
Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword Part 2

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Until the Law was given-about 2,000 years after Adam and Eve sinned-G.o.d was relating to people by grace. G.o.d extended mercy to the first murderer on the face of the earth, Cain (Genesis 4:15), but the first person to be stoned to death for breaking the Law was a man who was out gathering sticks on the Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-36).The Law changed how G.o.d responded to sin, but the nature of G.o.d didn't change.

The Law was given for two main purposes: to show mankind G.o.d's high standard of perfection, and to demonstrate that no man could achieve that standard through his own effort. The Law removed any illusion of self-righteousness and established our need for a Savior. This is important, because the Old Covenant and the New Covenant are not compatible. You can't be saved partially by your good works and then have Jesus make up where you fall short. It's all Jesus or you aren't saved. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians that if anyone was trying to save himself, then Jesus couldn't help him (Galatians 5:24). The Law proves to us that our only hope is to be saved by grace through faith in Jesus so, in the end, the Law served a merciful purpose.

Judgment was carried out upon individuals in the Old Testament: the flood, the death angel in Egypt, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are all examples of this. But G.o.d was dealing with those people from an eternal perspective. He wasn't looking at the end of their life on earth as the worst thing that could happen. He was looking ahead to eternal salvation-and not just for those individuals, but for all of mankind.

Before the invention of antibiotics, it wasn't uncommon for doctors to have to amputate an infected limb. Once gangrene set in, it would spread until the patient died of toxicity. To save the patient's life, it was necessary to cut off the infected limb. This is similar to some of the judgment we read about in the Old Testament. Death may have been a judgment upon those individuals, but the judgment was an act of mercy for the rest of the human race, since it paved the way for salvation by grace and opened the door to the possibility of eternal life.

The Lord isn't dealing with us through the Law anymore. We have been saved by grace, and our born-again spirits allow G.o.d to deal with us in mercy. Hallelujah! We are finally capable of understanding spiritual things. We are able to know and understand the true nature of G.o.d: G.o.d is love (1 John 4:8), and His mercy toward us endures forever.

Additional Resources: 1. The True Nature of G.o.d is a five-part audio teaching available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1002 2. The True Nature of G.o.d book by Andrew Wommack traces G.o.d's dealings with man all the way from the Garden of Eden to the present and shows one consistent nature of G.o.d through it all. This teaching will answer many questions and leave you with a much greater faith in the goodness of G.o.d. It is available through bookstores or the online store at http://www.awmi.net/store/usa/books/308 3. The Good Report: Why Bad Things Happen is a compilation of articles in booklet form on the topic of why bad things happen. Available through the online store at http://www. awmi.net/store/usa/books/101 4. The Sovereignty of G.o.d is an audio teaching available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/103

Chapter 6.

The War Is Over.

G.o.d isn't mad at you. He's not even in a bad mood. What great news! Yet many people cling to the notion that G.o.d is angry , thinking that they need to spend their lives trying to appease Him. They turn to scriptures that show the wrath of G.o.d and they contend that G.o.d is still angry with sinners, but that isn't the case. At the birth of Jesus, a mult.i.tude of the heavenly host appeared, and praising G.o.d they said, Glory to G.o.d in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:14 We hear that phrase so much at Christmastime that it has lost its meaning. It has become something that people use to describe the "Christmas spirit," and the idea that we should be nice to each other during the holidays (as if it's okay to be rotten to one another for the rest of the year). But this scripture isn't talking about peace among men. Jesus expressly said that He did not come to bring peace: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Matthew 10:34-36 When the angels said, "Peace, good will toward men," they weren't speaking of peace among men. Jesus prophesied that there would be rejection, and Paul said that all who live G.o.dly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus didn't come for the specific purpose of bringing division, but as you stand for the truth, those who hate the truth will come against you. Jesus came to bring light to the world. Those who were living in darkness had their evil deeds exposed and fought against the light (John 3:20). When you introduce the true Gospel message, those who receive it will be set free, but those who don't will come under conviction and fight against you.

