
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla Part 4

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Fig. 77 is a part sectional view of the two motors; Fig. 78 an end view of the synchronizing motor; Fig. 79 an end view and part section of the torque or double-circuit motor; Fig. 80 a diagram of the circuit connections employed; and Figs. 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85 are diagrams of modified dispositions of the two motors.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 77.]

Inasmuch as neither motor is doing any work while the current is acting upon the other, the two armatures are rigidly connected, both being mounted upon the same shaft A, the field-magnets B of the synchronizing and C of the torque motor being secured to the same base D. The preferably larger synchronizing motor has polar projections on its armature, which rotate in very close proximity to the poles of the field, and in other respects it conforms to the conditions that are necessary to secure synchronous action. The pole-pieces of the armature are, however, wound with closed coils E, as this obviates the employment of sliding contacts. The smaller or torque motor, on the other hand, has, preferably, a cylindrical armature F, without polar projections and wound with closed coils G. The field-coils of the torque motor are connected up in two series H and I, and the alternating current from the generator is directed through or divided between these two circuits in any manner to produce a progression of the poles or points of maximum magnetic effect. This result is secured by connecting the two motor-circuits in derivation with the circuit from the generator, inserting in one motor circuit a dead resistance and in the other a self-induction coil, by which means a difference in phase between the two divisions of the current is secured. If both motors have the same number of field poles, the torque motor for a given number of alternations will tend to run at double the speed of the other, for, a.s.suming the connections to be such as to give the best results, its poles are divided into two series and the number of poles is virtually reduced one-half, which being acted upon by the same number of alternations tend to rotate the armature at twice the speed. By this means the main armature is more easily brought to or above the required speed. When the speed necessary for synchronism is imparted to the main motor, the current is shifted from the torque motor into the other.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 78.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 79.]

A convenient arrangement for carrying out this invention is shown in Fig. 80, in which J J are the field coils of the synchronizing, and H I the field coils of the torque motor. L L' are the conductors of the main line. One end of, say, coils H is connected to wire L through a self-induction coil M. One end of the other set of coils I is connected to the same wire through a dead resistance N. The opposite ends of these two circuits are connected to the contact m of a switch, the handle or lever of which is in connection with the line-wire L'. One end of the field circuit of the synchronizing motor is connected to the wire L. The other terminates in the switch-contact n. From the diagram it will be readily seen that if the lever P be turned upon contact m, the torque motor will start by reason of the difference of phase between the currents in its two energizing circuits. Then when the desired speed is attained, if the lever P be shifted upon contact n the entire current will pa.s.s through the field coils of the synchronizing motor and the other will be doing no work.

The torque motor may be constructed and operated in various ways, many of which have already been touched upon. It is not necessary that one motor be cut out of circuit while the other is in, for both may be acted upon by current at the same time, and Mr. Tesla has devised various dispositions or arrangements of the two motors for accomplishing this. Some of these arrangements are ill.u.s.trated in Figs. 81 to 85.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 80.]

Referring to Fig. 81, let T designate the torque or multiple circuit motor and S the synchronizing motor, L L' being the line-wires from a source of alternating current. The two circuits of the torque motor of different degrees of self-induction, and designated by N M, are connected in derivation to the wire L. They are then joined and connected to the energizing circuit of the synchronizing motor, the opposite terminal of which is connected to wire L'. The two motors are thus in series. To start them Mr. Tesla short-circuits the synchronizing motor by a switch P', throwing the whole current through the torque motor. Then when the desired speed is reached the switch P' is opened, so that the current pa.s.ses through both motors. In such an arrangement as this it is obviously desirable for economical and other reasons that a proper relation between the speeds of the two motors should be observed.

In Fig. 82 another disposition is ill.u.s.trated. S is the synchronizing motor and T the torque motor, the circuits of both being in parallel. W is a circuit also in derivation to the motor circuits and containing a switch P". S' is a switch in the synchronizing motor circuit. On the start the switch S' is opened, cutting out the motor S. Then P" is opened, throwing the entire current through the motor T, giving it a very strong torque. When the desired speed is reached, switch S' is closed and the current divides between both motors. By means of switch P" both motors may be cut out.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85.]

In Fig. 83 the arrangement is substantially the same, except that a switch T' is placed in the circuit which includes the two circuits of the torque motor. Fig. 84 shows the two motors in series, with a shunt around both containing a switch S T. There is also a shunt around the synchronizing motor S, with a switch P'. In Fig. 85 the same disposition is shown; but each motor is provided with a shunt, in which are switches P' and T", as shown.



