
Phantasmagoria Part 13

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"Oh, no, you don't," he growled as he held her still. "The fun is just beginning, Princess." Rafe clenched his gloved fingertip in his teeth and tugged, peeling the glove from one hand. With a sigh, he slid the naked hand down her belly and straight into the front of her panties.

Heather squirmed as his warm hand burrowed deep. She trembled as she felt him close on her, cupping her heat. A finger slid deep into her wet softness as he hunched over her back panting, his powerful erection tight against her b.u.t.tocks. His other hand, still encased in leather, tugged and rolled her captured nipple with his gloved fingers.

She shuddered and moaned as he fought to burrow his hand deeper into her jeans to slide further into her more-than-willing flesh. Then he made contact with something soft and exciting deep within. He stroked it and she choked as she slammed to the edge of release. Her creamy honey slicked his palm. She gasped and moved against him, wanting him to touch her within again.

"More?" he whispered calmly though his breath came in harsh pants. His palm rode on her c.l.i.t. He moved his hand, flicking his buried finger to stroke her inner pleasure point while ma.s.saging her c.l.i.t at the same time.

She was jolted hard to the shimmering edge of climax. "Oh, G.o.d!" she cried out.

"More?" he asked again, his voice hissing with his own rising urgency.

"Yes," Heather sobbed. "G.o.d yes, more!" With excruciating slowness, he stroked deep within her again, moving his palm against her. Her body trembled as she quivered on the very edge of a powerful climax, writhing on his hand. She was close, so very close.

With incredible speed, he pulled his hand out. In astonishment, she looked over her shoulder to see Rafe put his wet fingers in his mouth. His gloved hand clenched painfully on her breast.

"d.a.m.n, I love the taste of you." His eyes were narrow slits of golden flame as he sucked her honey from his fingers in delight. His tongue swiped his palm in slow deliberation, savoring her flavor.

Heather felt trapped with his arm tight across her chest as he gripped her breast. Faster than her eye could track, his bare hand reached out and cupped her chin, his fingers digging into her jaw without mercy. He turned her face away from him, pointing her forward, facing the trees in front of her.

He released her breast, wrapping his gloved hand around the silky length of her ponytail. Heather felt her chin released. Her head was pulled back with slow but irresistible force, baring her throat, holding her still. She gasped as his mouth closed on the side of her neck, his lips caressing the delicate skin, measuring her pulse as it pounded under his stroking tongue.

Without warning, his sharp teeth closed firmly on the muscle and skin of her vulnerable throat with bruising force. She could feel the points of long incisors digging in but not piercing her tender skin. She froze under his bite. If she pulled, her flesh would come away in his teeth.

She felt him let go of her chest to grip the back of her jeans in a fist, then pull. Her opened pants slithered down her thighs to her knees, taking her panties with it and trapping her legs together. His bare hand swept the white softness of her b.u.t.tocks. His mouth released her throat while his gloved hand held onto her hair.

"Mother of the Moon, you have a nice a.s.s, Heather," he growled out.

She heard him unb.u.t.ton his pants, then his zipper being drawn. "Are you going to rape me?"

Rafe noted a thread of fear in her words. He felt a twinge of guilt at what he was about to do, but her beast was too close to the surface to ignore and so was his. His body was screaming to possess her and he wanted to release it while he could still control his actions.

His fingers slid down into the seam of her b.u.t.tocks. Using his grip on her ponytail, he tipped her forward enough for his fingers to dip back into her wet flesh. Unconsciously, her hips bucked wanting him to drive his fingers deeper.

"Can't rape the willing, Princess," he said as he explored her. His chest heaved as he panted against her back. "And you just don't feel all that unwilling to me, babe." His hands shook as he stroked his hard shaft once, then pushed the purple head forward, nudging himself between her soft creamy thighs.

She felt the incredible heat of his hardness between her closed thighs rubbing up against her wet flesh. She could feel the curling hairs on his naked legs pressing tight against her. "Oh G.o.d," Heather whimpered, shuddering as l.u.s.t wrapped her in white heat. She could barely think through her body's hungry demand, and trembled.

"It's all up to you, Princess," he whispered in her ear, his breath heaving with suppressed excitement. "How bad do you want me? I'm right here, ready for you, waiting for you." His voice dropped to barely a breath of sound. "Open up and let me in..." He pulled back, stroking himself between her legs, his shaft rasping against her moist slit, the swollen head of his c.o.c.k damp with pre-c.u.m and her honey, sliding against her hot and excited c.l.i.t.

With a soft cry of surrender, she arched back against him, positioning his heat against the opening to her body.

