
Phantasmagoria Part 12

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He froze, helpless to stop her. l.u.s.t and common sense short-circuited each other. Her hands dug deeply into his pants to find his rigid flesh, and she dove over his lap, her silver ponytail brushing his thighs.

"Jee-zuz! Heather, you're gonna get us arrested!" The wet warmth of her mouth closed on him, swallowing him to the root. Rafe swore, then threw his head back and moaned long and hard, closing his eyes in surrender. He leaned back and spread wide to give her room. He felt her tongue lash each ridge and vein along the base of his d.i.c.k as she sucked with enthusiasm. He panted and his heart slammed in his ribcage. Without thought, his hands burrowed into her frost-colored hair to hold her in place.

Cracking an eye open, he noticed the arch of her spine where her shirt had pulled from her pants.

Heather felt Rafe lean over her. She moaned in encouragement as she felt his hand slide into the back of her jeans. His fingers slithered into the crack of her a.s.s. She moved completely into his lap, her knees coming up on the seat, and felt him delve deeper into her jeans. He touched her damp, sensitive woman flesh with a finger. Using her free hand, she loosened her belt, popped her b.u.t.ton and unzipped her confining jeans to give him access. He took the opportunity she gave him and buried two fingers in her heat. She moaned as she felt him caress her c.l.i.t with a thumb, then slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her. She slid a foot to the floor, lifting and spreading herself wide to his inquisitive fingers.

Rafe's a.s.s bunched and lifted, shoving his c.o.c.k deeper into her mouth. His breath came in harsh pants as he put gentle pressure on her head to keep her in place. She sucked harder on him, as though starved for his c.u.m. He gasped, and suddenly realized how close he was to spilling into her mouth.

The perfume of power a.s.sailed his nose. He was going to c.u.m, and she was using his building o.r.g.a.s.m to fuel her change. She was going to become a beast right here in the parking lot of the grocery store, where she would have her pick of meat to hunt, all of them carrying their own groceries to their cars.

"Heather," he hissed, "we've got to stop, we've got to stop now!" He was screaming with his need to pump himself down her throat. Gripping her by the hair, he pulled her off and writhed away from her mouth. She fought to reach him, her mouth open, her eyes golden and glazed with power and l.u.s.t.

"Why did you stop me?" She bared sharp teeth and panted, shuddering.

"This is not the place for this." He gasped for breath, burning from his beast's nearness to surfacing. As he tucked himself away, he shook from the overwhelming desire to jack himself off the rest of the way, but if he came, even by his own hand, she would change. When she changed, her power would shove him into changing too. He could feel it in the lightning arcs down his spine. If they changed, then there would be two huge and hungry predators running through the parking lot.d.a.m.n it! Frustration hurts.

"Don't you want me?" Heather whimpered in painful rejection. Hurt bathed her eyes with unshed tears.

"G.o.d, yes! I want you, Princess." Rafe bit his lip as he saw the painful need burning in her expression. "I want you so bad I'm shaking." He lunged, gripping the back of her neck and took her mouth, sucking at her lips with all the pent-up frustration that swam in his gut. His tongue pushed and stroked against hers, tasting her in a l.u.s.tful fever. He felt her reach for his hair, pulling him to her, sucking on his tongue and biting his lips, kissing him back for all she was worth. He reluctantly pulled away, his eyes glowing with urgency.

"d.a.m.n it, Rafe, why do you keep stopping?"

"I want to rip your clothes off and f.u.c.k you 'til you scream. I want to cover you in my c.u.m and smear it all over your body and mine. But, I need to take you home, to my home, where it's safe." With shaking hands, he started the jeep, then put it in gear.

"Hey! Wait a minute! I can't just go with you, I have to go home!" Heather yelped.

"You have to go through your change," Rafe said as he looked behind, backing out of the parking s.p.a.ce. "I'm taking you to my place where I can keep an eye on you."

"Oh, no, you're not!" There was a definite snarl in her voice, anger winning over tears. "You pushed me into having s.e.x, then you pushed me away as soon asI wanted to have s.e.x. Well, you've pushed me around one too many times, and I've had enough. Stop the jeep." Heather grabbed the handle on the flimsy door and shoved it open an inch or so.

