
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 8

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The Figure of the Fabrick, Chimney, and all the parts thereof being hereunto annexed, the rest will be easily understood.


_Figure_ 1.

A. The _Hole_ for taking out the Ashes.

B. The _Square-hole_, into which the Tube or Pipe for conveying the Air is to be fixed.

C. The _Border_ or _Ledge_ of _Brick_ or _Iron_, upon which the _Iron-grate_ or _Cradle_, that holds the burning Coals, is to rest, the one being exactly fitted for the other.

D. The _Hole_ where the _Cradle_ is set.

E. The woodden _Tube_, through which the Air is conveyed towards the _Cradle_.

F. The _Dore_, by which the _Grate_ and _Cradle_ is let in, which is {82} to be set 8. or 10. foot higher than the Hole D. and the _Shutter_ made of Iron, or Wood that will not shrink, that it may shut very close, this _Dore_ being made large enough to receive the _Cradle_ with ease.

G. The _Grate_ or _Cradle_, which is narrower below than above, that the Ashes may the more easily fall, and the Air excite the Fire; the bottom being barred as the sides.

H. The _Border_ or _Ledge_ of the _Cradle_, that rests upon the _Ledge_ C.

I. Four _Chains_ of _Iron_ fastned to the four corners of the _Cradle_, for taking of it up, and letting of it down.

K. The _Chain_ of _Iron_, to which the other are fastned.

L. The _Pulley_ of _Iron_ or _Bra.s.s_, through which the _Chain_ pa.s.seth.

M. A _Hook_, on which the end of the _Chain_ is fastned by a _Ring_, the _Hook_ fixed being placed in the side of the Dore.

N. A _Barr_ of _Iron_ in the Walls, to which the _Pulley_ is fastned.

The higher the _Shaft_ of the Chimney is, the Fire draws the Air the better. And this Invention may be made use of in the _Pits_ or _Shafts_, that are _Perpendicular_, or any wise inclining towards it, when there is want of fresh Air at the bottom thereof, or any molestation by unwholsom Fumes or Vapors:

_A way to break _easily_ and _speedily_ the hardest _Rocks_, communicated by the same Person, as he received it from Monsieur _Du Son_, the Inventor._


Though the invention of breaking with ease, and dispatch, hard Rocks, may be useful on several occasions, the benefit is incomparably great, that may thereby accrue to those, who have _Adits_ or Pa.s.sages to cut through hard _Rocks_, for making pa.s.sage for Water to run out by, in _Mines_ of _Lead_, _Tin_, or any other whatsoever; these _Adits_ appearing to be the surest, cheapest, and most advantagious way imaginable, for draining of the same.


That which is here to be described, was invented by one of the most Excellent _Mechanicks_ in the World, _Monsieur du Son_, who lately put it in practice himself in _Germany_, at the desire of the _Elector_ of _Mentz_. The manner is, as followeth.

The _Mine_ or _Adit_ is to be made seven or eight foot high, which though it seem to make more work downwards, yet will be found necessary for making the better dispatch by rendring the Invention more effectual.

There is a _Tool_ or _Iron_ well steeled at the end, which cuts the Rock, (of the shape shewed by _Fig._ 2. here annexed,) 20. or 22. Inches long or more, and some 2 Inches _Diameter_ at the steeled end, the rest being somewhat more slender. The steeled end is so shaped, as makes it most apt to pierce the Rock, the Angles at that end being still to be made the more obtuse, the harder the Rock is. This _Tool_ is to be first held by the hand, in the place, where the Hole, to be made for the use, which shall here be shewed, is to be placed; that is, in the middle between the sides of the Rock, that is to be cut, but as near the bottom as may be. The _Tool_ being placed, is to be struck upon with an Hammer, the heavier the better, either suspended by a Shaft turning upon a Pin, or otherwise, so as one man may manage the Hammer, while another holds the Tool or Piercer. If it be hung in a _Frame_, or other convenient way, he that manageth it hath no more to do, but to pull it up at first as high as he can, and let it fall again by its own weight, the motion being so directed, as to be sure to hit the Piercer right. After the stroke of the Hammer, he that holds the Piercer, is to turn it a little on its point; so that the Edges or Angles at the point may all strike upon a new place; and so it must still be shifted after every stroke, by which means small Chipps will at every stroke be broken off, which must from time to time be taken out, as need requires. And thus the work must be continued, till the _Hole_ be 18. or 20. Inches deep, the deeper the better. This _Hole_ being made as deep as is required, and kept as streight and smooth in the sides, as is possible, there is then a kind of double _Wedge_ to be made, and {84} fitted exactly for it; the shape whereof is to be seen in the annexed 3. Figure.