We now come to a new cla.s.s of motors in which resort is had to condensers for the purpose of developing the required difference of phase and neutralizing the effects of self-induction. Mr. Tesla early began to apply the condenser to alternating apparatus, in just how many ways can only be learned from a perusal of other portions of this volume, especially those dealing with his high frequency work.

Certain laws govern the action or effects produced by a condenser when connected to an electric circuit through which an alternating or in general an undulating current is made to pa.s.s. Some of the most important of such effects are as follows: First, if the terminals or plates of a condenser be connected with two points of a circuit, the potentials of which are made to rise and fall in rapid succession, the condenser allows the pa.s.sage, or more strictly speaking, the transference of a current, although its plates or armatures may be so carefully insulated as to prevent almost completely the pa.s.sage of a current of unvarying strength or direction and of moderate electromotive force. Second, if a circuit, the terminals of which are connected with the plates of the condenser, possess a certain self-induction, the condenser will overcome or counteract to a greater or less degree, dependent upon well-understood conditions, the effects of such self-induction. Third, if two points of a closed or complete circuit through which a rapidly rising and falling current flows be shunted or bridged by a condenser, a variation in the strength of the currents in the branches and also a difference of phase of the currents therein is produced. These effects Mr. Tesla has utilized and applied in a variety of ways in the construction and operation of his motors, such as by producing a difference in phase in the two energizing circuits of an alternating current motor by connecting the two circuits in derivation and connecting up a condenser in series in one of the circuits. A further development, however, possesses certain novel features of practical value and involves a knowledge of facts less generally understood. It comprises the use of a condenser or condensers in connection with the induced or armature circuit of a motor and certain details of the construction of such motors. In an alternating current motor of the type particularly referred to above, or in any other which has an armature coil or circuit closed upon itself, the latter represents not only an inductive resistance, but one which is periodically varying in value, both of which facts complicate and render difficult the attainment of the conditions best suited to the most efficient working conditions; in other words, they require, first, that for a given inductive effect upon the armature there should be the greatest possible current through the armature or induced coils, and, second, that there should always exist between the currents in the energizing and the induced circuits a given relation of phase. Hence whatever tends to decrease the self-induction and increase the current in the induced circuits will, other things being equal, increase the output and efficiency of the motor, and the same will be true of causes that operate to maintain the mutual attractive effect between the field magnets and armature at its maximum. Mr. Tesla secures these results by connecting with the induced circuit or circuits a condenser, in the manner described below, and he also, with this purpose in view, constructs the motor in a special manner.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 86.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 88.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 89.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 87.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 90.]

Referring to the drawings, Fig. 86, is a view, mainly diagrammatic, of an alternating current motor, in which the present principle is applied. Fig. 87 is a central section, in line with the shaft, of a special form of armature core. Fig. 88 is a similar section of a modification of the same. Fig. 89 is one of the sections of the core detached. Fig. 90 is a diagram showing a modified disposition of the armature or induced circuits.

The general plan of the invention is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 86. A A in this figure represent the the frame and field magnets of an alternating current motor, the poles or projections of which are wound with coils B and C, forming independent energizing circuits connected either to the same or to independent sources of alternating currents, so that the currents flowing through the circuits, respectively, will have a difference of phase. Within the influence of this field is an armature core D, wound with coils E. In motors of this description heretofore these coils have been closed upon themselves, or connected in a closed series; but in the present case each coil or the connected series of coils terminates in the opposite plates of a condenser F. For this purpose the ends of the series of coils are brought out through the shaft to collecting rings G, which are connected to the condenser by contact brushes H and suitable conductors, the condenser being independent of the machine. The armature coils are wound or connected in such manner that adjacent coils produce opposite poles.

The action of this motor and the effect of the plan followed in its construction are as follows: The motor being started in operation and the coils of the field magnets being traversed by alternating currents, currents are induced in the armature coils by one set of field coils, as B, and the poles thus established are acted upon by the other set, as C. The armature coils, however, have necessarily a high self-induction, which opposes the flow of the currents thus set up. The condenser F not only permits the pa.s.sage or transference of these currents, but also counteracts the effects of self-induction, and by a proper adjustment of the capacity of the condenser, the self-induction of the coils, and the periods of the currents, the condenser may be made to overcome entirely the effect of self-induction.

