
Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity Part 5

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Serge anch.o.r.ed himself, accepted the gush of seed. Having ached for this flavor so long, he swallowed each spurt greedily, not letting go until his lover was empty, and slipped away.

He licked his lips and rested his cheek on Valmont's thigh, near the c.o.c.k he'd just sucked to limpness. The musky scent and flavor lingered on his tongue and in the air. Closing his eyes, he listened to Valmont's breathing and reveled in the gentle press of the vampire's hand still on his head.

A delicious languor overcame him and he felt his eyelids grow heavy. His body was satiated, completely serene from having made love to Valmont, the great love of his entire existence.

Sudden guilt stabbed him. He'd enjoyed feeding on Philippe and having his c.o.c.k buried deep inside Philippe's a.s.s. The CE was so sweet and so helpful. It was because of that golden-haired vampire that he lay here now with Valmont, once again in the only bed he'd ever wished to be in.

Serge opened his eyes and lifted his head, determined to thank Philippe. But when he did so, that spot on the bed was empty.

Philippe tried to ignore the heavy feeling that weighed on his heart. He had more important concerns than the fact that he'd fallen madly in love...really in love for the first time in his existence. He'd played characters in love on the stage, but had never felt himself what they'd felt. Now he did. He didn't care about anything else, not even being on the stage. He wanted only to be with Serge, to look at him, touch him, kiss him...and well...everything else.

Not that there was a chance in h.e.l.l of having a relationship with Serge. Serge was in love with someone else. Not only that, but they were also in danger, and Serge's safety took precedence over everything else.

The impending threat from the Soldiers was palpable as he surveyed Valmont's lands from the highest rampart of the chateau. Looking out at the landscape, the trees and fields illumined by the full moon, one would never know that there was any danger coming. But he sensed danger in his very bones.

"What do you see?" Gregory, one of the guards, asked. The large vampire stood next to him.

Philippe sighed. Only days ago, he'd have been flirting with the towering, muscular male, easing him into bed play. Now, nothing. "That's the problem. I don't see anything unusual. I just know they're out there. There's no way in h.e.l.l the Soldiers will let Valmont go just like that, especially when he drained the life out of one of their top generals."

Gregory nodded, his chiseled profile outlined by the moonlight. "Yes. The best we can do is be prepared."

"Are we?"

The brawny CE nodded. "We are. Darelle sent as many of us as she had. There are more guards stationed all over the property. The moment a Soldier sets foot within its boundaries, we'll know."


A female voice made him turn. Cherry stood at the doorway, her lover Dahlia, a tall Amazonian-like figure, behind her. Seeing two happy lovers together immediately depressed him further.

"Hi, Cherry."

"How's it going?" Cherry came forward and waved h.e.l.lo to Gregory. Dahlia followed close behind her.

He nodded and turned his gaze back out to the moonlit scene. "All right, I guess."

Cherry put a gentle hand on his shoulder. Immediately, he began to feel ill and moved away.

Cherry pulled her hand back as if she'd burned him. Her face was a mask of concern. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Philippe saw the glint of golden rings on Cherry's fingers. Gifts from Dahlia, no doubt. Cherry's fingers had been naked until she'd hooked up with Dahlia. Unfortunately, though, gold was his weakening substance. All immortals had one, and the immortal part of him was no exception. He kept his weakness a secret. In the wrong hands, that knowledge could be deadly for him. He shook his head. "No. I'm just jumpy is all."

Cherry gave him a knowing grin. "Ah, I see. Someone is smitten with a certain vampire." Her tone was teasing yet gentle. "Well, if you need an antidote, you could spend some time with me and Dahlia."

He sighed again. There was a time when he would have jumped at the offer of a threesome with two beautiful females. Now it didn't tempt him in the slightest. "That's a wonderful offer, Cherry, but I must decline."

"No problem, Phil. Just call though, if you need anything." Cherry patted his shoulder again.

Her rings grazed his skin and nausea gripped him until she pulled away. He pretended nothing was happening but felt weak and reached out to grip the iron rail of the balcony. "See you later, Cherry. Bye, Dahlia."

The two women left and the churning in his gut subsided.

"You all right?" Gregory sounded concerned.

He sighed in relief. "I'm fine. Please go and check the rest of the place, okay?"

"Of course." Gregory turned and went in.

Philippe continued to stand and watch the night. His strength returned but the disturbing sense of weakness the gold caused him still spiraled through his body. He felt haunted, as he did by the image of Serge, sleeping with his head resting on Valmont's thigh. That's how Serge had looked just before he'd slipped away.

Serge was so beautiful...so magnificent. All Philippe could think of was how Serge's naked body had felt against his, how his c.o.c.k had felt buried deep in Philippe's tight pa.s.sage...