This double _Wedge_, being 12. or 13. Inches long, each piece of it, and so made, as being placed in their due position they may make up a _Cylinder_, but _Diagonal_-wise. The two flat sides that are contiguous, are to be greased or oyled, that the one may slip the more easily upon the other; and one of them, which is to be uppermost, having at the great end a hollow _Crease_ cut into it round about, for fastening a _Cartridge_, full of _Gunpowder_, to it with a thred, the round end of the _Wedge_ being pared as much as the thickness of the Paper or Pastboard, that holds the Powder, needs to make the outside thereof _even_ with the rest of the _Wedge_. This _Wedge_ must have an Hole drilled through the longest side of it, to be filled with _priming Powder_, for firing of the Powder in the _Cartridge_; which needs have no more, than half a pound of Powder, though upon occasion a greater quant.i.ty may be used, as shall be found requisite.

Then this _Wedge_, being first thrust into the Hole with the _Cartridge_, the round side, whether the Priming-hole is, being uppermost, the other _Wedge_ is to be thrust in, home to the due position, care being taken, that they fit the Hole in the Rock as exactly as may be. Then the end of the lower _Wedge_ being about an Inch longer, than that of the upper outwardly, and flatned, priming Powder is to be laid upon it; and a piece of burning _Match_ or _Thread_ dipt in _Brimstone_ or other such prepared combustible Matter, fastned to it, that may burn so long before it fire the Powder, as he, that orders it, may have time enough to retire quite out the Pit or _Adit_, having first placed a piece of Wood or Iron so, as one end thereof, being set against the end of the lower Wedge, and the other against the side-wall, so as it cannot slip. Which being done, and the Man retired, when the Powder comes to take fire, it will first drive out the uppermost Wedge, as far as it will go, but the slaunting figure of it being so made, as the farther it goes backward, the thicker it grows, till at the last it can go no farther, then the {85} fire tears the Rock to get forth, and so cracks and breaks it all about, that at one time a vast deal of it will either be quite blown out, or so crackt and broken, as will make it easie to be remov'd: And according to the effect of one such _Cartridge_, more may be afterwards made use of, as hath been said.

_Observables upon a _Monstrous Head_._


This was the Head of a _Colt_, represented in the annexed _Figure_ 4. first viewed by Mr. _Boyle_, who went into the Stable where the _Colt_ lay, and got the Head hastily and rudely cut off, the _Body_ thereof appearing to his Eye compleately formed, without any _Monstrosity_ to be taken notice of in it. Afterwards he caused it to be put into a Vessel, and covered with _Spirit of Wine_ thereby chiefly intending, to give good example, together with a proof, that by the help of the said _Spirit_, (which he hath recommended for such Properties in one of his _Essays_ of the _Usefulness_ of _Natural Philosophy_) the parts of _Animals_, and even _Monsters_, may in _Summer_ it self be preserved long enough to afford _Anatomists_ the opportunities of examining them.

The Head being opened, and examined, it was found.

_First_, That it had no sign of any _Nose_ in the usual place, nor had it any, in any other place of the Head, unless the double Bag CC, that grew out of the midst of the forehead, were some rudiment of it.

