
The 4-Hour Body Part 18

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From Jiu-Jitsu to New Zealand: The Kettlebell Swing Long before I met Tracy, I met "The Kiwi" in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In early 2006, he happened to be taking a private Spanish lesson in the same cafe where I was finishing the ma.n.u.script for The 4-Hour Workweek The 4-Hour Workweek, and we quickly became close friends. He had competed in elite-level rugby in New Zealand but was equally proud, I soon learned, of applying his BSE in exercise physiology to perfecting the female posterior.

He told me the story over a bottle of Catena Malbec. His obsession started when he saw a professional samba dancer in Brazil balance tequila shots on top of each b.u.t.t cheek in a dance club. Lamenting the lack of similar scenes in his own country, he set off on a mission to isolate the best exercises for creating b.u.t.tocks worthy of tequila shots.

By 2000, he had refined his approach to a science. In four weeks, he took his then-girlfriend, an ethnic Chinese with a surfboardlike profile, to being voted one of the top 10 s.e.xiest girls out of 39,000 students at the University of Auckland. Total time: four weeks. Other female students constantly asked her how she'd lifted her glutes so high up her hamstrings.

If The Kiwi could have answered for her, he would have said, "Add reps and weights to the swings."

In 2005, my interest in kettlebells reinvigorated, I returned to the United States from Argentina and purchased one 53-pound kettlebell. I did nothing more than one set of 75 swings one hour after a light, protein-rich breakfast, twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. In the beginning, I couldn't complete 75 consecutive repet.i.tions, so I did multiple sets with 60 seconds between until I totaled 75.

Total swing time for the entire week was 1020 minutes. I wasn't trying to balance tequila shots on my b.u.t.t cheeks. I wanted abs. In six weeks, I was at my lowest bodyfat percentage since 1999.


2005: Swing minimalism.

My weekly training schedule was so light as to be laughable by conventional standards. I also took 1020-minute ice baths (two bags of ice bought at a gas station) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


* High-rep kettlebell (53 pounds) swings to at least 75 reps (ultimately, I got to 150+ reps in a single set)* Slow myotatic crunch (next chapter) with max weight x 1015 slow reps DAY 2 (WEDNESDAY).

I alternated these two exercises for a total of 3 sets 5 reps for each. I took two minutes between all sets and therefore had at least four minutes between the same exercise (e.g., dumbbell [DB] press, wait two minutes, row, wait two minutes, DB press, etc.):

* Iso-lateral dumbbell incline bench press* "Yates" bent rows with EZ bar (palms-up grip and bent at the waist about 2030 degrees)


* Reverse "drag" curls using a thick bar twice the diameter of a standard Olympic bar (I put plates on metal piping I bought from Home Depot, secured with $5 pinch clamps): 2 sets of 6 reps, three minutes' rest between sets DAY 3 (FRIDAY).

* High-rep kettlebell (53 pounds) swings to 75-rep minimum* Slow myotatic crunch (next chapter) with max weight x 1215 reps* Every other week: single-arm kettlebell swings to 25 minimum reps each side

I should add that I was negligent, often adding one to three additional rest days between sessions. It didn't matter. The training volume needed for head-turning changes was lower than even I thought possible.

Though I added in a few extras for other reasons, the king of exercises-the two-arm kettlebell swing-is all you need for dramatic changes. Here are a few guidelines (more later):

* Stand with your feet 612 inches outside of shoulder width on either side, each foot pointed outward about 30 degrees. If toes pointed straight ahead were 12:00 on a clock face, your left foot would point at 10:00 or 11:00, and your right would point at 1:00 or 2:00.* Keep your shoulders pulled back (retracted) and down to avoid rounding your back.* The lowering movement (backswing) is a sitting-back-on-a-chair movement, not a squatting-down movement.* Do not let your shoulders go in front of your knees at any point.* Imagine pinching a penny between your b.u.t.t cheeks when you pop your hips forward. This should be a forceful pop, and it should be impossible to contract your a.s.s more. If your dog's head gets in the way, it should be lights out for Fido.


Mich.e.l.le Obama's arms: Tracy, 100+ pounds lighter, showing perfect form on the downswing of the kettlebell swing.

