
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution Part 24

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Boham Death...............................................+ Blad Death...............................................+ I Guernoi Death...............................................+ Guermeur Death...............................................+ Gommaire "Considering the past events which I have seen, "considering the present events which I now behold, "and considering those future events which I "apprehend, I am of opinion that the life of Louis "is of more value to the republic than his death."..O Marce Confinement and banishment..........................O Queince Confinement and transportation......................O Kervelegan "I am of the same opinion as the last.".............O Kleber Confinement.........................................O

Page 223


Jal Death...............................................+ Leyris Death...............................................+ Vouland Death...............................................+ P Chazal, Death...............................................+ I fils Tavernel "Death, but not until after the ratification of the "const.i.tution.".....................................O Aubry The same............................................O P Rabaut- The same............................................O G pommier Balla Confinement.........................................O

The Names of the above-mentioned Voters in alphabetical order.

_N.B. The figures refer to the page_.

Ala.s.seur 212 Baudran 156 Bolot 185 Carpentier le 165 Albert 182 Bansio 213 Bonguyode 157 Carpentier 173 Albite 188 Baux 206 Bonnemain 205 Carra 185 Alboys 162 Bazire 213 Bonnesoeur 165 Casabianca 213 Allafort 217 Bayle 207 Bonnet 153 Caseneuve 201 Alquier 188 Beauchamp 201 Bonnet 208 Casenave 181 Amar 156 Beaugeard 154 Bonnet 159 Castillon 153 Ambermeuil 194 Beaupre 174 Bonnet 205 Cazanies 181 Amyon 157 Beauvais 176 Bonneval 168 Caze 153 Andree 213 Becker 171 Bordas 197 Cavaignan 162 Andre (St.) 161 Beffroy 200 Borel 201 Cayla 162 Anguis 192 Belin 200 Borie 212 Chabanon 210 Ansy 162 Bellegarde 210 Boucher 176 Chabot 159 Antiboul 194 Belleville 209 Boucheron 200 Chales 221 Anthoine 171 Bentabole 182 Boudin 155 Chaillon 160 Aoust 173 Bezaud 184 Bouillerot 220 Chambon 212 Arbagast 183 Bergoin 153 Bouquier 218 Champeaux 215 Armonville 166 Bernard 190 Bourbotte 199 Champigny 156 Artigoyte D' 158 Bernard 210 Bourdon 161 Charbonier 194 a.s.selin 193 Bernard St. Bourdon 174 Charlier 166 Aubert 163 Afrique 207 Bourgeois 189 Charrel 156 Aubry 223 Bernier 191 Bourgeois 221 Cha.s.set 183 Audoin 187 Berthier 214 Bourges (de) 217 Chatelain 199 Audrein 170 Bertucat 186 Bousquet 152 Chaumont 154 Aulnay de l' 164 Besson 218 Boussion 162 Chauvier 185 Aulnay de l' 164 Bezere 174 Boutrone 186 Chaux (la) 160 Azema 205 Billaud Va- Boygnes 162 Chazal 223 B. rennes 175 Breard 211 Chazaud 210 Babey 158 Bion 196 Brisson 159 Chedanau 210 Bailly de Ju- Biroteau 181 Breson 197 Chenier 187 illy 190 Bissy 167 Bretel 165 Chevalier 186 Baland 197 Blad 222 Breton (le) 154 Chevalier 201 Bailleuil 189 Blanc 166 Brissot 221 Chiappe 213 Ballivet 185 Blanval 178 Brival 212 Choudieu 164 Balla 223 Blaux 172 Brun 210 Christiani 183 Bancal 178 Blondel 204 Brunel 153 Claverie 162 Bar 171 Blutel 190 Brunerie (la) 211 Clauzel 204 Baraillon 217 BOdin 156 Buzot 220 Cledel 161 Barbaroux 207 Bodin 204 C. Clerc (le) 159 Barety 201 Bodot 185 Cales 151 Clerc le) 164 Barras 194 Boham 222 Calon 173 Cloots 174 Barrere 179 Boileau 199 Cambaceres 153 Cochet 173 Baroche 169 Boisset 219 Cambon 153 Cochon 191 Barrott 163 Boissi-D'An- Camboulas 206 Cointe-pui Barthelemy 159 glas 203 Campmartin 204 -raveau (le) 191 Bas (le) 177 Boissiere la 161 Campmas 193 Cointre (le) 187 Ba.s.sal 187 BOissieu 157 Camus 159 Collau de la Baucheton 212 Bollet 177 Cappin 152 Salcette 219