_Next_, That the _two Eyes_ were united into one _Double Eye_, which was placed just in the middle of the Brow, the Nose being wanting, which should have separated them, whereby the two Eye-holes in the Scull were united into one very large round hole, into the midst of which, from the Brain, entred one pretty large _Optik Nerve_, at the end of which grew a great _Double Eye_; that is, that _Membrane_, called _Sclerotis_, which contained both, was one and the same, but seemed to have a _Seam_, {86} by which they were joined, to go quite round it, and the fore or pellucid part was distinctly separated into two _Cornea_'s by a white _Seam_ that divided them. Each _Cornea_ seemed to have its _Iris_, (or Rain-bow-like Circle) and Apertures or Pupils distinct; and upon opening the _Cornea_, there was found within it two _b.a.l.l.s_, or _Crystalline Humours_, very well shaped; but the other parts of it could not be so well distinguished, because the eye had been much bruised by the handling, and the inner parts confused and dislocated. It had four Eye-browes, placed in the manner exprest in Figure 4. by a a, b b; a a representing the _lower_, and b b, the _upper_ Eye-lids.

_Lastly_, That just above the Eyes, as it were in the midst of the Forehead, was a very deep depression, and out of the midst of that grew a kind of double _Purse_ or _Bagg_, C C, containing little or nothing in it; but to some it seemed to be a production of the matter designed for the Nose, but diverted by this Monstrous Conception; perhaps the _Processus mammillares_ joyned into one, and covered with a thin hairy skin.

_Observables in the Body of the _Earl_ of _Balcarres_._

These following Observations, were a while since sent out of _Scotland_ by an ingenious person, an Eye-witness, to Sir _Robert Moray_.

1. That the Belly of this n.o.bleman being opened, the _Omentum_ or _Net_ was found lean and small: his _Liver_ very big; the _Spleen_ big also, filled with a black and thick humour. His _Stomack_ and _Entralls_ all empty, of a Saffron-colour, distended with wind only. The _Bladder_ of _Gall_ swelled with a black humour: The _Kidneys_ filled with a kind of _grumous blood_.

2. That in the _Thorax_ or _Chest_, the _Lobes_ of the _Lungs_ were all entire, but of a bad colour; on the left side somewhat black and blue, and on the right, whitish; with a yellowish k.n.o.b under one of the _Lobes_. {87}

3. That the _Pericardium_ or the _Case_ of the _Heart_ being opened, there appeared none of that water, in which the _Heart_ uses to swim; and the external Surface of it, from the _Base_ to the _Tipp_, was not smooth, but very rough. It being cut asunder, a quant.i.ty of white and insp.i.s.sate liquour run out, and beneath the _Base_, between the right and left Ventricle, _two stones_ were found, whereof the one was as bigg as an _Almond_, the other, _two_ Inches long and _one_ broad, having three _Auricles_ or crisped _Angles_: And in the Orifice of the right Ventricle, there was a fleshy fattish Matter.

4. That the whole Body was bloudless, thin, and emaciated, of a black and bluish Colour.

5. The _Scull_ being opened, both the _Cerebrum_ and _Cerebellum_ were bigg in proportion to the Body; and out of it run much more Bloud, than was seen in both the other Regions together.

_Of the designed Progress to be made in the _Breeding of Silkworms_, and the _Making_ of _Silk_, in _France_._

The _French_ King _Henry the Fourth_, having made a general Establishment all over _France_, of planting and propagating of _Mulberry-trees_, and _Breeding of Silkworms_, in order to set up and entertain a _Silk-trade_ there; and having prospered so well in that Design, that in many parts of his Dominions great store of such Trees were raised, and Mult.i.tudes of Silk-works propagated, to the great benefit of the _French_ people, forasmuch as it was a considerable beginning to avoid the transport of several Millions abroad for buying of Silks, and withall an excellent means of well-imploying abundance of poor Orphans and Widows, and many old, lame, and other indigent and helpless people; The present _French King_, hath lately revived and seconded that Undertaking by giving express order that it should be promoted by all possible means, and particularly in the _Metropolis_ of that Kingdom, and round about it; and that for that end the whole way concerning that Work and {88} Trade should be fully and punctually communicated in Print; which hath also been executed by one _Monsieur Isnard_, in a Treatise published at _Paris_, in _French_, Int.i.tuled, _Instructions for the Planting of White Mulberryes, the Breeding of Silkworms, and the Ordering of Silk in _Paris_, and the circ.u.mjacent Places_, In which Book, the Method being represented, which that Great Prince _Henry_ IV used in establishing the said Work and Trade, together with the success thereof, and the advantages thence derived to his Subjects, the _Author_, from his own _Experience_, and long _Practice_, delivers (and seems to do it candidly) all what belongs in this business in four main heads. _First_, he teaches the Means of sowing, planting, and raising _White Mulberryes_ (as the Foundation of Silkworks) shewing how many several wayes _that_ may be done. _Secondly_, The Breeding of _Silkworms_, the choosing of good Eggs, and their hatching, as also the Feeding of the _Worms_, and preserving them from sickness, and Curing them of it, together with the way of making them spin to best advantage.

