
The English Language Part 113

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_From Schmeller._

... sin ta piqueme, Das er towian scal, Wanta sar so sih dui sela In dem sind arhevit, Ente si den lihhamun Likkan lazzit; So quimith ein heri Fona himilzungalon; Daz andar fona pehhe: {584} Dar pagant siu umpi.

Sorgen mac diu sela, Unzi diu suona arget, Za wideremo herie, Si gihalot werde.

Wanta ipu sia daz Satanazsses Kisindi giwinnit, Das leitet sia sar Dar iru leid wirdit, In fiur enti in finstri, Dazu ist reht virinlih ding.

Upi sia avar kihalont die, Die dar fona himile quemant, Enti si dero engilo eigan wirdit, Die pringant sia sar uf in himilo rihhi, Dari est lip ano tod, lioht ano finstri, Selida ano sorgun; dar nist neoman suih.

Denne der mar in pardisu Pu kiwinnit, Hus in himile, Dar quimit imu hilfa kinuok Pidiu ist durft mihhil allero manno welilihemo Daz in es sin muot kispane, Daz er kotes willun Kerno tuo, Ente h.e.l.la fuir Harto wise, Pehhes pina, Dar piut.i.t den Satanaz altist Heizzan lauc. So mac huckan za diu, Sorgen drato Der sih suntigen weiz.

We demo in vinstri scal Sino virina stuen, Prinnan in pehhe; Daz ist rehto palwig ding-- Daz man den haret ze gote, Ente imo helfa ni quimit; Wanit sih kinada {585} Diu wenaga sela Ni ist in kihuctin Himiliskin gote, Wanta hiar in werolti After ni werkota.

So denne der mahtigo khuninc Daz mahal kipannit Dara scal queman Chunno kilihhaz Denne ni kitar parno nohhein Den pan furisizzan, Di allero manno welih Ze demo mahale sculi, Der scal er, vora demo ricche, Az rahhu stantan, Pi daz er, in werolti, Kiwerkota hapeta.

Daz hort ih rahhon Dia werolt-rehtwison, Daz sculi der Antichristo Mit Eliase pagan.

Der warch ist kiwafanit; Denne wirdit untar in wik arhapan; Khensun sind so kreftic, Diri kosa ist so mihhil.

Elias strit.i.t Pi den ewigon lip, Wili den rehtkernon Daz rihhi kistarkan; Pidiu scal imo halfan Der himiles kiwalt.i.t.

Der Anticristo stet Pi dem Altfiante Stet pi demo Satanase, Der inan fa.r.s.enkan scal; Pidiu scal er in der wicsteti Wunt pivallan, Enti in demo sinde Sigalos werdan.

{586} Doh wanit des vila gotmanno, Daz Elias in demo wige arwart.i.t (werdit).

Sar so daz Eliases pluot In erda kitruifit, So inprinnant die perga, Poum ni kistent.i.t Einic in erdu, Aha artruknent, Muor varsuilhet sih, Suilizot lougui der himil Mano vallit, Prinnit mittilagart, Stein ni kistent.i.t einik in erdu.

Verit denne stuatago in lant, Verit mit diu viuriu Viriho wison, Dar ni mai denne mak andremo Helfan vora dema Muspille.

Denne daz preita wasal Allaz varprinnit, Enti viur enti luft Iz allaz arfurpit, War ist denne diu marha, Dar man dar eo mit sinem magon (Diu marha ist farprunnan Diu sela stet pidungan), Ni weiz mit win puoze; Sar verit si za wize.

Pidui ist dem manne so guot, Denne er ze demo mahale quimit, Daz er rahhono welihha Rehto arteile; Denne ni darf er sorgen, Denne er ze deru suonu quimit.

Denne varant engila; Uper dio marho, Wecchant diota, Wissant ze dinge; Denne scal manno gelih {587} Fona deru moltu arsten; Lossan sih ar dero leuuo vazzon Scal imo avar sin lip piqueman, Daz er sin reht allaz Kirahhon muozzi, Enti imo after sinen tatin Arteilet werde.

Denne der gisizzit, Der dar suonnan scal, Enti arteillan scal, Toten enti quekken, Denne stet darumpi Engilo menigi, Quotero gomono girust so mihhil.

Dara quimit ze deru rightungu so vilo dia dar arstent, So dar manno nohhein Wiht pimidan ni mak; Dar scal denne hant sprehhan, Houpit sagen, Allero lido wehh Unsi id den luzigun vinger.

