

Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich BOOKMARK LIST CHAPTER SHARE
  • Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich

  • Author(s): Angry Squirrel
  • GENRES: Fantasy
  • STATUS : Ongoing
  • Source :
  • LAST UPDATED : 10-Aug-2020 04:52
  • View : 327,487
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Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich summary:

This is the story of a crazy lich who possesses an internal game system and brings catastrophe to the entire world.“Let 's look at the daily quests today&h.e.l.lip; it 's the d.a.m.ned choose one-of-two-options-type again. Destroy a town with a population of 30,000 people or above; reward: 10,000 evil points. Steal lollipops from 3 children; reward: 1 evil point. If neither of the quests is completed, then 2...

Experimental Log Of The Crazy Lich Chapters

Time uploaded
801 Decision Aug-10-20
799 My Affairs Aug-09-20
798 Reinforcements Aug-09-20
797 Truth Aug-06-20
775 Determination Jul-09-20
774 Differences Jul-08-20
769 Flower Garden Jul-07-20
768 Unexpected Jul-07-20
767 Free Time Jun-16-20
765 Change Jun-06-20
764 Assassination Jun-06-20
761 Evil Gues May-29-20
760 New Enemy May-29-20
759 Third Party May-29-20
758 Protection May-29-20
757 Victory May-29-20
756 Sarcasm May-17-20
755 Silent Ambush May-14-20
754 Competing May-13-20
752 Main Character May-04-20
750 Your Majesty Apr-29-20
749 Banque Apr-29-20
746 Turning Poin Apr-23-20
745 Participation Apr-23-20
744 Bitter Defea Apr-23-20
742 Determination Apr-23-20
741 Brothers Apr-23-20
740 Visitor Apr-11-20
739 Weakness Apr-11-20
738 Failed Tes Apr-11-20
737 Mutual Goal Apr-06-20
736 Challenge Apr-06-20
735 Afu The Faker Apr-04-20
734 Journey Apr-03-20
733 Tacit Agreemen Apr-03-20
731 Windstorm Apr-03-20
728 Shock Wave Mar-23-20
727 Complete Soul Mar-22-20
725 Solo Traveler Mar-20-20
724 Unsalvageable Mar-20-20
723 Framed Mar-18-20
721 Truth Mar-17-20
720 Truthful Dream Mar-17-20
718 Meeting Gif Mar-11-20
715 San Antonio Mar-04-20
714 Ogres Feb-25-20
713 Choice Feb-25-20
712 Karwenz's Goal Feb-25-20
709 Sister-In-Law Feb-25-20
707 Information Jan-14-20
706 Chaos Girls Jan-10-20
704 Theocracy Jan-08-20
702 Revival Jan-02-20
700 Calamity Sword Dec-28-19
699 Breakthrough Dec-27-19
697 Old Friend Dec-25-19
693 Progress Dec-19-19
692 Ice And Snow Dec-19-19
691 Soul Books Dec-19-19
690 Harloys' Secre Dec-14-19
688 Revenge Dec-12-19
686 Revenge Dec-08-19
Chapter 685 Dec-08-19
683 High Pressure Nov-29-19
682 Volcano Nov-25-19
Chapter 680 Nov-21-19
Chapter 679 Nov-20-19
678 New Shawen Nov-16-19
676 Change Nov-14-19
675 Spy Oct-29-19
674 Progress Oct-29-19
672 Miracle Oct-23-19
Chapter 671 Oct-17-19
669 Thorny Oct-17-19
668 Not A Threa Oct-17-19
667 Shadow Oct-05-19
Chapter 666 Oct-04-19
Chapter 665 Oct-04-19
Chapter 661 Oct-01-19
Chapter 660 Sep-17-19
659 Return Sep-14-19
