
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla Part 3

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The construction in detail by which this invention is ill.u.s.trated is shown in the accompanying drawings.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 60.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 61.]

Fig. 60 is a view in side elevation of a motor embodying the principle. Fig. 61 is a vertical cross-section of the motor. A is the frame of the motor, which should be built up of sheets of iron punched out to the desired shape and bolted together with insulation between the sheets. When complete, the frame makes a field-magnet with inwardly projecting pole-pieces B and C. To adapt them to the requirements of this particular case these pole-pieces are out of line with one another, those marked B surrounding one end of the armature and the others, as C, the opposite end, and they are disposed alternately--that is to say, the pole-pieces of one set occur in line with the s.p.a.ces between those of the other sets.

The armature D is of cylindrical form, and is also laminated in the usual way and is wound longitudinally with coils closed upon themselves. The pole-pieces C are connected or shunted by bridge-pieces E. These may be made independently and attached to the pole-pieces, or they may be parts of the forms or blanks stamped or punched out of sheet-iron. Their size or ma.s.s is determined by various conditions, such as the strength of the current to be employed, the ma.s.s or size of the cores to which they are applied, and other familiar conditions.

Coils F surround the pole-pieces B, and other coils G are wound on the pole-pieces C. These coils are connected in series in two circuits, which are branches of a circuit from a generator of alternating currents, and they may be so wound, or the respective circuits in which they are included may be so arranged, that the circuit of coils G will have, independently of the particular construction described, a higher self-induction than the other circuit or branch.

The function of the shunts or bridges E is that they shall form with the cores C a closed magnetic circuit for a current up to a predetermined strength, so that when saturated by such current and unable to carry more lines of force than such a current produces they will to no further appreciable extent interfere with the development, by a stronger current, of free magnetic poles at the ends of the cores C.

In such a motor the current is so r.e.t.a.r.ded in the coils G, and the manifestation of the free magnetism in the poles C is so delayed beyond the period of maximum magnetic effect in poles B, that a strong torque is produced and the motor operates with approximately the power developed in a motor of this kind energized by independently generated currents differing by a full quarter phase.



Up to this point, two princ.i.p.al types of Tesla motors have been described: First, those containing two or more energizing circuits through which are caused to pa.s.s alternating currents differing from one another in phase to an extent sufficient to produce a continuous progression or shifting of the poles or points of greatest magnetic effect, in obedience to which the movable element of the motor is maintained in rotation; second, those containing poles, or parts of different magnetic susceptibility, which under the energizing influence of the same current or two currents coinciding in phase will exhibit differences in their magnetic periods or phases. In the first cla.s.s of motors the torque is due to the magnetism established in different portions of the motor by currents from the same or from independent sources, and exhibiting time differences in phase. In the second cla.s.s the torque results from the energizing effects of a current upon different parts of the motor which differ in magnetic susceptibility--in other words, parts which respond in the same relative degree to the action of a current, not simultaneously, but after different intervals of time.

In another Tesla motor, however, the torque, instead of being solely the result of a time difference in the magnetic periods or phases of the poles or attractive parts to whatever cause due, is produced by an angular displacement of the parts which, though movable with respect to one another, are magnetized simultaneously, or approximately so, by the same currents. This principle of operation has been embodied practically in a motor in which the necessary angular displacement between the points of greatest magnetic attraction in the two elements of the motor--the armature and field--is obtained by the direction of the lamination of the magnetic cores of the elements.

Fig. 62 is a side view of such a motor with a portion of its armature core exposed. Fig. 63 is an end or edge view of the same. Fig. 64 is a central cross-section of the same, the armature being shown mainly in elevation.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 62.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 63.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 64.]

