
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume I Part 20

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These conceits are of that monstrosity that they refute themselves in their recitements. There is another of better notice, and whispered thorow the World with some attention; credulous and vulgar auditors readily believing it, and more judicious and distinctive heads, not altogether rejecting it. The conceit is excellent, and if the effect would follow, somewhat divine; whereby we might communicate like spirits, and confer on earth with _Menippus_ in the Moon. And this is pretended from the sympathy of two Needles touched with the same Loadstone, and placed in the center of two Abecedary circles or rings, with letters described round about them, one friend keeping one, and another the other, and agreeing upon an hour wherein they will communicate. For then, saith Tradition, at what distance of place soever, when one Needle shall be removed unto any letter, the other by a wonderful sympathy will move unto the same. But herein I confess my experience can find no truth; for having expressly framed two circles of Wood, and according to the number of the Latine letters divided each into twenty three parts, placing therein two stiles or Needles composed of the same steel, touched with the same Loadstone, and at the same point: of these two, whensoever I removed the one, although but at the distance of half a span, the other would stand like _Hercules_ pillars, and if the Earth stand still, have surely no motion at all. Now as it is not possible that any body should have no boundaries, or Sphear of its activity, so it is improbable it should effect that at distance, which nearer hand it cannot at all perform.

Again, The conceit is ill contrived, and one effect inferred, whereas the contrary will ensue. For if the removing of one of the Needles from _A_ to _B_, should have any action or influence on the other, it would not intice it from _A_ to _B_, but repell it from _A_ to _Z_: for Needles excited by the same point of the stone, do not attract, but avoid each other, even as these also do, when their invigorated extreams approach unto one other.

Lastly, Were this conceit a.s.suredly true, yet were it not a conclusion at every distance to be tried by every head: it being no ordinary or Almanack business, but a Problem Mathematical, to finde out the difference of hours in different places; nor do the wisest exactly satisfie themselves in all. For the hours of several places antic.i.p.ate each other, according unto their Longitudes, which are not exactly discovered of every place; and therefore the trial hereof at a considerable interval, is best performed at the distance of the _Antci_; that is, such habitations as have the same Meridian and equal parallel, on different sides of the aequator; or more plainly the same Longitude and the same Lat.i.tude unto the South, which we have in the North. For unto such situations it is noon and midnight at the very same time.

And therefore the Sympathy of these Needles is much of the same mould with that intelligence which is pretended from the flesh of one body trans.m.u.ted by incision into another. [SN: De curtorum Chyrurgia.] For if by the Art of _Taliacotius_, a permutation of flesh, or trans.m.u.tation be made from one mans body into another, as if a piece of flesh be exchanged from the bicipital muscle of either parties arm, and about them both an Alphabet circ.u.mscribed; upon a time appointed as some conceptions affirm, they may communicate at what distance soever. For if the one shall p.r.i.c.k himself in _A_, the other at the same time will have a sense thereof in the same part: and upon inspection of his arm perceive what letters the other points out in his. Which is a way of intelligence very strange: and would requite the lost Art of _Pythagoras_, who could read a reverse in the Moon.

Now this magnetical conceit how strange soever, might have some original in Reason; for men observing no solid body, whatsoever did interrupt its action, might be induced to believe no distance would terminate the same; and most conceiving it pointed unto the Pole of Heaven, might also opinion that nothing between could restrain it. Whosoever was the Author, the _aeolus_ that blew it about was _Famia.n.u.s Strada_, that Elegant Jesuit, in his Rhetorical prolusions, who chose out this subject to express the stile of _Lucretius_. But neither _Baptista Porta_, _de Furtivis Literarum notis_; _Trithemius_ in his Steganography, _Selenus_ in his Cryptography, [SN: Nunc. inanim. _by D._ G.o.dwin _Bishop of Hereford_.] or _Nuncius inanimatus_ make any consideration hereof, although they deliver many ways to communicate thoughts at distance. And this we will not deny may in some manner be effected by the Loadstone; that is, from one room into another; by placing a table in the wall common unto both, and writing thereon the same letters one against another: for upon the approach of a vigorous Loadstone unto a letter on this side, the Needle will move unto the same on the other. But this is a very different way from ours at present; and hereof there are many ways delivered, and more may be discovered which contradict not the rule of its operations.