Collot Derasey 155 E. Gamon 203 d'Herbois 175 Descamps 152 Echa.s.seriaux 211 Gantois 193 Colombel 174 Desmoulins 175 Egalite 177 Garan Combe (la) 206 Despina.s.sy 194 Enlard 177 -coulon 161 Combe St. Desrouais 174 Engerrand 165 Gardien 155 Michel (la) 193 Devars 210 Enjubault 167 Garilhe 203 Condorcet 200 Deydier 199 Ermann 183 Garnier 205 Comte 180 Dires 158 Escudier 194 Garnier 211 Corbel 170 Dorisy 164 Esni 167 Garnot 177 Cordier 190 Dormier 185 Espert 204 Garros 195 COrinfustier 203 Doublet 189 Eusset 184 Gasparin 207 Coste (la) 209 Douge 205 F Gaston 204 Couhey 197 Doulcet 209 Fabre 153 Gaudin 195 Couppe 173 Drouet 166 Fabre 181 Gautier 199 Couppe 215 Drulhe 151 Fabre d'Eg - Gautier 216 Courtois 204 Dubarran 152 lantine 176 Gayet 163 Coustard 160 Dubibgnon 154 Fauchet 208 Gayvernon 197 Couthon 178 Dubois 174 Faure 189 Gazeau 152 Coutisson 217 Dubois 182 Faure 159 Gelin 185 Couturier 172 Dubois 203 Faye 197 Genevois 156 Crampe (la) 179 Dubois-Du- Faye 195 Genissieu 156 Creuze-la- bais 208 Fayolle 219 Gensonne 152 Tonche 196 Dubouchet 183 Fermont 154 Gentil 161 Creuze-pas- Dubreuil 191 Ferrand 179 Gerente 219 chal 196 Duchatel 192 Ferry 203 Geoffroy 191 Croix (de la)166 Ducos 152 Ferroux 157 Gertoux 180 Croix (la) 197 Ducos 158 Fevre (le) 160 Gervais-fauve 165 Croix (la) 221 Dufestel 192 Finot 199 Curee 153 Dugene 212 Fiot (le) 172 Gibergues 178 Cussy 209 Dugue-da.s.sy 174 Figuet 200 Gillet 171 Cuvelier 210 Duhem 173 Flageas 159 Girard 195 D. Dumont 192 Fleury 217 Girard 205 Damrobe 172 Dumont 209 Florent-lou- Girot-pou-zol 179 D'Andenac 164 Duperret 208 vet 192 D'Andenac 164 Dupin 200 Fockedey 173 Giraud 211 Dannon 179 Duplantier 153 Fonfrede 152 Giraud 216 Danton 175 Dupont 155 Forest 184 Giroust 221 David 176 Dupont 179 Fouche 160 Gleizal 202 D'Autriche 211 Duprat 207 Foucher 211 G.o.defroy 174 Debrie 199 Dupuis 183 Fournel 162 Gommaire 222 De Chezeau 211 Dupuis 188 Fourney 175 Goudelin 216 Delamare 174 Duquesnoi 177 Fournier 184 Goupilleau 195 Delbret 162 Durand-mail- Foussedoire 159 Goupilleau 195 Delaguelle 160 lane 208 Franc (le) 158 Gourdan 184 Delcher 159 Duroy 220 France (de) 191 Gorsas 188 Delahaye 190 Dussault 176 Fremenger 221 Goussuin 173 Delecloy 192 Dutroubour- Freron 176 Gourry 193 Delmas 151 nier 196 Fressine 159 Granet 207 Dentzell 183 Duval 154 Froger 186 Grangeneuve 152 Derbes-la- Duval 190 G.