Let A A designate two plates built up of thin sections or laminae of soft iron insulated more or less from one another and held together by bolts a and secured to a base B. The inner faces of these plates contain recesses or grooves in which a coil or coils D are secured obliquely to the direction of the laminations. Within the coils D is a disc E, preferably composed of a spirally-wound iron wire or ribbon or a series of concentric rings and mounted on a shaft F, having bearings in the plates A A. Such a device when acted upon by an alternating current is capable of rotation and const.i.tutes a motor, the operation of which may be explained in the following manner: A current or current-impulse traversing the coils D tends to magnetize the cores A A and E, all of which are within the influence of the field of the coils. The poles thus established would naturally lie in the same line at right angles to the coils D, but in the plates A they are deflected by reason of the direction of the laminations, and appear at or near the extremities of these plates. In the disc, however, where these conditions are not present, the poles or points of greatest attraction are on a line at right angles to the plane of the coils; hence there will be a torque established by this angular displacement of the poles or magnetic lines, which starts the disc in rotation, the magnetic lines of the armature and field tending toward a position of parallelism. This rotation is continued and maintained by the reversals of the current in coils D D, which change alternately the polarity of the field-cores A A. This rotary tendency or effect will be greatly increased by winding the disc with conductors G, closed upon themselves and having a radial direction, whereby the magnetic intensity of the poles of the disc will be greatly increased by the energizing effect of the currents induced in the coils G by the alternating currents in coils D.

The cores of the disc and field may or may not be of different magnetic susceptibility--that is to say, they may both be of the same kind of iron, so as to be magnetized at approximately the same instant by the coils D; or one may be of soft iron and the other of hard, in order that a certain time may elapse between the periods of their magnetization. In either case rotation will be produced; but unless the disc is provided with the closed energizing coils it is desirable that the above-described difference of magnetic susceptibility be utilized to a.s.sist in its rotation.

The cores of the field and armature may be made in various ways, as will be well understood, it being only requisite that the laminations in each be in such direction as to secure the necessary angular displacement of the points of greatest attraction. Moreover, since the disc may be considered as made up of an infinite number of radial arms, it is obvious that what is true of a disc holds for many other forms of armature.



As has been pointed out elsewhere, the lag or r.e.t.a.r.dation of the phases of an alternating current is directly proportional to the self-induction and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit through which the current flows. Hence, in order to secure the proper differences of phase between the two motor-circuits, it is desirable to make the self-induction in one much higher and the resistance much lower than the self-induction and resistance, respectively, in the other. At the same time the magnetic quant.i.ties of the two poles or sets of poles which the two circuits produce should be approximately equal. These requirements have led Mr. Tesla to the invention of a motor having the following general characteristics: The coils which are included in that energizing circuit which is to have the higher self-induction are made of coa.r.s.e wire, or a conductor of relatively low resistance, and with the greatest possible length or number of turns. In the other set of coils a comparatively few turns of finer wire are used, or a wire of higher resistance. Furthermore, in order to approximate the magnetic quant.i.ties of the poles excited by these coils, Mr. Tesla employs in the self-induction circuit cores much longer than those in the other or resistance circuit.

Fig. 65 is a part sectional view of the motor at right angles to the shaft. Fig. 66 is a diagram of the field circuits.

In Fig. 66, let A represent the coils in one motor circuit, and B those in the other. The circuit A is to have the higher self-induction. There are, therefore, used a long length or a large number of turns of coa.r.s.e wire in forming the coils of this circuit. For the circuit B, a smaller conductor is employed, or a conductor of a higher resistance than copper, such as German silver or iron, and the coils are wound with fewer turns. In applying these coils to a motor, Mr. Tesla builds up a field-magnet of plates C, of iron and steel, secured together in the usual manner by bolts D. Each plate is formed with four (more or less) long cores E, around which is a s.p.a.ce to receive the coil and an equal number of short projections F to receive the coils of the resistance-circuit. The plates are generally annular in shape, having an open s.p.a.ce in the centre for receiving the armature G, which Mr. Tesla prefers to wind with closed coils. An alternating current divided between the two circuits is r.e.t.a.r.ded as to its phases in the circuit A to a much greater extent than in the circuit B. By reason of the relative sizes and disposition of the cores and coils the magnetic effect of the poles E and F upon the armature closely approximate.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 65.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 66.]

