
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 71

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To get.

(1) I _got up_ at six, and as soon as I _got dressed_, I ordered my servant to _get_ me my horse. When the horse came, I _got on to it_, and rode to my cousin's, who _was getting ready_ for the fox hunt. We _got breakfast_, _got_ the horses _ready_, and rode off. On the way my horse _got_ a stone in its foot, so I _got off_ and _got it out_.

As the lanes were very muddy, the horses _got splashed_ with mud, we also _got very dirty_, but huntsmen _get accustomed_ to that. We soon _got to_ the rendezvous and enjoyed a good run with the hounds. (2) The girl had _got on_ a grey dress, and when I asked her from whom she _got_ it, she told me that she had tried to _get_ it at her dressmaker's, but the dressmaker said she had not _got_ a dress of that colour in stock, but would _get_ such (a dress) _made_ for her.

The girl also said that she did not give an order for the dress, and _got on_ very well without it, till at last she _got_ her mother to _get for_ her the one she had now _got on_. (3) When you have _got over_ the difficulty of _getting_ this lesson by heart, do not try to _get off_ your other lessons, for you cannot _get round_ me by pretending that you _have got through_ all your work.


To appear, know, have.

(1) Kiam li unue _aperis_ en la cambro, _sajnis_ al mi, ke li estas malprudentulo, sed poste li _sajne_ montris tiom da spriteco, ke mi ekvidis, ke mi trompigas. (2) Se la lernanto _scius_ bone sian lecionon, la instruanto lin ne punus. (3) "Kristano," li diris al mi, "vi ne _konas_ la historion de naskigo de tiu ci folio?"

"Mahometano, mi ne _konas_," mi respondis. (Krestomatio, pago 31a).

(4) Mi _sciis_, ke vi havas hundon, sed mi ne _konis_ la hundon, kiam mi gin vidis. (5) Kiam mia amiko petis, ke mi vizitu lin, li ne _sciis_, ke mi ne _konas_ lian domon; tamen mi _konis_ la straton kie li logas, kaj mi ankau _konis_ lian hundon, tial, tuj kiam mi _rekonis_ gin kusantan apud la pordo de domo, mi _eksciis_, ke tiu domo apartenas al mia amiko. (6) Mi _havas_ libron, kiun mi _devas_ redoni al la biblioteko tuj kiam mi estos traleg_inta_ gin.


To appear, know, have.

(1) When he first _appeared_ in the room, it _appeared_ to me that he was (is) a fool, but afterwards he _appeared_ to show so much wit that I perceived I was (am) mistaken. (2) If the pupil _knew_ his lesson well, the teacher would not punish him. (3) "Christian," he said to me, "you do not _know_ the story of the birth of this leaf?"

"Mahometan, I do not _know_," I answered. (4) I _knew_ that you had a dog, but I did not _know_ the dog when I saw it. (5) When my friend asked me to call upon him, he did not _know_ that I did (do) not _know_ his house; however, I _knew_ the street where he lived (lives), and I also _knew_ his dog, therefore, as soon as I _recognized_ it lying close to the door of a house, I _knew_ that that house belonged to my friend. (6) I _have_ a book which I _have_ (must) to return to the library as soon as I (shall) _have_ read it through (lit., as soon as I shall be _having_ read it through).


To bring, let, give, effect, affect.

(1) _Alportu_ al mi mian capelon kaj poste diru al Johano ke li _alkonduku_ mian cevalon. (2) La troproduktado _malaltigas_ la prezon de la komercajoj. (3) Kiam oni _sciigis_ la edzon, ke lia edzino _naskis_ filon, li _elprenis_ el sia kelo sian plej bonan vinon, por trinki al la bonfarto (au, tosti la sanon) de sia unuenaskito. La patrino _edukis_ sian filon dum lia infaneco, kaj poste la patro _instruigis_ lin en unu el la plej bonaj lernejoj en la lando. (4) Kiam la policano _liberigis_ la viron, ties frato _lasis_ lin en sian domon, kaj _mallevis_ la rulkurtenojn. (5) Li _perdis_ la sanon, tial li devis _cesigi_ multajn el siaj bonfarajoj, sed li ankorau _disdonas_ multe da mono al la malriculoj. (6) Oni _sciigis_ lin, ke li devos _atesti_, cu la virino _naskis_ filon au filinon. (7) La _efiko_ de ci tiu elpensajo, lau mia opinio (_or_, miaopinie), faros _efekton_ ne generale supozitan, car gi _faros_ radikalan sangon en multaj el niaj industrioj, kvankam kiam ili estos _tusataj_ (or, _influataj_) de gi, mi ne povas diri; kaj _efektive_ estus _afekteco_ miaparte provi certigi, kiam ci tiu _efekto efektivigos_.


To bring, let, give, effect, affect.