It is preferable on account of the undesirability of using sliding contacts of any kind, to a.s.sociate the condenser with the armature directly, or make it a part of the armature. In some cases Mr. Tesla builds up the armature of annular plates K K, held by bolts L between heads M, which are secured to the driving shaft, and in the hollow s.p.a.ce thus formed he places a condenser F, generally by winding the two insulated plates spirally around the shaft. In other cases he utilizes the plates of the core itself as the plates of the condenser. For example, in Figs. 88 and 89, N is the driving shaft, M M are the heads of the armature-core, and K K' the iron plates of which the core is built up. These plates are insulated from the shaft and from one another, and are held together by rods or bolts L. The bolts pa.s.s through a large hole in one plate and a small hole in the one next adjacent, and so on, connecting electrically all of plates K, as one armature of a condenser, and all of plates K' as the other.

To either of the condensers above described the armature coils may be connected, as explained by reference to Fig. 86.

In motors in which the armature coils are closed upon themselves--as, for example, in any form of alternating current motor in which one armature coil or set of coils is in the position of maximum induction with respect to the field coils or poles, while the other is in the position of minimum induction--the coils are best connected in one series, and two points of the circuit thus formed are bridged by a condenser. This is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 90, in which E represents one set of armature coils and E' the other. Their points of union are joined through a condenser F. It will be observed that in this disposition the self-induction of the two branches E and E' varies with their position relatively to the field magnet, and that each branch is alternately the predominating source of the induced current. Hence the effect of the condenser F is twofold. First, it increases the current in each of the branches alternately, and, secondly, it alters the phase of the currents in the branches, this being the well-known effect which results from such a disposition of a condenser with a circuit, as above described. This effect is favorable to the proper working of the motor, because it increases the flow of current in the armature circuits due to a given inductive effect, and also because it brings more nearly into coincidence the maximum magnetic effects of the coacting field and armature poles.

It will be understood, of course, that the causes that contribute to the efficiency of condensers when applied to such uses as the above must be given due consideration in determining the practicability and efficiency of the motors. Chief among these is, as is well known, the periodicity of the current, and hence the improvements described are more particularly adapted to systems in which a very high rate of alternation or change is maintained.

Although this invention has been ill.u.s.trated in connection with a special form of motor, it will be understood that it is equally applicable to any other alternating current motor in which there is a closed armature coil wherein the currents are induced by the action of the field, and the feature of utilizing the plates or sections of a magnetic core for forming the condenser is applicable, generally, to other kinds of alternating current apparatus.



If the field or energizing circuits of a rotary phase motor be both derived from the same source of alternating currents and a condenser of proper capacity be included in one of the same, approximately, the desired difference of phase may be obtained between the currents flowing directly from the source and those flowing through the condenser; but the great size and expense of condensers for this purpose that would meet the requirements of the ordinary systems of comparatively low potential are particularly prohibitory to their employment.

Another, now well-known, method or plan of securing a difference of phase between the energizing currents of motors of this kind is to induce by the currents in one circuit those in the other circuit or circuits; but as no means had been proposed that would secure in this way between the phases of the primary or inducing and the secondary or induced currents that difference--theoretically ninety degrees--that is best adapted for practical and economical working, Mr. Tesla devised a means which renders practicable both the above described plans or methods, and by which he is enabled to obtain an economical and efficient alternating current motor. His invention consists in placing a condenser in the secondary or induced circuit of the motor above described and raising the potential of the secondary currents to such a degree that the capacity of the condenser, which is in part dependent on the potential, need be quite small. The value of this condenser is determined in a well-understood manner with reference to the self-induction and other conditions of the circuit, so as to cause the currents which pa.s.s through it to differ from the primary currents by a quarter phase.

Fig. 91 ill.u.s.trates the invention as embodied in a motor in which the inductive relation of the primary and secondary circuits is secured by winding them inside the motor partly upon the same cores; but the invention applies, generally, to other forms of motor in which one of the energizing currents is induced in any way from the other.

Let A B represent the poles of an alternating current motor, of which C is the armature wound with coils D, closed upon themselves, as is now the general practice in motors of this kind. The poles A, which alternate with poles B, are wound with coils of ordinary or coa.r.s.e wire E in such direction as to make them of alternate north and south polarity, as indicated in the diagram by the characters N S. Over these coils, or in other inductive relation to the same, are wound long fine-wire coils F F, and in the same direction throughout as the coils E. These coils are secondaries, in which currents of very high potential are induced. All the coils E in one series are connected, and all the secondaries F in another.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 91.]

