
Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity Part 4

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Serge let Philippe dry his back, but when he slid the towel around Serge's front, Serge stayed the other vampire's hands. "You don't have to do this, you know. You're still wet yourself."

Philippe smiled at him, a smile that warmed his eyes and sent a strange flush of heat through his chest. "You don't need to worry. I'm fine. I want to."

He relented with a sigh. "All right." Truthfully, Philippe's touch was so soft and gentle...so...renewing. "I'm not used to being waited on."

"I know."

"I spent centuries camped outside the chateau walls, waiting. I'm used to the roughest life."

Philippe knelt down and rubbed the towel over Serge's legs. "That must have been the worst nightmare imaginable." The sympathy in his tone sounded completely genuine and Serge wished it weren't. He didn't want to like Philippe so much.

"It was a nightmare," he murmured. "I wish that it were over, but I feel strongly that it isn't."

Philippe rose to his feet and used the towel to dry himself. "You believe the Soldiers will come back?" He sounded truly worried.

A chill pa.s.sed down Serge's spine. "Of course I do. The b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who were here are not the only ones in the world. They're everywhere. And with modern communication, internet, cell phones and all that, they can mobilize much faster."

"Darelle said much the same things as you're saying now. Which is why she sent plenty of guards." Philippe set the towel aside and picked up his hand. "Come," he said with a gentle tug toward the bedroom.

"I would like to check on Valmont," Serge said quietly.

"Of course." Philippe went to the bed where Serge's robe lay. He picked it up and held it open.

Serge slipped his arms in and tied the belt. Then he turned and looked at his companion. The desire he felt right now was disturbing and one over which he had no control. "Will you...wait here?"

A light burned in Philippe's eyes and he nodded without hesitation. "Of course."

Serge tightened the belt of his robe. He was more relieved than he wanted to admit. After so many endless nights by himself outside, he felt unable to spend another second alone if he didn't have to. "Thank you. I won't be long."

He went out into the hall and down to Valmont's room. He slipped inside and approached the bed. Valmont was sleeping peacefully, though Serge could see his eyes move back and forth underneath his lids. What are you dreaming about, my friend? No nightmares, I pray.

Serge tiptoed back out and returned to his room, glad to find Philippe under the covers waiting for him as he'd wanted. Through a crack in the curtains, he could see the sun had almost set.

Slipping out of his robe, he left it on the foot of the mattress and climbed under the covers. Immediately, Philippe moved into him and spooned the front of his body to Serge's back, one arm around him, palm on chest.

Serge closed his eyes. His body relaxed into the sweet embrace. The heat of Philippe's body penetrated him to his bones and his exhaustion overtook him. A gentle hand pa.s.sed over his hair.

"Philippe," he said quietly, "Was it you who made this room so beautiful?"


"Thank you."

A soft kiss was pressed into the back of his neck. "You're very welcome."

Serge succ.u.mbed to sleep, relaxed for the first time in centuries.

Sergei? Where are you?

Serge's eyes popped open. The voice had been so close, as if Valmont had whispered into his ear. Sleep dispelled, he sat up and looked wildly around. Only Philippe lay sleeping next to him, on his back.

Sergei? Where are you? I need you. Please.

Chapter Four.

Serge threw back the covers and s.n.a.t.c.hed up his robe from the foot of the bed. He shrugged quickly into it. When he turned, he saw that Philippe was awake now.

The other vampire pushed back his mussed tumble of blond curls. "Is something the matter?"

There was no time to enjoy the sight of Philippe's naked golden body or his large blue-green eyes heavy with sleep.

"Something's wrong with Valmont. He called to me." Serge slid off the bed onto his feet, tying the belt of his robe as he strode for the bedroom door.

"I'll go with you," he heard behind him.

Serge didn't answer. His only goal was to reach Valmont quickly. Down the hallway, he pushed open Valmont's door, threw the light switch and rushed to his bedside.

Valmont's eyes were closed, but his head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. He was still fully dressed, but had thrown down the covers. His lips moved rapidly and Serge heard him mumbling. "Sergei. Sergei."

Serge stared down at him. How had he heard their mind link? It had been cut during Valmont's captivity.

"You're linked through me now."

Serge wheeled around. "What?"