The Minimal Effective Dose- How to Lose 3% Bodyfat in One Hour a Month Fleur B. didn't have as much weight to lose as Tracy.

Fleur was, like many people, simply unable to lose those last few pounds of extra fat, no matter how hard she tried. She'd hit the wall.

Running a few miles three times per week had no effect: "For the amount of exercise I do, the results should be much better." She was, however, against crash dieting and wanted to keep the curves she loved.

How to cross the last mile of fat-loss?

Fleur was a major breadoholic by culture (European) and a workaholic by training (journalist). I purposefully set the expectation that it would be difficult and that she would need to commit to exercising militant self-control for the first two weeks until her cravings disappeared. This way, she would be doubly encouraged when it didn't prove hard after the first 72 hours. Setting the expectation that things will be easy results in disappointment and quitting at the smallest hiccup. If you prepare yourself for ma.s.sive challenges and no such challenges crop up, it will be a pleasant surprise. This encourages you to be even more aggressive with changes.

Remember: body recomposition depends more on behavioral modification (reread "From Photos to Fear" if needed) than on memorizing the right list of instructions.

I proposed a four-week test focusing on the swing and minuscule dietary changes, which Fleur agreed to:

1. She switched her breakfast to a high-protein meal (at least 30% protein) a la the Slow-Carb Diet. Her favorite: spinach, black beans, and egg whites (one-third of a carton of Eggology liquid egg whites) with cayenne pepper flakes.

2. Three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), she performed a simple sequence of three exercises prior prior to breakfast, all of which are ill.u.s.trated in the next few pages: to breakfast, all of which are ill.u.s.trated in the next few pages:

One set: 20 two-legged glute activation raises from the floor 20 two-legged glute activation raises from the floorOne set: 15 flying dogs, one set each side 15 flying dogs, one set each sideOne set: 50 kettlebell swings (For you: start with a weight that allows you to do 20 perfect repet.i.tions but no more than 30. In other words, start with a weight, no less than 20 pounds, that you can "grow into.") 50 kettlebell swings (For you: start with a weight that allows you to do 20 perfect repet.i.tions but no more than 30. In other words, start with a weight, no less than 20 pounds, that you can "grow into.") That's it. Total prescribed exercise: about 5 minutes per session 3 sessions = 15 minutes per week. One hour over the course of a month.

Fleur's before-and-after measurements were separated by five weeks because she was traveling. Even if we increase the estimated exercise time to 75 minutes total, the results are impressive.


Total weight: 139 lbs. 136 lbs.Bodyfat %: 21.1% (29.33 lbs.) 18% (24.48 lbs.-almost 1 pound of fat lost per week)Thigh fat thickness: 10.4 mm 10.2 mmTricep fat thickness: 9.7 mm 7.7 mmWaist fat thickness: 7.0 mm 4.1 mm 4.1 mm [image]

Once you achieve the proper height (the last picture), each rep is alternating between the last two photos.



The easiest way to learn the swing is based on a method developed by Zar Horton: [image]

Stand with the kettlebell directly between the middle of your feet. Bend down and do deadlifts (head up, eyes straight ahead), first slowly, then in a "touch-and-go" fashion, picking up the kettlebell explosively as soon as it touches the ground. It is critical that you touch the same spot on the ground every time. This spot between your insteps is point A.

I strongly suggest doing this facing a wall with your toes about six inches from the wall. This will force you to keep your head up and use the proper deadlift motion: hinging at the hip and sitting back, instead of squatting down. Keep any bending at the ankle minimal or nonexistent.



Repeat the above touch-and-go deadlift, but use point B: place the kettlebell on the floor between your feet but this time further back, with the front of the kettlebell aligned just behind your heels. You must return the kettlebell to exactly this spot every time: Now when you come up and explosively pop your hips forward (think "violent hips"), the angled rise of the kettlebell will give it a pendulum-like swing.



Now place the kettlebell back at point A and follow the pictures of Marie on the previous page. Pick the kettlebell up off the floor, start a small swing by first "sitting back" with the hips and then popping forward, and make the movement larger while maintaining your balance.

The entire time, focus on getting the kettlebell back to point C, which is in the air behind the hamstrings (back of legs) and tucked right up under the b.u.t.tocks, as seen in picture 5.

That's it: you are doing the two-handed kettlebell swing.



