
Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 15

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Atten. This Pride, is a sin that sticks as close to nature I think, as most sins. There is Uncleanness and Pride, I know not of any two gross sins that stick closer to men then they. They have, as I may call it, an interest in Nature; it likes them because they most suit its l.u.s.ts and fancies: and therefore no marvel though Mr. Badman was tainted with pride, since he had so wickedly given up himself to work all iniquity with greediness.

Wise. You say right; Pride, is a sin that sticks close to Nature, {126d} and is one of the first follies wherein it shews it self to be polluted.

For even in Childhood, even in little children, Pride will first of all shew it self; it is a hasty, an early appearance of the sin of the soul.

It, as I may say, is that corruption that strives for predominancy in the heart, and therefore usually comes out first. But though children are so incident to it, yet methinks those of more years, should be ashamed thereof. I might at the first have begun with Mr. Badmans Pride, only I think it is not the Pride in Infancy, that begins to make a difference betwixt one and another, as did, and do those wherewith I began my relation of his life: therefore I pa.s.sed it over, but now, since he had no more consideration of himself, and of his vile and sinful state, but to be proud when come to years; I have taken the occasion in this place to make mention of his pride.

Atten. But pray, if you can remember them, tell me of some places of Scripture that speak against pride. I the rather desire this, because that pride is now a reigning sin, and I happen sometimes to fall into the company of them that in my conscience are proud, very much, and I have a mind also to tell them of their sin; now when I tell them of it, unless I bring G.o.ds word too, I doubt they will laugh me to scorn.

Wise. Laugh you to scorn! the Proud man will laugh you to scorn, bring to him what Text you can, except G.o.d shall smite him in his conscience by the Word: Mr. Badman did use to serve them so that did use to tell him of his: and besides, when you have said what you can, they will tell you they are not proud, and that you are rather the proud man, else you would not judge, nor so malapertly meddle with other mens matters as you do.

Nevertheless, since you desire it, I will mention two or three texts: They are these. Pride and arrogancy do I hate. A mans pride shall bring him low. And he shall bring down their pride. And all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble, and the day that comes shall burn them up. {127} This last, is a dreadful Text; it is enough to make a proud man shake: G.o.d, saith he, will make the proud ones as stubble; that is, as fuel for the fire, and the day that cometh shall be like a burning oven, and that day shall burn them up, saith the Lord. But Mr.

Badman could never abide to hear pride spoken against, nor that any should say of him, He is a proud man.

Atten. What should be the reason of that?

Wise. He did not tell me the reason; but I suppose it to be that which is common to all vile persons. They love this Vice, but care not to bear its name. {128a} The Drunkard loves the sin, but loves not to be called a drunkard. The Thief loveth to steal, but cannot abide to be called a thief, the wh.o.r.e loveth to commit uncleanness, but loveth not to be called a Wh.o.r.e; And so Mr. Badman loved to be proud, but could not abide to be called a proud man. The sweet of sin, is desirable to polluted and corrupted man, but the name thereof, is a blot in his Scutcheon.

Atten. 'Tis true that you have said: but pray how many sorts of pride are there?

Wise. There are two sorts of Pride; {128b} Pride of Spirit, and Pride of Body. The first of these is thus made mention of in the Scriptures.

Every one that is proud in heart is abomination to the Lord. {128c} A high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked is sin. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Bodily pride these Scriptures mention. In that day the Lord shall take away the bravery of their tinckling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the Moon, the chains, and the bracelets, and the m.u.f.flers, the bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the ear-rings, the rings, and the Nose-jewels: {128d} The changable suits of Apparell, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, the gla.s.ses, and the fine linnen, and the hoods and the vails. By these expressions it is evident that there is Pride of Body, as well as Pride of Spirit, and that both are sin, and so abominable to the Lord. But these Texts Mr. Badman could never abide to read, they were to him as Micaiah was to Ahab, they never spake good of him, but evil.

Atten. I suppose that it was not Mr. Badmans case alone even to maligne those Texts that speak against their vices: For I believe, that most unG.o.dly men, (where the Scriptures are) have a secret antipathy against those words of G.o.d that do most plainly and fully rebuke them for their sins. {128e}

Wise. That is out of doubt, and by that antipathy, they shew, that sin and Satan are more welcome to them than are the wholesome instructions of life and G.o.dliness.

Atten. Well, but not to goe off from our discourse of Mr. Badman. You say he was proud: but will you shew me now some symptoms of one that is proud?

Wise. Yes, that I will: And first I will shew you some symptoms of Pride of Heart. {129a} Pride of heart, is seen by outward things, as Pride of Body in general, is a sign of pride of heart; for all proud gestures of the body flow from Pride of heart: therefore Solomon saith; There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes, and their eye-lids are lifted up: {129b} And again; There is that exalteth their gate, their going. {129c} Now these lofty eyes, and this exalting of the gate, is a sign of a Proud heart: for both these actions come from the heart: for out of the heart comes Pride, in all the visible appearances of it. {129d} But more particularly:

1. Heart Pride is discovered {129e} by a stretched out Neck, and by mincing as they go. For the wicked, the Proud, have a proud Neck, a proud Foot, a proud Tongue, by which this their going is exalted. This is that which makes them look scornfully, speak ruggedly, and carry it huffingly among their Neighbours.

