
Team Of Rivals Part 143

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Chase in Columbus..."misfortunes averted": SPC, "Going Home to Vote," p. 4.

"I come not to speak...and without exceptions": Ibid., pp. 5, 13.

In public squares..."turn to Ohio": Daily Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio, October 13, 1863; SPC, "Going Home to Vote," p. 8 (quote).

begged his audiences..."sixty-five days in the year": SPC, "Going Home to Vote," p. 8.

Lincoln took up his usual post: Waugh, Reelecting Lincoln, p. 14.

a welcome telegram...was counted: SPC to AL, October 14, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

By 5 a.m.... to 100,000: Browne, The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln, p. 603; Waugh, Reelecting Lincoln, p. 14.

"Glory to G.o.d...saved the Nation": Browne, The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln, p. 603.

"All honor...foe at the ballot-box": EMS to John W. Forney, NYT, October 15, 1863.

found him "in good spirits": Entry for October 14, 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 470.

"No man knows...till he has had it": AL, quoted in James B. Fry, in Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time, ed. Allen Thorndike Rice (New York: North American Publishing Co., 1886), p. 390.

"all right"...a good secretary: AL, quoted in "18 October 1863, Sunday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 93.

"I'm afraid...of the presidency": Entry for October 17, 1863, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, p. 310.

"That visit to the west...saved my country": Entry for October 20, 1863, in ibid., p. 311.

"it is of the nature...with its victim": Edward Bates to James O. Broadhead, October 24, 1863, Broadhead Papers, MoSHi.

had "warped"...party behind him: Entry for August 22, 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 413.

were moderate compared to the scathing indictments: See Smith, The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics, Vol. II, pp. 23437.

"I little imagined...me deeply": SPC to Edward D. Mansfield, October 18, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers.

"The late election"...unfit for active duty: James H. Baker to SPC, November 7, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers.

"To him, more than...system of slavery": Liberator, November 13, 1863.

Liberator maintained..."again acting President": Liberator, November 13, 1863.

the relationship between the two..."gave it new light": Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 197.

"They say, Mr. President...as a Governor": WHS and AL, quoted in ibid., pp. 19394.

a proclamation..."tranquillity and Union": AL, "Proclamation of Thanksgiving," October 3, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 497 (quote); Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 194.

Lincoln told Nicolay..."whole of that letter": December 8, 1863 memorandum, container 3, Nicolay Papers.

Seward a.s.sured Lincoln..."will collapse": Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 196.

Seward left for Auburn...short periods of time: See Seward family correspondence in October 1863 on reels 112, 114, and 115 of Seward Papers, and FAS to Anna (Wharton) Seward, November 17, 1863, reel 115, Seward Papers.

The previous spring...his intelligence safely: William H. Seward, Jr., "Reminiscences of Lincoln," Magazine of History 9 (February 1909), pp. 10506.

he delivered a speech..."will perish with it": WHS, quoted in Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals, p. 301.

"as in religion...whole United States": WHS, quoted in Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 195.

arousing the wrath..."always be open to him": WHS, quoted in Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals, p. 301.

Lincoln telegraphed..."How is your son?": AL to WHS, November 3, 1863, in CW, VI, p. 562.

"Thanks...majority in the state": WHS to AL, November 3, 1863, Lincoln Papers.

a 30,000 majority: Seward, Seward at Washington...18611872, p. 195.

"the Copperhead...and humbled": "8 November 1863, Sunday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 109.

invitations to the Chase-Sprague wedding: See Niven, Salmon P. Chase, p. 342.

a diamond tiara worth $50,000: Ibid., p. 343.

"about the bridal trousseau...Millionaire Wedding": NYT, November 18, 1863.

"to realize"...undivided attention: SPC to William Sprague, October 31, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers.

Sprague rea.s.sured Chase..."and generation": William Sprague to SPC, November 4, 1863, reel 29, Chase Papers.

Hay recounted...The Pearl of Savoy: "22 October 1863, Thursday," in Hay, Inside Lincoln's White House, p. 98.

The play revolves...Marie goes mad: Gaetano Donizetti, The Pearl of Savoy: A Domestic Drama in Five Acts. French's Standard Drama. Acting Edition No. 337 (New York: S. French, [1864?]). The Pearl of Savoy was an adaptation of Donizetti's Linda de Chamounix.

"was a coldly calculated...father and politics": See J. P. Cullen, "Kate Chase: Petticoat Politician," Civil War Times Ill.u.s.trated 2 (May 1963), p. 15.

"in her eyes...upon her affections": Perrine, "The Dashing Kate Chase," Ladies' Home Journal (1901), p. 11.

"wholly innocent...several millions": Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, N.Y., November 14, 1863.

"Miss Kate has...sufficient for both": Entry for May 19, 1863, Welles diary, Vol. I (1960 edn.), p. 306.

Henry Adams...as Jephthah's daughter: Ross, Proud Kate, p. 121. The tale of Jephthah's daughter is in Judges 11:3040.

"Memory has been busy...found a lodgment there": KCS diary, November 11, 1868, Sprague Papers.

In the hours before...proceeded inside: Daily Morning Chronicle, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1863.

Monty Blair, who refused..."of the occasion": EBL to SPL, November 12, [1863], in Wartime Washington, ed. Laas, p. 319.

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