"Sorry, Princess, this is for both our own good," he said as he concentrated on the parking lot traffic. "I can't have a newborn werewolf eating people in my territory." The jeep made its cautious way through the parking lot to the exit.

"Eating people?" snapped Heather. "What the h.e.l.l are you talking about? Do you know how crazy that sounds? Look, just because you tell me that my sudden appet.i.te for raw beef means I'm going to turn into a hairy monster doesn't mean I'm buying your bulls.h.i.t! I said, stop the jeep!"

"It's my fault, so I'm responsible for you." Rafe ground through clenched teeth. "So, you're coming home with me." He gunned the engine and the jeep picked up speed as it came to the exit onto the main street.

"Well, tough s.h.i.t! You should have asked me, not ordered me around! She glanced over at her pick-up, parked by the main doors of the grocery store. In a lunge, Heather flung open the door and tumbled out onto the parking lot. She landed on her hands and rolled over her shoulder, then dove between the cars. Heather stopped in surprise, hunched down between a pick-up and a sedan. "Whoa, I've never done that before!" Her heart pounded with fear and exhilaration.

The sound of screeching brakes and Rafe shouting over horns announced that he was not done with her yet. Hunched over, she darted between cars and made a beeline for her pick-up.

"Werewolves, my a.s.s! That was the dumbest excuse for a date I've ever heard," she snapped as she ran crouched toward her truck through the maze of parked cars. "If he wants to sleep with me, he can just ask me like any other guy."

The last ten feet to her parked truck were open drive and swirling snow. Looking both ways for moving cars, she darted across the open s.p.a.ce to the driver side of her truck. Reaching into her jeans pocket, she pulled out her keys. She flung open the truck door and climbed in, and slammed it closed, locking the door with a satisfied sigh.

Heather started up her truck and looked for the red jeep. She didn't see it anywhere, so she cautiously backed out of the parking s.p.a.ce. Heather felt a niggling sense of disappointment that he hadn't tried to follow her.

The parking lot, crazy because of the sudden snow, was filled with people flooding out of the store and racing for their cars. A family of four staggering with groceries careened out in front of her moving pick-up. She stomped on the brakes and slid a few inches in the snow. In fury, she rolled down her window.

"Okay, people, put your brains back in your heads before you get killed!" she snapped at the fleeing family. She rolled her eyes, then shook her head. "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?" She rolled her window back up. "I never yell out my window."

Peering past the overworked windshield wipers, Heather made her careful way out of the parking lot by way of the back exit. Cars were crawling everywhere and the yellow lines on the main road were disappearing fast under a carpet of white. The traffic lights swung slowly in a rising wind.

"d.a.m.n, this is one h.e.l.l of a snow," Heather muttered. Carefully she exited from the main street, then pulled out onto the tree-lined highway leaving the lights of the small town behind. Snow obscured everything; she could barely see the road. The lines had disappeared completely under snow that was piling up fast. The glare of headlights suddenly filled her rearview mirror.

"What the h.e.l.l?" she had time to yelp, then felt a hard thump on her back b.u.mper, snapping her head forward. "Oh my G.o.d, he hit me!" Her heart leapt into her throat as her pick-up wobbled in the slippery snow. She gasped. The idiot behind her was about to run her off the road! "Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't panic!" She glanced in her mirrors but could only see headlights. She couldn't tell what kind of car was behind her. She panicked and stepped on the gas to get out of the way, but that made her fishtail.

There was another thump as the car behind her b.u.mped her again. She screamed in fright as her truck went into a slow spin. The truck skidded to the right sideways and thumped off the road. Her truck crunched off the edge of the road, then with a final slow turn, it slid nose first into a ditch filled with snow. The engine stalled.

Heather blinked, surprised that she was still in one piece. With an ugly curse, she started the truck and put it in reverse. The tires spun, throwing spumes of fresh snow. The truck rocked back a few inches, then rolled forward into the ditch. She was stuck.

"G.o.ddammit!" she swore.

Something moved by her driver-side window. She yelped in surprise, but couldn't see a d.a.m.n thing through the falling snow. Then, her door handle was jiggled. Shuddering in fear, Heather grabbed for her door, then realized that it was locked.

Something came smashing through the window and she screamed in fright as gla.s.s sprayed into the cab. A gloved hand reached in to open the door.