As for _Unguentum Armarium_, called also _Magnetic.u.m_, it belongs not to this discourse, it neither having the Loadstone for its ingredient, nor any one of its actions: but supposeth other principles, as common and universal spirits, which convey the action of the remedy unto the part, and conjoins the vertue of bodies far disjoyned. But perhaps the cures it doth, are not worth so mighty principles; it commonly healing but simple wounds, and such as mundified and kept clean, do need no other hand then that of Nature, and the Balsam of the proper part. Unto which effect there being fields of Medicines, it may be a hazardous curiosity to rely on this; and because men say the effect doth generally follow, it might be worth the experiment to try, whether the same will not ensue, upon the same Method of cure, by ordinary Balsams, or common vulnerary plaisters.

Many other Magnetisms may be pretended, and the like attractions through all the creatures of Nature. Whether the same be verified in the action of the Sun upon inferiour bodies, whether there be _aeolian_ Magnets, whether the flux and reflux of the Sea be caused by any Magnetism from the Moon; whether the like be really made out, or rather Metaphorically verified in the sympathies of Plants and Animals, might afford a large dispute; and _Kircherus_ in his _Catena Magnetica_ hath excellently discussed the same; which work came late unto our hand, but might have much advantaged this Discourse.

Other Discourses there might be made of the Loadstone: as Moral, Mystical, Theological; and some have handsomely done them; as _Ambrose_, _Austine_, _Gulielmus Parisiensis_, and many more, but these fall under no Rule, and are as boundless as mens inventions. And though honest minds do glorifie G.o.d hereby; yet do they most powerfully magnifie him, and are to be looked on with another eye, who demonstratively set forth its Magnalities; who not from postulated or precarious inferences, entreat a courteous a.s.sent; but from experiments and undeniable effects, enforce the wonder of its Maker.


Of Bodies Electrical.

[Sidenote: Bodies Electrical, what?]

Having thus spoken of the Loadstone and Bodies Magnetical, I shall in the next place deliver somewhat of Electrical, and such as may seem to have attraction like the other. Hereof we shall also deliver what particularly spoken or not generally known is manifestly or probably true, what generally believed is also false or dubious. Now by Electrical bodies, I understand not such as are Metallical, mentioned by _Pliny_, and the Ancients; for their Electrum was a mixture made of Gold, with the Addition of a fifth part of Silver; a substance now as unknown as true _Aurichalc.u.m_, or _Corinthian_ Bra.s.s, and set down among things lost by _Pancirollus_. Nor by Electrick Bodies do I conceive such only as take up shavings, straws, and light bodies, in which number the Ancients only placed _Jet_ and _Amber_; but such as conveniently placed unto their objects attract all bodies palpable whatsoever. I say conveniently placed, that is, in regard of the object, that it be not too ponderous, or any way affixed; in regard of the Agent, that it be not foul or sullied, but wiped, rubbed, and excitated; in regard of both, that they be conveniently distant, and no impediment interposed. I say, all bodies palpable, thereby excluding fire, which indeed it will not attract, nor yet draw through it; for fire consumes its effluxions by which it should attract.

Now although in this rank but two were commonly mentioned by the Ancients, _Gilbertus_ discovereth many more; as _Diamonds_, _Saphyrs_, _Carbuncles_, _Iris_, _Opalls_, _Amethysts_, _Beril_, _Crystal_, _Bristol-stones_, _Sulphur_, _Mastick_, hard _Wax_, hard _Rosin_, _a.r.s.enic_, _Sal-gemm_, _Roch-Allum_, common Gla.s.s, _Stibium_, or Gla.s.s of _Antimony_. Unto these Cabeus addeth white Wax, _Gum Elemi_, _Gum Guaici_, _Pix Hispanica_, and _Gipsum_. And unto these we add _Gum Anime_, _Benjamin_, _Talc.u.m_, _China-dishes_, _Sandaraca_, _Turpentine_, _Styrax Liquida_, and _Caranna_ dried into a hard consistence. And the same attraction we find, not onely in simple bodies, but such as are much compounded; as in the _Oxycroceum_ plaister, and obscurely that _ad Herniam_, and _Gratia Dei_; all which smooth and rightly prepared, will discover a sufficient power to stir the Needle, setled freely upon a well-pointed pin; and so as the Electrick may be applied unto it without all disadvantage.

