
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume I Part 21

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Nor is it only the exclusion of air by water, or repletion of cavities possessed thereby, which causeth a pot of ashes to admit so great a quant.i.ty of Water, but also the solution of the salt of the ashes into the body of the dissolvent. So a pot of ashes will receive somewhat more of hot Water then of cold, for the warm water imbibeth more of the Salt; and a vessel of ashes more then one of pin-dust or filings of Iron; and a Gla.s.s full of Water will yet drink in a proportion of Salt or Sugar without overflowing.

Nevertheless to make the experiment with most advantage, and in which sense it approacheth nearest the truth, it must be made in ashes throughly burnt and well reverberated by fire, after the salt thereof hath been drawn out by iterated decoctions. For then the body being reduced nearer unto Earth, and emptied of all other principles, which had former ingression unto it, becometh more porous, and greedily drinketh in water. He that hath beheld what quant.i.ty of Lead the test of saltless ashes will imbibe, upon the refining of Silver, hath encouragement to think it will do very much more in water.

[Sidenote: _The Ingredients of Gunpowder._]

5. Of white powder and such as is discharged without report, there is no small noise in the World: but how far agreeable unto truth, few I perceive are able to determine. Herein therefore to satisfie the doubts of some, and amuse the credulity of others, We first declare, that Gunpowder consisteth of three ingredients, Salt-petre, Small-coal, and Brimstone. Salt-petre although it be also natural and found in several places, yet is that of common use an artificial Salt, drawn from the infusion of salt Earth, as that of Stales, Stables, Dove-houses, Cellers, and other covered places, where the rain can neither dissolve, nor the Sun approach to resolve it. Brimstone is a Mineral body of fat and inflamable parts, and this is either used crude, and called Sulphur Vive, and is of a sadder colour; or after depuration, such as we have in magdeleons or rolls, of a lighter yellow. Small-coal is known unto all, and for this use is made of _Sallow_, _Willow_, _Alder_, _Hazel_, and the like; which three proportionably mixed, tempered, and formed into granulary bodies, do make up that Powder which is in use for Guns.

Now all these, although they bear a share in the discharge, yet have they distinct intentions, and different offices in the composition. From Brimstone proceedeth the piercing and powerful firing; for Small-coal and Petre together will onely spit, nor vigorously continue the ignition. From Small-coal ensueth the black colour and quick accension; for neither Brimstone nor Petre, although in Powder, will take fire like Small-coal, nor will they easily kindle upon the sparks of a Flint; as neither will _Camphire_, a body very inflamable: but Small-coal is equivalent to Tinder, and serveth to light the Sulphur. It may also serve to diffuse the ignition through every part of the mixture; and being of more gross and fixed parts, may seem to moderate the activity of Salt-petre, and prevent too hasty rarefaction. From Salt-petre proceedeth the force and the report; for Sulphur and Small-coal mixed will not take fire with noise, or exilition, and Powder which is made of impure and greasie Petre hath but a weak emission, and giveth a faint report. And therefore in the three sorts of Powder the strongest containeth most Salt-petre, and the proportion thereof is about ten parts of Petre unto one of Coal and Sulphur.

But the immediate cause of the Report is the vehement commotion of the air upon the sudden and violent eruption of the Powder; for that being suddenly fired, and almost altogether, upon this high rarefaction, requireth by many degrees a greater s.p.a.ce then before its body occupied; but finding resistance, it actively forceth his way, and by concusion of the air occasioneth the Report. Now with what violence it forceth upon the air, may easily be conceived, if we admit what _Cardan_ affirmeth, that the Powder fired doth occupy an hundred times a greater s.p.a.ce then its own bulk; or rather what _Snellius_ more exactly accounteth; that it exceedeth its former s.p.a.ce no less then 12000 and 500 times. [SN: _The cause of Thunder._] And this is the reason not only of this fulminating report of Guns, but may resolve the cause of those terrible cracks, and affrighting noises of Heaven; that is, the nitrous and sulphureous exhalations, set on fire in the Clouds; whereupon requiring a larger place, they force out their way, not only with the breaking of the cloud, but the laceration of the air about it. [SN: _The greatest distance of the Clouds._] When if the matter be spirituous, and the cloud compact, the noise is great and terrible: If the cloud be thin, and the Materials weak, the eruption is languid, ending in coruscations and flashes without noise, although but at the distance of two miles; which is esteemed the remotest distance of clouds. And therefore such lightnings do seldom any harm. And therefore also it is prodigious to have thunder in a clear sky, as is observably recorded in some Histories.