Life could be so cruel. With Serge in Valmont's bed once again, his purpose for being here seemed to be nearly fulfilled. He did not look forward at all to having to leave his beloved when Serge and Valmont were definitely back together.

Well, at least he had this bit of time with them. And tonight, the CEs were having a celebratory banquet. Philippe would do his special dance. If nothing else filled the two vampires with desire and had them climbing all over each other, the dance of ultimate seduction would do it.

That night, Philippe waited on the sidelines, watching the banquet. Well, maybe banquet wasn't the right word, considering that the only offering on the tables was goblets of mead for the CEs and blood for Valmont and Serge. His stomach fluttered wildly. He couldn't drink mead or socialize before dancing, so he hung back and observed the festivities. The great hall was magnificent now, restored by his fellow CEs to its former glory. Cushions and couches flanked the walls, leaving s.p.a.ce for dancing in the center.

The guests of honor, of course, sat together on an arrangement of silk cushions, dressed in what Philippe had deemed the costume of the evening-silk robes with nothing on underneath.

He, himself, wore his special loincloth, removable by the simple pull of a string. He'd already lubricated his bottom with a healthy dose of olive oil because when the time came, he would need to be ready. On the sidelines, Gregory stood, as instructed, dressed similarly in a loincloth, to wait for him. The large muscular man was an important part of the dance.

Though Philippe really preferred to dance alone and then wait for his next opportunity to make love with Serge, he needed to ensure that Serge and Valmont were aroused enough to make love to each other. If he did the dance correctly, the once-estranged vampires would abandon whatever reservations they had about becoming lovers again. I've given my word to Darelle, he thought, though sadness engulfed him. Once his mission was fulfilled, he would return to Paris and await Darelle's next a.s.signment for him.

The musicians turned to Philippe for their cue. He watched the crowd, focusing especially on his special audience. They sat side by side in casual poses, smiling at each other and chatting.

Sadness stabbed Philippe again. What were they discussing? The way they sat with each other, close but not entwined or touching, reflected their current tentative relationship. Well, it was time to change that.

He nodded to the musicians as he prepared himself to leap out into the center s.p.a.ce and perform.

The music began. A bamboo flute whispered a few sensual notes, followed by the other instruments, drum, woodwind and strings that blended their sensuous tones in with an exotic rhythm that conveyed pleasure and carnal desire. Philippe heaved a deep breath then took a running leap into the center. His loincloth flew up with his movements, revealing his nakedness underneath.

Putting everything out of his mind except his goal, he performed the dance he'd done many, many times in the past few centuries. He leaped, twisted and flipped in ways that pulled oohs and ahhs and applause from his audience.

When he reached the portion of his dance that included Gregory, Philippe gave the vampire the signal and Gregory paced into the center of the floor.

Their gazes locked and Philippe smiled up at him, curving his lips in the way he knew was seductive. He danced his way over to the muscular vampire who stared back at him, eyes glazed from desire. Writhing his hips, he gyrated and teased his way around Gregory's brawny physique. His dance had its desired effect. The large vampire's c.o.c.k now tented the front of his white loincloth and he was looking down at Philippe, a sheen of l.u.s.t over his gaze, his arched lips slightly parted. Gregory's smooth broad chest rose and fell heavily and Philippe stood in front of him and undulated his hips lightly against Gregory's jutting erection.

Still smiling, he lifted his hands to the vampire's chest and palmed the bulging muscles. Lightly, he caressed the round, hard pectorals, grazed the reddish-brown nipples with his fingertips in a skillful way that made the tips pebble immediately. Gregory groaned softly.

Philippe slid his hands from Gregory's chest, around his arms to his broad back. He caressed the hard muscles and continued to rub his now-hardening c.o.c.k against Gregory's. He let his touch whisper lightly down Gregory's spine, teasing the skin of his lower back, to his b.u.t.tocks over the loincloth. Gregory moaned again and his eyelids shuttered. From his angle, Philippe couldn't see Serge and Valmont. He could only hope that what he was about to do next would have its desired effect on them.

Chapter Five.

Serge stared. Until now, he'd been enjoying watching Philippe's dance, captivated by that lithe golden body undulating under the soft lights, and muscles flexing in beat to the sinuous music.

But when the big galoot had stepped out of the sidelines and stood, hard-on tenting his loincloth while Philippe rubbed against him, Serge fought to suppress potent waves of jealousy.

Philippe's hands now toyed with the tie of the galoot's loincloth. Was he actually going to pull it off?

Philippe yanked. The tie opened. The cloth slipped to the floor, revealing the muscular vampire's thick, hard c.o.c.k, heavy sac and round, hard b.u.t.tocks.

Question answered.

Serge's own c.o.c.k began to throb with the first signs of an erection. In spite of his jealousy, he became aware of Valmont at his side. The musky scent of arousal emanated from the vampire's body, making him glance at his companion.