But the attraction of these Electricks we observe to be very different.

Resinous or unctuous bodies, and such as will flame, attract most vigorously, and most thereof without frication; as _Anime_, _Benjamin_, and most powerfully good hard Wax, which will convert the Needle almost as actively as the Loadstone. And we believe that all or most of this substance if reduced to hardness, tralucency or clearness, would have some attractive quality. But juices concrete, or Gums easily dissolving in water, draw not at all: as _Aloe_, _Opium_, _Sanguis Draconis_, _Lacca_, _Calbanum_, _Sagapenum_. Many stones also both precious and vulgar, although terse and smooth, have not this power attractive: as _Emeralds_, _Pearl_, _Jaspis_, _Corneleans_, _Agathe_, _Heliotropes_, _Marble_, _Alablaster_, _Touchstone_, _Flint_, and _Bezoar_. Gla.s.s attracts but weakly, though clear; some slick stones and thick Gla.s.ses indifferently: _a.r.s.enic_ but weakly, so likewise Gla.s.s of _Antimony_, but _Crocus Metallorum_ not at all. Salts generally but weakly, as _Sal Gemma_, _Allum_, and also _Talke_; nor very discoverably by any frication, but if gently warmed at the fire, and wiped with a dry cloth, they will better discover their Electricities.

No Metal attracts, nor Animal concretion we know, although polite and smooth; as we have made trial in _Elks_ Hoofs, Hawks-Talons, the Sword of a _Sword-fish_, _Tortois-sh.e.l.ls_, _Sea-horse_, and _Elephants_ Teeth, in Bones, in _Harts-horn_, and what is usually conceived _Unicorns-horn_. No Wood though never so hard and polished, although out of some thereof Electrick bodies proceed; as _Ebony_, _Box_, _Lignum vitae_, _Cedar_, _etc._ And although _Jet_ and _Amber_ be reckoned among _Bitumens_, yet neither do we find _Asphaltus_, that is, _Bitumens_ of _Judea_, nor _Sea-cole_, nor _Camphire_, nor _Mummia_ to attract, although we have tried in large and polished pieces. Now this attraction have we tried in straws and paleous bodies, in Needles of Iron, equilibrated, Powders of Wood and Iron, in Gold and Silver foliate. And not only in solid but fluent and liquid bodies, as oyls made both by expression and distillation; in Water, in spirits of Wine, _Vitriol_ and _Aquafortis_.

But how this attraction is made, is not so easily determined; that 'tis performed by effluviums is plain, and granted by most; for Electricks will not commonly attract, except they grow hot or become perspirable.

For if they be foul and obnubilated, it hinders their effluxion; nor if they be covered, though but with Linen or Sa.r.s.enet, or if a body be interposed, for that intercepts the effluvium. If also a powerful and broad Electrick of Wax or _Anime_ be held over fine powder, the Atoms or small particles will ascend most numerously unto it; and if the Electrick be held unto the light, it may be observed that many thereof will fly, and be as it were discharged from the Electrick to the distance sometime of two or three inches. Which motion is performed by the breath of the effluvium issuing with agility; for as the Electrick cooleth, the projection of the Atoms ceaseth.

[Sidenote: Cabeus _his way for attraction in bodies Electrick_.]

