
The Deeds of God Through the Franks Part 15

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[203] Saida.

[204] I Kings 17.9.

[205] Tyre.

[206] Ramla.

[207] I Kings I.

[208] Robert, a Norman cleric.

[209] Psalm 21.30.

[210] John IX.7.

[211] Guibert has elided the a.s.sertion in the *Gest Francorum*

that the Arabs had poisoned the wells, subst.i.tuting instead these remarks sympathetic to the cla.s.s from which he sprung.

[212] Joshua VI.20.

[213] The author of the *Gesta Francorum* gives his name as Gaston Bearn.

[214] Part of a dactylic hexameter couplet.

[215] Three elegiac lines.

[216] Two dactylic hexameters.

[217] Psalms 121.1.

[218] 48 iambic trimeters.

[219] Guibert multiplies the single *nuntius* of the *Gesta Francorum* into *legati*.

[220] Sichem, then Flavia Neapolis, then Nabulus.

[221] Arnulf of Martirano.

[222] The *Gesta Francorum* reports the presence of the animals without attributing them to any Arabian design.

[223] One dactylic hexameter.

[224] Two dactylic hexameters.

[225] Psalm 92.4.

[226] Three dactylic hexameters.

[227] Isaiah 43.5.

[228] Zech 12.2.

[229] Galatians 2.2.

[230] Zechariah 12.2.

[231] Zechariah 12.3.

[232] Zechariah 12.3.

[233] Luke 21.24.

[234] Ezekiel 29.18.

[235] Zechariah 12.4.

[236] Zechariah 12.4.

[237] Zechariah.12.5.

[238] Zechariah 12.6.

[239] Zechariah 12.6.

[240] Zechariah 12.7

[241] Zechariah 12.8.

[242] Zechariah 12.8.

[243] Zechariah 12.9.

[244] Psalm 2.8.

[245] Apoc 2.27; 19.15.

[246] Zecharia 12.10.

[247] 5.5.

[248] It is not clear what this province is. The RHC editor tentatively suggests "Isauria."

[249] Judges VI, VII, VIII.

[250] Terence *Eunuch* 4.6.6.

[251] Hebrews 13 II.

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The Deeds of God Through the Franks Part 15 summary

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