Philippe stood behind him, wrapped in a white cotton robe. The symbol of the Coeurs eternels was emblazoned on the right breast pocket. "You've both fed on me and are linked through me now. That's how you heard Valmont call to you."

Serge gritted his teeth. Any possible joy he could feel at being reconnected to his friend's mind was overshadowed by the fact that it was through a middleman. He sighed and turned back to Valmont.

Perching on the edge of the bed, Serge reached out and put his palm on Valmont's forehead. The vampire's thrashing stilled, but his mumbling continued. "He's dreaming about you, Serge."

Serge frowned up at the blond vampire. "How can you possibly know this?"

Philippe moved closer to the bed. "He was dreaming of you this afternoon when I found him in the field. I realized that when he fed on me."

A shudder of excitement pa.s.sed through Serge's chest. If he could just believe it was true. "Tell me more...please."

"After he fed on me, I saw the images. He was remembering when he drank from you and made you immortal." Philippe gestured toward the bed. "He's making love to you right now, Serge."

Serge furrowed his brow. "Come on."

"I promise. My link works differently from yours. I see images rather than hear speech and that's what I see. You must get into bed with him and let him make love to you as he sees you in his memory."

Serge's body was already hardening and thrumming with heated desire. The thing he wanted most in the universe was to slip out of his robe and climb into bed with Valmont. But... "I can't do that. He's in love with..." He looked down, unable to finish. A hand on his shoulder caused him to look back up.

Philippe's expression was full of sympathy. "I understand what you mean, Serge, but the images don't lie." He squeezed Serge's shoulder, conveying urgency. "Neither do the centuries of love between you. No matter what happened with Darelle, Valmont loves you. And...he wants you."

Serge stared at Philippe. When he didn't respond for several seconds, Philippe released his shoulder and leaned down. His nimble fingers worked open Valmont's white shirt. "Come on, help me get him undressed and then you get into bed with him."

"All right." His breath caught as Valmont's shirt came open, revealing his muscular chest, heaving with deep breaths. His mouth watered to taste Valmont's dark nipples, suckle the dark tips until they pebbled under his tongue. In that moment, all his doubts and fears washed away. He didn't care if what Philippe said was true or not. He cared only to make love again to Valmont. If it was a mistake, then in the morning, he'd leave Valmont be. But for now, he obeyed Philippe's order.

Swiftly he unbuckled Valmont's belt and undid his trousers. He stood up again and yanked his trousers down and off. In the meantime, Philippe managed to get the vampire out of his shirt. He pulled back the covers and gestured. "Come, get into bed with him."

Serge slipped off his robe and climbed into bed, eager to feel Valmont's bronze body of solid muscle against his. Over six centuries of torturous separation was about to end. At least for a little while.

He gazed down at Valmont's naked form, took in every part of him, the reddish-brown skin, the luxurious swirls of raven hair on his broad chest, the dark trail of it that ran down the center of his taut stomach and ended in a dark nest around his thick hard c.o.c.k.


Serge moved closer. His own c.o.c.k throbbed and was already hard. Their thighs touched. Just that tiny pressure alone was a great delight. He'd thought never to experience the pleasure of Valmont's body ever again.

He pushed closer, rubbed his thighs against his friend's. As if on reflex, Valmont reached for him.

Muscular arms closed around him, like heavenly gates. Serge closed his eyes and sank against Valmont's body. He palmed Valmont's broad back and the muscles flexed under his touch. The length of their bodies fitted together like perfection. Chest to chest, thigh to thigh... He slipped one leg between powerful bronze thighs and rubbed his c.o.c.k against his friend's. Immediate pleasure shot through his body. He released a shuddery breath and pressed his lips to the side of Valmont's neck.

Mmm, that skin, salty-sweet, just as he remembered. Eyes closed, he felt a large hand slip into his hair and cradle the back of his head. Just the way it had always been. With gentle pressure, Valmont bade Serge to raise his head.

Their gazes met. His friend's large dark eyes stared at him and Serge couldn't tell whether he was seeing through his dreamlike trance or if he was fully awake. It didn't matter...especially when their lips met his.

Mmm...those strong yet soft masculine lips he'd always loved. His eyes fluttered closed again and he parted his lips in surrender. Valmont's spicy scent invaded him as their tongues clashed sensually.