It was never prophesied that Jesus would bring peace among men in our time. There isn't going to be peace on earth until the Prince of Peace comes and establishes His kingdom, physically reigning over this earth. No, Luke 2:14 isn't talking about peace among men; it is talking about peace from G.o.d toward men.

When man sinned, G.o.d declared war on sin. He set Himself against evil and man got caught in the middle of the war. Sometimes in war, collateral damage is inflicted while you are trying to defeat the enemy. Because of the sin nature and the decisions made by man, people were tangled up with evil and were targeted in G.o.d's fight against sin. G.o.d was right to be upset and angry over the sin of people in the Old Testament, and His punishments were just, but things have changed. G.o.d isn't at war with sin anymore. Jesus won the fight.

G.o.d's wrath and punishment against sin in the Old Testament isn't seen in the New Testament. For instance, Elijah called down fire from heaven and killed 102 men, but when Jesus' disciples wanted to do the same thing, Jesus rebuked them saying, "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them" (Luke 9:55-56). In the New Covenant, after Jesus came, the war ended. Jesus forever satisfied G.o.d's demand for justice and payment for sin. Jesus bore our sin and suffered for us. He took all of G.o.d's anger against sin upon Himself, and now the wrath of G.o.d has been totally satisfied. Scripture says, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

John 12:32 This verse is commonly interpreted to mean that when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached properly, then everyone is going to turn to the Lord. I thought the same thing when I first started in ministry, but it isn't an observable truth.

Preaching the Gospel correctly isn't what draws large numbers of people. Some of the largest churches today aren't necessarily teaching the absolute truth of G.o.d's Word. They often water down the Gospel message to fifteen minutes of uplifting self-help, to the point where they aren't even ministering the Word of G.o.d. Those types of churches draw large numbers of people by offering entertainment, but they aren't producing true disciples.

I'm not putting mega-churches down, I'm just trying to emphasize that preaching Christ doesn't draw all men. Ministers who are really preaching the Word of G.o.d and taking a stand for truth do not always have the biggest churches. You simply won't witness the interpretation of this scripture that says that preaching Jesus Christ draws all men, and I don't think this verse is talking about that. Not everyone believes and is saved when they hear the Good News.

If you look at John 12:32 again, you'll notice that the word "men" is in italics-that means the word is implied, but not present in the original language. The translators added the word "men" because they felt it was necessary to clarify the meaning of the original Greek sentence. At least the King James Version translators had the integrity to show their additions in italics. I believe it can be shown that "men" is not the subject Jesus was speaking of in this pa.s.sage.

In context, Jesus was talking about the sins of this world and the judgment for those sins. The preceding verse says, "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out" (John 12:31). So, in the next verse if we are going to insert a subject to clarify the meaning, drawing from the preceding thought, it should be the word "judgment." The pa.s.sage would then read, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all judgment to me."

Jesus didn't mean that we would glorify Him by preaching the Gospel when He said, "If I be lifted up." He was talking about being lifted up on the cross. He was speaking of His crucifixion-when He drew all judgment to Himself. The next verse clarifies that, "This he said, signifying what death he should die" (John 12:33).

All of G.o.d's wrath came upon Jesus, not just a portion of it. Jesus was like a lightning rod: when He was lifted up on the cross, all of the anger and punishment of G.o.d toward the sin of men came upon the physical body of Jesus. G.o.d satisfied every demand of justice by punishing His own Son for our sins, and not only for the sin committed up until that time, but for all sin for all time (Hebrews 9:28).

Every single sin-past, present, and future-was satisfied (Hebrews 9:12; 10:10,14). Jesus suffered the wrath and rejection of G.o.d that we might be made the righteousness of G.o.d in Him. As a result, G.o.d isn't mad anymore. Jesus bore our punishment, and the war is over.

The angels were proclaiming a prophecy when they said, "on earth peace, good will toward men. "Jesus hadn't paid the price yet, but His birth was a significant indication that the time had come. Salvation was imminent. Another prophecy about Jesus spoken through Isaiah the prophet said, Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your G.o.d. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned:for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins.