On the intermediate poles B are wound fine-wire energizing coils G, which are connected in series with one another, and also with the series of secondary coils F, the direction of winding being such that a current-impulse induced from the primary coils E imparts the same magnetism to the poles B as that produced in poles A by the primary impulse. This condition is indicated by the characters N' S'.

In the circuit formed by the two sets of coils F and G is introduced a condenser H; otherwise this circuit is closed upon itself, while the free ends of the circuit of coils E are connected to a source of alternating currents. As the condenser capacity which is needed in any particular motor of this kind is dependent upon the rate of alternation or the potential, or both, its size or cost, as before explained, may be brought within economical limits for use with the ordinary circuits if the potential of the secondary circuit in the motor be sufficiently high. By giving to the condenser proper values, any desired difference of phase between the primary and secondary energizing circuits may be obtained.



Applying the polyphase principle to the construction of transformers as well to the motors already noticed, Mr. Tesla has invented some very interesting forms, which he considers free from the defects of earlier and, at present, more familiar forms. In these transformers he provides a series of inducing coils and corresponding induced coils, which are generally wound upon a core closed upon itself, usually a ring of laminated iron.

The two sets of coils are wound side by side or superposed or otherwise placed in well-known ways to bring them into the most effective relations to one another and to the core. The inducing or primary coils wound on the core are divided into pairs or sets by the proper electrical connections, so that while the coils of one pair or set co-operate in fixing the magnetic poles of the core at two given diametrically opposite points, the coils of the other pair or set--a.s.suming, for sake of ill.u.s.tration, that there are but two--tend to fix the poles ninety degrees from such points. With this induction device is used an alternating current generator with coils or sets of coils to correspond with those of the converter, and the corresponding coils of the generator and converter are then connected up in independent circuits. It results from this that the different electrical phases in the generator are attended by corresponding magnetic changes in the converter; or, in other words, that as the generator coils revolve, the points of greatest magnetic intensity in the converter will be progressively shifted or whirled around.

Fig. 92 is a diagrammatic ill.u.s.tration of the converter and the electrical connections of the same. Fig. 93 is a horizontal central cross-section of Fig. 92. Fig. 94 is a diagram of the circuits of the entire system, the generator being shown in section.

Mr. Tesla uses a core, A, which is closed upon itself--that is to say, of an annular cylindrical or equivalent form--and as the efficiency of the apparatus is largely increased by the subdivision of this core, he makes it of thin strips, plates, or wires of soft iron electrically insulated as far as practicable. Upon this core are wound, say, four coils, B B B' B', used as primary coils, and for which long lengths of comparatively fine wire are employed. Over these coils are then wound shorter coils of coa.r.s.er wire, C C C' C', to const.i.tute the induced or secondary coils. The construction of this or any equivalent form of converter may be carried further, as above pointed out, by inclosing these coils with iron--as, for example, by winding over the coils layers of insulated iron wire.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 92 and 93.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 94.]

The device is provided with suitable binding posts, to which the ends of the coils are led. The diametrically opposite coils B B and B' B' are connected, respectively, in series, and the four terminals are connected to the binding posts. The induced coils are connected together in any desired manner. For example, as shown in Fig. 94, C C may be connected in multiple arc when a quant.i.ty current is desired--as for running a group of incandescent lamps--while C' C' may be independently connected in series in a circuit including arc lamps or the like. The generator in this system will be adapted to the converter in the manner ill.u.s.trated. For example, in the present case there are employed a pair of ordinary permanent or electro-magnets, E E, between which is mounted a cylindrical armature on a shaft, F, and wound with two coils, G G'. The terminals of these coils are connected, respectively, to four insulated contact or collecting rings, H H H' H', and the four line circuit wires L connect the brushes K, bearing on these rings, to the converter in the order shown. Noting the results of this combination, it will be observed that at a given point of time the coil G is in its neutral position and is generating little or no current, while the other coil, G', is in a position where it exerts its maximum effect. a.s.suming coil G to be connected in circuit with coils B B of the converter, and coil G' with coils B' B', it is evident that the poles of the ring A will be determined by coils B' B' alone; but as the armature of the generator revolves, coil G develops more current and coil G' less, until G reaches its maximum and G' its neutral position. The obvious result will be to shift the poles of the ring A through one-quarter of its periphery. The movement of the coils through the next quarter of a turn--during which coil G' enters a field of opposite polarity and generates a current of opposite direction and increasing strength, while coil G, in pa.s.sing from its maximum to its neutral position generates a current of decreasing strength and same direction as before--causes a further shifting of the poles through the second quarter of the ring. The second half-revolution will obviously be a repet.i.tion of the same action. By the shifting of the poles of the ring A, a powerful dynamic inductive effect on the coils C C' is produced. Besides the currents generated in the secondary coils by dynamo-magnetic induction, other currents will be set up in the same coils in consequence of many variations in the intensity of the poles in the ring A. This should be avoided by maintaining the intensity of the poles constant, to accomplish which care should be taken in designing and proportioning the generator and in distributing the coils in the ring A, and balancing their effect. When this is done, the currents are produced by dynamo-magnetic induction only, the same result being obtained as though the poles were shifted by a commutator with an infinite number of segments.