An important result secured by the construction shown here is that these coils which are designed to have the higher self-induction are almost completely surrounded by iron, and that the r.e.t.a.r.dation is thus very materially increased.



Let it be a.s.sumed that the energy as represented in the magnetism in the field of a given rotating field motor is ninety and that of the armature ten. The sum of these quant.i.ties, which represents the total energy expended in driving the motor, is one hundred; but, a.s.suming that the motor be so constructed that the energy in the field is represented by fifty, and that in the armature by fifty, the sum is still one hundred; but while in the first instance the product is nine hundred, in the second it is two thousand five hundred, and as the energy developed is in proportion to these products it is clear that those motors are the most efficient--other things being equal--in which the magnetic energies developed in the armature and field are equal. These results Mr. Tesla obtains by using the same amount of copper or ampere turns in both elements when the cores of both are equal, or approximately so, and the same current energizes both; or in cases where the currents in one element are induced to those of the other he uses in the induced coils an excess of copper over that in the primary element or conductor.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 67.]

The conventional figure of a motor here introduced, Fig. 67, will give an idea of the solution furnished by Mr. Tesla for the specific problem. Referring to the drawing, A is the field-magnet, B the armature, C the field coils, and D the armature-coils of the motor.

Generally speaking, if the ma.s.s of the cores of armature and field be equal, the amount of copper or ampere turns of the energizing coils on both should also be equal; but these conditions will be modified in different forms of machine. It will be understood that these results are most advantageous when existing under the conditions presented where the motor is running with its normal load, a point to be well borne in mind.



In this form of motor, Mr. Tesla's object is to design and build machines wherein the maxima of the magnetic effects of the armature and field will more nearly coincide than in some of the types previously under consideration. These types are: First, motors having two or more energizing circuits of the same electrical character, and in the operation of which the currents used differ primarily in phase; second, motors with a plurality of energizing circuits of different electrical character, in or by means of which the difference of phase is produced artificially, and, third, motors with a plurality of energizing circuits, the currents in one being induced from currents in another. Considering the structural and operative conditions of any one of them--as, for example, that first named--the armature which is mounted to rotate in obedience to the co-operative influence or action of the energizing circuits has coils wound upon it which are closed upon themselves and in which currents are induced by the energizing-currents with the object and result of energizing the armature-core; but under any such conditions as must exist in these motors, it is obvious that a certain time must elapse between the manifestations of an energizing current impulse in the field coils, and the corresponding magnetic state or phase in the armature established by the current induced thereby; consequently a given magnetic influence or effect in the field which is the direct result of a primary current impulse will have become more or less weakened or lost before the corresponding effect in the armature indirectly produced has reached its maximum. This is a condition unfavorable to efficient working in certain cases--as, for instance, when the progress of the resultant poles or points of maximum attraction is very great, or when a very high number of alternations is employed--for it is apparent that a stronger tendency to rotation will be maintained if the maximum magnetic attractions or conditions in both armature and field coincide, the energy developed by a motor being measured by the product of the magnetic quant.i.ties of the armature and field.

To secure this coincidence of maximum magnetic effects, Mr. Tesla has devised various means, as explained below. Fig. 68 is a diagrammatic ill.u.s.tration of a Tesla motor system in which the alternating currents proceed from independent sources and differ primarily in phase.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 68.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 69.]

A designates the field-magnet or magnetic frame of the motor; B B, oppositely located pole-pieces adapted to receive the coils of one energizing circuit; and C C, similar pole-pieces for the coils of the other energizing circuit. These circuits are designated, respectively, by D E, the conductor D" forming a common return to the generator G. Between these poles is mounted an armature--for example, a ring or annular armature, wound with a series of coils F, forming a closed circuit or circuits. The action or operation of a motor thus constructed is now well understood. It will be observed, however, that the magnetism of poles B, for example, established by a current impulse in the coils thereon, precedes the magnetic effect set up in the armature by the induced current in coils F. Consequently the mutual attraction between the armature and field-poles is considerably reduced. The same conditions will be found to exist if, instead of a.s.suming the poles B or C as acting independently, we regard the ideal resultant of both acting together, which is the real condition. To remedy this, the motor field is constructed with secondary poles B' C', which are situated between the others. These pole-pieces are wound with coils D' E', the former in derivation to the coils D, the latter to coils E. The main or primary coils D and E are wound for a different self-induction from that of the coils D' and E', the relations being so fixed that if the currents in D and E differ, for example, by a quarter-phase, the currents in each secondary coil, as D' E', will differ from those in its appropriate primary D or E by, say, forty-five degrees, or one-eighth of a period.