Isaiah 40:1-2 The Jews have suffered a lot through history, but no amount of human suffering could pay the price for sin. The New Testament quoted from the context of this pa.s.sage and applied it to Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3, and Luke 3:4-5).This scripture is prophesying about the time when Jesus would suffer on the cross, and draw all judgment to Himself.

Jesus abolished the Law upon the cross and brought peace between G.o.d and man (Ephesians 2:15).That is such a tremendous statement that some people just can't believe it is true. They can't believe that one person's suffering could atone for the sins of all of the billions and billions of people who have ever lived-or will ever live-on the face of the earth. The difficulty in comprehending this arises because we don't understand the value G.o.d placed upon His Son. Jesus wasn't only a man; He was G.o.d in the flesh of a man. His life as G.o.d was worth more than the entire human race put together.

Jesus was G.o.d manifest in the flesh. Through His suffering and death, He paid more than twice what the entire human race owed for sin (Isaiah 40:1-2). Some churches are preaching that every time you sin, it's a new infraction against G.o.d and He won't answer your prayers or fellowship with you until you get right with Him again. They are saying that the war isn't over. They think there is just a temporary lull in the hostilities. The moment you sin, they say, G.o.d's wrath is rekindled against you. Essentially, they are saying that Jesus' sacrifice wasn't enough to atone for sin. They are teaching that atonement is in Jesus' suffering plus your suffering, but that isn't true. Jesus' suffering alone more than paid the price.

G.o.d isn't holding sin against you anymore, but that doesn't mean you can go live in sin. G.o.d still loves you if you are living in sin, but sin is dangerous because it opens up a door to the devil (Romans 6:16). The devil only comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), so you don't want to open yourself up to his attacks. You're foolish if you live that way, but G.o.d still loves you. He isn't mad at you, because His war against sin is over. There is peace from G.o.d toward you, and it all centers on Jesus. If you accept Jesus who paid for your sins, then G.o.d is not angry at you.

Jesus took our punishment. He suffered for our sins so we don't have to. We can have relationship with G.o.d simply by humbling ourselves and receiving our forgiveness as a free gift. This might sound too good to be real, but it's absolutely true. When Jesus was lifted up on the cross, He drew all judgment for sin unto Himself, and now the war is over. G.o.d is at peace with you.

Additional Resources: 1. The War Is Over is a five-part audio teaching available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1053 2. The War Is Over book by Andrew Wommack shows how the longest conflict in history lasted 4000 years and ended in a decisive victory nearly 2000 years ago-in Jesus' death and resurrection. The answers in this book will release you from the condemnation of judgment and fear. It will free you to receive the promised blessings of G.o.d! It is available through bookstores or the online store at http://www.awmi.net/store/usa/books/326 3. How to Deal with Temptation is a five-part audio teaching that shows us the right way and the wrong way to respond when tempted, and the way to avoid being tempted altogether. It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www. awmi.net/extra/ audio/1049 audio/1049

Chapter 7.

Grace, the Power of the Gospel.

The good news is that the Gospel will set you free. The bad news is that not everyone is preaching the Gospel. Gospel literally means "good news." It's an obscure Greek word that is used only twice in literature outside of the New Testament scriptures, and it is probably better translated "nearly-too-good-to-be-true news!" We're talking about the kind of news that will make you want to jump up and shout. The Gospel is over-the-top good news. It's the "you just won the lottery!" kind of good news. Outside of what G.o.d has done for us, we don't receive news in this world of such magnitude, but the grace of G.o.d is that nearly-too-good-to-be-true news. It's the unmerited, undeserved favor of G.o.d that He lavishes upon us, and when you get a revelation of G.o.d's grace, it will set you free. It will make you want to shout about the goodness of G.o.d-and hope that everybody is listening: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of G.o.d unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of G.o.d revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. - Romans 1:16-17 The book of Romans is a description of what G.o.d has done for us independent of what we deserve. It's a description of grace, and the Apostle Paul says in these verses that grace is the power that reveals the righteousness of G.o.d.