The modifications which are applicable to other forms of converter are in many respects applicable to this, such as those pertaining more particularly to the form of the core, the relative lengths and resistances of the primary and secondary coils, and the arrangements for running or operating the same.



Mr. Tesla has applied his principle of magnetic shielding of parts to the construction also of transformers, the shield being interposed between the primary and secondary coils. In transformers of the ordinary type it will be found that the wave of electromotive force of the secondary very nearly coincides with that of the primary, being, however, in opposite sign. At the same time the currents, both primary and secondary, lag behind their respective electromotive forces; but as this lag is practically or nearly the same in the case of each it follows that the maximum and minimum of the primary and secondary currents will nearly coincide, but differ in sign or direction, provided the secondary be not loaded or if it contain devices having the property of self-induction. On the other hand, the lag of the primary behind the impressed electromotive force may be diminished by loading the secondary with a non-inductive or dead resistance--such as incandescent lamps--whereby the time interval between the maximum or minimum periods of the primary and secondary currents is increased. This time interval, however, is limited, and the results obtained by phase difference in the operation of such devices as the Tesla alternating current motors can only be approximately realized by such means of producing or securing this difference, as above indicated, for it is desirable in such cases that there should exist between the primary and secondary currents, or those which, however produced, pa.s.s through the two circuits of the motor, a difference of phase of ninety degrees; or, in other words, the current in one circuit should be a maximum when that in the other circuit is a minimum. To attain to this condition more perfectly, an increased r.e.t.a.r.dation of the secondary current is secured in the following manner: Instead of bringing the primary and secondary coils or circuits of a transformer into the closest possible relations, as has. .h.i.therto been done, Mr. Tesla protects in a measure the secondary from the inductive action or effect of the primary by surrounding either the primary or the secondary with a comparatively thin magnetic shield or screen. Under these modified conditions, as long as the primary current has a small value, the shield protects the secondary; but as soon as the primary current has reached a certain strength, which is arbitrarily determined, the protecting magnetic shield becomes saturated and the inductive action upon the secondary begins. It results, therefore, that the secondary current begins to flow at a certain fraction of a period later than it would without the interposed shield, and since this r.e.t.a.r.dation may be obtained without necessarily r.e.t.a.r.ding the primary current also, an additional lag is secured, and the time interval between the maximum or minimum periods of the primary and secondary currents is increased. Such a transformer may, by properly proportioning its several elements and determining the proper relations between the primary and secondary windings, the thickness of the magnetic shield, and other conditions, be constructed to yield a constant current at all loads.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 95.]

Fig. 95 is a cross-section of a transformer embodying this improvement. Fig. 96 is a similar view of a modified form of transformer, showing diagrammatically the manner of using the same.

A A is the main core of the transformer, composed of a ring of soft annealed and insulated or oxidized iron wire. Upon this core is wound the secondary circuit or coil B B. This latter is then covered with a layer or layers of annealed and insulated iron wires C C, wound in a direction at right angles to the secondary coil. Over the whole is then wound the primary coil or wire D D. From the nature of this construction it will be obvious that as long as the shield formed by the wires C is below magnetic saturation the secondary coil or circuit is effectually protected or shielded from the inductive influence of the primary, although on open circuit it may exhibit some electromotive force. When the strength of the primary reaches a certain value, the shield C, becoming saturated, ceases to protect the secondary from inductive action, and current is in consequence developed therein. For similar reasons, when the primary current weakens, the weakening of the secondary is r.e.t.a.r.ded to the same or approximately the same extent.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 96.]

The specific construction of the transformer is largely immaterial. In Fig. 96, for example, the core A is built up of thin insulated iron plates or discs. The primary circuit D is wound next the core A. Over this is applied the shield C, which in this case is made up of thin strips or plates of iron properly insulated and surrounding the primary, forming a closed magnetic circuit. The secondary B is wound over the shield C. In Fig. 96, also, E is a source of alternating or rapidly changing currents. The primary of the transformer is connected with the circuit of the generator. F is a two-circuit alternating current motor, one of the circuits being connected with the main circuit from the source E, and the other being supplied with currents from the secondary of the transformer.