[Sidenote: _The cause of Earthquakes._]

From the like cause may also proceed subterraneous Thunders and Earthquakes, when sulphureous and nitreous veins being fired, upon rarefaction do force their way through bodies that resist them. Where if the kindled matter be plentiful, and the Mine close and firm about it, subversion of Hills and Towns doth sometimes follow: If scanty, weak, and the Earth hollow or porous, there only ensueth some faint concussion or tremulous and quaking Motion. Surely, a main reason why the Ancients were so imperfect in the doctrine of Meteors, was their ignorance of Gunpowder and Fire-works, which best discover the causes of many thereof.

Now therefore he that would destroy the report of Powder, must work upon the Petre; he that would exchange the colour, must think how to alter the Small-coal. For the one, that is, to make white Powder, it is surely many ways feasible: The best I know is by the powder of rotten Willows, s.p.u.n.k, or Touch-wood prepared, might perhaps make it Russet: and some, as _Beringuccio_ [SN: _In his_ Pyrotechnia.] affirmeth, have promised to make it Red. All which notwithstanding doth little concern the Report, for that, as we have shewed, depends on another Ingredient. And therefore also under the colour of black, this principle is very variable; for it is made not onely by _Willow_, _Alder_, _Hazel_, etc.

But some above all commend the coals of _Flax_ and _Rushes_, and some also contend the same may be effected with Tinder.

As for the other, that is, to destroy the Report, it is reasonably attempted but two ways; either by quite leaving out, or else by silencing the Salt-petre. How to abate the vigour thereof, or silence its bombulation, a way is promised by _Porta_, not only in general terms by some fat bodies, but in particular by _Borax_ and b.u.t.ter mixed in a due proportion; which saith he, will so go off as scarce to be heard by the discharger; and indeed plentifully mixed, it will almost take off the Report, and also the force of the charge. That it may be thus made without Salt-petre, I have met with but one example, that is, of _Alphonsus_ Duke of _Ferrara_ [SN: De examine Salium.], who in the relation of _Bra.s.savolus_ and _Cardan_, invented such a Powder as would discharge a bullet without Report.

That therefore white Powder there may be, there is no absurdity; that also such a one as may give no report, we will not deny a possibility.

But this however, contrived either with or without Salt-petre, will surely be of little force, and the effects thereof no way to be feared: For as it omits of Report so will it of effectual exclusion, and so the charge be of little force which is excluded. For thus much is reported of that famous Powder of _Alphonsus_, which was not of force enough to kill a Chicken, according to the delivery of _Bra.s.savolus. Jamque pulvis inventus est qui glandem sine bombo projicit, nec tamen vehementer ut vel pullum interficere possit._

It is not to be denied, there are ways to discharge a bullet, not only with Powder that makes no noise, but without any Powder at all; as is done by Water and Wind-guns, but these afford no fulminating Report, and depend on single principles. And even in ordinary Powder there are pretended other ways to alter the noise and strength of the discharge; and the best, if not only way, consists in the quality of the Nitre: for as for other ways which make either additions or alterations in the Powder, or charge, I find therein no effect: That unto every pound of Sulphur, an adjection of one ounce of Quick-silver, or unto every pound of Petre, one ounce of _Sal Armoniac_ will much intend the force, and consequently the Report, as _Beringuccio_ hath delivered, I find no success therein. That a piece of _Opium_ will dead the force and blow, as some have promised, I find herein no such peculiarity, no more then in any Gum or viscose body: and as much effect there is to be found from _Scammony_. That a bullet dipped in oyl by preventing the transpiration of air, will carry farther, and pierce deeper, as _Porta_ affirmeth, my experience cannot discern. That Quick-silver is more destructive then shot, is surely not to be made out; for it will scarce make any penetration, and discharged from a Pistol, will hardly pierce through a Parchment. That Vinegar, spirits of Wine, or the distilled water of Orange-pills, wherewith the Powder is tempered, are more effectual unto the Report than common Water, as some do promise, I shall not affirm; but may a.s.suredly more conduce unto the preservation and durance of the Powder, as _Cataneo_ hath well observed. [SN: Cat. avertimenti intorne a un Bombardiero.]