Two-legged glute activation raises. Pull the toes up as you drive off of your heels. Pull the toes up as you drive off of your heels.


Flying dog with right arm and left leg extension. Alternate with left arm and right leg. with right arm and left leg extension. Alternate with left arm and right leg.

Fleur's resulting numbers demonstrate the difference between scale weight-a blunt instrument that tells you little-and bodyfat percentage or tape measure. Do not neglect to include at least one of the latter two in your measurement tool kit.

The 75 minutes of exercise had a number of important effects on Fleur's physique that went beyond fat-loss and a.s.s building.

Most important, it fixed her kyphosis (from the Greek kyphos kyphos, meaning "hump"), a postural problem common to millions of computer users. From desk work and muscular imbalance, she had a shoulders-forward, concave-chest slouch before beginning the program. Five weeks later, she stood and walked with shoulders back, which created the perception of both a smaller rib cage and larger b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Good posture is hot.

Here is Fleur's first e-mail to me, edited for length:

Hey,I'm doing well...much better than I could have imagined....There are [a] few things I've noticed about the diet that I think you'll be very interested to learn.Firstly, I can't imagine why you say it's not supposed to be fun? I'm loving it!...There's tons of ways you can make the same foods taste totally different each meal just by adding a different herb or spice.I'm eating so much better. My diet was not great before, mostly because I just wasn't making the time, and I was too lazy.Eating the way you suggest has changed my hunger even; I never get that strange cramp-hunger feeling that sugar and "bad" carbs create. It's maybe also because I'm eating more, and more regularly. Just eating breakfast early in the morning instead of coffee and toast or a pastry at 11am has made a huge difference.I'm thinking about fueling my body, not restricting it.I ate really well all last week and then a.s.signed Sunday as my "free day." I ate pancakes and an omelet at the IHOP (very healthy). Then I felt like c.r.a.p. All the cheese made me want to throw up. [Tim: Cheese was one of Fleur's domino foods before the program.]But I literally had to force myself to eat some chocolate later on in the day, just because I'd told myself I could. I then realized that I hadn't even thought once about chocolate all week, hadn't once craved for it. Then I bought a croissant (just because I could), took one bite and threw it away. Sunday night I had a beer and couldn't finish that either (very unlike me). I found myself desperate to go to sleep so I could wake up Monday morning and go back to feeling healthy again.Is this normal?!...One thing I did really want on Sunday though was fruit. That's ok right? As much of any type that I want? [Answer: On binge day and on binge day only, yes. Nothing is forbidden.]In general, so far, I'm not missing or craving anything I'm not supposed to have.... I have noticed I have more energy, and it's real energy, not just an hour hit from a double cappuccino and a snack-bar that then turns into a slump. I'm not really drinking coffee much either, just lots of water and green tea.I know it's only been a week, but I feel fantastic. Thank you!

New behaviors aren't that hard once you start them.

Critical (M)a.s.s: The Kiwi's Complete A/B Workout For those who want a more extended a.s.s program, here is The Kiwi's complete sequence.

He advocates three to four circuits of these exercises, in the order provided. I believe the MED is two circuits and will deliver 8090% of the benefits for most women and men. Men can use these sequences to develop stronger hip drive, which translates to better performance in almost all sports and power lifts.

If you try this but start to miss workouts or postpone them, revert to the basic swings twice per week, as I do, which will still guarantee faster progress than most exercise programs.

To mimic The Kiwi, perform A on Monday and B on Friday, and glute activation raises (seen earlier) are performed before each.

Workout A All exercises, except for kettlebell swings, are performed for 10 repet.i.tions using a 13-Repet.i.tion Max2 (RM) weight. (RM) weight.

1. Heavy dumbbell front squat to press (a.s.s to heels)-squeeze glutes at bottom for one second before rising 2. One-arm, one-leg DB row 3. Walking lunges with sprinter knee raise 4. Wide-grip push-ups3 5. Two-arm kettlebell swings 2025

Repeat sequence 24 times.

Workout B 1. One-leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL)4 (1012 reps each side) (1012 reps each side) 2. Chin-up (four-second negative lowering portion only) 10 or until you cannot control descent5 3. One-leg hamstring curls on a Swiss ball-612 reps each leg 4. Plank for abs (and gluteus medius on sides) Progression: start with 30 seconds front, 30 seconds each side, working up to 90 seconds maximum 5. Reverse hyper 1525

Repeat sequence 24 times.