To get the full impact of what Paul is saying, you have to understand the religious mindset of his day. His was a world in which the religious system had degenerated, or devolved, into a list of do's and don'ts. They had laws for everything. It reached such extremes that one group, the Essenes, had a rule against having bowel movements on the Sabbath. They cla.s.sified it as work, and you couldn't work on the Sabbath. You couldn't even spit in the dirt, because doing so would make mud, and making anything was work. It sounds like a joke, but that was the way they thought.

Jesus' disciples were hungry as they walked through a field of grain on one particular Sabbath day, so they picked grain and ate it (Luke 6:1-6). In order to free the kernel of wheat from the husk that surrounded it, they rubbed the grain in their hands. The Pharisees interpreted what they were doing as work and accused them of breaking the Sabbath laws. It was a false accusation, because there was no direct command in the Old Testament about not rubbing your hands together, but it shows how limiting life had become under the religious mindset of the day Religious leaders had been adding their own rules to the Law for centuries. The religious system that Paul was preaching against was all bad news. It was all "you can't do this or that and you'll be cursed if you do the other thing." It was a negative, harsh system with a tremendous amount of wrath. People were being stoned to death for breaking the Law. When Paul said that he wasn't ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, he was simultaneously saying that the religious mindset was nonsense. "Gospel" was a term that wasn't even in use prior to Paul applying it to the grace of G.o.d, so people knew he was talking about over-the-top good news. This Gospel was completely opposed to the religious system, which was using fear to drive people to follow G.o.d. The Gospel was drawing people to salvation by the love of G.o.d.

The word "salvation" doesn't only apply to forgiveness of sins. The Greek word for salvation is soteria, and it literally means saved or delivered. It's talking about being set free: spirit, soul, and body. Salvation is not just limited to the forgiveness of your sins. Salvation is also when a person who was sick is healed, or when someone who was depressed receives the joy of the Lord. In fact, the Greek word sozo is used interchangeably in the New Testament to mean to save, to make whole, or to heal.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't only save us from sin; it also saves us from the consequences of sin, such as oppression, depression, sickness, disease, and poverty. So, when this scripture says that the Gospel "is the power of G.o.d unto salvation," you could understand it to say that that the Gospel is the power of G.o.d for healing, peace of mind, joy, and prosperity. Whatever you need, can be found in the Gospel.

Unfortunately, the Gospel of Christ isn't always presented as nearly-too-good-to-be-true news. Some ministers are preaching that G.o.d is angry at you and you had better repent, or else. "Repent," they say, "or you're going to burn in h.e.l.l for all eternity." There is no good news in that-certainly nothing that is nearly-too-good-to be-true. The turn-or-burn style of preaching is an attempt to drive people to G.o.d out of fear, much as the religious system of Jesus' day was doing. It may work, but it isn't the Gospel.

It's true that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of G.o.d (Romans 3:23), and anyone who rejects the salvation of Jesus is going to h.e.l.l (Romans 6:23). So, it's not wrong to tell people that there is a h.e.l.l and, because of our sins, we're all headed there unless we repent. Those are true statements, but that isn't the Gospel message. There's no good news in threatening people with h.e.l.l, and fear doesn't set you free to receive the power of the Gospel.

The vast majority of people already know that they are sinners, and most know they are separated from G.o.d. There are, however, some who have deceived themselves into thinking that they are right with G.o.d when they aren't-people who are trusting in their own goodness. In those cases, it could be necessary to use the Law to show them their need for a savior.

The parable of the Pharisee and the publican is a good example of when to use the Law to point out the need for a savior (Luke 18:9-14). Jesus specifically spoke this parable to those who were trusting in their own righteousness. The story tells of two men who went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee who, in his prayer, thanked G.o.d that he was not a depraved sinner like the publican standing next to him. The Pharisee was a man who t.i.thed of all he had and fasted twice a week. The publican, on the other hand, stood far off, afraid to even lift his eyes to heaven, and begged G.o.d for mercy. Jesus said it was the publican who went away justified, not the Pharisee. This parable demonstrates that it is the sinner who humbles himself before G.o.d who is made righteous, not the proud man living a holy life.

