
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 41

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Then take out both the Quills out of the Dogs _Jugular_ Vein, and tye the running knot fast, and cut the Vein asunder, (which you may doe without any harm to the Dog, one _Jugular_ Vein being sufficient to convey all the bloud from the Head and upper parts, by reason of a large _Anatomosis_, whereby both the _Jugular_ Veins meet about the _Larinx_.) This done, sow up the skin and dis-miss him, and the Dog will leap from the Table and shake himself and run away, as if nothing ailed him.

And this I have tryed several times, before several in the _Universities_, but never yet upon more than one Dog at a time, for want of leisure, and convenient supplyes of several Dogs at once. But when I return, I doubt not but to give you a fuller account, not only by bleeding several Dogs into one, but several other creatures into one another, as you did propose to me, before you left _Oxford_; which will be very easie to perform; and will afford many pleasant and perhaps not unuseful Experiments.

But because there are many Circ.u.mstances necessary to be observ'd in the performing of this Experiment, and that you may better direct any one to doe it, without any danger of killing the other Dog, that is to receive the others bloud, I will mention two or three.

_First_, that you fasten the Dogs at such a convenient distance, that the Vein nor Artery be not stretched; for then, being contracted, they will not admit or convey so much bloud.

_Secondly_, that you constantly observe the Pulse beyond the Quill in the Dogs _Jugular_ Vein (which it acquires from the impulse of the _Arterious_ bloud:) For if that fails, then 'tis a sign the Quil is stopt by some congealed bloud, so that you must draw out the _Arterial_ Quill from the other, and with a _Probe_ open the pa.s.sage again in both of them, that the bloud may have its free course again. For, this must be expected, when the Dog, that bleeds into the other, hath lost much bloud, his heart will beat very faintly, and then the impulse {356} of bloud being weaker, it will be apt to congeal the sooner, so that at the latter end of the work you must draw out the Quill ofter, and clear the pa.s.sage; if the Dog be faint-hearted, as many are, though some stout fierce Dogs will bleed freely and uninterruptedly, till they are convuls'd and dye. But to prevent this trouble, and make the experiment certain, you must bleed a great Dog into a little one, or a _Mastive_ into a _Curr_, as I once try'd, and the little Dog bled out at least double the quant.i.ty of his own bloud, and left the _Mastive_ dead upon the Table, and after he was untyed, he ran away and shak'd himself, as if he had been only thrown into water. Or else you may get three or four several Dogs prepared in the same manner; and when one begins to fail and leave off bleeding, administer another, and I am confident one Dog will receive all their bloud, (and perhaps more) as long as it runs freely, till they are left almost dead by turns: provided that you let out the bloud proportionably, as you let it goe into the Dog, that is to live.

_Thirdly_, I suppose the Dog that is to bleed out into dishes will endure it the better, if the Dogs that are to be administred to supply his bloud, be of near an equal age, and fed alike the day before, that both their blouds may be of a neer strength and temper.

There are many things I have observed upon bleeding Dogs to death, which I have seen since your departure from _Oxford_, whereof I shall give you a relation hereafter; in the mean time since you were pleased to mention it to the _Royal Society_, with a promise to give them an account of this experiment, I could not but take the first opportunity to clear you from that obligation, &c.

_So far this Letter;_ the prescriptions whereof having been carefully observ'd by those who were imployed to make the Experiment, have hitherto been attended with good success; and that not only upon Animals of the same _Species_ (as two Dogs first, and then two Sheep) but also upon some of very differing _Species_ (as a Sheep and a Dog; the former _Emitting_, the other _Receiving_)

_Note_ only, that instead of a Quill, a small crooked thin {357} Pipe of Silver or Bra.s.s, so slender that the one end may enter into a Quill, and having at the other end, that is to enter into the Vein and Arterie, a small k.n.o.b, for the better fastening them to it with a thread, will be much fitter than a strait Pipe or Quill, for this Operation: for so they are much more easie to be managed.