tour 202 Duval 205 Gadroy 158 Gregoire 159

Grenot 157 Jeune (le) 155 Loiseau 221 Mellinet 160 Guadet 152 Jeune (le) 167 Loisel 200 Mercier 187 Guerin 161 Joannot 182 L'onde 215 Merlin 172 Guermeur 222 Jourdan 172 Lozeau 211 Merlin 173 Guernoi 222 Jouenne 208 Louchet 206 Merlin 199 Guffroy 177 Julien 151 Loue (la) 178 Meyer 194 Guillardin 166 Julien 219 Louis 182 Meynard 218 Guillermin 185 Just (St.) 200 Louvet 192 Meseujac 210 Guilmardet 185 K. Louvet 161 Michaud 218 Guilrault 172 Kersaint 187 M. Michel 169 Guinberteau 210 Kervelegan 222 Maignen 195 Michel 171 Guire (la) 152 Kleber 222 Maignan (le) 164 Michel 184 Guyes 216 L. Magniez 178 Milhan 209 Guyomard 216 Lacoste 217 Maignet 181 Moine (le) 165 Guyot 214 Laignelot 176 Mailhe 151 Mollet 199 Guyrot 219 Laka.n.a.l 204 Maille 210 Molveau 168 Guyter 181 Lafond 212 Mailland Mounel 166 Guyton-mor- Lambert 214 Durand 218 Monnot 218 veau 213 Lambert 217 Mailland (le)171 Moneson 204 H. Lalande 169 Maillv 185 Monestier 163 Hardy 189 Lanjuinais 154 Mainville 155 Monestier 178 Hardi (le) 170 Lannot 212 Maysse 202 Montant 151 Harmand 170 Lanthenas 183 Malarme 168 Montegot 181 Hauffmann 188 Laroche 163 Manuel 176 Montey (le) 158 Havin 165 Laurence 165 Marat 175 Montgilbert 185 Hecquet 190 Lauranceot 157 Marbos 219 Montmayan 162 Herard 199 Laure (du) 178 Marce 222 Moreau 185 Herault de Laurent 207 Marcy 214 Moreau 169 Sech.e.l.les 188 Lefevre 190 Marechal (le)220 Morin 206 Himbert 190 Lecointre 187 Mariette 189 Morisson 195 h.o.m.ond L' 209 Lecointe- Marque (la) 217 Mottedo, 213 Hosdiniere 174 puyraveau 191 Marquis 170 Moulin 184 Houilliere de164 Laurent 182 Marragon 206 Moysset 152 Hubert 165 Laurent 163 Martel 201 Musset 195 Hugo 198 Legendre 172 Martin St. 203 N.

Huguet 216 Legendre 175 Martin St. Nentz 171 Humbert 170 Legot 209 Prix 193 Neveu 180 I./J. LequiniO 174 Martin St. Nioche 155 Ingrand 196 Lesterp- valogues 217 Nion 210 Isabeau 156 beauvais 196 Martineau 196 Noel 198 Isnard 194 Letourneur 186 Martinet 219 Noel pointe 183 Izoard 201 L'Eveque 183 Marvejols 194 Noguer 163 Izore 174 Leva.s.seur 168 Ma.s.sieu 174 0.

Jacomin 219 Leva.s.seur 186 Mauduit 190 Obelin 154 Jal 223 Leyris 223 Maure 198 Official (L') 191 Jard pan- Leyze (de) 152 Mauld 210 OpOiX 191 viller 191 Lidon 212 Mauzel 154 Osselin 176 Jarrv 160 Lindet 220 Marade 151 Oudot 214 Jaurand 217 Lindet 220 Masuyer 185 P.

Jay 152 Lobines 207 Meaulle 160 Paganel 162 Jehon 152 Loi (la) 167 Meillant 180 Page (le) 161

Panis 176 Primaudiere 186 Ruamps 211 Thomas 174 Pastoret 154 Projean 151 Ruelle 155 Thomas 176 Padrin 184 Prost 157 Rudelle 178 Thuriot 166 Paux (le) 164 Prunel 157 S. Tocquot 170 Payne 178 Pryese 173 Sacy (de) 151 Topsent 211 Pelissier 207 Q. Sage (le) 221 Tournier 206 Pelle 161 Queince 222 Saladin 192 ToUrneur le 165 Pellet 163 Quinette 199 Salicetti 213 Treilhard 187 Pelletier, le 198 R. Salle 168 Treilhard 214 Peltier 212 Rabaut pom- Salleles 162 Turreau 199 Pemartin 180 mier 223 Sallengtos 173 V.