Now, a.s.suming that an impulse or alternation in circuit or branch E is just beginning, while in the branch D it is just falling from maximum, the conditions are those of a quarter-phase difference. The ideal resultant of the attractive forces of the two sets of poles B C therefore may be considered as progressing from poles B to poles C, while the impulse in E is rising to maximum, and that in D is falling to zero or minimum. The polarity set up in the armature, however, lags behind the manifestations of field magnetism, and hence the maximum points of attraction in armature and field, instead of coinciding, are angularly displaced. This effect is counteracted by the supplemental poles B' C'. The magnetic phases of these poles succeed those of poles B C by the same, or nearly the same, period of time as elapses between the effect of the poles B C and the corresponding induced effect in the armature; hence the magnetic conditions of poles B' C' and of the armature more nearly coincide and a better result is obtained. As poles B' C' act in conjunction with the poles in the armature established by poles B C, so in turn poles C B act similarly with the poles set up by B' C', respectively. Under such conditions the r.e.t.a.r.dation of the magnetic effect of the armature and that of the secondary poles will bring the maximum of the two more nearly into coincidence and a correspondingly stronger torque or magnetic attraction secured.

In such a disposition as is shown in Fig. 68 it will be observed that as the adjacent pole-pieces of either circuit are of like polarity they will have a certain weakening effect upon one another. Mr. Tesla therefore prefers to remove the secondary poles from the direct influence of the others. This may be done by constructing a motor with two independent sets of fields, and with either one or two armatures electrically connected, or by using two armatures and one field. These modifications are ill.u.s.trated further on.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 70.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 71.]

Fig. 69 is a diagrammatic ill.u.s.tration of a motor and system in which the difference of phase is artificially produced. There are two coils D D in one branch and two coils E E in another branch of the main circuit from the generator G. These two circuits or branches are of different self-induction, one, as D, being higher than the other. This is graphically indicated by making coils D much larger than coils E. By reason of the difference in the electrical character of the two circuits, the phases of current in one are r.e.t.a.r.ded to a greater extent than the other. Let this difference be thirty degrees. A motor thus constructed will rotate under the action of an alternating current; but as happens in the case previously described the corresponding magnetic effects of the armature and field do not coincide owing to the time that elapses between a given magnetic effect in the armature and the condition of the field that produces it. The secondary or supplemental poles B' C' are therefore availed of. There being thirty degrees difference of phase between the currents in coils D E, the magnetic effect of poles B' C' should correspond to that produced by a current differing from the current in coils D or E by fifteen degrees. This we can attain by winding each supplemental pole B' C' with two coils H H'. The coils H are included in a derived circuit having the same self-induction as circuit D, and coils H' in a circuit having the same self-induction as circuit E, so that if these circuits differ by thirty degrees the magnetism of poles B' C' will correspond to that produced by a current differing from that in either D or E by fifteen degrees. This is true in all other cases. For example, if in Fig. 68 the coils D' E' be replaced by the coils H H' included in the derived circuits, the magnetism of the poles B' C' will correspond in effect or phase, if it may be so termed, to that produced by a current differing from that in either circuit D or E by forty-five degrees, or one-eighth of a period.

