
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 16

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La akcento estas ciam sur la antaulasta silabo.


Compound Words.--Compound words are formed by the simple junction of words (the chief word stands at the end); the grammatical terminations are also regarded as independent words.

(See pars. 39-50.)


Vortoj kunmet.i.taj estas formataj per simpla kunigo de la vortoj (la cefa vorto staras en la fino); la gramatikaj finigoj estas rigardataj ankau kiel memstaraj vortoj.


Negation.--When another negative word is present the word _ne_ is omitted.

(See pars. 59-62.)


Ce alia nea vorto la vorto _ne_ estas forlasata.


Direction.--In order to show direction, words take the termination of the accusative.

(See par. 67.)


Por montri direkton, la vortoj ricevas la finigon de la akuzativo.


Use of Prepositions.--Every preposition has a definite and constant meaning; but if we have to use some preposition and the direct sense does not indicate to us what special preposition we are to take, then we use the preposition _je_, which has no meaning of its own.

Instead of the preposition _je_ we can also use the accusative without a preposition.

(See par. 251.)


Ciu prepozicio havas difinitan kaj konstantan signifon; sed se ni devas uzi ian prepozicion kaj la rekta senco ne montras al ni, kian nome prepozicion ni devas preni, tiam ni uzas la prepozicion _je_, kiu memstaran signifon ne havas. Anstatau la prepozicio _je_ oni povas ankau uzi la akuzativon sen prepozicio.


Foreign Words.--The so-called foreign words, that is, those which the majority of languages have taken from one source, are used in the Esperanto language without change, receiving only the orthography of the latter language; but with various words from one root it is better to use unchanged only the fundamental word, and to form the rest from this latter in accordance with the rules of the Esperanto language.

(See pars. 39, 52.)


La tiel nomataj vortoj _fremdaj_, t.e., tiuj, kiujn la plimulto de la lingvoj prenis el unu fonto, estas uzataj en la lingvo Esperanto sen sango, ricevante nur la ortografion de tiu ci lingvo; sed ce diversaj vortoj de unu radiko estas pli bone uzi sensange nur la vorton fundamentan kaj la ceterajn formi el tiu ci lasta lau la reguloj de la lingvo Esperanto.


Elision.--The final vowel of the substantive and the article can be dropped and replaced by an apostrophe.

(See pars. 56, 57.)


La fina vokalo de la substantivo kaj de la artikolo povas esti forlasata kaj anstatauigata de apostrofo.


PARTS OF SPEECH (Parolpartoj).

95. There are nine parts of speech in Esperanto, as found in most other languages, viz., the Article (Artikolo), Noun (Substantivo), p.r.o.noun (p.r.o.nomo), Adjective (Adjektivo), Verb (Verbo), Adverb (Adverbo), Preposition (Prepozicio), Conjunction (Konjunkcio), Interjection (Interjekcio).

Nouns, derived adjectives and adverbs, and verbs have distinctive terminations. If a word ends in _-O_, it is a noun; if in _-A_, an adjective; if in _-E_, an adverb; if in _-I_, _-U_, _-AS_, _-IS_, _-OS_, or _-US_, a verb. If it ends in _-N_, it is in the accusative case, and if in _-J_, it is plural.

Examples.--_Domo_ = a house. _Facila_ = easy. _Felice_ = happily.

_Doni_ = to give (Infinitive). _Batu lin_ = beat him (Imperative and Accusative). _Mi vidas la h.o.m.ojn_ = I see the men (Present tense and Accusative plural). _Vi diris_ = you said (Past tense). _Ni iros_ = we shall go (Future tense). _Se ili estus bonaj_ = If they were good (Conditional mood and plural adjective).

THE ARTICLE (La Artikolo).

96. There is no word in Esperanto for the Indefinite Article. It is, as in Latin, implied in the noun, if the sense in English requires it.

Examples.--_Tio estas floro_ = That is a flower. _Patrino kaj filo_ = Mother and son. _Cu vi vidas birdon sur tiu arbo?_ = Do you see a bird on that tree?

97. The definite article is la = _the_. It is, as in English, the same for all genders, numbers, and cases.

Examples.--_La patro_ = The father. _La patrino_ = The mother. _Donu al mi la libron_ = Give me the book. _Ili estas la lernantoj diligentaj_ = They are the diligent scholars.

98. As regards its use, la is used very nearly as the definite article "the" in English, namely, to show that one is speaking of something known or definite, as opposed to what is indefinite.

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