
Team Of Rivals Part 144

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Lord Lyons...and Robert C. Schenck: Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1863; Perrine, "The Dashing Kate Chase," Ladies' Home Journal (1901), pp. 1112; "12 November 1863, Thursday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 111.

"Much anxiety"...and without Mrs. Lincoln: Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1863.

"bow in reverence...Chase & daughter": MTL to Simon Cameron, June 16, [1866], in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 370.

Mary's absence..."presidential party": Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Washington, pp. 26061.

"a gorgeous white velvet"...specifically for the occasion: Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1863 (quote); Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Washington, p. 261; Ross, Proud Kate, p. 140.

"Chase was...newly made wife": Brooks, Mr. Lincoln's Washington, p. 261.

A lavish meal...midnight: Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1863.

"a very brilliant...had arrived": "12 November 1863, Thursday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 111.

The young couple left the next morning: NYT, November 18, 1863.

"Your letter...how welcome it was": SPC to KCS, November 18, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers.

"My heart is full...perfect honor & good faith": SPC to William Sprague, November 26, 1863, reel 30, Chase Papers.

He had been asked...would speak: David Wills to AL, November 2, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

Lincoln told his cabinet...could not spare the time: Entry for December 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 480; SPC to KCS, November 18, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers; entry for November 19, 1863, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 316.

"extremely busy...public expectation": Lamon, Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, p. 173.

Stanton had arranged..."the gauntlet": AL to EMS, [November 17, 1863], in CW, VII, p. 16 and note.

The day before..."half of his speech": James Speed quoted in John G. Nicolay, "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," Century 47 (February 1894), p. 597.

Various accounts suggest..."a makeshift desk": George D. Gitt, quoted in Wilson, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, p. 476.

Others swear...on an envelope: See Garry Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), p. 27.

Nicolay...and humorous stories: Nicolay, "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," Century (1894), p. 601.

he was escorted...and Edward Everett: David Wills to AL, November 1, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

"All the hotels...of Gettysburgh immortal": NYT, November 21, 1863.

He came to the door..."say nothing at all": AL, "Remarks to Citizens of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania," November 18, 1863, in CW, VI, pp. 1617.

Lincoln sent a servant: Frank L. Klement, "The Ten Who Sat in the Front Row on the Platform During the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg," Lincoln Herald 88 (Winter 1985), p. 108.

A telegram arrived...Tad was better: EMS to AL, November 18 and 19, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

the crowd surged over..."part of the human race": WHS, quoted in Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 201 (quote); NYT, November 21, 1863.

the convivial secretary..."men of this generation": Entry for November 22, 1863, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 434.

He wanted to talk...and retiring: Klement, "The Ten Who Sat," Lincoln Herald (1985), p. 108; Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg, p. 31; entry for November 22, 1863, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 434.

The huge, boisterous crowd..."thousand more": Entry for November 22, 1863, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 434.

made his final revisions: Nicolay, "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," Century (1894), pp. 601, 602.

a chestnut horse...three cabinet officers: Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, Vol. II, p. 466.

Seward, riding..."homemade gray socks": Henry Clay Cochrane, quoted in ibid.

An audience...between Everett and Seward: Klement, "The Ten Who Sat," Lincoln Herald (1985), p. 106.

"leaned from one side...of his right hand": Gitt, quoted in Wilson, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, p. 478.

Another member...to his pocket: Monaghan, Diplomat in Carpet Slippers, p. 341.

"could not be surpa.s.sed by mortal man": Entry for November 22, 1863, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 435.

"Seldom has a man...not like an orator": Klement, "The Ten Who Sat," Lincoln Herald (1985), p. 108.

"flutter and motion...an empty house": Gitt, quoted in Wilson, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, p. 478.

steel-rimmed spectacles...at his pages: Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, Vol. II, p. 468.

"He had spent...supreme principle": Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg, p. 120.

"all this quibbling...created equal": AL, "Speech at Chicago, Illinois," July 10, 1858, in CW, II, p. 501.

"the central idea...govern themselves": AL, quoted in "7 May 1861, Tuesday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 20.

"Four score and seven...shall not perish from the earth": AL, "Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863; Edward Everett Copy," in CW, VII, p. 21.

"the a.s.semblage...there came applause": Gitt, quoted in Wilson, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, p. 479.

he turned to Ward Lamon..."disappointed": Lamon, Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, p. 173.

"I should be glad...in two minutes": Edward Everett to AL, November 20, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

Zachariah Chandler...tardiness on emanc.i.p.ation: Bruce Tap, "Chandler, Zachariah," in Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, ed. Heidler and Heidler, pp. 39899.

"Your president...& hold him": Zachariah Chandler to Lyman Trumbull, quoted in Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals, p. 179.

Having read in the press..."buried three days": Zachariah Chandler to AL, November 15, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

"My dear Sir...wreck the country's cause": AL to Zachariah Chandler, November 20, 1863, in CW, VII, pp. 2324.

a mild case of smallpox: Entry for December 2, 1863, in French, Witness to the Young Republic, p. 439; entry for December 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 480.

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