This invention as applied to a derived circuit motor is ill.u.s.trated in Figs. 70 and 71. The former is an end view of the motor with the armature in section and a diagram of connections, and Fig. 71 a vertical section through the field. These figures are also drawn to show one of the dispositions of two fields that may be adopted in carrying out the principle. The poles B B C C are in one field, the remaining poles in the other. The former are wound with primary coils I J and secondary coils I' J', the latter with coils K L. The primary coils I J are in derived circuits, between which, by reason of their different self-induction, there is a difference of phase, say, of thirty degrees. The coils I' K are in circuit with one another, as also are coils J' L, and there should be a difference of phase between the currents in coils K and L and their corresponding primaries of, say, fifteen degrees. If the poles B C are at right angles, the armature-coils should be connected directly across, or a single armature core wound from end to end may be used; but if the poles B C be in line there should be an angular displacement of the armature coils, as will be well understood.

The operation will be understood from the foregoing. The maximum magnetic condition of a pair of poles, as B' B', coincides closely with the maximum effect in the armature, which lags behind the corresponding condition in poles B B.



It is well known that if a magnetic core, even if laminated or subdivided, be wound with an insulated coil and a current of electricity be directed through the coil, the magnetization of the entire core does not immediately ensue, the magnetizing effect not being exhibited in all parts simultaneously. This may be attributed to the fact that the action of the current is to energize first those laminae or parts of the core nearest the surface and adjacent to the exciting-coil, and from thence the action progresses toward the interior. A certain interval of time therefore elapses between the manifestation of magnetism in the external and the internal sections or layers of the core. If the core be thin or of small ma.s.s, this effect may be inappreciable; but in the case of a thick core, or even of a comparatively thin one, if the number of alternations or rate of change of the current strength be very great, the time interval occurring between the manifestations of magnetism in the interior of the core and in those parts adjacent to the coil is more marked. In the construction of such apparatus as motors which are designed to be run by alternating or equivalent currents--such as pulsating or undulating currents generally--Mr. Tesla found it desirable and even necessary to give due consideration to this phenomenon and to make special provisions in order to obviate its consequences. With the specific object of taking advantage of this action or effect, and to render it more p.r.o.nounced, he constructs a field magnet in which the parts of the core or cores that exhibit at different intervals of time the magnetic effect imparted to them by alternating or equivalent currents in an energizing coil or coils, are so placed with relation to a rotating armature as to exert thereon their attractive effect successively in the order of their magnetization. By this means he secures a result similar to that which he had previously attained in other forms or types of motor in which by means of one or more alternating currents he has produced the rotation or progression of the magnetic poles.

This new mode of operation will now be described. Fig. 72 is a side elevation of such motor. Fig. 73 is a side elevation of a more practicable and efficient embodiment of the invention. Fig. 74 is a central vertical section of the same in the plane of the axis of rotation.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIGS. 72 and 73.]

Referring to Fig. 72, let X represent a large iron core, which may be composed of a number of sheets or laminae of soft iron or steel. Surrounding this core is a coil Y, which is connected with a source E of rapidly varying currents. Let us consider now the magnetic conditions existing in this core at any point, as b, at or near the centre, and any other point, as a, nearer the surface. When a current impulse is started in the magnetizing coil Y, the section or part at a, being close to the coil, is immediately energized, while the section or part at b, which, to use a convenient expression, is "protected" by the intervening sections or layers between a and b, does not at once exhibit its magnetism. However, as the magnetization of a increases, b becomes also affected, reaching finally its maximum strength some time later than a. Upon the weakening of the current the magnetization of a first diminishes, while b still exhibits its maximum strength; but the continued weakening of a is attended by a subsequent weakening of b. a.s.suming the current to be an alternating one, a will now be reversed, while b still continues of the first imparted polarity. This action continues the magnetic condition of b, following that of a in the manner above described. If an armature--for instance, a simple disc F, mounted to rotate freely on an axis--be brought into proximity to the core, a movement of rotation will be imparted to the disc, the direction depending upon its position relatively to the core, the tendency being to turn the portion of the disc nearest to the core from a to b, as indicated in Fig. 72.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 74.]