That the heads of arrows and bullets have been discharged with that force, as to melt or grow red hot in their flight, though commonly received, and taken up by _Aristotle_ in his Meteors, is not so easily allowable by any, who shall consider, that a Bullet of Wax will mischief without melting; that an Arrow or Bullet discharged against Linen or Paper do not set them on fire; and hardly apprehend how an Iron should grow red hot, since the swiftest motion at hand will not keep one red that hath been made red by fire; as may be observed in swinging a red hot Iron about, or fastning it into a Wheel; which under that motion will sooner grow cold then without it. That a Bullet also mounts upward upon the horizontall or point-blank discharge, many Artists do not allow: who contend that it describeth a parabolical and bowing line, by reason of its natural gravity inclining it always downward.

But, Beside the prevalence from Salt-petre, as Master-ingredient in the mixture; Sulphur may hold a greater use in the composition and further activity in the exclusion, then is by most conceived. For Sulphur vive makes better Powder then common Sulphur, which nevertheless is of a quick accension. For Small-coal, Salt-petre, and _Camphire_ made into Powder will be of little force, wherein notwithstanding there wants not the accending ingredient. And _Camphire_ though it flame well, yet will not flush so lively, or defecate Salt-petre, if you inject it thereon, like Sulphur; as in the preparation of _Sal prunellae_. And lastly, though many ways may be found to light this Powder, yet is there none I know to make a strong and vigorous Powder of Salt-petre, without the admixtion of Sulphur. _a.r.s.enic_ red and yellow, that is _Orpement_ and _Sandarach_ may perhaps do something, as being inflamable and containing Sulphur in them; but containing also a salt, and mercurial mixtion, they will be of little effect; and white or crystalline _a.r.s.enic_ of less, for that being artificial, and sublimed with salt, will not endure flammation.

This Antipathy or contention between Salt-petre and Sulphur upon an actual fire, in their compleat and distinct bodies, is also manifested in their preparations, and bodies which invisibly contain them. Thus in the preparation of _Crocus Metallorum_, the matter kindleth and flusheth like Gunpowder, wherein notwithstanding, there is nothing but _Antimony_ and Salt-petre. But this may proceed from the Sulphur of _Antimony_, not enduring the society of Salt-petre; for after three or four accensions, through a fresh addition of Petre, the Powder will flush no more, for the sulphur of the _Antimony_ is quite exhaled. Thus Iron in _Aqua fortis_ will fall into ebullition, with noise and emication, as also a cra.s.s and fumid exhalation, which are caused from this combat of the sulphur of Iron with the acid and nitrous spirits of _Aqua fortis_. So is it also in _Aurum fulminans_, or Powder of Gold dissolved in _Aqua Regis_, and precipitated with oyl of _Tartar_, which will kindle without an actual fire, and afford a report like Gun-powder; that is not as _Crollius_ affirmeth from any Antipathy between _Sal Armoniac_ [SN: De consensu Chymicorum, etc.]and _Tartar_, but rather between the nitrous spirits of _Aqua Regis_, commixed _per minima_ with the sulphur of Gold, as _Sennertus_ hath observed.

