
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part 35

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1. If a Horse, fat and fair to look on, without a hollow to be seen between his Muscles, be rid extreme hard, and into a great sweat, and then kept one day without water or moist meat, you shall see him took so thin in many places as in the _musculous_ parts, that you will hardly believe it to be the same Horse, especially if he be (as the Phrase is among Horse-masters) a _Nash_ or _Wash-Horse_. The cause of which thinness will easily be granted to be only an exhaustion of Juice, expended out of the Blood, which did stuff out these Vessels. And whoever, that is used to ride hard, shall observe, how thick this foul Horse breaths, and at what a rate he will reek and sweat, will not much wonder at the alteration. But if the Horse be a hardy one, and used to be hard ridden, then you will see, that one days rest, and his belly full of good meat and drink, will in one day or two almost restore him to his former plight, the food being within that short s.p.a.ce of time so distributed, that all the Vessels will be replenish'd again, as before. And the cleaner the Horse is, the sooner recruited, and the less sign of hard riding will appear. This seems to shew the facility, with which the Juice, called Blood, pa.s.seth; Which surely, if there were such a thing as a _Parenchyma_ might by several accidents (not difficult to mention) be so deprav'd in several parts of it, that it might lose its receptive faculty; than which it may be thought to have none of greater use, being supposed to be without Vessels.

2. Discoursing sometimes with _Grasiers_ in the Country, about the Pasture of Cattle, I have been informed by them, that, if they buy any Old Beasts, Oxen, or Cows to feed, they choose rather those that are as poor as can be, so they be sound; because that, if they are pretty well in flesh, what they then add to them by a good pasture, though it make them both look and sell well, yet it will not make them eat so well, their flesh proving hard and very tough: Which some may suppose to be the age of _Parenchyma_; and so it is of that so called. But if those Beasts be old and extremely poor, then they feed very kindly, and will be not only very fat but spend well, like young ones, and eat very tender.

Of which I take the reason (excluding a _Parenchyma_ now) to be this. When an Oxe or a Cow is grown old, and in an indifferent plight as to his _flesh_ (for so it is called) all those Vessels having been kept at that size for the most part, have contracted a tenseness and firmness, and their _fibers_ less extensive, nor so fitted for the reception of more unctuous particles to relaxe them; and that additional unctuous matter, which occasions fatness, is forced to seek new quarter any where (often remote from Muscles) where it can be with least difficulty received; sometimes to one place, sometimes to {319} another, as may be seen in Shambles. Whereas, if there were such a thing as a _Parenchyma_, that certainly would, like a hungry Sponge, immediately swell up in several parts, (which without much difficulty might be discover'd in the dissection) and more eminently, where it should find the pores most potent: And in the dissection of such Muscles it would be very strange, not to find some, if not many, pieces of them in various shapes, to the great inconvenience of the parts, in which they are seated: Which yet I confess I could never find in any Muscle unless it were where there had been a _Contusion_, or an _Impostume_, or the like. But according to my opinion of the _Parenchymous_ parts, the reason, why the Flesh of a very lean Ox or Cow, that hath got new Flesh in a good pasture, eats tenderer, seems to be this: That in a very lean Beast the Vessels designed for admitting and distributing the nourishing Juice, are so near contracted, and lye so close together; that, when once they are relax'd; by fresh and unctuous nourishment, they extend every way in all _extensive_ parts, until in a short time the whole Creature is, as it were, created a new, having got new flesh upon old bones. And the necessity of extreme extension makes all those parts, that are, as has been said, for the admission of nourishment, so thin and fine, that it will make the lean Beast, put into a rich pasture, eat young and tender: Whereas one of the same Age, that never was very poor, fed in the same pasture, shall eat hard and tough.

3. It has been observed, that Corpulent Persons in some Diseases, that seize on them, do fall away to wonder, not only in the Wast, but in the Arms, Legs, and Thighs; and the very Calves of the Legs have been observed so flaccid and loose, that one might wrap the skin about the bones. The reason whereof, according to the opinion deliver'd, may be easily rendred to be, A great Consumption of the Stock of Liquors, that in Health kept the Vessels turgid; Which Vessels I suppose to make up those Muscles. But when the Pores are obstructed, that the nourishment is hindred (which then also uses to be but sparingly administred) and sweats, either spontaneous, or forced, are large, there must needs be a great expence of those Liquors, the supply being but inconsiderable: which cannot but contract all these ducts of all sorts nearer together, and make them much less in themselves, meerly from Exhaustion: Or, if there should be no sweats, the internal Heat spends the spirits, and dries up the Liquors; the consequence whereof may reasonably be presumed to be this Flaccidity of parts, and great and sudden Change, made in them; not that there is need of any _Parenchyma_ to fill up these Muscles considering what hath been said. Mean while, I humbly conceive, that if it be in any part of a Muscle, their Ingenuity, that plead for it, will put them upon some experiments, to bring it to Ocular Demonstration, either in Living or Dead Muscle, any kind of flesh, raw, rosted, boyl'd, or in what they can best make it out. And when I shall be convinc'd of an Errour in what I have discoursed, I shall beg pardon for giving the Occasion of the trouble of that Experiment, which shall prove a {320} _Parenchyma_ in any Muscle; and think my time well spent in receiving a full satisfaction of the ungroundedness of my opinion; and readily submit to the Author, with a grateful acknowledgement of my Obligation to any one that shall rectifie me in my mistake, if it be one.