See the www.fourhourbody.com/exercises for photos of all The Kiwi's exercises. for photos of all The Kiwi's exercises.6 Written descriptions alone will confuse more than help. Written descriptions alone will confuse more than help.


Kettlebells (www.fourhourbody.com/kettlebells) Most men should start with a 20-kg (44 lb) or 24-kg (53 lb) kettlebell and most women should start with a 16-kg (35 lb) or 20-kg (44 lb) kettlebell. I suggest using a T-handle (see Most men should start with a 20-kg (44 lb) or 24-kg (53 lb) kettlebell and most women should start with a 16-kg (35 lb) or 20-kg (44 lb) kettlebell. I suggest using a T-handle (see this page this page) to determine your 20-rep swing weight before spending too much.



Tracy never hit a fat-loss plateau.

She credits her success to two things: cheat meals and kettlebells. The cheat meals allowed her to remain strict more than 95% of the time, and the kettlebells allowed her to accelerate progress when diet-driven fat-loss slowed.

She scheduled one cheat meal per week, most often on Friday night, which was also date night with the husband. Her diet is otherwise the epitome of simplicity: eat the same meals each day, at least five days per week. She refers to her meal plans as "the luxury of no choice": "Especially if you have 50100 pounds or more to lose, you have enough stress. You won't be able to stop thinking about how overweight you are, but you can stop thinking about what to eat."

Her advice and observations should sound familiar: Two pounds per week isn't the limit. "If you have 80100 pounds to lose and aren't losing five pounds per week for at least the first few weeks, you are doing something wrong." "If you have 80100 pounds to lose and aren't losing five pounds per week for at least the first few weeks, you are doing something wrong."Avoid domino foods: "If I liked to eat a cookie here, a piece of candy there, I could fit sweets into my daily menu from a caloric standpoint, but my sweet tooth has no 'shut-off sensor.' Once I get started, I have a hard time stopping. I can consume 1,2001,800 calories of dense sweets in no time flat. If I start to eat sweets, I know I will not be happy until I get my fill. And 'my fill' is way more full than the average person. It is not a serving of cookies or cake, it's an entire bag of cookies, or half a cake...and that's no joke. This I know. So I don't try and fool myself into thinking I can eat just one cookie or just two pieces of candy. If I could eat two pieces of bread, as another example, I'd be fine, but I have to have four, so I don't eat it at all." "If I liked to eat a cookie here, a piece of candy there, I could fit sweets into my daily menu from a caloric standpoint, but my sweet tooth has no 'shut-off sensor.' Once I get started, I have a hard time stopping. I can consume 1,2001,800 calories of dense sweets in no time flat. If I start to eat sweets, I know I will not be happy until I get my fill. And 'my fill' is way more full than the average person. It is not a serving of cookies or cake, it's an entire bag of cookies, or half a cake...and that's no joke. This I know. So I don't try and fool myself into thinking I can eat just one cookie or just two pieces of candy. If I could eat two pieces of bread, as another example, I'd be fine, but I have to have four, so I don't eat it at all."Organic food-good but not necessary: "I lost 100 pounds never eating a single organic vegetable. Do it if you can, but if you can't-for budgetary reasons or otherwise-don't create more stress because you can't go to the farmers' market or a high-cla.s.s grocery store. Eat the right foods and you'll be fine." "I lost 100 pounds never eating a single organic vegetable. Do it if you can, but if you can't-for budgetary reasons or otherwise-don't create more stress because you can't go to the farmers' market or a high-cla.s.s grocery store. Eat the right foods and you'll be fine."Vegetables and protein: "The only reason I'll never be fat again is because I start each meal with a base of vegetables that taste good. Then I add my protein. I don't discriminate against protein, though my favorites are lamb, pork, chicken, and beef. I'll eat an entire cow before I eat powdered protein. Blech." "The only reason I'll never be fat again is because I start each meal with a base of vegetables that taste good. Then I add my protein. I don't discriminate against protein, though my favorites are lamb, pork, chicken, and beef. I'll eat an entire cow before I eat powdered protein. Blech."[image]

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