'Tis intended, that these tryals shall be prosecuted to the utmost variety the subject will bear: As by exchanging the bloud of Old and Young, Sick and Healthy, Hot and Cold, Fierce and Fearful, Lame and Wild Animals, &c., and, that not only the same, but also of differing kinds. For which end, and to improve this n.o.ble Experiment, either for knowledge, or use, or both, some Ingenious men have already proposed considerable tryals and Inquiries; of which perhaps an account will be given hereafter. For the present we shall only subjoyn some.

_Considerations about this kind of Experiments._

1. It may be consider'd in them, that the bloud of the _Emittent_ Animal, may after a few minuts of time, by its circulation, mix and run out with that of the _Recipient_. Wherefore to be a.s.sured in these Tryals, that all the bloud of the _Recipient_ is run out, and none left in him but the advent.i.tious bloud of the _Emittent_, two or three or more Animals (which was also hinted in the _method_ above) may be prepared and administred, to bleed them all out into one.

2. It seems not irrational to guess afore hand, that the exchange of bloud will not alter the nature or disposition of the Animals, upon which it shall be practised; though it may be thought worth while for satisfaction and certainty, to determine that point by Experiments. The case of exchanging the bloud of Animals seems not like that of _Graffing_, where the _Cyons_ turns the Sap of the _Stock_, graffed upon, into its nature; the _Fibres_ of the Cyons so straining the juice, which pa.s.ses from the stem to it, as thereby to change it into that of the Cyons, whereas in this transfusion there seems to be no such {358} Percolation of the bloud of Animals, whereby that of the one should be changed into the nature of the other.

3. The most probable use of this Experiment may be conjectured to be that one Animal may live with the bloud of another; and consequently, that those Animals, that want bloud, or have corrupt bloud, may be supplyed from other with a sufficient quant.i.ty, and of such as is good, provided the Transfusion be often repeated, by reason of the quick expence that is made of the bloud.


_In the last _Transactions_ was also promised an Accompt by the next, of Monsieur _Hevelius_ his accurate Calcul. of the late _Solar Eclipses_, Duration, Quant.i.ty, &c. But this being to be accompanyed with _Scheme_, the _Graving_ whereof met with a disappointment, it must be still referred to another Opportunity._

_An Accompt of some Sanative-waters in _Herefordshire_._

This account was communicated by Dr. _B._ in these words.

There are two Springs in _Herefordshire_, whereof one is within a Bolt, or at least Bow-shoot of the top of the near adjoyning loftie Hill of _Malvern_, and at great distance from the Foot of the Hill; and hath had a long and old fame for healing of eyes. When I was for some years molested with Tetters on the back of one and sometimes of both my hands, notwithstanding all endeavors of my very friendly and skilful Physitians I had speedy healing from a neighbouring Spring of far less fame. Yet this Spring healed very old and Ulcerous sores on the Legs of a poor Fellow, which had been poyson'd by Irons in the Gaol, after other Chirurgery had been hopeless. And by many tryals upon my hands, and the Tetters; I was perswaded, that in long droughts, and lasting dry Frosts, those waters were more effectually and more speedily healing, than at other times. And not to omit this circ.u.mstance, I did hold this water in my mouth, till it was warm, perchance somewhat intermingled with fasting Spittle, {359} and so dropping it upon the Tetter, I there could see it immediately gather a very thin skin upon the raw flesh, not unlike that which is seen to gather upon Milk over a gentle fire. This skin would have small holes in it, through which a moisture did issue in small drops, which being wip'd away, and the water continued to be dropp'd warm out of the mouth, the holes would diminish, and at last be all quite healed up.

For the _Eye-waters_, I conceived them more strongly tersive, and clearing the Eyes; and they had a rough smartness, as if they carryed Sand or Gravel into the Eye.

I have known and try'd three or four healing Fountains of late discovery, or of no old fame that I could hear of.

I did once put rich _Marle_ for some days in a vessel of water, to try whether the water would acquire a healing vertue, but my Experiments were interrupted. I had in my thoughts many other ways of Tryal; which I may resume hereafter.

_A farther Accompt of the _Vitriolate-water_, mention'd _Num. 18 p. 323_.