Chapter 658 Sep-14-19
657 Noisy Journey Sep-14-19
656 Wildfire Sep-10-19
654 Iron Triangle Sep-10-19
653 Blueprin Sep-05-19
652 Trouble Sep-04-19
Chapter 651 Aug-31-19
Chapter 649 Aug-28-19
648 Goal Aug-26-19
647 Great Escape Aug-25-19
646 Final Trap Aug-25-19
Chapter 642 Aug-18-19
Chapter 641 Aug-15-19
Chapter 639 Aug-13-19
638 Intervention Aug-12-19
Chapter 637 Aug-11-19
635 First Wave Aug-11-19
634 Dusk's Arrival Aug-08-19
631 Truthful Lie Aug-06-19
Chapter 629 Aug-05-19
627 Proper Status Aug-03-19
Chapter 626 Aug-02-19
Chapter 625 Aug-02-19
Chapter 624 Aug-02-19
623 Ironic Fate Jul-30-19
622 Responsibility Jul-30-19
620 Fate And Elves Jul-28-19
Chapter 619 Jul-27-19
618 Status Jul-26-19
Chapter 617 Jul-25-19
Chapter 616 Jul-25-19
615 Bloody Ritual Jul-24-19
614 New Targe Jul-21-19
611 Schemers Jul-18-19
Chapter 610 Jul-17-19
609 Unexpected Jul-17-19
608 Decision Jul-16-19
606 Recovery Jul-14-19
605 Reunion Jul-13-19
Chapter 604 Jul-13-19
Chapter 602 Jul-11-19
Chapter 601 Jul-11-19
600 Death Jul-09-19
599 Coincidence Jul-07-19
598 Mystery Jul-06-19
597 Trap Jul-05-19
Chapter 596 Jul-04-19
Chapter 595 Jul-03-19
Chapter 594 Jul-02-19
593 Ashen Furnace Jul-02-19
Chapter 465.1 Jul-02-19
591 Seal Jun-25-19
590 Counterattack Jun-25-19
589 Being Hunted Jun-24-19
587 Unexpected Jun-20-19
586 Hunter Jun-19-19
585 Tieflings Jun-19-19
581 Triangular Jun-15-19
576 Lucky Hunters Jun-15-19
574 Teasing The Ca Jun-15-19
572 Heading Ou Jun-15-19
571 New Goal Jun-15-19
569 Spreading Law Jun-15-19
568 Chaotic Jun-15-19
567 Vicious Dragon Jun-15-19
566 Balls On Top Jun-15-19
561 Deal Jun-15-19
560 Onibaba Marke Jun-15-19
559 Progress Jun-15-19
558 Magic Swords Jun-15-19
555 Sword Training Jun-15-19
554 Companions Jun-15-19
553 Revived Jun-15-19
552 Reinforcements Jun-15-19
551 Scheme Jun-15-19
549 Reunion Jun-15-19
548 Inheritance Jun-15-19
547 Myth Rank Jun-15-19
546 Queen Knigh Jun-15-19
542 Traitor Jun-15-19
541 Sly Harloys Jun-15-19
539 Turning Poin Jun-15-19
538 Burning Legion Jun-15-19
536 Dawn Jun-15-19
535 Betrayal Jun-15-19
534 Scam Jun-15-19
533 Trap Jun-15-19
530 Shuraba Jun-15-19
529 Ideal Partner Jun-15-19
526 Slyness Jun-15-19
525 Two Scammers Jun-15-19
523 Conservation Jun-15-19
522 Prophecy Jun-15-19
518 Breakthrough Jun-15-19
517 Key Jun-15-19
513 Mage Duel Jun-15-19
512 Yongye City Jun-15-19
511 Figh Jun-15-19
510 Bug Jun-15-19
509 Vicious Dog Jun-15-19
508 Guarding Jun-15-19
503 Flying Skates Jun-15-19
502 Splitting Up Jun-15-19
499 Schemers Jun-15-19
498 Intersection Jun-15-19
495 Deserters Jun-15-19
493 Undead Army Jun-15-19
492 Splitting Up Jun-15-19
491 Tracking Jun-15-19
489 Conservation Jun-15-19
487 Dragon Lich Jun-15-19
485 Intervening Jun-15-19
484 Karo's Hope Jun-15-19
483 Katerina Jun-15-19
480 Change Jun-15-19
479 New Beginning Jun-15-19
Chapter 478 Jun-15-19
477 Epilogue Jun-15-19