The manner hereof _Cabeus_ wittily attempteth, affirming that this effluvium attenuateth and impelleth the neighbor air, which returning home in a gyration, carrieth with it the obvious bodies unto the Electrick. And this he labours to confirm by experiments; for if the straws be raised by a vigorous Electrick, they do appear to wave and turn in their ascents. If likewise the Electrick be broad, and the straws light and chaffy, and held at a reasonable distance, they will not arise unto the middle, but rather adhere toward the Verge or Borders thereof. And lastly, if many straws be laid together, and a nimble Electrick approach, they will not all arise unto it, but some will commonly start aside, and be whirled a reasonable distance from it. Now that the air impelled returns unto its place in a gyration or whirling, is evident from the Atoms or Motes in the Sun. For when the Sun so enters a hole or window, that by its illumination the Atoms or Motes become perceptible, if then by our breath the air be gently impelled, it may be perceived, that they will circularly return and in a gyration unto their places again.

[Sidenote: _The way of Sir_ Kenelm Digby.]

Another way of their attraction is also delivered; that is, by a tenuous emanation or continued effluvium, which after some distance retracteth into it self; as is observable in drops of Syrups, Oyl, and seminal Viscosities, which spun at length, retire into their former dimensions.

Now these effluviums advancing from the body of the Electrick, in their return do carry back the bodies whereon they have laid hold within the Sphere or Circle of their continuities; and these they do not onely attract, but with their viscous arms hold fast a good while after. And if any shall wonder why these effluviums issuing forth impel and protrude not the straw before they can bring it back, it is because the effluvium pa.s.sing out in a smaller thred and more enlengthened filament, it stirreth not the bodies interposed, but returning unto its original, falls into a closer substance, and carrieth them back unto it self. And this way of attraction is best received, embraced by Sir _Kenelm Digby_ in his excellent Treaty of bodies, allowed by _Des Cartes_ in his principles of Philosophy, as far and concerneth fat and resinous bodies, and with exception of Gla.s.s, whose attraction he also deriveth from the recess of its effluction. And this in some manner the words of _Gilbertus_ will bear: _Effluvia illa tenuiora concipiunt & amplectuntur corpora, quibus uniuntur, & electris tanquam extensis brachiis, & ad fontem propinquitate invalescentibus effluviis, deduc.u.n.tur_. And if the ground were true, that the Earth were an Electrick body, and the air but the effluvium thereof, we might have more reason to believe that from this attraction, and by this effluction, bodies tended to the Earth, and could not remain above it.

Our other discourse of Electricks concerneth a general opinion touching _Jet_ and _Amber_, that they attract all light bodies, except _Ocymum_ or _Basil_, and such as be dipped in oyl or oyled; and this is urged as high as _Theophrastus_: but _Scaliger_ acquitteth him; And had this been his a.s.sertion, _Pliny_ would probably have taken it up, who herein stands out, and delivereth no more but what is vulgarly known. But _Plutarch_ speaks positively in his _Symposiacks_, that _Amber_ attracteth all bodies, excepting Basil and oyled substances. With _Plutarch_ consent many Authors both Ancient and Modern; but the most inexcusable are _Lemnius_ and _Rueus_, whereof the one delivering the nature of Minerals mentioned in Scripture, the infallible fountain of Truth, confirmeth their vertues with erroneous traditions; the other undertaking the occult and hidden Miracles of Nature, accepteth this for one; and endeavoureth to alledge a reason of that which is more then occult, that is, not existent.