Valmont's gaze was riveted on Philippe and...whatever his name was. With a sigh, he turned back to the show.

Philippe's hands were on the galoot's back again and he danced sinuously against the large man and he wound his sleek muscular body in an endless erotic circle against the huge vampire's straining c.o.c.k. His shaft jutted out from its nest of brown hair and his chest heaved, his pale skin flushed.

In the same seductive rhythm, Philippe slowly lowered himself to his knees. His hands slipped artfully down to his partner's b.u.t.tocks, caressed them in teasing circles while his lips grazed the vampire's thick reddish c.o.c.k. His lips parted. He closed his eyes and captured the plump head of that c.o.c.k in his mouth.

Dieu. Serge stared, riveted on the sight of Philippe's dusky lips sliding over the vampire's erection. Jealousy roiled inside him even as his own hard-on rose to full attention. A strange sense of disbelief a.s.sailed him. Just the night before, Philippe had been all over him, had f.u.c.ked and sucked him to ecstasy and then done the same with him and Valmont together.

He glanced again at his friend. His companion was still watching in fascination, his chest heaving under the thin white robe. Serge turned back and tried to enjoy the sight. After all, Philippe was beautiful, magnificent. You didn't claim him. In all fairness, Philippe had come to fulfill a task. He hadn't asked for any promises, nor had any promises been made.

The large vampire groaned audibly over the music and wound his large hands into Philippe's golden curls. He threw his head back, lips parted in obvious enjoyment of Philippe's soft lips and mouth stroking his c.o.c.k from tip to base.

Serge stared, watching the tiny muscles of Philippe's cheeks and jaw work as he swallowed that large, meaty c.o.c.k over and over again. As he sucked him, Philippe caressed his partner's hard b.u.t.tocks and widely muscled thighs.

A sheen of sweat erupted over the vampire's broad, heaving chest. Philippe was so obviously bringing him ecstasy that jealousy continued to burn through Serge's body even though his own c.o.c.k was fully hard and throbbed, in need of release.

Valmont stirred beside him. He pressed closer. One hand wandered absently over Serge's thigh, slipped under his robe and caressed the top of his thigh from knee to hip.

Serge caught his breath at the bold touch. Since they'd woken up in bed together that morning, there had been a tentative shyness between them. Serge had explained what happened and Valmont had only looked guilty.

Now Valmont's wanton touch made him ache, stoked his hunger. He let his hand wander across Valmont's back over the thin robe. The reminder of the hard, sinewy muscles and warm skin underneath began to win out over his jealousy and he turned back to Philippe.

The large vampire's hands were firmly embedded in Philippe's golden tumble of curls, his c.o.c.k swallowed to the hilt in Philippe's mouth, hips battering firmly back and forth under Philippe's hands. The vampire groaned, a sound that emanated from deep in his throat. At the last second, he pulled his c.o.c.k out, grasped Philippe's arms and firmly maneuvered the vampire's golden body until he was on his hands and knees. He knelt down, leaned over Philippe and yanked off Philippe's loincloth.

To Serge, this seemed no longer part of the performance. Philippe had obviously roused the vampire to a frenzy of need, the way he knelt behind him and spread his b.u.t.tocks open, seeking his opening with his c.o.c.k.

Philippe didn't seem to mind at all. He lowered his body, a.s.s in the air, giving his partner full access to his bottom. The large vampire's muscular body loomed above him while his huge hands engulfed Philippe's slim hips as he pushed his large c.o.c.k in without any obvious preparation.

Serge would have lunged out and pulled the vampire off him had it not been for the expression of sheer pleasure lighting Philippe's features. His beautiful lips curved in a smile and his blue-green eyes glowed, the lids heavy.

Philippe's partner rammed his thick c.o.c.k in and out in a steady rhythm, still matching the sinuous play of the instruments. Philippe pushed back against the vampire who leaned over him. With his large hands splayed on Philippe's chest, he pulled Philippe back against his broad chest.

In that position, Serge had a clear view of Philippe's sweet, hard c.o.c.k, the reddish veined shaft jutting in its delicious curve from his body. The blond vampire's eyes were closed and his head rested against his partner's chest as he slowly rocked against his body.

Serge's mouth watered. He longed to take Philippe's c.o.c.k in his mouth but didn't dare move, riveted as he was with Valmont's hand on his thigh. Valmont was teasing his skin with skilled fingertips, and ran his touch teasingly close to Serge's c.o.c.k then away again.

Serge's mind and body swirled, mind and heart torn between his conflicting desires. Philippe. Valmont. He swung emotionally back and forth while his body raged. How could Philippe have intoxicated him like this after only two days when he'd gone centuries, alone, craving only Valmont's touch? Not that he wanted Valmont any less. He felt as incomplete without his sire and lover of centuries as he did without Philippe's golden beauty and sweet, comforting touch.