Together with some other particulars touching waters._

This comes from the same hand as follows;

I formerly mentioned to you, that, if that Pool of Mr. _Phillip's_, which seems to be of Vitriolate-water, were on my ground, I would drain it, and search the head of the Spring, pursuing the source, till I could well discern, through what lay of Earth or Gravel it does pa.s.s. Now I shall tell you, that I have taken order for the further tryal of the said Water, by boiling a greater quant.i.ty in a Furnace, &c. But just as we were in readiness for the tryal, a stream of Rain-water fell into the Pool, and so discourag'd us for the present. I have also taken a course to turn the falling Waters aside, and to drain the Pool, that we may see, what the Native Springs (whether one or more) may be. Of which more hereafter.

I wish (_so he goes on_) we had a full Accompt of our _Salt-Springs_ at _Droyt-wych_ near _Worcester_, and at _Nant-wych_ in _Cheshire_ (what other Salt-Springs we have in _England_, I know not:) {360} It should be inquired, at what distance they are from the Seas, or from Salt-fluxes, from Hills, and how deep in the Vales? What the weight? Whether in droughts or long Frosts the proportion of Salt or weight increaseth? Whether the Earth near the Springs, or in their pa.s.sage hath any peculiar ferment, or produceth a blackishness, if it rests, after it is well drained.

_Inquiries for _Turky_._

Though many Relations and Descriptions of _Turky_ be extant in Print, yet they leave in many a desire of a fuller information in the following particulars, lately drawn up, for the most part by Mr. _H._ and recommended to an Ingenious Gentleman, bound for that Country; and desired also to be taken notice of by others, that may have occasion to visit the same.

[Sidenote: * _Rusma_ is a kind of Earth, used in _Turky_ to take away hair.]

1. In what part of _Turky_ the * _Rusma_ is to be found; and in what quant.i.ty? Whether the _Turks_ employ it to any other Uses, besides that of the taking away of Hair? Whether here be differing kinds of it? How it is used to take of hair, and how to get store of it.

2. Whether the _Turks_ do not only take _Opium_ themselves for strength and courage, but also give it to their Horses, Camels and Dromedaries, for the same purpose, when they find them tired and faint in their travelling? What is the greatest _Dose_, any men are known to have taken of _Opium_? and how prepared?

3. What effects are observed from their use, not only of _Opium_ (already mention'd) but also of Coffee, Bathing, shaving their Heads, using Rice; and why they prefer that which grows not unless water'd, before Wheat, &c.

4. How their Damasco steel is made and temper'd?

5. What is their way of dressing and making Leather, which though thin and supple, will hold out water?

6. What method they observe in breeding those excellent Horses, they are so much famed for?

7. Whether they be so skilful in Poysoning, as it is said; and how their Poysons are curable?


8. How the _Armenians_ keep Meat fresh and sweet so long, as 'tis said they do?

9. What Arts or Trades they have worth Learning?

10. Whether there be such a Tree about _Damascus_, call'd _Mouslat_, which every year about the Month of _December_ is cut down close by the root, and within four or five Months time shoots up again apace, bringing forth Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit also, and bearing but one Apple (an excellent Fruit) at once?

11. Whether about _Reame_ in the Southern part of _Arabia Foelix_, there be Grapes without any grains? And whether the people in that Country live, many of them, to a hundred and twenty years, in good health?

12. Whether in _Candia_ there be no poysonous Creatures; and whether those Serpents, that are there, are without poyson?

13. Whether all Fruits, Herbs, Earth, Fountains, are naturally saltish in the Isle of _Cyprus_? And whether those parts of this Isle, which abound in _Cyprus-trees_, are more or less healthful, than others?

14. What store of _Amianthus_ there is in _Cyprus_; and how they work it?

15. Whether _Mummies_ be found in the sands of _Arabia_, that are the dryed flesh of men buried in those sandy Deserts in travelling? And how they differ in their vertue from the Embalmed ones?

16. Whether the parts about the City of _Constantinople_ or _Asia Minor_, be as subject to Earth-quakes now, as they have been formerly? And whether the Eastern Winds do not Plague the said City with Mists, and cause that inconstancy of Weather, it is said to be subject to?

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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 41 summary

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