_Observables touching _Petrification_._

Though much hath been already said and written of _Petrification_, yet 'tis conceived, that all that comes so far short of a competent stock for the composing of a perfect _History of Petrification_, that the incompleatness thereof ought to awaken the more diligent attention of the Curious, and to call in their aid for Additions, thereby so to encrease and to complete the _Materials_ for that work, that it may the better serve to clear and make out the Cause of that Trans.m.u.tation. And that the rather, because if it lay in the power of humane Skill (by the knowledge of _Nature_'s works) to raise _Petrification_, or to allay, or prevent it, or to order and direct it (which perchance in time might be attained the said way) much use might be made of this Art; especially if it could be made applicable to hinder the Generation of the Stone and Gravel in humane Bodies, or to dissolve the Stone, where 'tis formed; besides other valuable Uses, that might be excogitated.

Upon this Consideration, care is, and further _will be_ taken in these Papers, to record, among other Observables of Nature, what shall be communicated of this kind of _Change_.

In _Num._ 1. 2. and 5. several Relations have been made belonging to this Argument. Much of it, together with considerable Reflections may be seen in Mr. _Boyle_'s _Essay of Firmness_: In _Helmont de Lithiase_, where, among other remarques, is recited the Testimony of _Paraeus_ of a _Petrified Child_ seen at _Paris_, and by the Owner used for a _Whetstone_: In _Densingius_'s Historia _Infantis in Abdomine inventi, & in duritiem lapideam conversi_: In Mr. _Hook_'s _Micrography_, and in others. To omit now, what has been related (but perhaps not well enough attested) by Authors, concerning the stupendious Petrifications of whole Companies of Men, and Troops of Cattle; by _Aventinus_, lib. 7. _Annal. Bojorum_; by _Purchas_ in his _Pilgrimage_ p. 416. in fol. printed at _London_ 1614, and, (of a Troop of _Spanish_ Hors.e.m.e.n) by _Jos. Acosta_ lib. 3. c. 9.

To all which, the curious Dr. _Beale_ now adds a Narrative of a Stone, not long since taken out of the Womb of a Woman of his neighbourhood neer _Trent_ in _Somersetshire_, by incision, and afterwards perfectly cured, though she had born the Stone with extreme torments for. 8. or 9. years.

The operation he relates to have been made in _Easter_ last; after which time, he affirms to have seen the Stone, and weigh'd it in Gold Scales, where it wanted somewhat of four Ounces, but had lost of the weight, it formerly had, {321} being very light for a Stone of that Bulk. He further describes to be of a whitish colour, lighter than Ash-colour; perchance (_saith he_) not unlike to that recited out of _Scaliger_ by Mr. _Boyle_ in his _Essay of Firmness_ pag. 238. _qui aeris contactis postea in gypseam tum speciem tum firmitatem concreverat_. It had no deep asperities, and had somewhat of an Oval figure, but less at one end, than a Hen-Egge, and bigger and blunter at the other end, than a Goose egge.

This Stone, (so he concludes) is intended for the _Royal Society_, with the Testimony of the _Chirurgion_, that perform'd the Operation, and other Witnesses of special credit; where also will be annexed the _manner_ of Operation.

It appears by this last clause (to add that on this occasion) that this Well-wisher to the Improvement of all usefull knowledge, has taken notice of that considerable _Collection of Curiosities_, lately presented to the lately nam'd Society for their _Repository_, by the Publick-minded Gentleman Mr. _Daniel Colwall_, a very worthy and useful Member of that Body: To which Repository whatsoever is presented as rare and curious, will be with great care, together with the _Donors names_ and their _Beneficence_ recorded, and the things preserved for After-ages, (probably much better and safer, than in their own private Cabinets;) and in progress of Time will be employed for considerable Philosophical and Usefull purposes; of which perhaps more largely in another place.