Releasing a groan, his arms tightened around her in a vicious grip. He surged forward into her welcoming depths and impaled her on his heavily erect c.o.c.k. She felt him stretch her wide to make room for his fullness. He pulled her body back hard; rocking her against him as he forged in as far as he could go, possessing her utterly.

Heather cried out as her ravenous body was filled to bursting.

"Oh, Jezuz f.u.c.k, Heather," the werewolf growled.

His eyes lost focus with the pleasure of her heat encasing him. He pulled out a little only to lunge in, seating himself firmly in her tender flesh. With frenzied hands he released her hair and loosed her wrists from his belt. Using his hips, he shoved her forward onto her hands, then hooked an arm over her hip. With heavy strokes, he f.u.c.ked her in a swift brutal rhythm, her body squeezing and sucking him in on every stroke.

His fingers found her tender c.l.i.t and stroked her in time with his pounding thrusts. His other hand gripped her thigh, holding her steady as she shoved back against him. He pressed his chest against her back and drove into her softness again and again. Her inner muscles squeezed and caressed him as he moved within her.

Heather felt a bolt of fire sear from the base of her skull down her spine and let out a whimper as she writhed against him. She could feel her body clenching and tightening. The heat of him, the smell of him, the raw force of him thrusting and thrusting into her wanton flesh overwhelmed her senses. She was close, so close, right on the glittering razor's edge. Lava pooled in her belly and spread to her shaking limbs. Pants became moans as the delicious warmth spread and blazed under her skin as sensual tension built at a fevered pitch.

The snow steamed around them from sudden heat.

Rafe smelled the scent of her climax building. The ripple of her power rose in to a wave readying to burst in a flood. He could feel the pressure in his b.a.l.l.s as he readied to spill into her heated depths. She was almost there and he wanted to be sure they went together. His beast began to surface as hers neared its birth. He felt the fire in his bones as her power crested, feeding off his nearing peak, off his escalating power.

"Off, off." Heather heard him snarl viciously. Rafe suddenly stopped, pulling his hands away from her, and sat back on his haunches, still sheathed in her body. She swore viciously in frustration. The sound of ripping fabric reached her ears.

Startled, she looked over her shoulder to see him pulling the shreds of his shirt from his shoulders. Shoulders that looked larger, more menacing somehow. She caught his eye and gasped. His once-green eyes were molten gold in the gray snow light and glowing. He smiled, baring long canines.

Hands tipped in long curving claws reached for her and ripped her flannel shirt-like tissue from her back, along with the tatters of her bra. With an arm around her waist, he stood up. He pulled her up with him still joined, his c.o.c.k filling her. He was so tall that although he braced his legs wide her toes barely touched the coat they stood on. Violently, he tugged his pants down, ripping them, then kicking them off with his boots following. Her wet jeans followed, ripping under his claws, pulling her shoes off with her pants.

"Now," he growled in a voice no longer human in any way. "Now we change, skin to skin, you and I." His arms closed around her, his clawed hands raking down her lightly, scoring her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stomach with red lines that didn't quite break the skin. Lifting her bodily, he cupped her mons, with his palm riding directly on her fevered c.l.i.t. Holding her fast in his arms, his fingers digging in, his claws lightly marking her arms and body, he thrust powerfully into her again and again as they stood locked together in the falling snow. His muscles bunched and flexed as he strove to keep them both standing upright.

She moaned long and loud as she felt the fire sizzle up from her filled p.u.s.s.y, hammered to the brink of a crushing o.r.g.a.s.m. The ball of fire at the base of her skull blazed outward in a firestorm under her skin to consume her. Her skin tingled and jumped as a streak of lightning blazed a path down her spine. She felt feverish and shaky, writhing against his hard body and harder flesh. Her mouth opened on a long, throaty, glorious cry.

"Let it come, Princess. Let it consume your flesh and bone and blood," the werewolf snarled fiercely in her ear. "c.u.m for me," he groaned as he pounded into her.

She felt the crest of pure ecstasy, then screamed as she fell into glory. Fire blazed up her body in a joyous red wave. She shrieked with a pleasure so fierce it was closer to agonizing pain. She barely heard his screams as he joined her, suffering the throes of his own climax.

He howled as he released himself into her body, the power of her o.r.g.a.s.m rushing through him in an inferno. Heat and rapture swallowed them both. Fire burned and writhed under their skin, power grinding through them, twisting and changing muscle and bone. Her triumphant howls joined his as they fell to the ground in the snow, still locked intimately.

She snapped awake, lying on his coat in the snow, her fur mingled with his as he lay beside her. His scent was warm and comforting to her sensitive nose. Looking about, her sight seemed strangely dimmed, but the perfume of dormant trees and plants were strangely colored.

How can perfume be colored?she thought briefly, and then became distracted by the bell-chime sounds of wind pushing ice-rimed branches against each other. Her ears swiveled, and she heard the crystal tinkling of falling snow. The world was huge and crowded with sounds and sensations she'd never felt before.