Now herein, omitting the authority of others, as the Doctrine of experiment hath informed us, we first affirm, That _Amber_ attracts not Basil, is wholly repugnant unto truth. For if the leaves thereof or dried stalks be stripped into small straws, they arise unto _Amber_, _Wax_, and other Electries, no otherwise then those of Wheat and Rye: nor is there any peculiar fatness or singular viscosity in that plant that might cause adhesion, and so prevent its ascension. But that _Jet_ and _Amber_ attract not straws oyled, is in part true and false. For if the straws be much wet or drenched in oyl, true it is that _Amber_ draweth them not; for then the oyl makes the straws to adhere unto the part whereon they are placed, so that they cannot rise unto the Attractor; and this is true, not onely if they be soaked in Oyl, but spirits of Wine or Water. But if we speak of Straws or festucous divisions lightly drawn over with oyl, and so that it causeth no adhesion; or if we conceive an Antipathy between Oyl and _Amber_, the Doctrine is not true. For _Amber_ will attract straws thus oyled, it will convert the Needles of Dials made either of Bra.s.s or Iron, although they be much oyled; for in these Needles consisting free upon their Center, there can be no adhesion. It will likewise attract Oyl it self, and if it approacheth unto a drop thereof, it becometh conical, and ariseth up unto it, for Oyl taketh not away his attraction, although it be rubbed over it. For if you touch a piece of Wax already excitated with common Oyl, it will notwithstanding attract, though not so vigorously as before. But if you moisten the same with any Chymical Oyl, Water, or spirits of Wine, or only breath upon it, it quite omits its attraction, for either its influencies cannot get through, or will not mingle with those substances.

It is likewise probable the Ancients were mistaken concerning its substance and generation; they conceiving it a vegetable concretion made of the gums of Trees, especially _Pine_ and _Poplar_ falling into the water, and after indurated or hardened, whereunto accordeth the Fable of _Phaetons_ sisters: but surely the concretion is Mineral, according as is delivered by _Boetius_. For either it is found in Mountains and mediterraneous parts; and so it is a fat and unctuous sublimation in the Earth, concreted and fixed by salt and nitrous spirits wherewith it meeteth. Or else, which is most usual, it is collected upon the Sea-sh.o.r.e; and so it is a fat and bituminous juice coagulated by the saltness of the Sea. Now that salt spirits have a power to congeal and coagulate unctuous bodies, is evident in Chymical operations; in the distillations of _a.r.s.enick_, sublimate and _Antimony_; in the mixture of oyl of _Juniper_, with the salt and acide spirit of _Sulphur_, for thereupon ensueth a concretion unto the consistence of _Birdlime_; as also in spirits of salt, or _Aqua fortis_ poured upon oyl of Olive, or more plainly in the Manufacture of Soap. And many bodies will coagulate upon commixture, whose separated natures promise no concretion. Thus upon a solution of _Tin_ by _Aqua fortis_, there will ensue a coagulation, like that of whites of Eggs. [SN: _How the stone is bred in the Kidney or Bladder._] Thus the volatile salt of Urine will coagulate _Aqua vitae_, or spirits of Wine; and thus perhaps (as _Helmont_ excellently declareth) the stones or calculous concretions in Kidney or Bladder may be produced: the spirits or volatile salt of Urine conjoyning with the _Aqua vitae_ potentially lying therein; as he ill.u.s.trateth from the distillation of fermented Urine. From whence ariseth an _Aqua vitae_ or spirit, which the volatile salt of the same Urine will congeal; and finding an earthy concurrence, strike into a lapideous substance.

[Sidenote: _Of a Bee and a Viper involved in Amber._ Mart. _l._ 4.]

Lastly, We will not omit what _Bellabonus_ upon his own experiment writ from _Dantzich_ unto _Mellichius_, as he hath left recorded in his Chapter, _De succino_, that the bodies of _Flies_, _Pismires_, and the like, which are said oft-times to be included in _Amber_, are not real but representative, as he discovered in several pieces broke for that purpose. If so, the two famous Epigrams hereof in _Martial_ are but Poetical, the _Pismire_ of _Bra.s.savolus_ imaginary, and _Cardans Mousoleum_ for a Flie, a meer phansie. But hereunto we know not how to a.s.sent, as having met with some whose reals made good their representments.


Compendiously of sundry other common Tenents, concerning Mineral and Terreous Bodies, which examined, prove either false or dubious.

