
After Rebirth, the True Eldest Daughter Starts Brewing Green Tea ARTTEDSBGT Chapter 119

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ARTTEDSBGT Chapter 119

As soon as the Crown Prince arrived, the entire hall fell silent. Xiao Wen stood up from his seat and walked forward to greet him. Xiao Yan smiled slightly and said in a calm voice, “I came uninvited. I hope I haven’t startled my royal nephew?”

“How could I dare?” Xiao Wen smiled and said, “It’s an honor for my royal uncle to grace us with his presence. Please don’t hold it against me for not welcoming you sooner.”

“Sister!” Xiao Rulei popped out from behind Xiao Yan, her face beaming with a smile as she quickly ran over. Li Zhizhi looked at her in surprise, “How did you get here?”

“My brother brought me to play.”

Li Zhizhi moved aside to make room, and Xiao Rulei unceremoniously plopped down next to her, the two sitting close together in a friendly manner, drawing curious glances from others.

As the Crown Prince, Xiao Yan was supposed to sit at the head of the table. However, when Xiao Wen invited him to sit, Xiao Yan paid no attention and instead pointed toward where Li Zhizhi was sitting and said, “I can sit there.”

Xiao Wen naturally insisted several times, but Xiao Yan looked at him with a faint smile and said, “Since this is my royal nephew’s territory, it’s up to you. After all, even the Princess can only sit facing south, so I should follow the host’s customs.”

Xiao Wen’s expression froze instantly. Xiao Yan’s words. .h.i.t the nail on the head, exposing his true thoughts. He indeed looked down on Li Zhizhi and was unwilling to acknowledge that her status was higher than his. On the surface, Xiao Wen seemed polite and deferential, but in reality, his condescension was evident in his every gesture.

Now that Xiao Yan had pointed it out in front of so many people, Xiao Wen was a bit embarra.s.sed. While he dared to slight Li Zhizhi, he wouldn’t dare show any disrespect to Xiao Yan. Thus, with a look of guilt, he said, “I was careless and didn’t notice. It must have been those inconsiderate servants acting on their own. They truly deserve punishment.”

Afterward, he politely invited Xiao Yan, Li Zhizhi, and the others to the main seats, while he sat to the side. As for Li Suwan, she no longer even had a seat and could only stand behind him.

After this exchange, the atmosphere in the hall grew tense, and the scholars became more restrained. Li Zhizhi’s bright eyes turned, and she smiled as she spoke to Xiao Yan, “Brother Prince, your timing is truly impeccable.”

Xiao Yan’s expression softened when he heard her speak to him, and he asked, “How so?”

Li Zhizhi said, “The heir apparent was just talking about inviting us to watch a dance performance.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow and looked at Xiao Wen, his tone seemingly mocking, “Really? It seems my royal nephew’s gathering is quite interesting, with a dance performance as well. Then I must take a good look.”

Xiao Wen’s expression became stiff. There was no way he could reveal his original plan. From the looks of it, the Crown Prince and Li Zhizhi had a good relationship, and if he dared say anything, Xiao Yan would likely turn hostile on the spot.

But given the circ.u.mstances, Xiao Wen needed a way out. So, he smiled and said, “I recently acquired a beautiful dancer who is quite skilled. Since we are all gathered today, let me have her perform a dance for our enjoyment.”

After saying this, Xiao Wen instructed Li Suwan, who stood by his side, “Go ahead and dance. Don’t embarra.s.s me.”

Under everyone’s gaze, Li Suwan’s face turned pale. She never expected things to develop this way. She had initially intended to humiliate Li Zhizhi, but instead, she found herself in a predicament.

To dance for entertainment – wasn’t that something only courtesans and performers did?

Li Suwan froze in place, unable to move. Xiao Wen’s expression darkened, and he said sternly, “Wan’er.”

Li Suwan’s body trembled, and she finally reacted. She hurriedly obeyed, saying, “Yes.”

By this point, Li Suwan had no choice but to cast aside her shame and pride. After all, it wasn’t her face that had allowed her to climb up to the heir apparent’s favor by using Song Lingyun. Moreover, dancing for the Crown Prince was hardly something to be ashamed of…

As she gracefully started to dance, every movement was filled with softness and allure. Feeling she was at her most enchanting, she shyly cast a glance toward the upper seats. But when she looked, she nearly burst with anger – Xiao Yan wasn’t even looking her way. He had turned his head and was quietly conversing with Li Zhizhi.

It was as if Xiao Yan had sensed Li Suwan’s gaze, for he glanced over in her direction. However, before Li Suwan could feel a rush of joy, his indifferent eyes shifted away again. Xiao Yan’s features were already strikingly handsome, and his profile was flawless. His nose was sharp, his sword-like brows angled elegantly into his temples, and his phoenix eyes seemed especially deep. His gaze landed intently on Li Zhizhi’s face, appearing utterly focused, almost tender.

Seeing this, Li Suwan felt even more jealousy and deep resentment. While she was here dancing, like an entertainer meant to amuse others, Li Zhizhi sat high above, her eyes teasingly watching her as if she were watching a performance.

The jealousy burning in Li Suwan’s heart almost erupted into flames!

Meanwhile, Li Zhizhi curiously asked Xiao Yan, “Why is the Crown Prince here?”

Xiao Yan pointed to Xiao Rulei beside him and responded with calm composure, “It was A’yang; she kept pestering me to find you. It was really quite annoying, so I brought her here.”