Heather scrambled over to the pa.s.senger door. Flipping the lock, she threw the door open tumbling out into the snow-filled ditch. On her hands and knees, she desperately scrambled away from the road in panicked flight. She climbed the snowy hill as fast as her sneakers and clawing hands could get her. She was so scared her breath came in gasps.

She slipped and slid as she dashed up the embankment, then crashed through the brush. The snow melted from her touch so fast, she barely felt the cold, only damp as she tore up the hill. Her breath steamed as she bolted into the trees in her haste to get away from whoever was after her. Falling snow kissed her cheeks. Branches slapped at her face and tore at her flannel shirt as she fled uphill in the deepening snow.

She could hear nothing but the hissing of the falling snow, her feet, the snapping of branches and her own breathing as she fled. There was no sound of anyone in the brush behind her. She stopped and looked up the hill.There has to be a house around here somewhere, where I can make a phone call.

Something grabbed her ankle and she fell to her hands in the snow. Turning, she raised her fists and snarled with her teeth bared. Rafe's dark head and gleaming yellow eyes met her terrified gaze. His hands were encased in black gloves, and one of them held her ankle.

"Come on, Princess, we don't have time for this." He pulled on her ankle and she slid in the snow toward him. He reached up with his other hand and grabbed her thigh in a punishing grip.

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h! You pushed me off the road? I coulda been killed, you a.s.s!" Now she was really p.i.s.sed.

"Not anymore, you're a lot harder to kill these days. Now come on-before the roads close completely." He grabbed for her arm.

With a vicious snarl, she lunged at him, fists swinging. To her complete surprise, she caught him on the jaw with a satisfying smack.

In blank astonishment, Rafe raised a hand to his jaw, then his eyes narrowed grimly. "So you want to play rough?"

Heather suddenly realized that hitting him in the face had done nothing but make him angry. Not a good idea when he had delusions of being a werewolf. In sudden fear, Heather kicked out at his hand on her ankle.

With a m.u.f.fled curse, he released her.

She rolled to her feet and scrambled back up the hill.Oh my G.o.d, he's going to kill me! She felt his arms wrap around her waist and she yelped in fright. She was slammed facedown onto the snow-covered ground, with Rafe's full weight on top of her. It knocked the breath from her, and his body was an inferno against her back. She did not want to think about what he would do to her now.

She screamed in panicked fury, then bucked, trying to throw him off. "Let me go!"

"Stop fighting me."

His powerful hands gripped her wrists and yanked them to the small of her back. She heard the metallic sound of a belt buckle being released and the sound of him pulling his belt from his pants. Was he going to beat her? Her blood turned to ice in her veins. She twisted her shoulders, but he held her fast.

She heard him panting as he sat up, straddling her with his thighs, his coat cloaking them both. She felt him wrap the belt around her wrists.He's tying me up? She pulled at the belt, but somehow he had it fastened so tightly she could barely move her hands.

Heather suddenly realized that she could feel and smell Rafe's ma.s.sive erection pressing against the small of her back. The image of him pulling down her jeans to mount her from behind flooded her thoughts. She shuddered with fear and sudden violent l.u.s.t.

"It's time to go, Princess," Rafe growled. Heather's sweet scent of semi-aroused female and musky sweat from her proximity to her first change had him painfully hard. He tried breathing through his mouth to reduce the aroma, but quickly discovered that he could actually taste her heat on his tongue.

He could feel own beast struggling to rise in response to hers. If he didn't get her to his cabin immediately, he was going to take her here in the snow. With his beast so close to the surface, this would be no gentle coupling. Using his weight, he held the struggling girl face down in the snow as he wrapped his narrow belt around her wrists, tying it tight.

"Stop trying to fight me, dammit," he growled even as his beast wanted her to fight. It was exciting him, urging him to take her brutally, here and now. As he held her pinned beneath him, the idea of possessing her and riding her to completion while in the throes of her change was intoxicating. The pent-up frustration from the aborted episode in the jeep earlier wasn't helping him control his temper, or his libido.

"f.u.c.k you!" she snapped, spitting snow.

"My pleasure," he smiled grimly.That's it ! She was going to acknowledge his dominance right here and right now. He knew he wasn't thinking very clearly, but at the moment, he really didn't care. His d.i.c.k was hard, and he wanted it in her.