This action or principle of operation has been embodied in a practicable form of motor, which is ill.u.s.trated in Fig. 73. Let A in that figure represent a circular frame of iron, from diametrically opposite points of the interior of which the cores project. Each core is composed of three main parts B, B and C, and they are similarly formed with a straight portion or body e, around which the energizing coil is wound, a curved arm or extension c, and an inwardly projecting pole or end d. Each core is made up of two parts B B, with their polar extensions reaching in one direction, and a part C between the other two, and with its polar extension reaching in the opposite direction. In order to lessen in the cores the circulation of currents induced therein, the several sections are insulated from one another in the manner usually followed in such cases. These cores are wound with coils D, which are connected in the same circuit, either in parallel or series, and supplied with an alternating or a pulsating current, preferably the former, by a generator E, represented diagrammatically. Between the cores or their polar extensions is mounted a cylindrical or similar armature F, wound with magnetizing coils G, closed upon themselves.

The operation of this motor is as follows: When a current impulse or alternation is directed through the coils D, the sections B B of the cores, being on the surface and in close proximity to the coils, are immediately energized. The sections C, on the other hand, are protected from the magnetizing influence of the coil by the interposed layers of iron B B. As the magnetism of B B increases, however, the sections C are also energized; but they do not attain their maximum strength until a certain time subsequent to the exhibition by the sections B B of their maximum. Upon the weakening of the current the magnetic strength of B B first diminishes, while the sections C have still their maximum strength; but as B B continue to weaken the interior sections are similarly weakened. B B may then begin to exhibit an opposite polarity, which is followed later by a similar change on C, and this action continues. B B and C may therefore be considered as separate field-magnets, being extended so as to act on the armature in the most efficient positions, and the effect is similar to that in the other forms of Tesla motor--viz., a rotation or progression of the maximum points of the field of force. Any armature--such, for instance, as a disc--mounted in this field would rotate from the pole first to exhibit its magnetism to that which exhibits it later.

It is evident that the principle here described may be carried out in conjunction with other means for securing a more favorable or efficient action of the motor. For example, the polar extensions of the sections C may be wound or surrounded by closed coils. The effect of these coils will be to still more effectively r.e.t.a.r.d the magnetization of the polar extensions of C.



It will have been gathered by all who are interested in the advance of the electrical arts, and who follow carefully, step by step, the work of pioneers, that Mr. Tesla has been foremost to utilize inductive effects in permanently closed circuits, in the operation of alternating motors. In this chapter one simple type of such a motor is described and ill.u.s.trated, which will serve as an exemplification of the principle.

Let it be a.s.sumed that an ordinary alternating current generator is connected up in a circuit of practically no self-induction, such, for example, as a circuit containing incandescent lamps only. On the operation of the machine, alternating currents will be developed in the circuit, and the phases of these currents will theoretically coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force. Such currents may be regarded and designated as the "unr.e.t.a.r.ded currents."

It will be understood, of course, that in practice there is always more or less self-induction in the circuit, which modifies to a corresponding extent these conditions; but for convenience this may be disregarded in the consideration of the principle of operation, since the same laws apply. a.s.sume next that a path of currents be formed across any two points of the above circuit, consisting, for example, of the primary of an induction device. The phases of the currents pa.s.sing through the primary, owing to the self-induction of the same, will not coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force, but will lag behind, such lag being directly proportional to the self-induction and inversely proportional to the resistance of the said coil. The insertion of this coil will also cause a lagging or r.e.t.a.r.dation of the currents traversing and delivered by the generator behind the impressed electromotive force, such lag being the mean or resultant of the lag of the current through the primary alone and of the "unr.e.t.a.r.ded current" in the entire working circuit. Next consider the conditions imposed by the a.s.sociation in inductive relation with the primary coil, of a secondary coil. The current generated in the secondary coil will react upon the primary current, modifying the r.e.t.a.r.dation of the same, according to the amount of self-induction and resistance in the secondary circuit. If the secondary circuit has but little self-induction--as, for instance, when it contains incandescent lamps only--it will increase the actual difference of phase between its own and the primary current, first, by diminishing the lag between the primary current and the impressed electromotive force, and, second, by its own lag or r.e.t.a.r.dation behind the impressed electromotive force. On the other hand, if the secondary circuit have a high self-induction, its lag behind the current in the primary is directly increased, while it will be still further increased if the primary have a very low self-induction. The better results are obtained when the primary has a low self-induction.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 75.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 76.]