The irony of a strict religious system is that it can lead to pride and arrogance in those who believe they are able to keep the code. They compare themselves to others and think they are doing just fine with G.o.d. The truth is, they may be a better sinner than someone else, but they're still a sinner- and who wants to be the best sinner who ever went to h.e.l.l? In cases like this, it would be appropriate to use the Word of G.o.d to point out just how sinful they really are. The Bible says, We know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully.

1 Timothy 1:8 But the Law isn't made for a righteous man (1 Timothy 1:9). According to the Word of G.o.d, any person who believes in Jesus has been "made the righteousness of G.o.d" (2 Corinthians 5:21). So, the Law isn't meant to be used against born-again Christians. The Law is meant for unbelievers who don't understand their need for a savior. It's okay to use the Law for that purpose, but it shouldn't be used to try to prod born-again believers into improving their relationship with G.o.d, or to frighten unbelievers into repenting from an angry G.o.d. G.o.d isn't angry anymore (Luke 2:14). Jesus took all of G.o.d's wrath against sin in His own body on the cross (John 12:32 and 1 Peter 2:24).

Paul wasn't ashamed to tell people the Good News. He wasn't ashamed to not beat people over the head with their sinfulness and inadequacy. The vast majority of people don't need to have their sin amplified before them. What they need is to hear the nearly-too good-to-be-true news that Jesus died to make them righteous, and all they need to do is believe.

The man who helped get me really excited about the Lord when I was a teenager had been raised in a religious environment. He knew that G.o.d was real, but before he was saved he lived a sinful lifestyle. His problems with alcohol and s.e.xual immorality were well known in the community A man from my church used to go to this man's house every Sat.u.r.day to tell him what a sinner he was and how he'd better repent. But my friend already knew he was a sinner. He didn't need to hear more information about how sorry and unG.o.dly he was. He was saved when he learned about the grace of G.o.d through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A lot of people today are in the same situation that my friend was in. They are being turned off and driven away from G.o.d by religion. Religion is pounding them with how sinful and sorry they are, but they already know that at the heart level-even if they won't admit it. What they need is to hear the Gospel, the good news that Jesus died to take their sin and to return them to right relationship with the Father.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of G.o.d (Romans 3:23), and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Even if we could quit sinning from this moment forth, it would do nothing to erase what we have done in the past. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. In the midst of that hopeless situation, G.o.d sent His Son to live a holy life and to earn everything that we could not, on our own. Jesus deserved the blessing of G.o.d, but instead He took all of our sins upon Himself, and gave us His holiness and goodness in exchange. The Apostle Peter put it this way: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

1 Peter 2:24 Again, the Bible says of Jesus, For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of G.o.d in him.

2 Corinthians 5:21 Jesus bore our sin, not His sin. He didn't have any sin to bear. He took our sin and paid the debt we couldn't pay. Jesus briefly became what we were- separated from G.o.d-so that we could become what He is: a son of G.o.d, accepted and in right relationship with Him. Jesus took all of our sin and gave us all of His righteousness.

No other religion in the world understands this. In other religions, the burden is on the worshiper to earn relationship, or right standing, with their G.o.d. True Christianity is the only religion on the face of the earth that has a Savior. Jesus came and saved us because we couldn't save ourselves. He paid the debt that we couldn't pay. It is beyond man's ability to even conceive of such a thing. Human beings could never come up with this concept of G.o.d becoming a man and suffering the punishment that we deserve.

Our acceptance with G.o.d isn't based on how holy we are; it's based on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. This is the nearly-too-good-to-be-true news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I was raised in a Christian home. I was born again when I was eight years old, and I immediately began to hear the Word of G.o.d. Because of those things, I lived a holy life from a young age. I have never used a word of profanity in all of my sixty years. I've never taken a drink of liquor. I've never smoked a cigarette. (I've never even tasted coffee, though there is a scripture that says you can drink any deadly thing and it shall not harm you - Mark 16:18 - so you can drink coffee. I'm just kidding, there's nothing wrong with drinking coffee!) But seriously, I have lived a very holy life by religious standards.