Penieres 212 Rabaut St. Salmon 186 Vadier 204 Pepin 155 Etienne 205 Sanadon 180 Valaze 174 Perard 164 Raffron 176 Savornin 202 Valdruche 167 Peraldi 213 Rameau 215 Santeyra 219 Vallee 221 Peres 151 Ramel 205 Saurine 159 Valogues 207 Peres 206 Randon 163 Savary 221 Vardon 208 Perrin 197 Raynault 159 Saustrault 172 Varlet 177 Perrin 205 Real 156 Scellier 192 Vatelier 166 Personne 178 Rebecqui 207 Seconds 206 Vaublanc 157 Pethion 221 Reguis 202 Seguin 219 Venaille 159 Pet.i.t 200 Reverchon 185 Senault 173 Vergniault 152 Peussard 217 Rewbell 182 Serjeant 176 Verdallin 202 Peuvergne 209 Ribereau 210 Serres 201 Virite (de) 193 Peyz 202 Ribet 165 Serveau 167 Vermond 204 Pflieger 182 Ricard 194 Serviere 163 Vernety 218 Phelippeaux 186 Richard 186 Servonat 156 Vernier 157 Picque 180 Richou 220 Sevestre 154 Vicomterie Pierret 205 Ritter 182 Siblot 184 (la) 175 Pilastre 164 Rivaud 197 Sillery 193 Vidalin 201 Pinel 165 Rivery 193 Simon 183 Vidalot 162 Pinet 217 Rhull 183 Soloniac 194 Vicunet 153 Piozzy 196 Robert 176 Soubeyran 202 Vigneron 185 Plaichart Robert 203 Soubrany 178 Viguy 191 chottiere 168 Robin 204 Souhait 197 Villars 167 Plaigne (la) 151 Robespierre 175 Soulignac 197 Villiers (de)166 Planche (la) 172 Robespierre 176 Source (la) 193 Villers 160 Pocholles 188 Roche-gude 194 Syeyes 186 Villette 174 Poisson 165 Rocher (du) 194 T. Vigee 156 Pons 169 Romme 178 Taillefer 217 Vincent 188 Porcher 155 Rouault 171 Tallien 187 Vinet 211 Porte (la) 182 Roubaud 194 Tarrie 209 Vilet 184 Portier 174 Rovere 207 Taveau 208 Vouland 223 Potrier 155 Rousseau 167 Tavernel 223 W.

Poulain 166 Roussel 169 Tellier 190 Wandelin Poulain grand Roux 167 Tenier 217 -court 167 Pre 197 Roux-fazillac 218 Thibaut 155 Y.

Poultier 173 Rouzet 151 Thibault 209 Yger 190 Precy 199 Rouyer 153 Thibaudot 196 Ysarn G.o.df. 206 Pressavin 183 Royer 199 Thierrier 204 Z.

Prieur 166 Royt 187 Thirion 171 Zangiacomi 169 Prieur 214 Rualt 189




"I am going to p.r.o.nounce the sentence of rigour against Louis.

"When justice has spoken, humanity should then make her voice heard.

"I intreat the members and the tribune to observe profound silence.

"The a.s.sembly is composed of 745 members: 1 of these is dead--6 are "sick--2 absent without a.s.signing any reason--11 are absent with "leave--4 have not voted; the total is 24, which, being deducted "from 745, there remain 721 voters, of whom the absolute majority is "361.

"36 are for death, leaving the time of it to be discussed hereafter.

"9 for death, with respite.

"2 for death, after a peace.

"2 for chains.

"319 for confinement.

"366 for death.


"The punishment p.r.o.nounced against Louis is DEATH."


"I OWE it to my honour, I owe it to my family, not to subscribe to an "accusation which I have not merited. I declare therefore, that I "bring an appeal to the nation at large from the judgment pa.s.sed "against me; and I give to my defenders all necessary powers, in "order that this present appeal may be inserted in the Journals of "the Convention."


_The_ ADDRESS _of Mons_. DE SEZE, _one of the defenders of the King_, _to the Convention_.