Sitting up in the snow, he flipped her over onto her back, her hands trapped under her body. Throwing his leg back over her thighs, he pushed his trapped hardness against her crotch. He then leaned over her, pressing his hips into her, yet holding the weight of his shoulders on his elbows, his long leather coat cloaking them both from the falling snow.

Licking his lips in antic.i.p.ation, he pressed his face against the softness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, nuzzling against the hard nipples that were trying to poke through the snow-damped flannel of her shirt. His lips closed on a prominent nipple rising under the flannel. Nipping and sucking, he pulled it and the fabric into his mouth. Using his teeth, he closed on the hard nipple and rolled it, tugging.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" She gasped, then moaned. His teeth and lips were making the hair on her scalp rise. She couldn't decide if it was fear or excitement.

Slowly and deliberately, he slid his trapped erection against her heat, back and forth, making her feel his need. He hissed with the incredible pleasure, then began to unb.u.t.ton her flannel shirt.

"I'm taking up your invitation, Heather." His voice dropped octaves lower, a voice barely human. "To f.u.c.k you."

"What?" She shook her head. "No, d.a.m.n you! Let me go!"

Ignoring her protests, his gloved fingers fumbled at the b.u.t.tons. In sudden impatience, he pulled the damp flannel apart and b.u.t.tons sprayed across the snow. The shirt parted, revealing her lacy white bra. Her soft stomach rose and fell with her heaving breath. His leather-encased fingers slid possessively across her over-warm flesh. His lips followed, tasting the creamy skin his fingers had explored. He tasted the whisper of power rising from her skin. Her beast was close to awakening, and he could feel it under his tongue.

She felt his hand slide down to her belt. Heather shifted in disbelief. "What are you doing?" He wasn't really going to take her in the snow, was he?

He tugged the belt open, then free. "I already told you what I'm going to do." The b.u.t.ton to her damp jeans followed.

"Rafe, don't do this." Her zipper being drawn down seemed loud in the winter silence.

"Heather, you started this, I'm finishing it." His gloved hand slid down into the opening in her jeans.

She gasped. His leather-covered palm felt hot against the roundness of her tummy. She felt her body stirring warmly under his touch. For someone who seemed to be about to f.u.c.k her in the snow, he was being surprisingly gentle.

With golden, slitted eyes, he stared down at her. His other hand went to his boot and he pulled out his knife. Her entire body tensed sharply. It opened with a loud snick.Okay, now I'm really scared. A small sound of fright escaped her lips.

He growled and his lips curled in a feral smile. "I suggest you lay very still."

She froze.Oh my G.o.d! Is he going to kill me?

The flat of the blade grazed her skin as he slid it under her bra. Pulling sharply, the delicate lace parted against the blade, releasing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his mercy. He licked his lips at the sight of her rosy nipples. They hardened visibly from the sudden exposure, crowning the perfect whiteness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and framed by the soft flannel.

"Dammit, Rafe! What part of no don't you get?" Heather snapped, primitive, feminine fear warring with her growing urgency. She writhed under him, struggling, secretly pleased that he had to use his entire body to hold her down in the snow. Something within her refused to back down, refused to give in.

Refused to be submissive to his dominance.

"You have two choices," he said as he rubbed his cheek against her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s, breathing deeply of her delicious female scent. His stubble rasped her nipples. His golden eyes locked onto hers. The cerulean blue of her eyes was drowning in gold, becoming a rich sea green. "You can stop fighting me, and I will drive us both out to my cabin where we can f.u.c.k each other senseless in privacy..."

Heather shuddered hard beneath him from his graphic words. l.u.s.t gripped her vitals and her hips lifted against his trapped erection. She moaned with the pleasure.

"Or," he continued, breathing deeply, "I can take you now, right here in the snow."

Her body was very much inclined to let him take her right then and there. "I thought you said I have to go through some kind of change." She was stalling, confused by the potent mixture of her body's heated excitement at war with the panic that made her tremble. From the look of amus.e.m.e.nt on his face, she figured that he knew it too. She was also trying not to breathe in too deeply, because the smell of his potent arousal was adding to her already overwhelming desire.

"Mmm, yes," he purred in reply, "the change."