Fig. 75 is a diagram of a Tesla motor embodying this principle. Fig. 76 is a similar diagram of a modification of the same. In Fig. 75 let A designate the field-magnet of a motor which, as in all these motors, is built up of sections or plates. B C are polar projections upon which the coils are wound. Upon one pair of these poles, as C, are wound primary coils D, which are directly connected to the circuit of an alternating current generator G. On the same poles are also wound secondary coils F, either side by side or over or under the primary coils, and these are connected with other coils E, which surround the poles B B. The currents in both primary and secondary coils in such a motor will be r.e.t.a.r.ded or will lag behind the impressed electromotive force; but to secure a proper difference in phase between the primary and secondary currents themselves, Mr. Tesla increases the resistance of the circuit of the secondary and reduces as much as practicable its self-induction. This is done by using for the secondary circuit, particularly in the coils E, wire of comparatively small diameter and having but few turns around the cores; or by using some conductor of higher specific resistance, such as German silver; or by introducing at some point in the secondary circuit an artificial resistance R. Thus the self-induction of the secondary is kept down and its resistance increased, with the result of decreasing the lag between the impressed electro-motive force and the current in the primary coils and increasing the difference of phase between the primary and secondary currents.

In the disposition shown in Fig. 76, the lag in the secondary is increased by increasing the self-induction of that circuit, while the increasing tendency of the primary to lag is counteracted by inserting therein a dead resistance. The primary coils D in this case have a low self-induction and high resistance, while the coils E F, included in the secondary circuit, have a high self-induction and low resistance. This may be done by the proper winding of the coils; or in the circuit including the secondary coils E F, we may introduce a self-induction coil S, while in the primary circuit from the generator G and including coils D, there may be inserted a dead resistance R. By this means the difference of phase between the primary and secondary is increased. It is evident that both means of increasing the difference of phase--namely, by the special winding as well as by the supplemental or external inductive and dead resistance--may be employed conjointly.

In the operation of this motor the current impulses in the primary coils induce currents in the secondary coils, and by the conjoint action of the two the points of greatest magnetic attraction are shifted or rotated.

In practice it is found desirable to wind the armature with closed coils in which currents are induced by the action thereon of the primaries.



In the preceding descriptions relative to synchronizing motors and methods of operating them, reference has been made to the plan adopted by Mr. Tesla, which consists broadly in winding or arranging the motor in such manner that by means of suitable switches it could be started as a multiple-circuit motor, or one operating by a progression of its magnetic poles, and then, when up to speed, or nearly so, converted into an ordinary synchronizing motor, or one in which the magnetic poles were simply alternated. In some cases, as when a large motor is used and when the number of alternations is very high, there is more or less difficulty in bringing the motor to speed as a double or multiple-circuit motor, for the plan of construction which renders the motor best adapted to run as a synchronizing motor impairs its efficiency as a torque or double-circuit motor under the a.s.sumed conditions on the start. This will be readily understood, for in a large synchronizing motor the length of the magnetic circuit of the polar projections, and their ma.s.s, are so great that apparently considerable time is required for magnetization and demagnetization. Hence with a current of a very high number of alternations the motor may not respond properly. To avoid this objection and to start up a synchronizing motor in which these conditions obtain, Mr. Tesla has combined two motors, one a synchronizing motor, the other a multiple-circuit or torque motor, and by the latter he brings the first-named up to speed, and then either throws the whole current into the synchronizing motor or operates jointly both of the motors.

This invention involves several novel and useful features. It will be observed, in the first place, that both motors are run, without commutators of any kind, and, secondly, that the speed of the torque motor may be higher than that of the synchronizing motor, as will be the case when it contains a fewer number of poles or sets of poles, so that the motor will be more readily and easily brought up to speed. Thirdly, the synchronizing motor may be constructed so as to have a much more p.r.o.nounced tendency to synchronism without lessening the facility with which it is started.

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The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla Part 3 summary

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