Serge murmured a sigh. His body melted against his beloved's. He'd wanted Valmont's kiss and touch for over six hundred years. How had he lived without it for so long?

As one body, Valmont turned them over. The weight of that large muscular body made Serge sink deep into the soft bedding. Ahhh, paradise. He palmed that broad back, traced the bulges of his lover's muscular back, down the long ridges of hard muscle along Valmont's spine, over his slim hips to the softer skin of his hard a.s.s.

The vampire moaned into his mouth and ground their c.o.c.ks together.

Sparks of heat ignited the length of Serge's c.o.c.k, all the way into his b.a.l.l.s. He cupped Valmont's a.s.s with both hands and squeezed the hard round muscles, pulled their groins tighter together.

Through his pleasured haze, Serge became aware of the mattress sinking beside him. He opened his eyes. Philippe's face hovered just above him and Valmont, watching. A glance sufficed to see that the blond vampire had taken off his robe and crouched next to them on the bed. "Don't be alarmed. I'm not trying to get in on your lovemaking, but Valmont will need to feed on me again. He's still malnourished."

Startled, Serge pulled his mouth from Valmont's. Valmont didn't seem to notice and buried his lips in the curve of Serge's neck and brushed the tip of his tongue back and forth on the underside of Serge's jaw. The sensation was delicious and made Serge wish he were mortal and had blood to nourish his lover. Vampire blood was a thin watery substance that would not help restore his friend's health.

He sighed and gently pulled away. Philippe was right. Valmont was preparing to feed on the spot he was now licking and Serge, to his own anguish, had no proper blood to give him. The CE climbed under the covers and settled in, sandwiching Valmont between himself and Serge.

Philippe's honeyed scent invaded the air. A low sensual growl vibrated in Valmont's throat and he turned over, burying his lips immediately against the supple skin of the vampire-immortal's neck.

A stab of jealousy shot through him. He stared at Valmont, watched Philippe tilt his head back, his golden body supine, his c.o.c.k fully hard lying against his thigh. If Serge hadn't already been so aroused, he didn't know what he would have done. As it was, the front of his body was molded to Valmont's back and his c.o.c.k pressed into the delicious crevice of his a.s.s.

Philippe moaned, a breathless sigh that always accompanied canines into the skin. The scent of Philippe's arousal, mingled with the honeyed scent of blood, incited Serge's own bloodl.u.s.t. His jealousy forgotten, he felt only the hunger to feed mixed with his own potent, overwhelming desire.

Serge tilted his face down and pressed his lips to Valmont's shoulder. He rained soft kisses on his lover's bronze skin and delighted in the vampire's salty-sweet taste. While Serge kissed him, he let his hand steal down and squeeze one side of Valmont's a.s.s. For several moments, he savored the soft skin over hard muscle before slipping inside to find the tight hole he intended to penetrate. Mmm. Thankfully, some things hadn't changed, including that tasty crevice hidden between those perfect a.s.s cheeks.

Serge's c.o.c.k twitched in antic.i.p.ation of burying itself in Valmont's tight pa.s.sage. He and Valmont had always taken turns topping each other and there had never been a time Valmont hadn't delighted in getting a hard ride. Hopefully that hadn't changed either.

Valmont groaned and pushed his a.s.s out. Apparently, his feeding on Philippe did not leave him oblivious to Serge's fingertips probing his tight little hole.

Serge slid one finger into him, then a second. Valmont groaned again and pushed his a.s.s against Serge's fingers. Encouraged, Serge ma.s.saged the soft insides of Valmont's tight pa.s.sage. Bit by bit he opened his lover, prepared him for the invasion of his c.o.c.k. He groaned and bucked against Serge's hand, clearly ready to be f.u.c.ked.

Serge wet his hand with spit and smoothed it on his c.o.c.k. He guided the swollen head to Valmont's a.s.s and pushed himself in. Ohhh, nothing had felt that amazing in centuries and Serge groaned at the delicious, long-desired contact.

Serge's entire body stiffened against a rush of heat and he pushed farther in. As far as he was concerned, Valmont's body had been made for his c.o.c.k. With a hand on Valmont's hip, he slid in all the way, a satisfying thrust that brought their bodies together. Serge hissed with pleasure and squeezed Valmont's hip. He began thrusting, slowly at first, then faster, unable to hold back. Reunited, after so long. He was breathless, floating.