(1) _Bring_ me my hat, and then tell John to _bring_ my horse. (2) Overproduction _brings down_ the price of goods. (3) When they _brought news_ to the husband that his wife had _brought forth_ a son, he _brought forth_ the best wine in his cellar to drink to the well-being (or, toast the health) of his first-born. The mother _brought up_ her son during his childhood, and afterwards the father _had him brought up_ in one of the best schools in the country. (4) When the policeman _let_ the man _go_, the brother of the latter _let_ him into his house, and _let down_ the blinds. (5) His health _gave way_, so that he had to _give up_ many of his good works, but he still _gives away_ much money to the poor. (6) They _gave him notice_ that he would have to _give evidence_ whether the woman had _given birth_ to a son or a daughter. (7) The _effect_ of this invention, in my opinion, will produce an _effect_ not generally supposed, for it will _effect_ a radical change in many of our industries, although when they will be _affected_ by it I cannot say, and it would _in fact_ be _affectation_ on my part to attempt to a.s.sert when this _effect will be effected_ (realized).


Can, could, may, might, must, ought, should, would (par. 237 (_l_--_p_)).

(1) _Eble_ li venos, kaj eble ne. (2) _Cu vi permesos, ke_ mi venu morgau? Jes, mi permesos (au, jes, certe). (3) Cu vi _povos_ veni morgau? Jes, mi _povos_. (4) Cu mi _devos_ veni morgau? Ne, vi _ne devos_. (5) Cu mi _devus_ vidi (au, _estas necese, ke_ mi vidu) la kuraciston? Jes, vi _devus_ (au, jes, tre necese); vi _devus_ vidi lin jam hierau. Mi ne _povas_ lin vidi hodiau, car mi ne havas la tempon; mi _devas_ iri al la banko, mia oficejo, kaj aliaj lokoj. (6) Vi _devus_ vidi la kastelon. Mi _amus_ gin vidi, sed _estus necese ke_, mi iru sola, kaj oni _povus_ steli al mi sur la vojo. (7) Li _devis_ atenti sian laboron, car alie li _estus_ malboniginta gin.

(8) Li _devus_ atenti sian laboron pli, ol li faris, kaj tiuokaze li ne _estus_ difektinta gin. (9) Cu vi _volus_, ke mi forlasu miajn amikojn? Kompreneble ne. (10) Li _insistas_ veni; mi _ne povas_ malhelpi lin (al li). Li _venos_, se vi ne malhelpos lin. (11) Li _insistis_ veni, kvankam mi faris cion, kion mi _povis_, por malhelpi lin. Li _venus_, se vi _invitus_ lin. (12) Li _ne volis_ (li _rifuzis_) konfesi, ke li nenion vidas. Li _ne konfesus_, ke li nenion vidis, se li efektive _estus vidinta_ ion. (13) Mi skribas al li, ke li venu. Mi skribis al li, ke li venu. (14) Mi skribas (skribis) al li, _por ke li venu_.


Can, could, etc.

(1) He _may_ come, and he _may_ not. (2) _May_ I (will you allow me to) come to-morrow? Yes, you _may_ (or, yes, certainly). (3) _Can_ you come to-morrow? Yes, I _can_. (4) _Must_ I (shall I _have_ to) come to-morrow? No, you _need_ not. (5) _Ought_ I to see (or, is it necessary for me to see) the doctor? Yes, you _ought_ (or, yes, very necessary); you _ought_ to have seen him yesterday. I _cannot_ see him to-day, for I have no time; I _have_ to go to the bank, my office, and other places. (6) You _ought_ to see the castle. I _should love_ to see it, but I _should have_ (it would be necessary) to go alone, and I _might_ be robbed on the way. (7) He _had_ to pay attention to his work, for, otherwise, he _would have_ spoilt it. (8) He _ought_ to have paid more attention to his work than he did, and then he _would_ not _have_ spoilt it. (9) _Would_ you _have_ me desert my friends? Of course (I would) not. (10) He _will_ come; I _cannot_ stop him. He _will_ come if you _do_ (will) not stop him.

(11) He _would_ come, notwithstanding I did all I _could_ to stop him. He _would_ come if you invited (would invite) him. (12) He _would_ not confess that he saw (sees) nothing. He _would_ not have confessed that he saw nothing, if he really _had_ seen something.

(13) I am writing to him to come. I wrote to him to come. (14) I am writing (I wrote) to him in order that he _may_ (_might_) come.


Adverbial and Conjunctional Phrases.