1. And first we hear it in every mouth, and in many good Authors read it, That a _Diamond_, which is the hardest of stones, not yielding unto _Steel_, _Emery_, or any thing but its own powder, is yet made soft, or broke by the blood of a Goat. Thus much is affirmed by _Pliny_, _Solinus_, _Albertus_, _Cyprian_, _Austin_, _Isidore_, and many Christian Writers, alluding herein unto the heart of man and the precious bloud of our Saviour, who was typified by the Goat that was slain, and the scape-Goat in the Wilderness; and at the effusion of whose bloud, not only the hard hearts of his enemies relented, but the stony rocks and vail of the Temple were shattered. But this I perceive is easier affirmed then proved. For _Lapidaries_, and such as profess the art of cutting this stone, do generally deny it; and they that seem to countenance it, have in their deliveries so qualified it, that little from thence of moment can be inferred for it. For first, the holy Fathers, without a further enquiry did take it for granted, and rested upon the authority of the first deliverers. As for _Albertus_, he promiseth this effect, but conditionally, not except the Goat drink wine, and be fed with _Siler montanum, petroselinum_, and such herbs as are conceived of power to break the stone in the bladder. But the words of _Pliny_, from whom most likely the rest at first derived it, if strictly considered, do rather overthrow, then any way advantage this effect. His words are these: _Hircino rumpitur sanguine, nec aliter quam recenti, calidoque macerata, & sic quoque multis ictibus, tunc etiam praeterquam eximias incudes malleosque ferreos frangens_. That is, it is broken with Goats blood, but not except it be fresh and warm, and that not without many blows, and then also it will break the best Anvils and Hammers of Iron. And answerable hereto, is the a.s.sertion of _Isidore_ and _Solinus_. By which account, a Diamond steeped in Goats bloud, rather increaseth in hardness, then acquireth any softness by the infusion; for the best we have are comminuible without it; and are so far from breaking hammers, that they submit unto pistillation, and resist not an ordinary pestle.

[Sidenote: Pulvis Lithontripticus.]

Upon this conceit arose perhaps the discovery of another; that the bloud of a Goat was soveraign for the Stone, as it stands commended by many good Writers, and brings up the composition in the powder of _Nicolaus_, and the Electuary of the Queen of _Colein_. Or rather because it was found an excellent medicine for the Stone, and its ability commended by some to dissolve the hardest thereof; it might be conceived by amplifying apprehensions, to be able to break a _Diamond_; and so it came to be ordered that the Goat should be fed with saxifragous herbs, and such as are conceived of power to break the stone. However it were, as the effect is false in the one, so is it surely very doubtful in the other. For although inwardly received it may be very diuretick, and expulse the stone in the Kidneys, yet how it should dissolve or break that in the bladder, will require a further dispute; and perhaps would be more reasonably tried by a warm injection thereof, then as it is commonly used. Wherein notwithstanding, we should rather rely upon the urine in a castlings bladder, a resolution of Crabs eyes, or the second distillation of Urine, as _Helmont_ hath commended; or rather (if any such might be found) a Chylifactory menstruum or digestive preparation drawn from species or individuals, whose stomacks peculiarly dissolve lapideous bodies.

2. _That Gla.s.s is poison_, according unto common conceit, I know not how to grant. Not onely from the innocency of its ingredients, that is, fine Sand, and the ashes of Gla.s.s-wort of Fearn, which in themselves are harmless and useful: or because I find it by many commended for the Stone, but also from experience, as having given unto Dogs above a dram thereof, subtilly powdered in b.u.t.ter and Paste, without any visible disturbance.

[Sidenote: _Why Gla.s.s is commonly held to be poysonous._]

The conceit is surely grounded upon the visible mischief of Gla.s.s grosly or coursly powdered, for that indeed is mortally noxious, and effectually used by some to destroy Mice and Rats; for by reason of its acuteness and angularity, it commonly excoriates the parts through which it pa.s.seth, and solicits them unto a continual expulsion. Whereupon there ensues fearful symptomes, not much unlike those which attend the action of poison. From whence notwithstanding, we cannot with propriety impose upon it that name, either by occult or elementary quality, which he that concedeth will much enlarge the Catalogue or Lists of Poisons.