Valmont moaned softly with each thrust. The s.p.a.ce around them filled with his moans and Philippe's sighs.

Serge rose up and peeked over Valmont's shoulder. The blond vampire's eyes were closed. His long golden lashes rested against his cheeks and his full dusky lips were parted. He groaned softly and his body jerked a bit with each suckle of Valmont's lips and tongue on his neck.

Serge's gaze roved lower. Valmont's hand was wrapped around Philippe's c.o.c.k, pumping it in quick, smooth motions. Philippe bucked his pelvis with each upward stroke.

Admittedly, the sight was one of the hottest things Serge had ever witnessed and he continued to thrust hard and deep. His gaze was trapped on the sight of Valmont's bronzed hand stroking Philippe's reddish-gold c.o.c.k. A tiny drop of c.u.m oozed from the tip of Philippe's c.o.c.k, glistening in the lamplight. Serge's mouth watered to lick it, but he was not in a position to reach. In the next second, Valmont's thumb swiped the droplet off and rubbed it onto the head.

Philippe moaned again. He arched his hips up off the bed and spurts of milky c.u.m shot out, coating Valmont's hand.

Watching Philippe come sent Serge over the edge. One more deep thrust inside Valmont's tight pa.s.sage and he started to climax. The spasms erupted from deep in his b.a.l.l.s, up his c.o.c.k. His hand tightened on Valmont's hip and he rocked his hips against him as he emptied himself inside his lover's a.s.s.

Serge squeezed his eyes shut, completely lost in the waves of pleasure. His body trembled against Valmont's and time seemed to stop, his whole existence concentrated on the joining of their bodies. Wave after wave plowed through him, a climax so intense he felt suspended between time and s.p.a.ce. Finally he collapsed against his lover's broad back, eyes closed, and rested. With their bodies still molded together, he caressed Valmont's hip while he recovered from the intensity of his climax.

When Serge opened his eyes, he saw that Philippe's climax had finished too, the pool of white c.u.m on his hard stomach and on Valmont's hand that lay slack, the fingers still wrapped around Philippe's c.o.c.k.

Philippe opened his eyes and locked gazes with Serge. A tiny grin played around his lips and his blue-green eyes sparkled. "Thank you," he whispered. "Now for your friend."

"Hm?" He looked down. "Oh." Valmont was still hard. With one quick glance at Philippe, Serge slipped out and turned his lover over, onto his back. The movement caused Valmont's hand to slip off Philippe's c.o.c.k.

Philippe didn't seem to mind. He grinned, looking like a satisfied cat. With one hand he reached out, wiped at his stomach and lapped up his own seed from his fingertips, his gaze on Serge and Valmont.

Valmont's eyes were still closed. "Sergei," he whispered.

Serge placed a soft kiss on his cheek before sliding down on the mattress so he could take Valmont's c.o.c.k into his mouth.

The second his tongue touched the plump, taut head, he heard Valmont groan. A large hand slipped a hand into his hair, gently resting there as Serge slid his mouth down, taking his lover in deep.

Closing his lips tight around the hard shaft, he sucked hard, sliding up and down, his head bobbing. Valmont's c.o.c.k was delicious, just as Serge remembered it. He closed his eyes, letting his friend's musky flavor infuse his senses, the silky skin gliding against his tongue.

A droplet of c.u.m seeped out and he lapped it up, oblivious to anything else. Only when his eyes opened briefly did he catch a glimpse of Philippe staring, watching him suck Valmont's c.o.c.k. Philippe's blue-green eyes were wide, dusky, as if he'd never seen anything so wonderful.

Serge cupped Valmont's b.a.l.l.s. The heavy sac weighed in his palm. He squeezed gently, eliciting a groan. Encouraged, he tightened his lips and sucked harder. Valmont's hips lifted, pushing his c.o.c.k deeper into Serge's mouth. A small twitch of the plump head against his tongue told him that his lover would come soon. Serge bobbed his head harder and faster, wanting to bring Valmont the greatest pleasure.

One more suck. One more squeeze. Valmont groaned and erupted.

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Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity Part 4 summary

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