His sleek wolf's head turned, and he regarded the silver she-wolf from golden eyes. Playfully he gripped her long muzzle with his powerful jaws in greeting. She mischievously nipped his narrow shoulder with her sharp teeth. The glossy lupine head of her lover with its tall ears and white serrated smile was handsome to her new eyes. His black fur was thick and luxurious with its winter coat.

He nudged her shoulder to rise, and power surged through her new form.

She leapt in delight with her newborn body.

He jumped up and grabbed for her plumed tail playfully, his magnificent tail streaming out behind him.

They dashed off in the fresh snow, two wolves running side by side on paws that barely felt the ground.

Now we hunt,whispered through her thoughts.


Virtual s.e.x.

For Jay.

Carefully, Jay laid the compact disk in the CD tray, watching it slowly retreat into the bowels of his computer. Colors danced across the monitor until a blue field filled the screen with the t.i.tle Virtual s.e.x. A gray box with a single b.u.t.ton commanded the very center of the blue field ent.i.tled: Go.

He eyed the simple gray b.u.t.ton with doubt. Frowning, he picked up the colorful envelope that had originally contained the rainbow-hued disk, then leaned back in his tall-backed leather computer chair.

"The most realistic virtual s.e.x experience of a lifetime," he read out loud sarcastically. Below the advertis.e.m.e.nt blurb was the word demo. He flipped the envelope over and glanced at the back. Totally blank; no pictures, or even text.

"Right, sure...And I'm only supposed to use my headphones with this thing?" he said, raising a skeptical brow. As an experienced programmer, Jay had run across lots of programs touting themselves as virtual s.e.x. Nothing so far had come close to living up to its name.

"Right, whatever." Jay sighed. "This is the first time I've ever seen a virtual s.e.x program that didn't have lots of weird and expensive equipment to go with it." He leaned over to lock the door to his room. The last thing he wanted was one of his roommates to barge in while he was sitting here with his d.i.c.k in his hand. He combed his fingers through his shoulder-length dark red hair, then pulled up his mostly clean T-shirt. Slowly he unzipped his jeans and shoved them down around his ankles, spreading his knees wide to give himself some room to maneuver. He stared at the simple gray Go b.u.t.ton on the screen.

"Let's see what this thing can do," he muttered. With serious doubts, he pulled his high-tech head-phones over his ears, then clicked the Go b.u.t.ton.

Close your eyesappeared in bold type, centered in an empty blue field on his computer screen. A cursor dash blinked after the words.

"Whatever..." he mumbled, then closed his eyes with a disgusted sigh.

A whisper brushed his left ear, then breezed around behind him to hum in his right ear. Music swelled from a distant echo shifting and changing until it sounded reminiscent of something cla.s.sical with modern overtones. He felt a breath on his cheek.

"What?" he said with a jerk and snapped open his eyes. He was still sitting in his chair, but the rest of the world was totally different.

He turned his head to look sharply around, then looked down at himself. He was completely nude, and his chair was seated in a totally white void. There was a Persian rug below the chair, but there appeared to be no flooring, walls or ceiling, just unrelieved white. He clapped his hands to his ears. The headphones were gone. He couldn't feel them at all, but he could still hear music playing subtly in the background. He closed his eyes tightly, then opened them.

"Holy s.h.i.t!" He nearly tipped out of his chair in surprise.

Three gorgeous, completely nude women knelt on the rug in front of his knees. l.u.s.t slammed low in his gut and surged straight to his d.i.c.k.

The woman on his left was tallest of the trio, and willowy with long athletic legs and a dark tan. She had Hollywood curves, like an hourgla.s.s with an extra five minutes at all the right places, slim hips and severely upright, very full b.r.e.a.s.t.s with pink nipples. Long, silky blonde hair slid past her waist, and her brilliant blue eyes were framed in dark lashes. Her lips were pink, pouting and glistening wet.

The woman on his right was very generously curved and muscular with warm cocoa skin and very long, pitch-black curly hair. Dark nipples pointed upward on magnificent b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her dark bangs were cut straight as a razor above rich chocolate eyes. She smiled with full red lips. The pink tip of her tongue slid out to wet them.

The woman in the middle caught his gaze and held it. Her eyes were the green of new leaves and her hair was the vibrant red of gilded flames. Blazing waves tumbled over one emerald eye, then over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Her skin was milky-white, and her body was full and curvy without being overblown. Her hips were rounded, with a narrow waist, and her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s were tipped with warm pink nipples. Her lips were moist, and touched with gold and cinnamon.

