
Introvert Power_ Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength Part 12

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I am so grateful for the opportunity to write this book, and for all the people who have sponsored this very introverted effort. Thanks to introverts Beth and Masch.e.l.le, who made me swear to write the book; to my awesome agent Jacky Sach, who ran with it. Thanks to my editor at Sourcebooks, Shana Drehs, who has loved this project with me and made my vision real.

I couldn't have indulged so fully without the support of my heroic family: Barron, my trusted first witness and editor, who held everything together, even me; Bjorn, who kept me sharp by challenging my thinking; and Josh, who insisted on being with me, quietly, as I wrote the last sentence.

Beth Wheatley, thank you for being the friend I imagined-Van Gogh should have been so lucky. And to Cindy Boggs, the extrovert I would party for, thanks for your unfettered loyalty and support.

A special thanks to the introverts who contributed their voices and enriched this book: core contributors Solveig Meyer, Cecilia Perez Homar, Don Rollins, Ingrid Carlson, Philip Allmon, Julie Aadland, Douglas Imbrogno, Margit Carlson, Ben Schoper, Karen Carlson, Dave Miller, Beth Wheatley, Jessica Schoper, and Suzanne Manning; thanks also to contributors Lisa Joseph, Sandy B, Luke Schoper, Donna Mahl, David Parker, James Meyer, Cathy Helgoe, Bruce K. Haley, Linda Arnold, Annie Olsen, J.C., Amy Williams, and Beth Helgoe.

I am grateful for the contributions of the stellar professionals at Sourcebooks: Peter Lynch; Dojna Shearer; Sabrina Baskey-East; Sarah Van Male and Cyanotype Book Architects; the Sourcebooks production team; my publicist, Paul Samuelson; and the winning teams in sales, marketing, manufacturing, and publicity.

Thanks to Allen Hammer and CPP, Inc. for helping me sort through the vast MBTI research. My appreciation to Mark Wolfe of Mark Wolfe Design for translating inner life into art and for showing me my introverted face, to artist JJ Deakins for the voodoo you do to my website, and to Dr. Tim Spears, for helping me network between dental visits. Thanks to The Writers' Village for all your help-Jim Wallace deserves an editing medal of honor-and for being my people. Grat.i.tude to my spiritual guide, Sister Molly, and to Julie and Rebecca, my real-life soul sisters.

Finally, to the family I sometimes needed to hide from: Thank you for enriching my life with your vibrant personalities, creative gifts and loving support.

About the Author.

Steve Payne Photography

Laurie Helgoe, PhD, is a writer, psychologist, part-time actor, and model-and introvert. She lives in Charleston, West Virginia, with her husband, two boys, and golden retriever.

This is her fifth book. Introvert Power Introvert Power news and updates are available at news and updates are available at www.introvertpower.com. The author's website is www.wakingdesire.com.

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