2. A proud heart, is a persecuting one: The wicked through his pride doth persecute the poor. {129f}

3. A prayerless man is a proud man. {129g}

4. A contentious man is a proud man. {129h}

5. The disdainful man is a proud man. {129i}

6. The man that oppresses his neighbour is a proud man. {129j}

7. He that hearkeneth not to G.o.ds Word with reverence and fear, is a proud man. {129k}

8. And he that calls the proud happy, is, be sure, a proud man. All these are proud in heart, and this their pride of heart doth thus discover it self. {129l} {129m}

As to bodily {129n} pride, it is discovered, that is, something of it, by all the particulars mentioned before; for though they are said to be symptoms of pride of heart, yet they are symptoms of that pride, by their shewing of themselves in the Body. You know diseases that are within, are seen oft-times by outward and visible Signs, yet by them very signs even the outside is defiled also. So all those visible signs of heart-pride, are signs of bodily pride also. But to come to more outward signs: The putting on of Gold, and Pearls, and costly array; the pleating of the hair, the following of fashions, the seeking by gestures to imitate the proud, either by speech, looks, dresses, goings, or other fools baubles, (of which at this time the world is full) all these, and many more, are signs, as of a proud heart, so of bodily pride also.


But Mr. Badman would not allow, by any means, that this should be called Pride, {130c} but rather neatness, handsomness, comeliness, cleanliness, &c. neither would he allow that following of fashions was any thing else, but because he would not be proud, singular, and esteemed fantastical by his neighbours.

Atten. But I have been told, that when some have been rebuked for their pride, they have turned it again upon the brotherhood of those by whom they have been rebuked: saying, Physician heal thy Friends, look at home, among your Brotherhood, even among the wisest of you, and see if you your selves be clear, even you professors: for who is prouder than you professors? scarcesly the Devil himself.

Wise. My heart akes at this answer, because there is too much cause for it. {130d} This very Answer would Mr. Badman give his wife, when she (as she would sometimes) reproved him for his pride: We shall have, says he, great amendments in living now, for the Devil is turned a corrector of vice: For no sin reigneth more in the world, quoth he, than pride among professors. And who can contradict him? let us give the Devil his due, the thing is too apparent for any man to deny.

And I doubt not but the same answer is ready in the mouths of Mr. Badmans friends; for they may and do see pride display it self in the Apparel and carriages of professors; one may say, almost as much, as among any people in the Land, the more is the pity. Ay, and I fear that even their Extravagancies in this, hath hardened the heart of many a one, as I perceive it did somewhat the heart of Mr. Badman himself.

For mine own part, I have seen many my self, and those Church-members too, so deckt and bedaubed with their Fangles and Toyes, and that when they have been at the solemn Appointments of G.o.d, in the way of his Worship, that I have wondred with what face such painted persons could sit in the place where they were without swounding. But certainly the holiness of G.o.d, and also the pollution of themselves by sin, must needs be very far out of the minds of such people, what profession soever they make.

I have read of an Wh.o.r.es forehead, {131a} and I have read of christian-shamefacedness; I have read of costly array, and of that which becometh women professing G.o.dliness, with good works; {131b} {131c} but if I might speak, I know what I know, and could say, and yet do no wrong, that which would make some professors stink in their places; {131d} but now I forbear.

Atten. Sir, you seem to be greatly concerned at this, but what I shall say more? it is whispered, that some good Ministers have countenanced their people in their light and wanton Apparrel, yea have pleaded for their Gold, and Pearls, and costly array, &c.

Wise. I know not what they have pleaded for, but 'tis easily seen that they tolerate, or at least wise, wink and connive at such things, both in their Wives and Children. And so from the Prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. {131e} And when the hand of the Rulers are chief in a trespa.s.s, who can keep their people from being drowned in that trespa.s.s?

Atten. This is a lamentation, and must stand for a lamentation.

Wise. So it is, and so it must. And I will add, it is a shame, it is a reproach, it is a stumbling-block to the blind; {131f} for though men be as blind as Mr. Badman himself, yet they can see the foolish lightness that must needs be the bottom of all these apish and wanton extravagancies. But many have their excuses ready; to wit, their Parents, their Husbands, and their breeding calls for it, and the like: yea, the examples of good people prompt them to it: but all these will be but the Spiders webb, when the thunder of the Word of the great G.o.d shall rattle from Heaven against them, as it will at Death or Judgment; but I wish it might do it before. But alas! these excuses are but bare pretences, these proud ones love to have it so. I once talked with a Maid, by way of reproof, for her fond and gaudy garment. But she told me, [Picture: Take note symbol] The Tailor would make it so: when alas, poor proud Girle, she gave order to the Taylor so to make it. Many make Parents, and Husbands, and Taylors, &c. the Blind to others, but their naughty hearts, and their giving of way thereto, that is the original cause of all these evils.

Atten. Now you are speaking of the cause of pride, pray shew me yet further why pride is now so much in request? {132b}

Wise. I will shew you what I think are the reasons of it.

