jingling like Mettal.

_A Relation of an uncommon Accident in two Aged Persons._

This was imparted by the above-mentioned Mr. _Colepresse_, who a.s.sures in his Letter, containing this Account, That the matter of fact was thorowly examined by himself, and that he was fully, and in all respects, satisfied of the truth thereof.

_The Relation of the one, is in these words._

_Joseh Shute_ Clerk, Parson of _Mary_ (nigh _Plymouth_) in the County of _Devon_, aged 81 years, being a temperate man, and of an healthy const.i.tution, having the in-most Grinder loose, and so remaining, perceived, that his mouth, about three Moneths since, was somewhat streightned; and upon inquiry into the cause of it, found, That he had a new Tooth (the third Grinder) being the innermost of the upper Jaw in the Right Cheek, which still remains firm.

_The Account of the other follows thus._

_Maria Stert_ of _Benecliffe_, in _Plympton St. Mary_ (near _Plymouth_) in _Devon_, aged about 75 years, an healthy person, having had nine children, about the fortieth year of her age lost three of her {381} upper _Incisores_ or _Cutters_, the other drawn out, and so remained Toothless, as to them, for about 25 years, when she perceived, that a new Tooth came forth (without any pain) next the _Canini_ of the left Cheek: And about two years after, another Tooth grew out likewise without pain, close by the former. The first whereof, never came to above half the length of her former _Cutters_, the latter scarce breaking the skin: Both which yet proved serviceable, till about six weeks since, when she eating (no hard, crusty, or solid) Meat, that Tooth which came out first, fell down into her Mouth, without any loosness before hand perceived, or any pain; which had not a phang like other _Cutters_, but much less, and shorter. The other abides firm, and serviceable.

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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 44 summary

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