_Thirdly_, The manner of winding their Silk from their Bottoms, adding the _Scheme_ of the _Instrument_ serving for that purpose. _Fourthly_, The way of _keeping_ _Silkworms_ Eggs for the ensuing year.

Through the whole Book are scattered many not inconsiderable particulars, though perhaps known to most. The _White Mulberry Tree_, as it is in other qualities preferable to the _Black_, so this _Author_ esteems it the best, not only for the durableness of the wood, and its large extent of usefulness in Carpentry and Joyners work; but also for the fitness of its leaves (besides their princ.i.p.al use for the food of _Silkworms_) to fatten Sheep, Goats, Cowes, and Hoggs, only by boyling and mingling them with Bran. The Berryes themselves he commends as very excellent to fatten Poultry, and to make them lay Eggs plentifully. In the _Changes_, _Working_, and _Generation_ of this _Insect_, he is very curious to observe many things. Their _Metamorphoses_, as is known, are four, whereof the form of the one hath no conformity with any of the rest. The first from an Egge (of the bigness of a Mustard-seed, and of a darkish Gray Colour, when good) to a _Worm_ or _Caterpillar_, but of a domestick, n.o.ble, and profitable kind, _Black_, when it first comes {89} forth, but growing _white_ at last; having 24. feet, 8. on each side of the body, and 4. besides, close to each side of the head. During this form, they undergo constantly 4. Sicknesses, in which they cast their Skins, each sickness lasting about 4. days, wherein they feed not at all; but grow clearer, shorter, and thicker. The second from a _Worm_ to an _Aurelia_ or _Chrysalis_, having the shape of a small Plum, whereunto it is transformed after its spinning time is past; in which state it lies shut up, in hot Countries, for 14. or 15. dayes; in more temperate ones, 18. or 20. without any Food or Air, known to us.

During which time this _Insect_ leaves two Coats, both that of a _Worm_, whence 'tis changed into an _Aurelia_, and that of an _Aurelia_, whence it becomes a _Papilio_ or _b.u.t.terfly_, in the _Theca_ or _Case_. The third is, from an _Aurelia_ to a _b.u.t.terfly_, coming out of the _Theca_ with a head, leggs, and horns; for which pa.s.sage it makes way by a whitish water, it casts upon the Silk, which moistning, and thereby in a manner putrefying it, the new creature thrusts out its head through the sharp end of the _Case_, by a Hole as big as its self. There is found no Excrement in the _Case_, but the two Skins only, just now mentioned.

Before they begin to spin, and about the latter end of their feeding, they must, saith the _Author_, be often changed, and have Air enough, by opening the Windows of the Room, they are in, if it be not too ill Weather; else, saith he, the Silk that is in their Belly, will cause so extraordinary a heat in them, that it burns their gutts, and sometimes bursts them; and the same (being a substance that resembleth Gum or Burgundy Pitch) will putrefy and turn into a yellowish matter.

He maketh the best marks of their maturity for spinning to be, when they begin to quit their white Colour, & their green and yellow Circles, and grow of the Colour of Flesh, especially upon the tail; having a kind of _consistent_ softness shewing that they have something substantial in their Stomachs.

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