
The Deeds of God Through the Franks Part 14

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[153] Marash

[154] Oct 21, 1097

[155] Aregh

[156] Sall.u.s.t, Jugurtha 85.

[157] Aleppo.

[158] Eleven stanzas of sapphics.

[159] Lucan I.135.

[160] i.e., become emaciated

[161] Fourteen heptameters.

[162] Juvenal 6.443.

[163] Fourteen dactylic hexameters."

[164] Seven dactylic hexameters.

[165] February 9.

[166] Two dactylic hexameters.

[167] Rom X.2.

[168] Sultan.

[169] Psalm 81.8.

[170] Psalm 78.6.

[171] Psalm 92.3.

[172] Romans 9.25

[173] I Mac. v.62.

[174] Acts IX.25; II Cor XI.33

[175] Sixteen dactylic hexameters.

[176] One dactylic hexameter.

[177] Scatter them that they may know that no other than you, our Lord fights for us. Scatter them by your power, and destroy them, our protector, Lord. (Eccl. x.x.xvi.1)

[178] Iskenderum.

[179] Aksehir.

[180] Hebrews XII.6.

[181] Or "miracle" in B.

[182] Miraculous intervention at this point is reported also in the *Gesta Francorum*, (Brehier 154), and in a letter published by Hagenmayer (*Epistulae et Chartae* 167), but neither Raymond nor Fulcher mention it.

[183] Malach.III.10

[184] August 1, 1098.

[185] IV Kings.v.12

[186] At this point ma.n.u.script I adds: Jerome says, in the fifth book of his explication of Isaiah, that Antioch was the city of Reblata, in which king NabuG.o.donosor tore out the eyes of king Sedechia, and killed his sons.

[187] Latin for "red."

[188] Ma'arrat-an-Nu'man.

[189] Kafartab.

[190] Rafaniya.

[191] Abou Ali Ibn Ammar.

[192] Raymond, vicount of Torena.

[193] Job 2.4

[194] Latakia.

[195] Djebali

[196] Among the Romans, *iust.i.tium* was a day on which no business can be undertaken due to natural disaster

[197] Judges XVII.6.

[198] Mana.s.sas II of Chatillon died in 1106. Anselm's letters have survived and appear in *Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes*, ed. Heinrich Hagenmeyer, Innsbruck, 1901, pp. 144-146 and 156-160.

[199] October 31.

[200] Botron.

[201] Jubail.

[202] Nahir-Ibrahim.

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