[Sidenote: _How Coral of a Plant becomes a Stone._]

6. That _Coral_ (which is a _Lithophyton_ or stone-plant, and groweth at the bottom of the Sea) is soft under Water, but waxeth hard in the air, although the a.s.sertion of _Dioscorides_, _Pliny_, and consequently _Solinus_, _Isidore_, _Rueus_, and many others, and stands believed by most, we have some reason to doubt, especially if we conceive with common Believers, a total softness at the bottom, and this induration to be singly made by the air, not only from so sudden a petrifaction and strange induration, not easily made out from the qualities of air, but because we find it rejected by experimental enquiries. _Johannes Beguinus_ [SN: _In the French Copy._] in his Chapter of the tincture of _Coral_ undertakes to clear the World of this Error, from the express experiment of _John Baptista de Nicole_, who was Overseer of the gathering of _Coral_ upon the Kingdom of _Thunis_. This Gentleman, saith he, desirous to find the nature of _Coral_, and to be resolved how it groweth at the bottom of the Sea, caused a man to go down no less then a hundred fathom, with express to take notice whether it were hard or soft in the place where it groweth. Who returning, brought in each hand a branch of _Coral_, affirming it was as hard at the bottom, as in the air where he delivered it. The same was also confirmed by a trial of his own, handling it a fathom under water before it felt the air. _Boetius_ in his Tract _De Gemmis_, is of the same opinion, not ascribing its concretion unto the air, but the coagulating spirits of Salt, and lapidifical juice of the Sea, which entring the parts of that Plant, overcomes its vegetability, and converts it into a lapideous substance.

And this, saith he, doth happen when the Plant is ready to decay; for all _Coral_ is not hard, and in many concreted Plants some parts remain unpetrified, that is the quick and livelier parts remain as Wood, and were never yet converted. Now that Plants and ligneous bodies may indurate under Water without approachment of air, we have experiment in _Coralline_, with many Coralloidal concretions; and that little stony Plant which Mr. _Johnson_ nameth, _Hippuris coralloides_, and _Gesner_, _foliis mansu Arenosis_, we have found in fresh water, which is the less concretive portion of that Element. We have also with us the visible petrification of Wood in many waters, whereof so much as is covered with water converteth into stone; as much as is above it and in the air, retaineth the form of Wood, and continueth as before.

[Sidenote: Gans _Histor. Coral._]

Now though in a middle way we may concede, that some are soft and others hard; yet whether all _Coral_ were first a woody substance, and afterward converted; or rather some thereof were never such, but from the sprouting spirit of Salt, were able even in their stony natures to ramifie and send forth branches; as is observable in some stones, in silver and metallick bodies, is not without some question. And such at least might some of those be, which _Fiaroumti_ observed to grow upon Bricks at the bottom of the Sea, upon the coast of _Barbaric_.

[Sidenote: _Of what matter the_ China _dishes be made_.]

7. We are not throughly resolved concerning _Porcellane_ or _China_ dishes, that according to common belief they are made of Earth, which lieth in preparation about an hundred years under ground; for the relations thereof are not onely divers, but contrary, and Authors agree not herein. _Guido Pancirollus_ will have them made of Egg-sh.e.l.ls, Lobster-sh.e.l.ls, and _Gypsum_ laid up in the Earth the s.p.a.ce of 80 years: of the same affirmation is _Scaliger_, and the common opinion of most. _Ramuzius_ in his Navigations is of a contrary a.s.sertion, that they are made out of Earth, not laid under ground, but hardned in the Sun and Wind, the s.p.a.ce of forty years. But _Gonzales de Mendoza_, a man imployed into _China_ from _Philip_ the second King of _Spain_, upon enquiry and ocular experience, delivered a way different from all these.

For inquiring into the artifice thereof, he found they were made of a Chalky Earth; which beaten and steeped in water, affordeth a cream or fatness on the top, and a gross subsidence at the bottom; out of the cream or superfluitance, the finest dishes, saith he, are made, out of the residence thereof the courser; which being formed, they gild or paint, and not after an hundred years, but presently commit unto the furnace. This, saith he, is known by experience, and more probable then what _Odoardus Barbosa_ hath delivered, that they are made of sh.e.l.ls, and buried under earth an hundred years. And answerable in all points hereto, is the relation of _Linschotten_, a diligent enquirer, in his Oriental Navigations. Later confirmation may be had from _Alvarez_ the Jesuit, who lived long in those parts, in his relations of _China_. That _Porcellane_ Vessels were made but in one Town of the Province of _Chiamsi_: That the earth was brought out of other Provinces, but for the advantage of water, which makes them more polite and perspicuous, they were only made in this. That they were wrought and fashioned like those of other Countries, whereof some were tincted blew, some red, others yellow, of which colour only they presented unto the King.