"THE ratification by the French people, which Louis demands, "is the exercise of a natural and sacred right which belongs to "every person accused; it is the right of every man, and "consequently of Louis. If we did not prefer this claim in his "defence, it was because it was not in our power to foresee that the "National Convention would resolve upon judging him; or, if it did "judge him, that it would condemn him. We now learn, that the fatal "decree, which condemns Louis to death, has been carried by a "majority of five votes only. Permit me, Citizens, to represent to "you, in the name of humanity, in the name of that sacred principle "which calls for every mitigation in favour of the accused, that this "circ.u.mstance, so very extraordinary, may well engage you "voluntarily to accede to the proposed ratification. I demand it in "the name of justice, in the name of our country, in the name of "humanity. Exercise your own high powers; but do not astonish France "by the exhibition of a judgment that must appear terrible, when the "surprising minority comes to be considered.

"Citizens, permit me to adjure you once more in the name of "Louis XVI. and to conclude with suggesting to you, whether, whilst "you are contending for the security of the nation, and its real "interest, you will not tremble, when you reflect, that the safety of "the republic, the Security of the French empire, and the happiness "of 25 millions of people, may possibly depend upon five votes."


THE object of this fourth appeal was to know whether the execution of Louis might be deferred; 310 were for respite, and 380 against it. Thus, by a majority of 70 votes, it was decreed, that the sentence against Louis XVI. should be executed without delay.


21st JANUARY, 1793.

THE minister of justice and the heads of the administrative corps, having proceeded to the Temple on Sunday the 20th of January, about four in the evening, notified to Louis the warrant for his execution. "I demand," said the King, "a respite of three days to "prepare myself for appearing before G.o.d. To a.s.sist me in this work, "I desire to have Mr. Edgeworth, (an Irish clergyman) with whom I may "freely communicate. I desire that he may be secured from all "uneasiness, or apprehension, on account of this charitable office "which he shall perform for me. I desire to be relieved from that "perpetual watch which the council-general has set over me for some "days. I demand in this interval the privilege of seeing my family "when I shall desire it, and without witnesses. I could also wish, "that the Convention would, as speedily as may be, set about "determining the fate of my family, and permit them to see each other "freely and commodiously, when they shall think proper.

"I recommend to the liberality of the nation all those persons who "have been attached to me. Among my pensioners there are many aged "men, women, and children, who have no other means of subsistence."

Of all there requisitions Louis obtained only that of seeing his family without witnesses. It was the first time since his imprisonment. The interview lasted two hours. It is impossible to express the horror of the moment, when he was obliged to tear himself away from them. On his return to his apartment, the King pa.s.sed a almost the whole of the night in prayer. He then laid down and slept a few hours, and early in the morning betook himself again to prayer.

The 21st of January, at half past eight o'clock, Santerre, the commandant-general, came to signify to Louis the order for his going to execution. Having requested three minutes to speak with his confessor, he then turned to Santerre, and told him that he was ready to follow him.

The King crossed the first court of the Temple on foot; he then entered the coach of Pethion, the mayor of Paris, with his Confessor and two Gendarmes. His route lay along, the Boulevards, which were lined with above two hundred thousand men in arms. All the way Louis was deeply engaged in reading the prayers appointed for persons at the point of death.

Being, arrived at the _Place de Louis XV._ which was the place of execution, about ten o'clock in the morning, he alighted from the carriage with calmness, took off his clothes himself, remaining in his white under-waistcoat, untied his cravat, and opened the collar of his shirt; he then threw himself upon his knees to receive the last benediction of his Confessor, got up immediately after, and ascended the scaffold alone. At that moment his Confessor cried out to him, "Son of St. Louis, you are going up to Heaven!" [Footnote; Other accounts state, that it was when the King had just prepared himself for the stroke of the fatal instrument, that Mons. Edgeworth, his confessor, called out (in the imperative) with a loud voice, "Enfant de Saint Louis, montez au Ciel." "Son of St. Louis, mount up "to Heaven."]

Far from opposing those who came to cut off his hair, and bind his hands, " Do with me," said he, "what you will, it is the last "sacrifice." He then made a motion with his hand to obtain "silence.--"I die perfectly innocent of all the pretended crimes laid "to my charge--I forgive all those who have had any hand in my "misfortunes, and I pray that my blood may be of use in restoring "happiness to France--and you, unhappy people!" ......

At these words, the unfeeling Santerre gave orders that the drums should beat, crying out to the King, "that he had not brought him "there to declaim, but to die." At that instant his head was severed from his body! ......

The corpse was immediately conveyed to the Magdalene burying-ground, and thrown into a pit twelve feet deep, into which a considerable quant.i.ty of quicklime was cast.

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