_A Relation of a kind of _Worms_ that eat out Stones._

This is taken out of a Letter, written by one _M. de la Voye_ to _M.

Auzout_, to be found in the 32. _Journal des Scavans_; as follows.

In a great and very ancient Wall of Free-Stone in the _Benedictins Abby_ at _Caen_ in _Normandy_, facing Southward, there are to be found many Stones so eaten by Worms, that one may run his hand into most of the Cavities which are variously fashion'd, like the Stones, which I have seen wrought with so much Art in the _Louvre_: In these cavities there is abundance of live-Worms, their excrement, and of that Stone-dust, they eat. Between many of the Cavities there remain but leaves, as it were, of Stone, very thin, which part them. I have taken some of these living Worms, which I found in the eaten Stone, and put them into a Box with several bits of the Stone; leaving them there together for the s.p.a.ce of eight days; and then opening the Box, the Stone seem'd to me eaten so sensibly, that I could no longer doubt of it, I send you the Box and the Stones in it, together with the living Worms: and to satisfie your Curiosity, I shall relate to you, what I have observed of them both _with_ and _without_ a _Microscope_. {322}

These Worms are inclosed in a Sh.e.l.l, which is grayish and of the bigness of a Barly-corn, sharper at one end, than the other. By the means of an excellent _Microscope_ I have observ'd, that 'tis all overspread with little Stones and little greenish Eggs; and that there is at the sharpest end a little hole by which these Creatures cast out their excrement, and at the other end, a somewhat bigger hole, through which they put out their heads and fasten themselves to the Stones, they gnaw. They are not so shut up, but that sometimes they come out, and walk abroad. They are all black, about two _Lines_ of an inch long and three quarters of a _Line_ large.

Their Body is distinguish't into several plyes, and near their head they have three feet on each side, which have but two Joynts resembling those of a Lowse. When they move, their Body is commonly upwards, with their mouth against the Stone. They have a big head, somewhat flat, and even, of the colour of a Tortoise-Sh.e.l.l, braunish, with some small white hair. Their mouth is also big; where may be seen four kinds of Jaw-bones, lying crossewise, which they move continually, opening and shutting them like a pair of _Compa.s.ses_, with four branches. The Jaws on both sides of the mouth are all black, the nether Jaw hath a point like the Sting of a Bee, but uniform. They draw threds out of their mouth with their fore-feet, using that point to range them, and to form their Sh.e.l.ls of them. They have Ten Eyes, very black and round, which appear to be bigger than a Pins head.

There are five of them on each side of the head, standing after this manner,


But besides these Worms, I have found, that _Mortar_ is eaten by an infinite number of small Creatures, of the bigness of Chees-Mites. These have but two Eyes, and are blackish. They have four feet on each side pretty long. The point of their Muzzle is very sharp, as that of a Spider.

I send you but one of them, though I had abundance, but they are dead and lost. It may be, you'l find some at _Paris_, seeing that in the old Mortar betwixt Stones, that is found in Walls made with rubbish, there is great store of them, together with great plenty of their little Eggs. I have not yet examined, whether these be those, that in the surfaces of all the Stones, where they are met with, make little round holes, and small traces and impressions, which make them look like _Worm-eaten Wood_. But 'tis probable, they are such. It should be observed, whether these Worms do not take Wings, and all the other appearances of Caterpillars; and whether they are not to be found in plaister that is full of holes, in Bricks, in Greety Stones, and in Rocks.

You may observe more of them in Walls exposed to the _South_, than in others; and that the Worms, that eat the Stone, live longer, then those, {323} that eat the Mortar, which keep not above eight days alive. I have observed all their parts with a very good _Microscope_, without which, and a great deal of attention, 'tis difficult to see them well.

I have seen other very old Walls altogether eaten, as those of the _Temple_ at _Paris_, where I could find no Worms, but the Cavities were full of Sh.e.l.ls of various kinds, diversly figur'd and turn'd: all which I believe to be little Animals petrified.

_Some promiscuous Observations, made in _Somerset shire_, and imparted by the above-mentioned Dr. _Beale_._

His words are these, in a Letter to the _Publisher_, of the 24. _Septemb._ 1666 at _Yeovill_ in _Somersetshire_;

I have two or three remarks, perhaps not unworthy to be recorded for further application in like cases of time and place

1. In the Moores from hence towards _Bridgewater_, in the extreme drought, we have endured this Summer, some lengths of pasture grew much sooner whithered and parched, than the other pasture. And this Parched part seem'd to bear the length and shape (in gross) of Trees. They digg'd, and found, in the place, _Oakes_ indeed, as black as Ebony. And hence they have been instructed to find and take up many hundreds of Oakes, as a neighbour of good credit a.s.sures me. This advertis.e.m.e.nt may be instructive for other parts, as _Kent_, _Ess.e.x_, _Lincoln_, &c.