The latest account hereof may be found in the voyage of the Dutch Emba.s.sadors sent from _Batavia_ unto the Emperour of _China_, printed in _French_ 1665, which plainly informeth, that the Earth whereof _Porcellane_ dishes are made, is brought from the Mountains of _Hoang_, and being formed into square loaves, is brought by water, and marked with the Emperours Seal: that the Earth it self is very lean, fine, and shining like Sand: and that it is prepared and fashioned after the same manner which the _Italians_ observe in the fine Earthen Vessels of _Faventia_ or _Fuenca_: that they are so reserved concerning that Artifice, that 'tis only revealed from Father unto Son: that they are painted with _Indico_ baked in a fire for fifteen days together, and with very dry and not smoaking Wood: which when the Author had seen he could hardly contain from laughter at the common opinion above rejected by us.

Now if any enquire, why being so commonly made, and in so short a time, they are become so scarce, or not at all to be had? The Answer is given by these last Relators, that under great penalties it is forbidden to carry the first sort out of the Country. And of those surely the properties must be verified, which by _Scaliger_ and others are ascribed unto China-dishes: That they admit no poison, that they strike fire, that they will grow hot no higher then the liquor in them ariseth. For such as pa.s.s amongst us, and under the name of the finest, will only strike fire, but not discover _Aconite_, _Mercury_, or _a.r.s.enic_; but may be useful in dysenteries and fluxes beyond the other.

8. Whether a Carbuncle (which is esteemed the best and biggest of Rubies) doth flame in the dark, or shine like a coal in the night, though generally agreed on by common Believers, is very much questioned by many. By _Milius_, who accounts it a Vulgar Error: By the learned _Boetius_, who could not find it verified in that famous one of _Rodulphus_, which was as big as an Egg, and esteemed the best in _Europe_. Wherefore although we dispute not the possibility, and the like is said to have been observed in some Diamonds, yet whether herein there be not too high an apprehension, and above its natural radiancy, is not without just doubt: however it be granted a very splendid _Gem_, and whose sparks may somewhat resemble the glances of fire, and Metaphorically deserve that name. And therefore when it is conceived by some, that this Stone in the Brest-plate of _Aaron_ respected the Tribe of _Dan_, who burnt the City of _Laish_; and _Sampson_ of the same Tribe, who fired the Corn of the _Philistims_; in some sense it may be admitted, and is no intollerable conception.

As for that _Indian_ Stone that shined so brightly in the Night, and pretended to have been shewn to many in the Court of _France_, as _Andreus Chioccus_ hath declared out of _Thua.n.u.s_, it proved but an imposture, as that eminent Philosopher _Licetus_ [SN: Licet de quaesit.

per Epistolas.] hath discovered, and therefore in the revised Editions of _Thua.n.u.s_, it is not to be found. [SN: Licet de lapide Bononiensi.]

As for the _Phosphorus_ or _Bononian_ Stone, which exposed unto the Sun, and then closely shut up, will afterward afford a light in the dark; it is of unlike consideration, for that requireth calcination or reduction into a dry powder by fire, whereby it imbibeth the light in the vaporous humidity of the air about it, and therefore maintaineth its light not long, but goes out when the vaporous vehicle is consumed.

9. Whether the _aet.i.tes_ or _Eagle_-stone hath that eminent property to promote delivery or restrain abortion, respectively applied to lower or upward parts of the body, we shall not discourage common practice by our question: but whether they answer the account thereof, as to be taken out of _Eagles_ nests, co-operating in Women unto such effects, as they are conceived toward the young _Eagles_: or whether the single signature of one stone included in the matrix and belly of another, were not sufficient at first, to derive this vertue of the pregnant Stone, upon others in impregnation, may yet be farther considered. Many sorts there are of this ratling Stone, beside the _Geodes_, containing a softer substance in it. Divers are found in _England_, and one we met with on the Sea-sh.o.r.e, but because many of eminent use are pretended to be brought from _Iseland_, wherein are divers airies of _Eagles_, we cannot omit to deliver what we received from a learned person in that Country, [SN: Theodorus Ionas. .h.i.tterdalae Pastor.] _aet.i.tes an in nidis Aquilarum aliquando fuerit repertus, nescio. Nostra certe memoria, etiam inquirentibus non contigit invenisse, quare in fabulis habendum_.