Ni weiz der wenago man Wielihhan urteil er habet; Denne er mit den miaton Marrit daz rehta, Daz der tiuval darpi Kitarnit stent.i.t; Der habet in ruovu Rahhono welihha, Daz der man er enti sid Upiles kifrumita, Daz er iz allaz kisaget, Denne or ze deru suonu quimit.




Evangelium Nicodemi, xxi.

_From Thwaite's Heptateuch._

Hyt waes a swie angrislic, a a Satanas, aere h.e.l.le ealdor and aes deaes heretoga, cwae to aere h.e.l.le; "Gegearwa e sylfe, at u maege Chryst onfon; se hyne sylfne gewuldrod haef, and ys G.o.des sunu and eac man, and eac se Dea ys hyne ondraedende, and myn sawl ys swa unrot aet me inc aet ic alybban ne maeg, for ig he ys mycel wyerwynna and yfel wyrcende ongean me, and eac ongean e: and faela, e ic haefde to me gewyld and to atogen, blynde and healte, gebygede and hreoslan, eallo he fram e atyh." Seo h.e.l.l a, swie grymme and swie egeslice, answarode a Satanase am ealdan deofle, and cwae: "Hwaet is se e ys swa strang and swa myhtig, gif he man is, aet he ne sig one Dea ondraedende, e wyt gefyrn beclysed haefdon, for am ealle a e on eoran anweald haefdon u hig myd ynre myhte to me getuge, and ic hig faeste geheold; and, gif u swa mihhtig eart swa u aer waere, hwaet ys se man and se Haelend e ne sig one Dea and yne mihte ondraedende? to foran ic wat, gif he on mennyscnysse swa mihtig ys, aet he naer ne unc ne ond Dea ne ondraet, onne gefoh he e and e by aefre wa to ecere worulde." Satanos a, aes cwicsusles ealdor aere h.e.l.le andswarode, and us cwaed: "Hwaet twyne e, oe hwaet ondraedst u e one Haelend to onfonne, mynne wyerwynnan and eac ynne; Ac foron ic his costnode, and ic gedyde him aet eal aet Iudeisce folc aet hig waeron ongean him myd yrre and mid andan awehte, and ic gedyde aet he waes mid spere gesticod, and ic gedyde aet hym man dryncan mengde myd eallan and myd ecede, and ic gedyde aet man hym treowene rode gegearwode, and hyne aer on aheng, and hyne mid naeglum gefaestnode and nu aet nextan ic wylle his dea to e gelaedan, and he sceal beon undereod agwhaer ge me ge e." Seo h.e.l.l a swye angrysenlice us cwoe; "Wyte aet u swa do aet he a deadan fram me ateo, for am e her faela syndon geornfulle fram me mig, aet hig on me wunian noldon; ac ic wat aet hig {589} fram mig ne gewyta urh heora agene myhte, butan hig se aelmytiga G.o.d fram me ateo, se e Lazarum of me genam, one e ic heold deadne feower nyht faestne gebunden, ac ic hyne aeft cwicne ageaf urh his bedodu." Da andswarode Satanas and cwae: "Se ylca hyt is se e Lazarum of unc bam genam." Seo h.e.l.l hym a us to cwaep. "Eala hic halgige e uhr yne maegenu, and eac uhr myne, aet u naefre ne geafige paet he on me c.u.me, for am a ic gehyrde, aet worde his bebodes, ic was myd miclum ege afyriht, and ealle mynne arleasan enas waeron samod myd me gedrehte and gedrefede, swa aet we ni myhton Lazarum gehealdan, ac he waes hyne asceacende eal swa earn onne he myd hraedum flythe wyle for afleon, and he swa waes fram us raefende, and seo eore e Lazarus deadan lichaman heold, heo hyne cwycne ageaf, and aet ic nu wat aet se man e eall aet gedyde aet he ys on G.o.de strang and myhtig, and gif u hyne to me laedest, ealle a e her syndon on ysum waelhreowan cwearterne beclysde, and on ysum bendum myd synnum gewryene, ealle he myd ys G.o.dcundnysse fram me atyh, and to lyfe gelaet."


_From Schmid's Anglo-Saxon Laws._

is syndon a domas e aelfred se cyning geceas.

Drihten waes precende aes word to Moyse and us cwae:

1. Ic eam drihten in G.o.d. Ic e utgelaedde of aegypta land and of heora eowdome; ne lufa u ore fremde G.o.das ofer me.

2. Ne minne naman ne cig u on idelnesse, foron e u ne bist unscyldig wi me, gif u on idelnesse cigst minne naman.

3. Gemine aet u gehalgie one raestedaeg. Wyrcea eow syx dagas, and on am seofaan resta eow, u and in sunu and ine dohter and in eowe and ine wylne and in weorcynten and se c.u.ma e bi binnan inan durum. Foram on syx dagum Crist geworhte heofenas and eoran, saeas and ealle gesceafta e on him sint and hine gereste on am seofaan daege, and foron drihten hine gehalG.o.de.