For many things, neither deleterious by substance or quality, are yet destructive by figure, or some occasional activity. So are Leeches destructive, and by some accounted poison; not properly, that is by temperamental contrariety, occult form, or so much as elemental repugnancy; but because being inwardly taken they fasten upon the veins, and occasion an effusion of bloud, which cannot be easily stanched. So a Sponge is mischievous, not in it self, for in its powder it is harmless: but because being received into the stomach it swelleth, and occasioning a continual distension, induceth a strangulation. So Pins, Needles, ears of Rye or Barley may be poison. So _Daniel_ destroyed the Dragon by a composition of three things, whereof neither was poison alone, nor properly all together, that is, Pitch, Fat, and Hair, according as is expressed in the History. Then _Daniel_ took Pitch, and Fat, and Hair, and did seeth them together, and made lumps thereof, these he put in the Dragons mouth, and so he burst asunder. That is, the Fat and Pitch being cleaving bodies, and the Hair continually extimulating the parts: by the action of the one, Nature was provoked to expell, but by the tenacity of the other forced to retain: so that there being left no pa.s.sage in or out, the Dragon brake in pieces. It must therefore be taken of grosly-powdered Gla.s.s, what is delivered by _Grevinus_: and from the same must that mortal dysentery proceed which is related by _Sanctorius_. And in the same sense shall we only allow a _Diamond_ to be poison; and whereby as some relate _Paracelsus_ himself was poisoned.

So even the precious fragments and cordial gems which are of frequent use in Physick, and in themselves confessed of useful faculties, received in gross and angular Powders, may so offend the bowels, as to procure desperate languors, or cause most dangerous fluxes.

That Gla.s.s may be rendred malleable and pliable unto the hammer, many conceive, and some make little doubt, when they read in _Dio_, _Pliny_, and _Petronius_, that one unhappily effected it for _Tiberius_. Which notwithstanding must needs seem strange unto such as consider, that bodies are ductile from a tenacious humidity, which so holdeth the parts together; that though they dilate or extend, they part not from each others. That bodies run into Gla.s.s, when the volatile parts are exhaled, and the continuating humour separated: the Salt and Earth, that is, the fixed parts remaining. And therefore vitrification maketh bodies brittle, as destroying the viscous humours which hinder the disruption of parts. Which may be verified even in the bodies of Metals. For Gla.s.s of Lead or Tin is fragile, when that glutinous Sulphur hath been fired out, which made their bodies ductile.

He that would most probably attempt it, must experiment upon Gold. Whose fixed and flying parts are so conjoined, whose Sulphur and continuating principle is so united unto the Salt, that some may be hoped to remain to hinder fragility after vitrification. But how to proceed, though after frequent corrosion, as that upon the agency of fire, it should not revive into its proper body before it comes to vitrifie, will prove no easie discovery.

3. That Gold inwardly taken, either in substance, infusion, decoction or extinction, is a cordial of great efficacy, in sundry Medical uses, although a practice much used, is also much questioned, and by no man determined beyond dispute. There are hereof I perceive two extream opinions; some excessively magnifying it, and probably beyond its deserts; others extreamly vilifying it, and perhaps below its demerits.

Some affirming it a powerful Medicine in many diseases, others averring that so used, it is effectual in none: and in this number are very eminent Physicians, _Erastus_, _Duretus_, _Rondeletius_, _Bra.s.savolus_ and many other, who beside the strigments and sudorous adhesions from mens hands, acknowledge that nothing proceedeth from Gold in the usual decoction thereof. Now the capital reason that led men unto this opinion, was their observation of the inseparable nature of Gold; it being excluded in the same quant.i.ty as it was received, without alteration of parts, or diminution of its gravity.