Before proceeding to study the three Tesla lectures here presented, the reader may find it of some a.s.sistance to have his attention directed to the main points of interest and significance therein. The first of these lectures was delivered in New York, at Columbia College, before the American Inst.i.tute of Electrical Engineers, May 20, 1891. The urgent desire expressed immediately from all parts of Europe for an opportunity to witness the brilliant and unusual experiments with which the lecture was accompanied, induced Mr. Tesla to go to England early in 1892, when he appeared before the Inst.i.tution of Electrical Engineers, and a day later, by special request, before the Royal Inst.i.tution. His reception was of the most enthusiastic and flattering nature on both occasions. He then went, by invitation, to France, and repeated his novel demonstrations before the Societe Internationale des Electriciens, and the Societe Francaise de Physique. Mr. Tesla returned to America in the fall of 1892, and in February, 1893, delivered his third lecture before the Franklin Inst.i.tute of Philadelphia, in fulfilment of a long standing promise to Prof. Houston. The following week, at the request of President James I. Ayer, of the National Electric Light a.s.sociation, the same lecture was re-delivered in St. Louis. It had been intended to limit the invitations to members, but the appeals from residents in the city were so numerous and pressing that it became necessary to secure a very large hall. Hence it came about that the lecture was listened to by an audience of over 5,000 people, and was in some parts of a more popular nature than either of its predecessors. Despite this concession to the need of the hour and occasion, Mr. Tesla did not hesitate to show many new and brilliant experiments, and to advance the frontier of discovery far beyond any point he had theretofore marked publicly.

We may now proceed to a running review of the lectures themselves. The ground covered by them is so vast that only the leading ideas and experiments can here be touched upon; besides, it is preferable that the lectures should be carefully gone over for their own sake, it being more than likely that each student will discover a new beauty or stimulus in them. Taking up the course of reasoning followed by Mr. Tesla in his first lecture, it will be noted that he started out with the recognition of the fact, which he has now experimentally demonstrated, that for the production of light waves, primarily, electrostatic effects must be brought into play, and continued study has led him to the opinion that all electrical and magnetic effects may be referred to electrostatic molecular forces. This opinion finds a singular confirmation in one of the most striking experiments which he describes, namely, the production of a veritable flame by the agitation of electrostatically charged molecules. It is of the highest interest to observe that this result points out a way of obtaining a flame which consumes no material and in which no chemical action whatever takes place. It also throws a light on the nature of the ordinary flame, which Mr. Tesla believes to be due to electrostatic molecular actions, which, if true, would lead directly to the idea that even chemical affinities might be electrostatic in their nature and that, as has already been suggested, molecular forces in general may be referable to one and the same cause. This singular phenomenon accounts in a plausible manner for the unexplained fact that buildings are frequently set on fire during thunder storms without having been at all struck by lightning. It may also explain the total disappearance of ships at sea.

One of the striking proofs of the correctness of the ideas advanced by Mr. Tesla is the fact that, notwithstanding the employment of the most powerful electromagnetic inductive effects, but feeble luminosity is obtainable, and this only in close proximity to the source of disturbance; whereas, when the electrostatic effects are intensified, the same initial energy suffices to excite luminosity at considerable distances from the source. That there are only electrostatic effects active seems to be clearly proved by Mr. Tesla's experiments with an induction coil operated with alternating currents of very high frequency. He shows how tubes may be made to glow brilliantly at considerable distances from any object when placed in a powerful, rapidly alternating, electrostatic field, and he describes many interesting phenomena observed in such a field. His experiments open up the possibility of lighting an apartment by simply creating in it such an electrostatic field, and this, in a certain way, would appear to be the ideal method of lighting a room, as it would allow the illuminating device to be freely moved about. The power with which these exhausted tubes, devoid of any electrodes, light up is certainly remarkable.

That the principle propounded by Mr. Tesla is a broad one is evident from the many ways in which it may be practically applied. We need only refer to the variety of the devices shown or described, all of which are novel in character and will, without doubt, lead to further important results at the hands of Mr. Tesla and other investigators. The experiment, for instance, of lighting up a single filament or block of refractory material with a single wire, is in itself sufficient to give Mr. Tesla's work the stamp of originality, and the numerous other experiments and effects which may be varied at will, are equally new and interesting. Thus, the incandescent filament spinning in an unexhausted globe, the well-known Crookes experiment on open circuit, and the many others suggested, will not fail to interest the reader. Mr. Tesla has made an exhaustive study of the various forms of the discharge presented by an induction coil when operated with these rapidly alternating currents, starting from the thread-like discharge and pa.s.sing through various stages to the true electric flame.