10. Terrible apprehensions and answerable unto their names, are raised of _Fayrie_ stones, and _Elves_ spurs, found commonly with us in Stone, Chalk, and Marl-pits, which notwithstanding are no more than _Echinometrites_ and _Belemnites_, the Sea-Hedge-Hog, and the _Dart_-stone, arising from some siliceous Roots, and softer then that of Flint, the Master-stone, lying more regularly in courses, and arising from the primary and strongest spirit of the Mine. Of the _Echinites_, such as are found in Chalk-pits are white, gla.s.sie, and built upon a Chalky inside; some of an hard and flinty substance, are found in Stone-pits and elsewhere. Common opinion commendeth them for the Stone, but are most practically used against Films in Horses eyes.

11. Lastly, He must have more heads than _Rome_ had Hills, that makes out half of those vertues ascribed unto stones, and their not only Medical, but Magical proprieties, which are to be found in Authors of great Name. In _Psellus_, _Serapion_, _Evax_, _Albertus_, _Aleazar_, _Marbodeus_; in _Maiolus_, _Rueus_, _Mylius_, and many more.

That _Lapis Lasuli_ hath in it a purgative faculty we know; [SN: _Against poison.] that _Bezoar_ is Antidotal, [SN: Provoking Urine._]

_Lapis Judaicus_ diuretical, [SN: _Against the Falling sickness._]

_Coral_ Antepileptical, we will not deny. That _Cornelians_, _Jaspis_, _Heliotropes_, and Blood-stones, may be of vertue to those intentions they are implied, experience and visible effects will make us grant. But that an _Amethyst_ prevents inebriation, that an _Emerald_ will break if worn in copulation. That a _Diamond_ laid under the pillow, will betray the incontinency of a wife. That a _Saphire_ is preservative against inchantments; that the fume of an _Agath_ will avert a tempest, or the wearing of a _Crysoprase_ make one out love with Gold; as some have delivered, we are yet, I confess, to believe, and in that infidelity are likely to end our days. And therefore, they which in the explication of the two Beryls upon the _Ephod_, or the twelve stones in the Rational or Brest-plate of _Aaron_, or those twelve which garnished the wall of the holy City in the Apocalyps, have drawn their significations from such as these; or declared their symbolical verities from such traditional falsities, have surely corrupted the sincerity of their a.n.a.logies, or misunderstood the mystery of their intentions.

Most men conceive that the twelve stones in _Aarons_ brestplate made a Jewel surpa.s.sing any, and not to be parallel'd; which notwithstanding will hardly be made out from the description of the Text, for the names of the Tribes were engraven thereon, which must notably abate their l.u.s.tre. Beside, it is not clear made out that the best of Gemms, a Diamond was amongst them; nor is to be found in the list thereof, set down by the _Jerusalem Thargum_, wherein we find the darker stones of _Sardius_, _Sardonix_, and _Jasper_; and if we receive them under those names wherein they are usually described, it is not hard to contrive a more ill.u.s.trious and splendent Jewel. But being not ordained for meer l.u.s.tre by diaphanous and pure tralucencies, their mysterious significations became more considerable then their Gemmary substances; and those no doubt did n.o.bly answer the intention of the Inst.i.tutor.

Beside some may doubt whether there be twelve distinct species of n.o.ble tralucent Gemms in nature, at least yet known unto us, and such as may not be referred unto some of those in high esteem among us, which come short of the number of twelve; which to make up we must find out some others to match and join with the Diamond, _Beryl_, _Saphyr_, _Emerald_, _Amethyst_, _Topaz_, _Crysolit_, _Jacynth_, _Ruby_, and if we may admit it in this number, the Oriental Gianat.