All three stood up before his chair, and three sets of incredible nipples were pointed directly at his mouth. He choked. "Wow..." Chills ran down his spine and the hair on his arms stood at attention.This is the most incredible program I've ever run across, and we haven't even started f.u.c.king!

The women looked at him with hungry and expectant expressions. The s.e.xual heat and eagerness in their combined gaze was playing havoc with his libido. His d.i.c.k began to twitch and fill with serious interest. They wanted to do him, and his d.i.c.k knew it. His d.i.c.k was growing painfully hard. Jay leaned back to let his c.o.c.k have room.

What the h.e.l.l,he told himself,it's only a game, might as well make the most of it. He reached out and rubbed his d.i.c.k to ease the strain he was starting to feel.I feel pretty real, he thought.I wonder how real they feel?

Three pairs of eyes dropped to his lap. The ladies all smiled, and a light chuckle came from the delicate blonde.

"Choose," they said, with machine precision unison and in perfect tonal harmony.

"What?" He had to pick one?

"You must pick one of us," said the golden blonde in a sweet delicate voice. She gave him a luscious smile.

"We are here to serve you," said the dark beauty in a husky voice that oozed heat.

"Make your selection," said the gilded redhead in a rich contralto.

Her voice went straight to his c.o.c.k, and it twitched in reaction. He blushed as he looked from one incredible beauty to the next.Only one? Tough choice... All three were utterly beautiful in their different ways, and each of them looked equally f.u.c.kable.

"Um, can I have all of you?" Jay choked out and straightened in the chair, trying to make himself and his hard-on more comfortable.

"This is only the demo version," they said in unison.

"One program running per partic.i.p.ant," added the glorious redhead.

"In that case..." His gaze settled on emerald eyes. He reached out and took the hand of the redhead. d.a.m.n, he thought in surprise,she feels awfully real to me. This is one h.e.l.l of a program! He cleared his throat in nervousness. "I choose you." His voice shook.

The other two ladies bowed, then stepped back and vanished into thin air.

"Hey!" Jay yelped in surprise. "My, people come and go so quickly here," he quoted fromThe Wizard of Oz.

The flame-haired temptress leaned over his chair and smiled. Her eyes were deep pools of emerald. He felt the weight of her hand as she took hold of the shoulder of his chair for balance. The thick softness of her hair swept around him in a curtain of flaming silk. It brushed against his heated skin like cool mist.

She leaned forward and touched her lips to his.

Moist warmth touched his mouth, and he opened without thinking, closing his eyes to enjoy the sensations. Her tongue darted in to stroke his and he returned the caress. Jay turned his head to more fully cover her lips.She certainly feels real, Jay thought.She tastes like cinnamon...

She pressed her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest and he felt her hard nipples rubbing against him. He ran his palms down her back to cup her round b.u.t.tocks. Her skin was very smooth, almost cool against him and very much alive. Incredible...Gently, he dug his fingers into her resilient flesh.She feels as real as any girl I've ever touched...

He groaned as she burrowed the other arm behind him and scooted her warm and very real weight onto his lap until she straddled him. He was suddenly glad of his wiry build, or they both would have never fit in his chair.

He felt a warm hand slide between them and wrap around his hard-on. He gasped. Gently she explored the soft smoothness of his urgent flesh; the smooth length, then the swollen purple head with its sensitive edge. She wrapped her fingers around him, stroking him slowly but firmly, up then down, then again. Her inquisitive fingers stopped, then slid lower.

He shifted in the chair to let her explore. Her hand dove under him to fondle his firm b.a.l.l.s, rolling them gently in her palm. He nearly shot his load right then and there.

She shifted in his lap until he could feel her cradling his hardness between her thighs, snug against the moist and heated entrance of her body, fragrant with female heat.

He filled his hands with her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He moaned softly. "G.o.d, you smell so good..." He molded them in his palms, then tugged gently on her nipples.

"Give me a name, Master," she whispered, moving down to slide her lips and tongue against his throat. She nibbled against the p.r.o.nounced muscle in his neck with sharp little teeth. Her hand burrowed in his hair, nails scoring him lightly, then she wrapped the fingers of her other hand around his hardness. She pulled upward firmly, stroking downward achingly slowly.

"Master...I like that..." He took a deep breath to hold back his sudden and desperate urge to c.u.m in her hand. "But call me Jay."

She released his c.o.c.k and pressed both hands against his chest, her fingers tugged on his nipples lightly. "Very well." She sighed. "Give me a name, Jay."

Heat streaked straight down, making his c.o.c.k jump between them. "A name?" He shifted his hardness against her, feeling the bold invitation of her damp p.u.s.s.y sliding against his erection.

He could feel warm moisture from her dripping down his shaft.

"You must give me a name, to save your game," she insisted.

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Phantasmagoria Part 13 summary

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