476 Final Battle Jun-15-19
475 Trus Jun-15-19
471 Catfigh Jun-15-19
470 Hostage Jun-15-19
469 Fire And Water Jun-15-19
467 Lover Jun-15-19
465 Hidden Aces Jun-15-19
460 Brothers Jun-15-19
459 Discussion Jun-15-19
458 Hell Dragons Jun-15-19
457 Chess Match Jun-15-19
456 Wrath Jun-15-19
455 Ace Jun-15-19
454 Three Layers Jun-15-19
452 Choice Jun-15-19
448 Hell Faction Jun-15-19
446 Infallible Jun-15-19
444 Hell Devils Jun-15-19
443 Ambushers Jun-15-19
442 Duelists Jun-15-19
441 Truth Jun-15-19
438 Starting Poin Jun-15-19
437 Grand Scheme Jun-15-19
436 Coconspirators Jun-15-19
435 Fool Jun-15-19
433 Summoning Jun-15-19
431 Waves Jun-15-19
424 Fairies Jun-15-19
421 Falling Water Jun-15-19
419 Return Jun-15-19
418 Oath Jun-15-19
417 Schemer Jun-15-19
414 Scammer Jun-15-19
412 Profitable Job Jun-15-19
408 Dragon City Jun-15-19
405 Hectic Times Jun-15-19
404 Summoning Jun-15-19
403 Tiger God Jun-15-19
401 Trade Jun-15-19
400 Researcher Jun-15-19
399 Immigration Jun-15-19
397 Dragon World Jun-15-19
395 Summoning Jun-15-19
393 Cultivation Jun-15-19
391 Burial Jun-15-19
389 Southern Sec Jun-15-19
388 Extortion Jun-15-19
384 Magic Gunners Jun-15-19
379 Unexpected Jun-15-19
378 Reinforcements Jun-15-19
377 Evolution Jun-15-19
375 Ten Sisters Jun-15-19
372 New Calamity Jun-15-19
364 Random Draws Jun-15-19
363 Swordcasters Jun-15-19
362 Chess Match Jun-15-19
358 Information Jun-15-19
356 Scammer Jun-15-19
351 Interesting Jun-15-19
349 Fortunate Bra Jun-15-19
347 Difference Jun-15-19
345 Trap Jun-15-19
343 Choice Jun-15-19
342 Meeting Jun-15-19
341 Outsider Jun-15-19
340 Clash Jun-15-19
339 Taking Action Jun-15-19
338 Good Reviews Jun-15-19
334 Sneaking Jun-15-19
331 Points Owed Jun-15-19
330 Spy Jun-15-19
327 Seeds Jun-15-19
326 Secret Plo Jun-15-19
322 Cloud Tower Jun-15-19
321 Time Bomb Jun-15-19
320 Arena Battle Jun-15-19
317 Mage Towers Jun-15-19
316 Spy Jun-15-19
314 Sly Old Fox Jun-15-19
313 Truth Jun-15-19
311 Secret Shadows Jun-15-19
310 Change Jun-15-19
309 Villain Jun-15-19
306 Revolution Jun-15-19
305 Inheritor Jun-15-19
304 My Relative Jun-15-19
301 Unexpected Jun-15-19
300 Iron Horses Jun-15-19
299 Bribing Jun-15-19
294 Missed Targe Jun-15-19
287 Justice Jun-15-19
283 Ambush Jun-15-19
278 Changes Jun-15-19
276 Clash Jun-15-19
274 New Chapter Jun-15-19
273 Resident Evil Jun-15-19
272 Wood Spirits Jun-15-19
270 Undead Planes Jun-15-19
269 Disguise Jun-15-19
266 Unfortunate Jun-15-19
264 Progress Jun-15-19
259 Calculations Jun-15-19
257 Plo Jun-15-19
256 Revealed Secre Jun-15-19
254 Floats Jun-15-19
252 Holy Light? Jun-15-19
251 Auction Jun-15-19
247 Play Jun-15-19
245 New Tides Jun-15-19
241 Visitor Jun-15-19
240 Mizar Jun-15-19
238 New East Mis Jun-15-19
237 Vacation Jun-15-19
236 Going Home Jun-15-19
235 Good Morning Jun-15-19
234 Black Fores Jun-15-19
233 Progress Jun-15-19
232 Invitation Jun-15-19
230 Change Jun-15-19