As he pressed against her, she could feel the vibration of his deep rumbling growl against her skin.

His silky head dipped to her soft belly, where he rubbed his face like a great cat. "We're safe here. Or rather, the rest of humanity is safe from us here. There aren't any houses near here, so no people to draw us, and I live just over this hill. We can get your truck and my jeep tomorrow."

"Got this all planned out?" She could feel her temper trying to rea.s.sert itself. Was this all just a set-up?

He lifted his head from her belly and suddenly lunged up her body. "I do now." The hard wall of his chest pressed against the softness of her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s and his lips were but a kiss away. "I guess you could say that doing you right here is a good way to burn off excess energy 'til I can take you out to properly hunt." He nuzzled the side of her neck, burrowing under her ear. He opened his mouth and dug his teeth lightly into the muscle of her neck, creating erotic shivers from her throat down.

"Hunt?" The fullness of his c.o.c.k was pressing directly on her c.l.i.t and it felt far too good. She licked dry lips. She didn't want to encourage this nutcase, but at the same time, she wanted to stay and have him bury his c.o.c.k in her hungry body.

"Once you change, you will need to feed," he whispered directly into her ear. She could feel the tip of a damp tongue tracing the sh.e.l.l of her ear. "There are a lot of deer around here. Once you make your first kill, drink your first living blood, you'll be able to change whenever you like, so to speak."

Heather felt her panties dampen and a hard bolt of l.u.s.t slam low in her belly at the thought of running down and killing a deer to eat it, still warm.What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?

His whispers brushed her ear. "Think about it. The fresh blood warm in your mouth."

She let out a small helpless sound in reaction to her warring feelings. She was a nice girl. Nice girls didn't kill animals, then want to eat them, to drink their blood as it pumped into her mouth from a still-beating heart. Nice girls didn't get h.o.r.n.y over the idea, either. Nice girls didn't want to f.u.c.k in the steaming blood-spattered snow.Why am I having these feelings? To her dismay, she unconsciously rocked her hips up against him.

He chuckled. "I can feel your l.u.s.t, Princess." His words were barely more than a breath. "You want me to f.u.c.k you right here in the snow."

G.o.d help her, but he was right.That son of a b.i.t.c.h! All of a sudden, she wanted nothing more that to sink her teeth into the smug b.a.s.t.a.r.d. She wanted very badly to see the color of his blood, to taste it, warm and alive on her tongue.

Lunging upward, she snapped, reaching for his throat. With blinding speed, he lurched out of range. Her teeth closed on the collar of his coat. Using a palm for leverage, he shoved her back onto the ground. His eyes were pools of molten gold as he smiled viciously down at her.

"You're gonna have to be a lot quicker than that."

"Why can't you just leave me the h.e.l.l alone?"

"It's far too late for that. What's your pick, my cabin, or right here?"

"Get off me, you!" she screamed. Digging in her heels, she bucked hard to throw him off.

"I guess that means right here, right now," he growled right back as he held her down with brute force. His mouth set in a grim line, he threw his leather coat off onto the snow next to them. With inhuman speed he rose off her, then bodily tossed her onto his coat.

With her hands tied to the small of her back, she fell belly first. The air woofed out of her lungs from the impact. Before she knew it, she felt his knees straddling her calves, and his hand pressing on her lower back. Heather felt his gloved hands hook into the back of her jeans, then he tugged hard. He hauled her off the ground, then upright on her knees.

He wrapped an arm around her hips, pulling her a.s.s into his kneeling lap, squarely against his trapped erection. He groaned in pleasure, grinding himself against her. His gloved hands slid up to cup the fullness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, pulling her up and back against his hard chest.

"You have no idea how glad I am that I don't have to wait," he whispered intimately in her ear. Rafe wanted nothing better than to force her down on his coat and ride her to oblivion, but that would accomplish nothing but his own enjoyment, and might make her hate him. He needed her l.u.s.t to overcome her fear. His fingers trapped her nipples and tugged. She shivered under his palms. "I didn't think I was gonna make the drive anyway."

In alarm, Heather lunged away, trying to get her feet under her.Oh s.h.i.t! Now what have I done? Her breath came in gasps. His arms were steel bands around her, she wasn't going anywhere, and part of her was glad.

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Phantasmagoria Part 12 summary

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