
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 57

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Examples.--_Kvankam li estas rica, tamen li ne estas felica_ = Although he is rich, yet (still) he is not happy. _Mi ne povis veni hodiau, tamen mi venos morgau_ = I could not come to-day, however, I will come to-morrow. _Kvankam li perdis monon, tamen li ne mortis malriculo_ = Although he lost money, nevertheless he did not die a poor man.

Tia, ke = _Such that_.

Example.--_Mia teruro estis tia, ke mi ne povis paroli unu vorton_ = My terror was such, that I could not utter a single word.

Tial = _So_, _therefore_ (par. 150) (also adverb).

Example.--_Li rifuzis labori, tial mi eksigis lin_ = He refused to work, therefore (so) I dismissed him.

Tial, ke = _Inasmuch as_, _since_, _because_.

Example.--_Mi vin ne mallaudas, tial, ke tio ne estis via eraro_ = I do not blame you, inasmuch as (since) it (that) was not your mistake.

N.B.--Do not confuse tial, ke with tiel, ke = _so that_.

Tiam, kiam = _Then when_, _when_ (par. 151).

Example.--_Tiam, kiam mi estis rica, mi ne estis felica_, or, _Kiam mi estis rica,_ (_tiam_) _mi ne estis felica_ = When I was rich, (then) I was not happy.

Tiamaniere, ke = _In such a manner that_, _so that_.

Example.--_Parolu tiamaniere_ (or, _tiel_), _ke mi povu vin kompreni_ = Speak in such a manner (so) that I can (may be able to) understand you.

Tiel, ke = _So that_.

Example.--_Estis muro inter ili, tiel, ke ili ne povis vidi unu la alian_ = There was a wall between them so that they could not see one another.

Tiel ... ke = _So ... that_.

Example.--_Li estas tiel bona, ke li cion pardonas_ = He is so good that he pardons everything.

Tiel ... kiel = _As ... as_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Si estas tiel bona, kiel_ (_si estas_) _bela_ = She is as good as she is beautiful.

Timante, ke, or, pro la timo, ke = _For fear that_, _fearing that_, _lest_.

Example.--_Mi tion diris, timante, ke li venos_ = I said that, fearing that (lest) he would (will) come. Note the use of the future tense here. "What is my fear?" I fear he will perhaps come.

Tio estas (t.e.) = _That is_, _that is to say_, _to wit_. The initial letters are nearly always used just as we say _id est_ = _i.e._

Tiom ... ke = _So many ... that_, _so much ... that_.

Example.--_Mi havis tiom da pomoj, ke mi devis ilin fordoni_ = I had so many apples that I was obliged to give them away.

Tiom ... kiom = _As much ... as_, _as many ... as_.

Example.--_Donu al mi tiom, kiom vi povas_ = Give me as much (many) as you can.

Tuj kiam = _As soon as_, _immediately when_, _directly_.

Example.--_Mi fermis la pordon, tuj kiam li eliris_ = I shut the door as soon as (directly) he went out.


269. Interjections (_interjekcioj_) and interjectional expressions vary so considerably in force and meaning in different languages that it is impossible to translate some of them. If we translated our English interjections literally into Esperanto, many of them would have no meaning to a foreigner. The following short list appears at present to be in use, but, no doubt, as the language becomes more widely spoken, more will be added.

Adiau! = _Adieu! farewell! good-bye!_

Ah! Aha! = _Ah! hah!_

Aj! = _An exclamation of disgust_.

Antauen! = _Forward!_

Atentu! = _Look out! Take care! Attention!_

Auskultu! = _Hark! hist!_

Bis! = _Encore!_

Bone! = _Good!_

Bonvenu! Bonvenon! = _Welcome!_

Brave! = _Bravo! capital! splendid!_

Certe! = _Certainly!_

Cu estas eble! = _Is it possible!_

Cu ne! = _Isn't it! etc._ Cu! = _Is it! etc._

Cu ne vere! = _Is it not so!_

Dio gardu! = _G.o.d save us!_

Dio mia! = _G.o.d bless me!_

Dio min savu! = _G.o.d save me!_

Dio volu! = _Would to G.o.d! may G.o.d!_

Efektive! = _Really!_

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 57 summary

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