A point of great importance in the introduction of high tension alternating current which Mr. Tesla brings out is the necessity of carefully avoiding all gaseous matter in the high tension apparatus. He shows that, at least with very rapidly alternating currents of high potential, the discharge may work through almost any practicable thickness of the best insulators, if air is present. In such cases the air included within the apparatus is violently agitated and by molecular bombardment the parts may be so greatly heated as to cause a rupture of the insulation. The practical outcome of this is, that, whereas with steady currents, any kind of insulation may be used, with rapidly alternating currents oils will probably be the best to employ, a fact which has been observed, but not until now satisfactorily explained. The recognition of the above fact is of special importance in the construction of the costly commercial induction coils which are often rendered useless in an unaccountable manner. The truth of these views of Mr. Tesla is made evident by the interesting experiments ill.u.s.trative of the behavior of the air between charged surfaces, the luminous streams formed by the charged molecules appearing even when great thicknesses of the best insulators are interposed between the charged surfaces. These luminous streams afford in themselves a very interesting study for the experimenter. With these rapidly alternating currents they become far more powerful and produce beautiful light effects when they issue from a wire, pinwheel or other object attached to a terminal of the coil; and it is interesting to note that they issue from a ball almost as freely as from a point, when the frequency is very high.

From these experiments we also obtain a better idea of the importance of taking into account the capacity and self-induction in the apparatus employed and the possibilities offered by the use of condensers in conjunction with alternate currents, the employment of currents of high frequency, among other things, making it possible to reduce the condenser to practicable dimensions. Another point of interest and practical bearing is the fact, proved by Mr. Tesla, that for alternate currents, especially those of high frequency, insulators are required possessing a small specific inductive capacity, which at the same time have a high insulating power.

Mr. Tesla also makes interesting and valuable suggestion in regard to the economical utilization of iron in machines and transformers. He shows how, by maintaining by continuous magnetization a flow of lines through the iron, the latter may be kept near its maximum permeability and a higher output and economy may be secured in such apparatus. This principle may prove of considerable commercial importance in the development of alternating systems. Mr. Tesla's suggestion that the same result can be secured by heating the iron by hysteresis and eddy currents, and increasing the permeability in this manner, while it may appear less practical, nevertheless opens another direction for investigation and improvement.

The demonstration of the fact that with alternating currents of high frequency, sufficient energy may be transmitted under practicable conditions through the gla.s.s of an incandescent lamp by electrostatic or electromagnetic induction may lead to a departure in the construction of such devices. Another important experimental result achieved is the operation of lamps, and even motors, with the discharges of condensers, this method affording a means of converting direct or alternating currents. In this connection Mr. Tesla advocates the perfecting of apparatus capable of generating electricity of high tension from heat energy, believing this to be a better way of obtaining electrical energy for practical purposes, particularly for the production of light.

While many were probably prepared to encounter curious phenomena of impedance in the use of a condenser discharged disruptively, the experiments shown were extremely interesting on account of their paradoxical character. The burning of an incandescent lamp at any candle power when connected across a heavy metal bar, the existence of nodes on the bar and the possibility of exploring the bar by means of an ordinary Cardew voltmeter, are all peculiar developments, but perhaps the most interesting observation is the phenomenon of impedance observed in the lamp with a straight filament, which remains dark while the bulb glows.

Mr. Tesla's manner of operating an induction coil by means of the disruptive discharge, and thus obtaining enormous differences of potential from comparatively small and inexpensive coils, will be appreciated by experimenters and will find valuable application in laboratories. Indeed, his many suggestions and hints in regard to the construction and use of apparatus in these investigations will be highly valued and will aid materially in future research.

The London lecture was delivered twice. In its first form, before the Inst.i.tution of Electrical Engineers, it was in some respects an amplification of several points not specially enlarged upon in the New York lecture, but brought forward many additional discoveries and new investigations. Its repet.i.tion, in another form, at the Royal Inst.i.tution, was due to Prof. Dewar, who with Lord Rayleigh, manifested a most lively interest in Mr. Tesla's work, and whose kindness ill.u.s.trated once more the strong English love of scientific truth and appreciation of its votaries. As an indefatigable experimenter, Mr. Tesla was certainly nowhere more at home than in the haunts of Faraday, and as the guest of Faraday's successor. This Royal Inst.i.tution lecture summed up the leading points of Mr. Tesla's work, in the high potential, high frequency field, and we may here avail ourselves of so valuable a summarization, in a simple form, of a subject by no means easy of comprehension until it has been thoroughly studied.