1. The first is, {132c} Because such persons are led by their own hearts, rather than by the Word of G.o.d. I told you before, that the original fountain of pride is the heart. For out of the heart comes pride; it is therefore because they are led by their hearts, which naturally tends to lift them up in pride. This pride of heart, tempts them, and by its deceits overcometh them; {132d} yea it doth put a bewitching vertue into their Peac.o.c.ks feathers, and then they are swallowed up with the vanity of them.

2. Another reason why professors are so proud, (for those we are talking of now) is because they are more apt to take example of those that are of the World, than they are to take example of those that are Saints indeed.

Pride is of the world. For all that is of the world, the l.u.s.ts of the flesh, the l.u.s.t of the eyes, and the pride of life, are not of the Father but of the world. {132e} Of the world therefore Professors learn to be proud. But they should not take them for example. It will be objected, No, nor your saints neither, for you are as proud as others: Well, let them take shame that are guilty. But when I say, professors should take example for their life by those that are saints indeed, I mean as Peter says: They should take example of those that were in old time, the saints; for saints of old time were the best, therefore to these he directeth us for our pattern. Let the wives conversation be chast, and also coupled with fear. Whose adorning, saith Peter, let it not be that outward adorning, of pleating the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of Apparel: but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of G.o.d of great price. For after this manner, in the old time, the holy women also who trusted in G.o.d, adorned themselves, being in subjection to their own husbands. {132f}

3. Another reason is, {133a} Because they have forgotten the pollution of their Nature. For the remembrance of that, must needs keep us humble, and being kept humble, we shall be at a distance from pride. The proud and the humble are set in opposition; (G.o.d resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.) And can it be imagined, that a sensible Christian should be a proud one; sence of baseness tends to lay us low, not to lift us up with pride; not with pride of Heart, nor pride of Life: But when a man begins to forget what he is, then he, if ever, begins to be proud.

Methinks it is one of the most senceless and ridiculous things in the world, that a man should be proud of that which is given him on purpose to cover the shame of his nakedness with.

4. Persons that are proud, have gotten G.o.d and his Holiness out of their sight. {133b} If G.o.d was before them, as he is behind their back; And if they saw him in his holiness, as he sees them in their sins and shame, they would take but little pleasure in their apish Knacks. The Holiness of G.o.d makes the Angels cover their faces, crumbles Christians, when they behold it, into dust and ashes: {133c} and as his Majesty is, such is his Word; Therefore they abuse it, that bring it to countenance pride.

Lastly, {133d} But what can be the end of those that are proud, in the decking of themselves after their antick manner? why are they for going with their Bulls-foretops, with their naked shoulders, and Paps hanging out like a Cows bag? why are they for painting their faces, for stretching out their necks, and for putting of themselves into all the Formalities which proud Fancy leads them to? Is it because they would honour G.o.d? because they would adorn the Gospel? because they would beautifie Religion, and make sinners to fall in love with their own salvation? No, no. It is rather to please their l.u.s.ts, to satisfie their wild and extravagant fancies; and I wish none doth it to stir up l.u.s.t in others, to the end they may commit uncleanness with them. I believe, whatever is their end, this is one of the great designes of the Devil: and I believe also, that Satan has drawn more into the sin of uncleanness, by the spangling shew of fine cloaths, than he could possibly have drawn unto it, without them. I wonder what it was, that of old was called the Attire of an Harlot: certainly it could not be more bewitching and tempting than are the garments of many professors this day.

Atten. I like what you say very well, and I wish that all the proud Dames in England that profess, were within the reach and sound of your words.

Wise. What I have said, I believe is true, but as for the proud Dames in England that profess, they have Moses and the Prophets, and if they will not hear them, how then can we hope that they should recieve good by such a dull sounding Ramshorn as I am? However, I have said my mind, and now if you will, we will proceed to some other of Mr. Badmans doings.

Atten. No: pray before you shew me any thing else of Mr. Badman, shew me yet more particularly the evil effects of this sin of Pride.

Wise. With all my heart, I will answer your request. {134a}

1. {134b} Then: 'Tis pride that makes poor Man so like the Devil in h.e.l.l, that he cannot in it be known to be the Image and similitude of G.o.d. The Angels when they became Devils, 'twas through their being lifted or puffed up with pride. 'Tis pride also that lifteth or puffeth up the heart of the sinner, and so makes him to bear the very image of the Devil.

2. {134c} Pride makes a man so odious in the sight of G.o.d, that he shall not, must not come nigh his Majesty. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect to the lowly, but the proud he knows afar off. Pride sets G.o.d and the Soul at a distrance; pride will not let a man come nigh G.o.d, nor G.o.d will not let a proud man come nigh unto him: Now this is a dreadful thing.

3. {134d} As pride sets, so it keeps G.o.d and the Soul at a distance.

G.o.d resisteth the proud; resists, that is, he opposes him, he thrusts him from him, he contemneth his person and all his performances. Come in to G.o.ds Ordinances, the proud man may; but come into his presence, have communion with him, or blessing from him, he shall not. For the high G.o.d doth resist him. {135a}

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Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 15 summary

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