Of sundry Tenets concerning Vegetables or Plants, which examined, prove either false or dubious.

1. Many Mola's and false conceptions there are of _Mandrakes_, the first from great Antiquity, conceiveth the Root thereof resembleth the shape of Man; which is a conceit not to be made out by ordinary inspection, or any other eyes, then such as regarding the Clouds, behold them in shapes conformable to pre-apprehensions.

Now whatever encouraged the first invention, there have not been wanting many ways of its promotion. The first a Catachrestical and far derived similitude it holds with Man; that is, in a bifurcation or division of the Root into two parts, which some are content to call Thighs; whereas notwithstanding they are oft-times three, and when but two, commonly so complicated and crossed, that men for this deceit are fain to effect their design in other plants; And as fair a resemblance is often found in _Carrots_, _Parsnips_, _Briony_, and many others. There are, I confess, divers Plants which carry about them not only the shape of parts, but also of whole Animals, but surely not all thereof, unto whom this conformity is imputed. Whoever shall peruse the signatures of _Crollius_, or rather the Phytognomy of _Porta_, and strictly observe how vegetable Realities are commonly forced into Animal Representations, may easily perceive in very many, the semblance is but postulatory, and must have a more a.s.similating phansie then mine to make good many thereof.

Illiterate heads have been led on by the name [SN: ???d?a, Spelunca.], which in the first syllable expresseth its Representation; but others have better observed the Laws of _Etymology_, and deduced it from a word of the same language, because it delighteth to grow in obscure and shady places; which derivation, although we shall not stand to maintain, yet the other seemeth answerable unto the Etymologies of many Authors, who often confound such nominal Notations. Not to enquire beyond our own profession, the Latine Physitians which most adhered unto the _Arabick_ way, have often failed herein; particularly _Valescus de Tarranta_, [SN: _In the old Edition._] a received Physitian, in whose _Philonium_ or Medical practice these may be observed: _Diarhea_, saith he, _Quia pluries venit in die. Herisepela, quasi haerens pilis, Emorrohis, ab emach sanguis & morrohis quod est cadere. Lithargia a Litos quod est oblivio & Targus morbus, Scotomia a Scotus quod est videre, & mias musca. Opthalmia ab opus Graece quod est succus, & Talmon quod est occulus. Paralisis, quasi laesio partis. Fistula a fos sonus & stolon quod est emissio, quasi emissio soni vel vocis._ Which are derivations as strange indeed as the other, and hardly to be parallel'd elsewhere; confirming not only the words of one language with another, but creating such as were never yet in any.

The received distinction and common Notation by s.e.xes, hath also promoted the conceit; for true it is, that _Herbalists_ from ancient times have thus distinguished them, naming that the Male, whose leaves are lighter, and Fruit and Apples rounder; but this is properly no generative division, but rather some note of distinction in colour, figure or operation. For though _Empedocles_ affirm, there is a mixt, and undivided s.e.x in Vegetables; and _Scaliger_ upon _Aristotle_ [SN: De Plantis.], doth favourably explain that opinion; yet will it not consist with the common and ordinary acception, nor yet with _Aristotles_ definition. For if that be Male which generates in another, that Female which procreates in it self; if it be understood of s.e.xes conjoined, all Plants are Female; and if of disjoined and congressive generation, there is no Male or Female in them at all.

[Sidenote: _The impostures touching the Root of Mandrake._]

But the Atlas or main Axis which supported this opinion, was dayly experience, and the visible testimony of sense. For many there are in several parts of _Europe_, who carry about Roots and sell them unto ignorant people, which handsomely make out the shape of Man or Woman.

But these are not productions of Nature, but contrivances of Art, as divers have noted, and _Mathiolus_ plainly detected, who learned this way of Trumpery from a vagabond cheater lying under his cure for the French disease. His words were these, and may determine the point, _Sed profecto vanum & fabulosum, etc._ But this is vain and fabulous, which ignorant people, and simple women believe; for the roots which are carried about by impostors to deceive unfruitful women, are made of the roots of Canes, Briony and other plants: for in these yet fresh and virent, they carve out the figures of men and women, first sticking therein the grains of Barley or Millet, where they intend the hair should grow; then bury them in sand until the grains shoot forth their roots, which at the longest will happen in twenty days; they afterward clip and trim those tender strings in the fashion of beards and other hairy tegument. All which like other impostures once discovered is easily effected, and in the root of white _Briony_ may be practised every spring.