In these London lectures, among the many notable points made was first, the difficulty of constructing the alternators to obtain the very high frequencies needed. To obtain the high frequencies it was necessary to provide several hundred polar projections, which were necessarily small and offered many drawbacks, and this the more as exceedingly high peripheral speeds had to be resorted to. In some of the first machines both armature and field had polar projections. These machines produced a curious noise, especially when the armature was started from the state of rest, the field being charged. The most efficient machine was found to be one with a drum armature, the iron body of which consisted of very thin wire annealed with special care. It was, of course, desirable to avoid the employment of iron in the armature, and several machines of this kind, with moving or stationary conductors were constructed, but the results obtained were not quite satisfactory, on account of the great mechanical and other difficulties encountered.

The study of the properties of the high frequency currents obtained from these machines is very interesting, as nearly every experiment discloses something new. Two coils traversed by such a current attract or repel each other with a force which, owing to the imperfection of our sense of touch, seems continuous. An interesting observation, already noted under another form, is that a piece of iron, surrounded by a coil through which the current is pa.s.sing appears to be continuously magnetized. This apparent continuity might be ascribed to the deficiency of the sense of touch, but there is evidence that in currents of such high frequencies one of the impulses preponderates over the other.

As might be expected, conductors traversed by such currents are rapidly heated, owing to the increase of the resistance, and the heating effects are relatively much greater in the iron. The hysteresis losses in iron are so great that an iron core, even if finely subdivided, is heated in an incredibly short time. To give an idea of this, an ordinary iron wire 1/16 inch in diameter inserted within a coil having 250 turns, with a current estimated to be five amperes pa.s.sing through the coil, becomes within two seconds' time so hot as to scorch wood. Beyond a certain frequency, an iron core, no matter how finely subdivided, exercises a dampening effect, and it was easy to find a point at which the impedance of a coil was not affected by the presence of a core consisting of a bundle of very thin well annealed and varnished iron wires.

Experiments with a telephone, a conductor in a strong magnetic field, or with a condenser or arc, seem to afford certain proof that sounds far above the usually accepted limit of hearing would be perceived if produced with sufficient power. The arc produced by these currents possesses several interesting features. Usually it emits a note the pitch of which corresponds to twice the frequency of the current, but if the frequency be sufficiently high it becomes noiseless, the limit of audition being determined princ.i.p.ally by the linear dimensions of the arc. A curious feature of the arc is its persistency, which is due partly to the inability of the gaseous column to cool and increase considerably in resistance, as is the case with low frequencies, and partly to the tendency of such a high frequency machine to maintain a constant current.

In connection with these machines the condenser affords a particularly interesting study. Striking effects are produced by proper adjustments of capacity and self-induction. It is easy to raise the electromotive force of the machine to many times the original value by simply adjusting the capacity of a condenser connected in the induced circuit. If the condenser be at some distance from the machine, the difference of potential on the terminals of the latter may be only a small fraction of that on the condenser.

But the most interesting experiences are gained when the tension of the currents from the machine is raised by means of an induction coil. In consequence of the enormous rate of change obtainable in the primary current, much higher potential differences are obtained than with coils operated in the usual ways, and, owing to the high frequency, the secondary discharge possesses many striking peculiarities. Both the electrodes behave generally alike, though it appears from some observations that one current impulse preponderates over the other, as before mentioned.

The physiological effects of the high tension discharge are found to be so small that the shock of the coil can be supported without any inconvenience, except perhaps a small burn produced by the discharge upon approaching the hand to one of the terminals. The decidedly smaller physiological effects of these currents are thought to be due either to a different distribution through the body or to the tissues acting as condensers. But in the case of an induction coil with a great many turns the harmlessness is princ.i.p.ally due to the fact that but little energy is available in the external circuit when the same is closed through the experimenter's body, on account of the great impedance of the coil.

In varying the frequency and strength of the currents through the primary of the coil, the character of the secondary discharge is greatly varied, and no less than five distinct forms are observed:--A weak, sensitive thread discharge, a powerful flaming discharge, and three forms of brush or streaming discharges. Each of these possesses certain noteworthy features, but the most interesting to study are the latter.

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The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla Part 4 summary

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