228 Afterword Jun-15-19
227 Decision Jun-15-19
226 Icy Flames Jun-15-19
225 Brink Jun-15-19
224 Challenge Jun-15-19
222 Ace Jun-15-19
220 Busy People Jun-15-19
215 Divine Miracle Jun-15-19
211 Choice Jun-15-19
206 Divine Sin Jun-15-19
205 God Ques Jun-15-19
203 Migration Jun-15-19
200 Felix's Hatred Jun-15-19
199 Descendan Jun-15-19
197 Mist Alliance Jun-15-19
196 Slaying A God Jun-15-19
195 Judgemen Jun-15-19
193 Silver Dignity Jun-15-19
192 God's Descen Jun-15-19
191 Frigid Winter Jun-15-19
190 Tassel Jun-15-19
188 Descen Jun-15-19
186 Castle Defense Jun-15-19
183 Princess Knigh Jun-15-19
182 Willpower Jun-15-19
177 Crazed Stones Jun-15-19
176 New Era Jun-15-19
174 Queen Glina Jun-15-19
172 Reinforcements Jun-15-19
171 New Mission Jun-15-19
170 The Elf Outcas Jun-15-19
169 Pride Jun-15-19
168 The Cambions Jun-15-19
167 History Jun-15-19
162 Death Egg Jun-15-19
161 Natural Undead Jun-15-19
158 All Parties Jun-15-19
156 Fortification Jun-15-19
154 The Elves Jun-15-19
153 A Third Party Jun-15-19
152 Notebook Jun-15-19
150 Secre Jun-15-19
149 Reunion Jun-15-19
147 Overture Jun-15-19
146 War Breaks Ou Jun-15-19
145 Torch Festival Jun-15-19
143 Short Letter Jun-15-19
141 Greenhouse Jun-15-19
134 Revolution Jun-15-19
132 A New Era Jun-15-19
131 Ghost Festival Jun-15-19
129 Returning Home Jun-15-19
126 Changes Jun-15-19
124 Envy Jun-15-19
123 Competition Jun-15-19
122 Old Friend Jun-15-19
118 Two Liars Jun-15-19
117 Dragon Hunting Jun-15-19
114 Erebella Jun-15-19
112 City Of Rain Jun-15-19
109 Borealis Jun-15-19
106 Aerial Battle Jun-15-19
105 Sword Sain Jun-15-19
101 Tribute Jun-15-19
100 Rising Tide Jun-15-19
98 Trade Jun-15-19
97 Aurora Knights Jun-15-19
96 Sneaking In Jun-15-19
95 Losing Control Jun-15-19
92 Sword Of Order Jun-15-19
91 The Successor Jun-15-19
86 An Old Friend Jun-15-19
83 Double Swords Jun-15-19
80 Auland Empire Jun-15-19
78 The Treader Jun-15-19
77 Ice Jun-15-19
75 The Surface Jun-15-19
70 The Jun-15-19
69 The Return Jun-15-19
68 The Arbiter Jun-15-19
67 Myth Jun-15-19
66 Marquess Jun-15-19
63 Adam Jun-15-19
62 Demon Slaying Jun-15-19
60 Charge With Me Jun-15-19
59 Demon Coun Jun-15-19
58 Greed Jun-15-19
57 A Condition Jun-15-19
56 Capture Jun-15-19
55 Elf Jun-15-19
52 Tragedy Jun-15-19
51 Edward's Bel Jun-15-19
50 The Marauder Jun-15-19
46 Greed Jun-15-19
45 Legend Jun-15-19
43 Butterfly Jun-15-19
41 Fracture Jun-15-19
40 Bai Jun-15-19
39 The Marke Jun-15-19
36 Crossing Sword Jun-15-19
34 Judgemen Jun-15-19
32 Lisa Jun-15-19
31 Little Phoenix Jun-15-19
30 The Entrusted Jun-15-19
29 Waiting Jun-15-19
25 Judgement R Jun-15-19
22 Baiting Jun-15-19
19 Change Jun-15-19
16 Scheme Jun-15-19
13 Council Meeting Jun-15-19
12 4 Halls 1 Cour Jun-15-19
9 The Demon King Jun-15-19
6 Work Jun-15-19
5 Chief Justice G Jun-15-19
3 Gachapon Jun-15-19
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