Even though I have lived a holy life, I still couldn't save myself. I may not have committed the so-called "cardinal sins" that religion teaches against, but I've been selfish. I've lied. I've been unfaithful to G.o.d. I haven't kept my word to people. I've made mistakes. Just like everyone else, I have come short of the glory of G.o.d, and the payment for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).

A lot of people today don't understand that being a good person, or living a holy life, won't save you. They think that if you're a good person, you're going to be okay. But being good isn't good enough. G.o.d's standard of holiness is impossible for us to achieve. We may look good compared to other people (2 Corinthians 10:12), but this is no comparison to the holiness of G.o.d. Jesus was the express image of G.o.d's glory and of His purpose (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus is G.o.d's standard for holiness, as He never committed a single sin, of commission or omission, in thought or deed, from birth until death. There is no such thing as "almost perfect." Either you're perfect or you aren't, and we aren't-that's why we need a Savior.

Paul began his letter to the Romans by saying that he wasn't ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is "the power of G.o.d unto salvation" (Romans 1:16). Your own efforts can never save you, but simply believing in Jesus will. The Gospel, or Good News, is that the burden of salvation is not on our shoulders, and we don't have to do anything to earn it.

Salvation includes deliverance from sin and its effects. If you don't have power working in you for healing, you don't really understand the Gospel.

Satan is probably condemning you and making you feel unworthy. You believe G.o.d can heal, but you aren't convinced He wants to heal you because you think you are unworthy. You are still tying the display of G.o.d's power in your life to some worth or value on your part. You're trying to barter with G.o.d by saying, "Lord if You heal me, I'll start living a holy life. I'll do whatever You want me to." See, that's not approaching G.o.d on the basis of what Jesus has done. You aren't coming through the Gospel. You haven't accepted the nearly-too-good-to-be-true news that salvation, healing, and deliverance don't depend on your goodness. Jesus has already earned everything for you; all you have to do is believe!

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of G.o.d: not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 G.o.d has already provided everything by grace. It has nothing to do with our own holiness. Your actions don't determine whether G.o.d's power is released in your life. All you have to do is receive by faith what G.o.d has already provided. Not only salvation, but whatever you need from the Lord is available if you will simply believe the good news, the Gospel of Christ Jesus. We are saved, healed, made whole, and delivered by the grace of G.o.d.

Additional Resources: 1. The Gospel: The Power of G.o.d is a four-part audio teaching discussing grace and the book of Romans. It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/ extra/audio/1014 extra/audio/1014 2. Grace, the Power of the Gospel book by Andrew Wommack shows that it isn't what you do, but what Christ did that makes you righteous. Never again worry if you are meeting G.o.d's holy standard. It is available through bookstores or the online store at http://www. awmi.net/store/usa/books/322 3."The Grace of Giving" is an audio teaching that shows how grace relates to giving. It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/o04 4."Grace and Faith in Giving" is an audio teaching that shows us how to trust G.o.d with our finances. It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/ audio/ol4 audio/ol4 G.o.d's Kind of Love: The Cure for What Ails Ya! is a three-part audio teaching that talks about how much G.o.d loves us. We can't give what we haven't received. Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of G.o.d's love for us. This series will help you receive a deeper revelation of G.o.d's unconditional love for you. It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1015

Chapter 8.

Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith.

The body of believers is mostly divided into two camps: those who believe that salvation and the gifts of G.o.d are received through faith, and those who think that everything is given by the grace of G.o.d. I believe the Word of G.o.d teaches that we receive from G.o.d through a combination of grace and faith, not one or the other.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of G.o.d: not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 As this scripture says, we are saved by grace through faith. Those who hold fast to an extreme view of faith or grace are out of balance. This is similar to the chemicals sodium and chlorine: each on its own is a poison, but combined they yield table salt-something we cant live without. Faith or grace by themselves will poison you, but putting faith in G.o.d's grace is the path to life.

