
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 23

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Tia = _such a_, _that kind of_, _of that kind_.

Tia ... kia = _such ... as_.

Examples.--_Cu vi ne havas ian libron, kiu klarigos tion?_ = Have you not some book which will explain that?

_Mi havas ian ideon kiel gin fari_ = I have some (_or_, an) idea how to do it.

_Ekster cia dubo_ = Beyond any (every sort of) doubt.

_Tiaj frazoj trovigas en ciaj libroj_ = Such (kind of) phrases are found in all kinds (sorts) of (_or_, in any) books.

_Ni ne scias, kiel ili farigis tiaj, kiaj ili estas_ = We do not know how they became what (such as) they are.

_Nenia antaua sperto estas necesa_ = No (kind of) previous experience is necessary.

_Tian virinon oni ciam estimas_ = Such a woman one always esteems.

_Mi donis al li la libron tian, kia gi estas_ = I gave him the book such as it was.

_Kiun agon li havas?_ = How old is he? (what age has he?)

_Kia estas la vetero?_ = How (what kind) is the weather?

_Komencante de (k)ia ajn momento_ = Commencing at any (whatever) moment.

_Kia bela domo!_ = What a beautiful house!

_Kiaj estas la kondicoj?_ = What are the stipulations (or terms)?

_Ili estas fieraj, ni ne estas tiaj_ = They are proud, we are not so.

_Si eksentis ion tian, kion si mem komence ne povis kompreni_ = She began to feel something such as she herself at first could not understand.

_Mi jus eksciis iajn aferojn, kiuj ne placas al mi_ = I have just learnt some things that do not please me (that I do not like).

_Jen estas la monumento tia, kian oni priskribis_ = Here is the monument such as they described.

_Via ago estas tia sama, kiel tiu de via frato_ = Your age is the same as your brother's.

N.B.--Do not confuse the series ending in _A_ with that ending in _U_.

Examples.--_Kian libron vi bezonas?_ = What (sort of) book do you want? _Kiun libron vi bezonas?_ = What (_or_ which) book do you want?

_Tia h.o.m.o_ = Such a man, that sort of man. _Tiu h.o.m.o_ = That man.

_Ciaj libroj_ = All (kinds of) books. _Ciuj libroj_ = All (_or_, all the) books. _Mi gin prenos, kia ajn gi estas_ = I shall take it whatever (sort of thing) it is.

150. Series ending in AL (motive, reason for), adverbial.

Ial = _for some reason or cause_ (_for any reason_)

Cial = _for all reasons_, _for every reason_, _for every cause_.

Ial ajn, _for any reason_ (_whatever_).

Kial = _why?_ _wherefore_, _for what reason_.

Nenial = _for no reason, or cause_.

Tial = _therefore_, _for that reason_.

Examples.--_Ial li subite forlasis Londonon_ = For some reason he suddenly left London.

_Cial tio estas la plej bona_ = For every reason that is the best.

_Kial vi ne respondis?_ = Why did you not answer?

_Li nenial cesis skribi al mi_ = He for no reason ceased writing to me.

_Si neniam volis sekvi mian konsilon, tial mi forlasis sin_ = She never would follow my advice, therefore I forsook her.

_Mi ne povas imagi kial ajn li gin faris_ = I cannot imagine why ever he did it.

151. Series ending in AM (time), adverbial.

Iam = _ever_, _at some time_ (_any time_), _once_, _one day_, _once upon a time_.

Ciam = _always_, _for all time_, _ever_, _at every time_.

Kiam = _when_, _at what time_, _as_ (relating to time).

Neniam = _never_, _at no time_.

Tiam = _then_, _at that time_.

Examples.--_Se iam mi venos_ = If ever I come (shall come).

_Ciam skribu legeble_ = Always write legibly.

_En tiaj okazoj ciam mankas io_ = On such occasions something is always wanting.

_Kiam vi skribis tiel?_ = When did you write like that (thus)?

_Kiam la pastro venos, diru al li la veron_ = When the priest comes (shall come), tell him the truth.

_Tiam, kiam mi estis rica, mi ne estis felica_, or, _Kiam mi estis rica, tiam mi ne estis felica_ = At that time when (_or_, when) I was rich I was not happy, _or_, When I was rich then I was not happy, or the sentence might be simply _Kiam mi estis rica, mi ne estis felica_ = When I was rich I was not happy.

_Mi neniam skribas longajn leterojn_ = I never write long letters.

_Mi neniam audis tion_ = I never heard that.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 23 summary

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