Another vampire emerged from the crowd of CEs lounging about on the various sofas and cushions around the edges of the room. This vampire, too, wore a loincloth. His physique was somewhere in between Philippe's and the huge vampire's, all sleek muscle, sculpted chest with a sprinkling of soft dark hair. His eyes, too, glowed with desire and he knelt immediately in front of Philippe, bent over him and took Philippe's c.o.c.k in his mouth.

Serge continued to stare, watching Philippe being pleasured by two vampires. Philippe's hands rested on the dark head that bobbed up and down on his c.o.c.k, his body now languid, a vessel of pleasure.

His body stiffened visibly. He cried out in the sound Serge now recognized as his climax. The vampire pulled his mouth off Philippe's c.o.c.k, revealing the milky ribbons of seed gushing from him. For several long moments, the vampire milked his c.o.c.k, stroking his shaft lightly while he came. When Philippe was empty, the vampire moved away so that the other vampire, whose c.o.c.k was still buried deep inside him, could maneuver him back onto his hands and knees and continue thrusting hard.

In moments, the large hands tightened visibly on Philippe's hips. One last thrust and he remained pressed in deep. His brawny body trembled, head thrown back as he obviously emptied himself inside his partner's eager behind.

They both went limp. Their bodies gleamed with sweat. Philippe was panting and Serge saw him look up. Their gazes met and Philippe winked at him. He then pulled away from his partner, urged the huge naked vampire to his feet and led him away to the side.

Before Serge could respond, he felt the warm tickle of breath against his ear.

"Serge," Valmont's voice whispered close so only he could hear. "Come to my bed. Now."

Serge followed Valmont up the staircase. His body thrummed with desire. Images of Philippe's...er...dance raged in his mind, but he forced himself to push the thoughts away. He could always address that issue tomorrow. For now, the moment he'd craved for hundreds of years was finally about to be his and he had no wish to f.u.c.k it up by being a jealous b.i.t.c.h.

Valmont led Serge into his bedchamber and closed the door behind them. The pleasant, sensual aroma of sandalwood incense permeated the air. The French doors to the balcony sat open and a pleasant summer breeze wafted through, punctuated only by another muscular guard, his back to them as he kept watch.

A small fire crackled in the hearth at the opposite end of the room and the large bed of thick pillows and soft, billowy bed linens beckoned.

In short, everything was perfect for a night of pa.s.sion.

Valmont led him to the bed and turned to him. His lover's large, obsidian eyes glowed with pa.s.sion and his dimples folded in that s.e.xy way of his when he smiled. "I've missed you so, Sergei," he said quietly. He embraced Serge and pulled him close, giving Serge a full delicious blast of male body heat.

Valmont's fingertips caressed his back through his robe. His touch conveyed deep need coiled up, waiting to be unleashed. "I wasn't going to touch you," he murmured, then nipped tenderly at Serge's jaw. "I feel so guilty for what I've done to you." He nipped again, swiped the tip of his tongue along Serge's bottom lip.

Serge's body heated more than ever. He pressed closer to his friend. "It's all right now." He didn't want Valmont to mention how Philippe's dance had affected him. It was already obvious. Philippe's mission had been accomplished. Before Valmont could say anything more, Serge kissed him.

Valmont groaned deep in his throat and pulled Serge tight against his hard body. So tightly that the friction rubbed Serge's nipples to hardness through the silk robe. He melted against Valmont's simmering masculinity, touched Valmont's chest where his robe gaped open, letting the soft chest hairs tickle his fingertips.

Serge parted his lips and Valmont slipped his tongue in. Ahh, the taste of his lover again. He closed his eyes and drank in the flavor he'd missed for so long. He licked tentatively at first, then with growing heat. Feeling bolder, he slid the tip of his tongue along Valmont's teeth and reacquainted himself with every soft nook and cranny.

Valmont's scent, raw and male, invaded his body, fanned the desire that already heightened his nerve endings and hardened his c.o.c.k. In that second, images of Philippe invaded his mind and he stiffened.

Valmont broke their kiss and looked down at him, brow furrowed. "Sergei, do you want this? I'd understand if..."

The uncertain look in Valmont's eyes pained him. After all this time longing for his lover, craving him, how could he possibly feel torn?

His desire for Valmont won. He couldn't live a moment longer without his sire. He nodded. "Of course I do."

Relief flooded Valmont's chiseled features and he smiled. He reached up and caressed Serge's cheek. "Sergei, I understand what I did to you and I'll always regret it, no matter how much you've forgiven me." He brushed his lips across Serge's and pulled back again. "I'll do anything you want. I'll share you with anyone. Whatever it takes to restore you to me completely."

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Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity Part 5 summary

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