Xiao Rulei blinked in surprise, looking slightly confused, and instinctively started to defend herself: “But it was clearly you—”

Xiao Yan coughed softly, and Xiao Rulei, suddenly remembering something, quickly closed her mouth. She nodded toward Li Zhizhi and said, “Yes, it was me—A’yang wanted to see her sister and begged to come.”

The excuse was clumsy, yet the two of them thought it was flawless. Li Zhizhi played along, handing Xiao Rulei a snow peach with a smile, saying, “So, it was A’yang who missed me.”

Xiao Rulei held the peach and nodded vigorously, “Yes!”

Li Zhizhi smiled, “I was just thinking of A’yang, too.”

Xiao Yan, standing to the side: …

Even though she was his own sister, Xiao Yan couldn’t help but feel a wave of jealousy. This jealousy stayed with him until the end of the gathering.

Because of Xiao Yan’s presence, everyone felt somewhat restrained. Especially Xiao Wen, who, upon seeing such a daunting figure, had to treat him with great care. Even speaking became a cautious endeavor. As a result, the gathering ended earlier than expected.

The one responsible for disrupting the gathering didn’t seem to notice at all. He left with Xiao Rulei and Li Zhizhi, and just as they were walking away, a voice called out: “Miss Li.”

This voice…

Xiao Yan turned his head, only to see a tall, slender figure approaching them—it was Su Qingshang.

Li Zhizhi smiled, “Second Young Master.”

Su Qingshang cupped his hands and addressed Li Zhizhi, “Miss Li, your painting earlier was excellent. Unfortunately, I only got a quick glance and didn’t have the chance to study it closely. It’s a bit of a regret. Would it be possible to borrow it for a time so I can admire it more thoroughly? I will return it to you in a few days.”

Hearing this, Li Zhizhi was a little surprised and was about to agree when someone else refused first: “No.”

Su Qingshang paused, turning to look at Xiao Yan. The two men locked eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly grew tense. Su Qingshang’s expression remained emotionless, and he spoke calmly, “Your Highness, I was asking Miss Li’s opinion.”

Xiao Yan sneered, narrowing his phoenix eyes slightly, mocking, “Are you truly admiring the painting? I have the feeling you’re like Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, aiming at Liu Bang.”

“Your Highness, I believe you are mistaken.”

“Whether I am mistaken or not, you know full well.”

The atmosphere suddenly became charged with tension, as if a conflict was about to break out. Even Xiao Rulei sensed it and couldn’t help but shrink back a little, moving closer to Li Zhizhi. She whispered softly, “Sister, they seem like they’re about to argue.”

Suddenly, Li Zhizhi reached out and tugged Xiao Yan’s sleeve. He was taken aback, instinctively turning to look at her, only to see Li Zhizhi smiling brightly at Su Qingshang and saying, “My painting skills are mediocre. I’m surprised Non-fish Young Master finds them worthy of appreciation. I’m truly flattered. If you don’t mind, I’ll gift this painting to you.”

Taking the painting from the maid’s hands, she personally handed it to Su Qingshang. Xiao Yan’s face immediately darkened, cold as frost, as he watched Su Qingshang accept the painting and thank Li Zhizhi before taking his leave.

Before departing, Su Qingshang suddenly asked, “The painting I gifted to Miss Li last time, how did you find it?”

Li Zhizhi was momentarily stunned, then recalled that when she was newly granted the t.i.tle of Princess, Su Qingshang had gifted her a painting. The canvas was filled with varying shades of dark ink. She had pondered over it for some time but could not make out its meaning, so she had it hung in her study.

Hearing his question now, Li Zhizhi couldn’t help but feel a bit embarra.s.sed and apologetically said, “Forgive my ignorance, I could not grasp its hidden meaning.”

Su Qingshang smiled slightly at her response and gave a reminder, “Perhaps Miss Li should view it at night.”

After he left, Xiao Yan coldly remarked, “He gives you a painting, and you return the gesture. Yet when I give you something, I see no such reciprocation.”

Li Zhizhi looked at him, a bit surprised, and said, “Brother Crown Prince, you speak so distantly.”

Before Xiao Yan could reply, her tone turned to one of grievance, “In my heart, I always saw you as a dear brother, different from outsiders, so I was more casual with you. But I didn’t expect you to take offense at this. I understand now — I am not worthy of being your sister.”

With that, Li Zhizhi’s expression dimmed with sadness. Her once clear and bright eyes now revealed a hint of hurt. Xiao Yan’s heart tightened, as if a hand had suddenly gripped it, squeezing painfully. He immediately said, “That’s not what I meant.”

Li Zhizhi turned her head away, refusing to look at him. Unable to see her expression, Xiao Yan grew anxious. His thin lips pressed together as he awkwardly tried to explain, “I was just a bit angry and spoke without thinking. Don’t take it to heart.”

Li Zhizhi had been deliberately playing with him, and upon hearing this, she turned back with a puzzled expression, asking, “Why were you angry?”

Xiao Yan remained silent for a moment, then looked at her and said, “Because I was jealous.”

Jealous of her smiling at other men, jealous of her giving gifts to others, and even jealous of his own sister.

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After Rebirth, the True Eldest Daughter Starts Brewing Green Tea ARTTEDSBGT Chapter 119 summary

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