I need to define what I mean by "grace" and "faith," because they have become religious terms with varying definitions. Grace is what G.o.d does for you independent of what you deserve. G.o.d's grace has nothing to do with you. The Greek word that we translate "grace"in the Bible literally means unearned, undeserved favor-but it's even more than that. Grace is something G.o.d did for you prior to you having a need for it. G.o.d extended His grace to you before you even existed.

G.o.d's grace came to earth through Jesus 2,000 years ago (John 1:17). When Jesus died upon the cross, He died for all sin, for all time: past, present, and future (Hebrews 9:12). Jesus paid for our sin 2,000 years before we were born. G.o.d didn't look down and say, "They're such wonderful people, and they are trying so hard. I think I'll do something to help them." No, G.o.d antic.i.p.ated our human state and our sin, and He paid the price before we were alive. Before the problem had come into existence, G.o.d had created the solution. That is grace.

If you had to be worthy in order to get G.o.d's grace, then it wouldn't be grace; it would be a payment you earned in exchange for your own goodness. G.o.d's grace is given independent of you. Grace is all G.o.d.

The danger is when people apply G.o.d's grace across the board and interpret it to mean that everything is up to G.o.d. From this viewpoint, G.o.d controls all things: who gets saved, who gets healed, who you marry, and on down to the finest details of life. But the Word of G.o.d teaches differently. For example, the Word says, For the grace of G.o.d that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.

t.i.tus 2:11 If salvation was purely up to G.o.d, and if grace alone saved, then all men would be saved-because G.o.d's grace has appeared to all men. G.o.d's grace was extended prior to your existence and it has nothing to do with you, so if grace by itself was sufficient for salvation, you would already be saved when you are born. No further action on your part would be required. But we aren't saved by grace alone. We're saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). It isn't up to G.o.d whether or not you get saved: The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9 G.o.d desires that everyone be saved, but not everyone will be because it isn't G.o.d's decision to make. Salvation comes by the grace of G.o.d, but you have to respond with faith. Grace is G.o.d's part-faith is ours. It is faith in G.o.d's grace that releases the power of salvation in a person. Everything is available by the grace of G.o.d, but there has to be a faith response on our part to receive what is available by grace.

Before defining what faith is, I want to talk about what faith is not. Faith is not something you do to get G.o.d to respond to you or to act on your behalf. Anything you will ever need has already been provided by grace, including salvation, healing, deliverance, joy, peace, and prosperity. It's true that faith will cause the power of G.o.d to come into manifestation, but this isn't because G.o.d is responding to our faith. Faith doesn't move G.o.d. It moves us into position to receive what G.o.d has already provided by grace.

Faith is simply our positive response to G.o.d's grace.

It took me 20 years to understand those few words. Faith doesn't cause a positive response from G.o.d. G.o.d has already provided all things by grace. Faith is just your positive response to what G.o.d has already provided. Another way of saying it is that faith only appropriates what G.o.d has already provided by grace. If G.o.d hasn't already provided it independent of your efforts and prior to your need, then your faith can't make it happen.

Grace alone is poisonous, as is faith alone. One extreme is to believe that everything is determined by G.o.d's grace. The other is to believe that the faith of the believer controls every outcome. Consider this scripture: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pa.s.s; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:23-24 This scripture says whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them. People who take an extreme view of faith have misinterpreted this to indicate that they can have whatever they want-provided they have the faith to believe for it. This misunderstanding of faith has led some to have false expectations of what is possible by faith, sometimes with bizarre results.

I remember a woman in Arlington, Texas, who was in the extreme faith camp and was teaching its message to her students at a Bible school she opened. She took this scripture from Mark 11 that says you can have "whatsoever ye desire," and decided she wanted Kenneth Copeland (a well known minister) as her husband. The problem was that he was already married to Gloria Copeland. So, this woman held a mock wedding where she married Kenneth "in the spirit," and then "stood in faith" waiting for Gloria to die and get out of her way so she could unite with Kenneth.

Most people would recognize there is something wrong with this picture. "Whatsoever ye desire" isn't a free ticket to receive by faith anything that strikes your fancy. Faith only appropriates what G.o.d has already provided by grace. G.o.d didn't provide murder and adultery through the atonement of Jesus, so you can't believe for someone to die in order to take their spouse.

