
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 72

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During the ceremony the clergyman put the following question to each bridegroom: "Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife?" and then to each bride: "Wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband?"

Afterwards each bridegroom put a ring on the fourth finger of his bride, at the same time saying: "With this ring I thee wed."

As soon as the marriage ceremony was over the bridegrooms and brides went to George's father's house, where the wedding banquet took place.

Some years afterwards George was divorced, and a year later I saw in the papers that his sister had divorced her husband.

[40] "Bride" and "bridegroom" are synonymous terms in English for persons who are _about to be_ and _have been_ married, but they are distinguished in Esperanto:

_Edzinigonto_ = A bride before marriage.

_Edziniganto_ = A bride who is being married.

_Edziniginto_, or, _novedzino_ = A bride after marriage.

(See pars. 208, 209.)



Jesaj Frazoj. Affirmative Phrases.

_Estas vere. Tio estas vera._ It is true. That is true.

_Vi estas prava._ You are right.

_Estas certe, ke ..._ It is certain that ...

_Mi estas certa pri tio._ I am sure of that.

_Mi povas vin certigi._ I can a.s.sure you.

_Mi vin certigas, ke jes._ I a.s.sure you it is so.

_Mi kredas, ke jes._ I believe so.

_Tion mi kredas._ So (that) I believe.

_Mi diras, ke jes._ I say yes.

_Vi povas kredi min (al mi)._ You may (can) believe me.

_Mi diras al vi, ke gi estas_ I tell you it is true.

_la vero_ (or, _ke estas vere_).

_Mi donas al vi mian_ I give you my word (of honour).

_parolon de honoro._

_Tio suficas._ That is sufficient.

_Estas li (si) (ili) mem._ It is he himself (she herself) (they themselves).

_Estas frue (malfrue)._ It is early (late).

_Estas ankorau tre frue._ It is still very early.

_Estas la dua (horo)._ It is two o'clock.

_Tiom pli bone._ So much the better.

Neaj Frazoj. Negative Phrases.

_Ne estas vere, ke_ ... It is not true that ...

_Estas malvere, ke_ ... It is false that ...

_Vi ne estas prava._ You are not right.

_Vi estas malprava._ You are wrong.

_Neniu tion diras._ No one says so (that).

_Li ne estas tie._ He is not there.

_Mi ne diris tion._ I did not say that (or, so).

_Mi iras nenien._ I am going nowhere.

_Ne auskultu lin._ Do not listen to him.

_La tagmango ne estas_ Lunch is not ready.


_Mi ne kredas tion._ I don't believe that.

_Ne estas eble. Neeble!_ It is not possible.

_Tio ne koncernas min._ That does not concern me.

_Vi trompas vin._ You deceive yourself.

_Mi ne farus tion, se mi_ I would not do that if I were you.

_estus vi._

_Mi ne scias bone, kion vi_ I don't quite (well) know what you _volas diri._ mean (what you wish to say).

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 72 summary

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