[Sidenote: * _This had somewhat of a Vitriolate taste. But the Experiment being made with greater quant.i.ties of this water, which questionless will be done, the nature and kind of it may be better known._]

2. My Cosen _Philips_ of _Montague_ has in his pastures of _Socke_, about three miles off, a large Pool, to which Pigeons resort; but the Cattle will not drink of it, no not in the extream want of water in this drought. To the taste it is not only brackish, but hath other loathsome tasts. In a Venice-gla.s.s it looked greenish and clear, just like the most greenish Cider as soon as it is perfectly clarified. I boyl'd a Pint of it in a Posnet of Bell-Mettall (commonly used to preserve Sweatmeats:) suddenly it yeilded a thick froth, whence I sc.u.mm'd half a score Spoonfulls; of which the inclosed is a part, * Suffering the water to be boyl'd all away, it left much of the same on the sides and bottom of the Posnet.

3. From _Lamport_, towards _Bridge water_, Eeles are so cheap in the frosts of Winter, that they vend them for little. Their abundance is from hence, that as the people walk, in the frosty Mornings, on the banks of river, they discern, towards the edges of the banks, some parts _not h.o.a.r_, as the rest, but _green_; where searching the holes of the banks they find heaps of Eeles.


_A Problem for finding the Year of the _Julian Period_ by a new and very easie Method._

This occurs in the _Journal des Scavans_ n^o. 96. as it had been proposed communicated to the Learned _Jesuit DE BILLY_. viz.

Multiply the _Solar_ Cycle by 4845. and the _Lunar_, by 4200. and that of the _Indiction_, by 6916. Then divide the Sum of the Products by 7980.

which is the _Julian Period_: The _Remainder_ of the Division, without having regard to the _Quotient_, shall be the year required after.

E. g. Let the Cycle of the _Sun_ be 3; of the _Moon_ 4; and of the _Indiction_, 5. Multiply 3. by 4845, and you have 14535; and 4. by 4200.

comes 16800; and 5. by 6916. comes 34580. The Sum of the products is 65915, which being divided by 7980. gives 8. for the _Quotient_, and the number 2075. which remains, is the Year of the _Julian Period_.

Some learned Mathematicians of _Paris_, to whom the said _P. de Billy_, did propose this _Problem_, have found the Demonstration thereof; as the same _Journal_ intimates.

_An Account of some Books, not long since published._

I. TENTAMINA PHYSICO-THEOLOGICA DE DEO, _Sive_ THEOLOGIA SCHOLASTICA, _ad Normam Novae & Reformatae Philosophiae concinnata, & duobus libris comprehensa. Quorum altero, de Dei existentia adversus Atheos & Epicureos ex ipsorummet Principiis disputatur; altero, de ejusdem Essentia & Attributis; prim secundum Theologiam Ethnicam, ubi explicatur, Quantum hactenus Alii in Gentilium sententiis, de summi Numinis Natura eruendis, hallucinati fuerint; deinde secundum Theologiam Christianam: Et quid de Divina Essentia ac Attributis statuendum sit, diceretur. Quibus postrem accedit specialis Dissertatio de Primo Numinis Attributo, aeTERNITATE_.

Auth.o.r.e _Samule Parkero_, A. M.

This Treatise, published the last year, would sooner have been taken notice of in these _Tracts_, had it not escaped the _Publishers_ view till of late, when he, upon serious perusal, found it very worthy the recommending it to all sorts of persons; and particularly to those who either please themselves with that fond opinion, _That Philosophy is the Apprentiship of Atheisme_; or hearken to the aspersions, that are generally laid upon the _Reformation_ of _Philosophy_.

This excellent piece removes both these; and being joyned and compared with the truly n.o.ble Mr. _Boyle_'s Considerations in his _First part_ of the {325} _Usefulness of Experimental-Natural Philosophy_, will strongly evince, How Much that Philosophy, which searches out the real Productions of Nature (the true Works of G.o.d) does manifest the Divine Glory more, than the Notionals of the Gentiles.

This Author (now a Fellow of the _Royal Society_) delivers his Matter in two Books.

Lib. 1. Cap. 1. Atheists are disappointed of the Authority of _Epicurus_, and of other Antient Philosophers, for their gross Atheisme.

Cap. 2. The beautiful Frame of the World evinceth the Architectonical Author and Governor.

Cap. 3. The admirable Contrivance in the Structure of Mankind, and of Animals, does more conspicuously shew the Deity.

Cap. 4. The Atheist caught in his own Net, or convinced by the true force of his own Arguments.

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