Some people have this concept that they are going to grab hold of G.o.d and not let go until He gives them what they want. They say, "I'm going to make G.o.d heal so-and-so," "I'm going to make G.o.d prosper me," or "I'm going to make my spouse stay with me." But faith doesn't make G.o.d do anything. If it wasn't provided for in the atonement of Jesus, your faith can't make it happen. All faith does is reach out and partake of what G.o.d has already provided by grace.

When G.o.d created Adam and Eve, He created everything they would ever need. Not only did G.o.d antic.i.p.ate their needs, but He antic.i.p.ated the needs of all the people who would ever live on the face of the earth. G.o.d created this world with enough oxygen to sustain Adam and Eve, and as many descendants as would ever exist on this planet. He created enough food to feed all of earth's inhabitants. There's a reason Adam and Eve weren't created until the sixth day: if G.o.d had created them first, they would have had to tread water for two days until there was land to stand on. And then they would have had to dodge the mountains and trees as they sprung up from the earth. G.o.d antic.i.p.ated everything.

G.o.d created all things and, by grace, He provided for all of the needs that Adam and Eve would ever have. Still, their needs weren't automatically fulfilled. Adam and Eve had a part to play. They had to reach out and partake of G.o.d's grace. G.o.d provided fruit to eat, for instance, but they had to take it and eat. The Lord didn't create them with a tube into their stomach so they could be fed without any effort on their part. They had to gather and use what G.o.d had provided. If they had sat around waiting for G.o.d to spoon-feed them every meal, they would have starved to death.

In the same way, G.o.d has already provided everything we will ever need-that's grace-but we have to reach out and take it by faith.

You don't make G.o.d heal you. G.o.d has already provided for your healing through grace. What you do is reach out and take that healing by faith. Your faith doesn't make healing happen any more than Adam and Eve, by reaching out their arm, made a tree shoot from the ground and sprout fruit. The trees were already there, but Adam and Eve had to harvest the fruit. Likewise, we have a part to play in reaching out to obtain G.o.d's promises-our part is faith.

Believers in the extreme grace camp say that everything comes by the grace of G.o.d, and they don't see any role for themselves.

Their approach to life is Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be. People with this att.i.tude don't see the point in doing anything, or even seeking G.o.d, because they believe everything has already been determined by His grace. They end up floating lazily down the river of life, waiting to see what happens next.

Believers in the extreme faith camp recognize that we have a role to play, but they overemphasize that role. They understand that G.o.d's will doesn't automatically come to pa.s.s, so they focus on how important it is for the individual to do things (read the Word, pray, have faith, etc.). If you aren't careful, you can fall into believing that it is your own actions that are producing results. You can start to think that your goodness is making G.o.d move on your behalf, which leads to pride and Phariseeism.

Any time a truth from G.o.d's Word is taken to an extreme, or to the exclusion of other truths, it leads to error. Faith is poison by itself, and grace is poison by itself. But when you put faith in what G.o.d has already done by grace, it becomes a combination you can't live without. It's the balance of grace and faith, and it will release the power of G.o.d in your life.

Additional Resources: 1.Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith is a five-part audio teaching available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/extra/audio/1064 2.Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith book by Andrew Wommack gives a correct understanding of grace and faith and how they work together. In this book, Andrew clearly explains both concepts and how living in the balance of the two will change your relationship with G.o.d forever. It is available through bookstores or the online store at http://www.awmi.net/store/usa/books/228 3.Insights into Faith is a small book by Andrew Wommack that consists of a compilation of footnotes from the Life for Today Study Bible on the subject of faith. These notes have been organized and tied together to produce a powerful 52-page book that will build your faith. It is available through the online store at http://www.awmi.net/store/usa/books/100 "The Faith of G.o.d" is an audio teaching that discusses the difference between human faith and spiritual faith. "The Faith of G.o.d" is an audio teaching that discusses the difference between human faith and spiritual faith.

It is available to listen to or download for free at http://www.awmi.net/ extra/audio/aOl extra/audio/aOl

Chapter 9.

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