
The Home Book of Verse Volume Ii Part 112

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My first love was a fair girl With ways forever new; And hair a sunlight yellow, And eyes a morning blue.

The roses, have they tarried Or are they dun and frayed?

If we had stayed together, Would love, indeed, have stayed?

Ah, years are filled with learning, And days are leaves of change!

And I have met so many I knew... and found them strange.

But on the sea-lands tumbled By winds that sting and blind, The nights we watched, so silent, Come back, come back to mind...

I mind about my first love, And hear the rush and roar Of spume below the doorstep And winds upon the door.

Orrick Johns [1887-


O saw ye not fair Ines?

She's gone into the West, To dazzle when the sun is down, And rob the world of rest: She took our daylight with her, The smiles that we love best, With morning blushes on her cheek, And pearls upon her breast.

O turn again, fair Ines, Before the fall of night, For fear the Moon should shine alone, And stars unrivaled bright; And blessed will the lover be That walks beneath their light, And breathes the love against thy cheek I dare not even write!

Would I had been, fair Ines, That gallant cavalier, Who rode so gaily by thy side, And whispered thee so near!

Were there no bonny dames at home, Or no true lovers here, That he should cross the seas to win The dearest of the dear?

I saw thee, lovely Ines, Descend along the sh.o.r.e, With bands of n.o.ble gentlemen, And banners waved before; And gentle youth and maidens gay, And snowy plumes they wore: It would have been a beauteous dream,-- If it had been no more!

Alas, alas! fair Ines, She went away with song, With Music waiting on her steps, And shoutings of the throng; But some were sad, and felt no mirth, But only Music's wrong, In sounds that sang Farewell, farewell, To her you've loved so long.

Farewell, farewell, fair Ines!

That vessel never bore So fair a lady on its deck, Nor danced so light before,-- Alas for pleasure on the sea, And sorrow on the sh.o.r.e!

The smile that blessed one lover's heart Has broken many more!

Thomas Hood [1799-1845]


G.o.d be with thee, my beloved,--G.o.d be with thee!

Else alone thou goest forth, Thy face unto the north, Moor and pleasance all around thee and beneath thee Looking equal in one snow; While I, who try to reach thee, Vainly follow, vainly follow With the farewell and the hollo, And cannot reach thee so.

Alas, I can but teach thee!

G.o.d be with thee, my beloved,--G.o.d be with thee!

Can I teach thee, my beloved,--can I teach thee?

If I said, "Go left or right,"

The counsel would be light, The wisdom, poor of all that could enrich thee; My right would show like left; My raising would depress thee, My choice of light would blind thee, Of way--would leave behind thee, Of end--would leave bereft.

Alas, I can but bless thee!

May G.o.d teach thee, my beloved,--may G.o.d teach thee!

Can I bless thee, my beloved,--can I bless thee?

What blessing word can I From mine own tears keep dry?

What flowers grow in my field wherewith to dress thee?

My good reverts to ill; My calmnesses would move thee, My softnesses would p.r.i.c.k thee, My bindings up would break thee, My crownings curse and kill.

Alas, I can but love thee!

May G.o.d bless thee, my beloved,--may G.o.d bless thee!

Can I love thee, my beloved,--can I love thee?

And is this like love, to stand With no help in my hand, When strong as death I fain would watch above thee?

My love-kiss can deny No tear that falls beneath it; Mine oath of love can swear thee From no ill that comes near thee, And thou diest while I breathe it, And I--I can but die!

May G.o.d love thee, my beloved,--may G.o.d love thee!

Elizabeth Barrett Browning [1806-1861]


Thou goest; to what distant place Wilt thou thy sunlight carry?

I stay with cold and clouded face: How long am I to tarry?

Where'er thou goest, morn will be; Thou leavest night and gloom to me.

The night and gloom I can but take; I do not grudge thy splendor: Bid souls of eager men awake; Be kind and bright and tender.

Give day to other worlds; for me It must suffice to dream of thee.

John Addington Symonds [1840-1893]


I do not love thee!--no! I do not love thee!

And yet when thou art absent I am sad; And envy even the bright blue sky above thee, Whose quiet stars may see thee and be glad.

I do not love thee!--yet, I know not why, Whate'er thou dost seems still well done, to me: And often in my solitude I sigh That those I do love are not more like thee!

I do not love thee!--yet, when thou art gone, I hate the sound (though those who speak be near) Which breaks the lingering echo of the tone Thy voice of music leaves upon my ear.

I do not love thee!--yet thy speaking eyes, With their deep, bright, and most expressive blue, Between me and the midnight heaven arise, Oftener than any eyes I ever knew.

I know I do not love thee!--yet, alas!

Others will scarcely trust my candid heart; And oft I catch them smiling as they pa.s.s, Because they see me gazing where thou art.

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton [1808-1870]

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The Home Book of Verse Volume Ii Part 112 summary

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