What is therefore delivered in favour thereof, by Authors ancient or modern, must have its root in tradition, imposture, far derived similitude, or casual and rare contingency. So may we admit of the Epithet of _Pythagoras_, who calls it _Anthropomorphus_[SN: Orchis Anthropomorphus cujus Icon in Kircheri Magia parastatica.]; and that of _Columella_, who terms it _Semih.o.m.o_; more appliable unto the Man-_Orchis_, whose flower represents a Man. Thus is _Albertus_ to be received when he affirmeth, that _Mandrakes_ represent man-kind with the distinction of either s.e.x. [SN: De mandragora.] Under these restrictions may those Authors be admitted, which for this opinion are introduced by _Drusius_; nor shall we need to question the monstrous root of _Briony_ described in _Aldrovandus_ [SN: De monstris.].

[Sidenote: _Generations equivocal, are yet commonly regular and of a determinate form or species._]

The second a.s.sertion concerneth its production. That it naturally groweth under Gallowses and places of execution, arising from fat or urine that drops from the body of the dead; a story somewhat agreeable unto the fable of the Serpents teeth sowed in the earth by _Cadmus_; or rather the birth of _Orion_ from the urine of _Jupiter_, _Mercury_, and _Neptune_. Now this opinion seems grounded on the former, that is, a conceived similitude it hath with man; and therefore from him in some way they would make out its production: Which conceit is not only erroneous in the foundation, but injurious unto Philosophy in the superstruction. Making putrifactive generations, correspondent unto seminal productions, and conceiving in equivocal effects and univocal conformity unto the efficient. Which is so far from being verified of animals in their corruptive mutations into Plants, that they maintain not this similitude in their nearer translation into animals. So when the Oxe corrupteth into Bees, or the Horse into Hornets, they come not forth in the image of their originals. So the corrupt and excrementous humours in man are animated into Lice; and we may observe, that Hogs, Sheep, Goats, Hawks, Hens, and others, have one peculiar and proper kind of vermine; not resembling themselves according to seminal conditions, yet carrying a setled and confined habitude unto their corruptive originals. And therefore come not forth in generations erratical, or different from each other; but seem specifically and in regular shapes to attend the corruption of their bodies, as do more perfect conceptions, the rule of seminal productions.

The third affirmeth the roots of _Mandrakes_ do make a noise, or give a shriek upon eradication; which is indeed ridiculous, and false below confute: arising perhaps from a small and stridulous noise, which being firmly rooted, it maketh upon divulsion of parts. A slender foundation for such a vast conception: for such a noise we sometime observe in other Plants, in Pa.r.s.enips, Liquorish, Eringium, Flags, and others.

The last concerneth the danger ensuing, That there follows an hazard of life to them that pull it up, that some evil fate pursues them, and they live not very long after. Therefore the attempt hereof among the Ancients, was not in ordinary way; but as _Pliny_ informeth, when they intended to take up the root of this Plant, they took the wind thereof, and with a sword describing three circles about it, they digged it up, looking toward the _West_. A conceit not only injurious unto truth, and confutable by daily experience, but somewhat derogatory unto the providence of G.o.d; that is, not only to impose so destructive a quality on any Plant, but to conceive a Vegetable, whose parts are useful unto many, should in the only taking up prove mortal unto any. To think he suffereth the poison of _Nubia_ [SN: Granum Nubiae.] to be gathered, _Napellus_, _Aconite_, and _Thora_, to be eradicated, yet this not to be moved. That he permitteth a.r.s.enick and mineral poisons to be forced from the bowels of the Earth, yet not this from the surface thereof. This were to introduce a second forbidden fruit, and inhance the first malediction, making it not only mortal for _Adam_ to taste the one, but capital unto his posterity to eradicate or dig up the other.

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