Now herein to deliver somewhat which in a middle way may be entertained; we first affirm, that the substance of Gold is invincible by the powerfullest action of natural heat; and that not only alimentally in a substantial mutation, but also medicamentally in any corporeal conversion. As is very evident, not only in the swallowing of golden bullets, but in the lesser and foliate divisions thereof: pa.s.sing the stomach and guts even as it doth the throat, that is, without abatement of weight or consistence. So that it entereth not the veins with those electuaries, wherein it is mixed: but taketh leave of the permeant parts, at the mouths of the _Meseraicks_, or Lacteal Vessels, and accompanieth the inconvertible portion unto the siege. Nor is its substantial conversion expectible in any composition or aliment wherein it is taken. And therefore that was truly a starving absurdity, which befel the wishes of _Midas_. And little credit there is to be given to the golden Hen, related by _Wendlerus_. So in the extinction of Gold, we must not conceive it parteth with any of its salt or dissoluble principle thereby, as we may affirm of Iron; for the parts thereof are fixed beyond division, nor will they separate upon the strongest test of fire. This we affirm of pure Gold: for that which is currant and pa.s.seth in stamp amongst us, by reason of its allay, which is a proportion of Silver or Copper mixed therewith, is actually dequant.i.tated by fire, and possibly by frequent extinction.

Secondly, Although the substance of Gold be not immuted or its gravity sensibly decreased, yet that from thence some vertue may proceed either in substantial reception or infusion we cannot safely deny. For possible it is that bodies may emit vertue and operation without abatement of weight; as is evident in the Loadstone, whose effluencies are continual, and communicable without a minoration of gravity. And the like is observable in Bodies electrical, whose emissions are less subtile. So will a Diamond or Saphire emit an effluvium sufficient to move the Needle or a Straw, without diminution of weight. Nor will polished Amber although it send forth a gross and corporal exhalement, be found a long time defective upon the exactest scales. Which is more easily conceivable in a continued and tenacious effluvium, whereof a great part retreats into its body.

Thirdly, If amulets do work by emanations from their bodies, upon those parts whereunto they are appended, and are not yet observed to abate their weight; if they produce visible and real effects by imponderous and invisible emissions, it may be unjust to deny the possible efficacy of Gold, in the non-omission of weight, or deperdition of any ponderous particles.

Lastly, Since _Stibium_ or Gla.s.s of Antimony, since also its _Regulus_ will manifestly communicate unto Water or Wine, a purging and vomitory operation; and yet the body it self, though after iterated infusions, cannot be found to abate either vertue or weight: we shall not deny but Gold may do the like, that is, impart some effluences unto the infusion, which carry with them the separable subtilties thereof.

That therefore this Metal thus received, hath any undeniable effect, we shall not imperiously determine, although beside the former experiments, many more may induce us to believe it. But since the point is dubious and not yet authentically decided, it will be no discretion to depend on disputable remedies; but rather in cases of known danger, to have recourse unto medicines of known and approved activity. For, beside the benefit accruing unto the sick, hereby may be avoided a gross and frequent errour, commonly committed in the use of doubtful remedies, conjointly with those which are of approved vertues; that is to impute the cure unto the conceited remedy, or place it on that whereon they place their opinion. Whose operation although it be nothing, or its concurrence not considerable, yet doth it obtain the name of the whole cure: and carrieth often the honour of the capital energie, which had no finger in it.

Herein exact and critical trial should be made by publick enjoinment, whereby determination might be setled beyond debate: for since thereby not only the bodies of men, but great Treasures might be preserved, it is not only an errour of Physick, but folly of State, to doubt thereof any longer.

4. That a pot full of ashes, will still contain as much water as it would without them, although by _Aristotle_ in his Problems taken for granted, and so received by most, is not effectable upon the strictest experiment I could ever make. For when the airy intersticies are filled, and as much of the salt of the ashes as the water will imbibe is dissolved, there remains a gross and terreous portion at the bottom, which will possess a s.p.a.ce by it self, according whereto there will remain a quant.i.ty of Water not receivable; so will it come to pa.s.s in a pot of salt, although decrepitated; and so also in a pot of Snow. For so much it will want in reception, as its solution taketh up, according unto the bulk whereof, there will remain a portion of Water not to be admitted. So a Gla.s.s stuffed with pieces of Sponge will want about a sixth part of what it would receive without it. So Sugar will not dissolve beyond the capacity of the Water, nor a Metal in _aqua fortis_ be corroded beyond its reception. And so a pint of salt of Tartar exposed unto a moist air until it dissolve, will make far more liquor, or as some term it oyl, then the former measure will contain.

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