(1) Ne faru tion _miakauze_ (or, _pro mi_). (2) Ciu knabo _siavice_ legu verson. (3) _Nenial_ li cesis kanti. (4) _Ial_ li forlasis sian celon. (5) _Unufoje por ciam_ mi diras al vi _denove_, ke mi ne permesos gin. (6) Mi _tute ne_ scias (tion), kion vi volas diri, _se ne_ (estas), ke vi bezonas monon. (7) Li turnis la librojn _supre malsupren_, kaj siajn posojn _el interne_, sed li ne povis trovi la leteron. (8) _Malgrau cio_ (or, _ciuokaze_) estas al mi _tute egale_, cu vi gin faros au ne. (9) _Ciuspecaj personoj_ ceestos la kunvenon, _kiel ekzemple_ n.o.beloj, negocistoj, komercistoj, butikistoj, _kaj tiel plu_ (_k.t.p._), sed, _kio ajn okazos_ (au, _ciuokaze_), mi tien iros, _pro tio_, _ke_ (au, _car_) gi farigas nur _unu fojon ciujare_. (10) Li p.e.n.i.s fari _sian eblon_, sed estis _tute senefike_. (11) _Miasurprize_, li diris al mi, ke li ne faris gin _intence_. (12) Nu, oni trovis, _ke tiel_ (Hamleto V, 1). (13) Mi vizitis lin _antau ne longe_. (14) Mi sin ne vidis _en la lasta tempo_, sed mi esperas, ke si vizitos min _pli poste_ (_post kelka tempo_).


_Adverbial and Conjunctional Phrases._

(1) Do not do that _on my account_. (2) Let each boy _in his turn_ read a verse. (3) _For no reason_ he left off singing. (4) _For some reason_ he abandoned his purpose. (5) _Once for all_, I tell you again that I will not permit it. (6) I do _not_ know _in the least_ (or, _at all_) what you mean, _unless_ it be that you want money. (7) He turned the books _upside down_ and his pockets _inside out_, but he could not find the letter. (8) _After all_, it is _all the same_ to me whether you do it or not. (9) _All sorts of_ people will be at the meeting, _as, for example_, n.o.blemen, merchants, traders, shopkeepers, _and so forth_ (_etc._), but _at all events_ I shall go there, _for_ it takes place only _once a year_. (10) He tried to do _his best_, but it was _all to no purpose_. (11) _To my surprise_, he told me that he did not do it _on purpose_. (12) Well, it was _so_ found. (13) I called upon him _lately_ (_not long ago_). (14) I have not seen her _of late_, but I hope she will call upon me _later on_.


La edzeco (par. 276).

Georgo fiancigis kun carma knabino, kaj estas edzigonta kun si jaude, kaj lia fratino estas edzinigonta samtage. La fiancino de Georgo parolis hierau kun la parohestro pri sia edzinigo, kaj li diris, ke li edzigis siajn gepatrojn antau dudek jaroj, kaj ke nenio faros al li pli grandan plezuron, ol edzinigi sin. Li proponis, ke la edzigo okazu en la paroha pregejo, kaj si respondis, ke si estas certa, ke sia fianco ravigos edzigi kun si en la sama pregejo, kie siaj gepatroj edzigis, kaj ke ankau la fratino de Georgo konsentos edzinigi tie.

La edziga tago alvenis, kaj la pregejo plenigis de ciuj edzigeblaj personoj el la vilago, fraulinoj kaj frauloj; ankau ceestis la pastredzino, kiu estas forta subtenantino de la edzeco.

Kiam la du edzinigontoj alvenis, la du edzigontoj atendis ilin en la pregejo, kaj baldau la soleno komencigis. La du geedzigontoj staris flankon ce flanko en la h.o.r.ejo kontrau la altaro. Dum la soleno la pastro metis al ciu edzigonto la jenan demandon: "Cu vi volas preni ci tiun virinon kiel vian edzinigiton?" kaj poste, al ciu edzinigonto: "Cu vi volas preni ci tiun viron kiel vian edzigiton?" Poste, ciu edziganto metis ringon sur la kvaran fingron de sia edziniganto, samtempe dirante: "Per tiu ci ringo mi vin edzinigas."

Tuj kiam la edziga soleno finigis, la novedzoj kaj novedzinoj iris al la domo de la patro de Georgo, kie farigis la edziga festo.

Je kelke da jaroj (kelkajn jarojn) poste, Georgo eksedzigis; kaj jaron pli poste, mi vidis en la jurnaloj, ke lia fratino eksedzigis sian edzon.



George became engaged to a charming girl, and is to be married to her on Thursday, and his sister is to be married on the same day.

George's fiancee spoke about her marriage to the vicar of the parish yesterday, and he said he had married her parents twenty years ago, and that nothing would give him greater pleasure than to marry her.

He proposed that the marriage should take place in the parish church, and she replied that she was certain her fiance would be delighted to be married to her in the same church where her parents had been married, and that George's sister also would consent to be married there.

The wedding day arrived, and the church was filled with all the marriageable persons of the village, maids and bachelors; there was also present the clergyman's wife, who is a strong advocate of matrimony.

When the two brides[40] arrived, the two bridegrooms[40] were awaiting them in the church, and soon the ceremony commenced. The two bridal couples stood side by side in the chancel opposite the altar.

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