4. Ara inum faeder and inre meder, a e drihten sealde e, aet u sy y leng libbende on eoran.

5. Ne slea u.

{590} 6. Ne stala u.

7. Ne lige u dearnunga.

8. Ne saege u lease gewitnesse wi inum nehstan.

9. Ne wilna u ines nehstan yrfes mid unrihte.

10. Ne wyrc u e gyldene G.o.das oe seolfrene.

11. is synd a domas e u him settan scealt. -- 1. Gif hwa gebycge Christenne eow, VI gear eowige he, e seofoan beo he freoh orceapunga. -- 2. Mid swylce hraegle he ineode, mid swilce gange he ut.

-- 3. Gif he wif sylf haebbe, gange heo ut mid him. -- 4. Gif se hlaford onne him wif sealde, sy heo and hire beam aes hlafordes. -- 5. Gif se eowa onne cwaee: nelle ic fram minum hlaforde, ne fram minum wife, ne fram minum bearne,--breng hine onne his hlaford to aere dura aes temples and urhyrlige his eare mid eale to tacne, aet he sy aefre syan eow.

13. Se man e his gewealdes monnan ofslea, swelte se deae. Se-e hine onne neades ofsloge oe unwillum oe ungewealdes, swylce hine G.o.d swa sende on his honda and he hine ne ymb syrede, sy he his feores wyre and folcrihtre bot, gif he frystowe gesece. Gif hwa onne of gyrnesse oe gewealdes ofslea his one nehstan urh syrwa, aluc u hine fram minum weofode, to am aet he deae swelte.

14. Se-e slea his faeder oe his modor, ne sceal deae sweltan.

15. Se-e frione forstaele and he hyne bebycge and hit onbetaeled sy, aet he hine bereccan ne maeg, swelte se deae. -- 1. Se-se wyrge his faeder oe his modor, swelte se deae.

16. Gif hwa slea his one nehstan mid stane oe mid fyste, and he eah utgangan maege be stafe, begyte him laece and wyrce his weorc a hwile, e he sylf ne maege.

17. Se-e slea his agenne eowne esne oe mennen, and he ne sy y daeges dead, eah he libbe twa niht oe reo, ne bi he ealles swa scyldig, foron e hit waes his agen feoh. Gif he onne sy idaeges dead, onne sitte seo scyld on him.

18. Gif hwa on ceast eacniend wif gewerde, bete one aefwyrdlan swa him domeras gereccan. Gif heo dead sy, sylle sawle wi sawle.

19. Gif hwa orum his eage odo, sylle his agen for; to for to, handa for handa, fet for fet, baerning for baerning, wund wi wund, lael wi laele.

{591} 20. Gif hwa ofslea his eowe oe his eowenne aet eage ut, and he onne hi gedo aenigge, gefreoge hi foron. Gif he onne to ofslea, do aet ylce.

21. Gif oxa ofhnite wer oe wif, aet hy deade synd, sy he mid stanum ofweorpod and ne sy his flaesc geeton and se hlaford bi unscyldig. -- 1.

Gif se oxa hnitol waere twam dagum aere oe rym and se hlaford hit wist and hine inne betynan nolde, and he onne were oe wif ofsloge, sy he mid stanum ofworpod and sy se hlaford ofslegen oe forgolden, swa aet witan to riht findan. -- 2. Sunu oe dohtor gif he ofstinge, aes ylcan domes sy he wyre. -- 3. Gif he onne eow oe eowe mennen ofstynge, gesylle aem hlaford x.x.x scill. seolfres and se oxa sy mid stanum ofworpod.

22. Gif hwa adelfe waeterpytte oe betynedne untyne and hine eft ne betyne, gyld swylc neat swa aer on befealle and haebbe him aet dead.

23. Gif oxa ores mannes oxan gewundige and he onne dead sy, bebycggen one oxan and haebben him aet weor gemaene and eac aet flaesc swa aes deadan. Gif se hlaford onne wiste, aet se oxa hnitol waere and hine healdan nolde, sylle him oerne oxan fore and haebbe him ealle aet flaesc.

24. Gif hwa forstaele ores oxan and hine ofslea oe bebycge, sylle twegen wi and feower sceap wi anum. Gif he haebbe hwaet he sylle, sy he sylf beboht wi am feoh.

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The English Language Part 113 summary

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