
Harvard Psychological Studies Part 47

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To estimate the proper value of such a rest the average relative duration of first and second intervals was taken in a continuous series of two-beat measures, in which the first member was accented sufficiently to define the rhythmical groups. The ratio was 1.000:0.760. In the present instance the values of the simple initial interval and the composite interval which follows it are, in terms of the linear measurement, 1.55 mm. and 3.96 mm. a.s.suming the above ratio to hold, the duration of a period which included the second beat-interval and a group-rest should be 1.16 + 1.55 + 1.16 = 3.87 mm.

This is slightly less than the actual value of the period, whereas it should be greater. It must be remembered, however, that the disparity between the two intervals increases with initial accentuation, and in consequence the proportional amounts here added for the second interval (1.16 to 1.55) should be greater. This interval is not rhythmically 'dead' or insensitive. The index of mean variation in all reactors is greater for the first than for the second interval (or interval + pause) in the ratio 1.000:0.436, that is, the value of the latter is more clearly defined than that of the former, and the reactor doubly sensitive to variations occurring within it.

An a.n.a.lysis of the variations of these intervals separately in series of four groups reveals a secondary reciprocal rhythm, in which the changes in value of the mean variation at any moment are in opposite directions in the two intervals. These values in percentages of the total duration of the periods are given in the following table.


Interval. 1st Group. 2d. Group. 3d Group. 4th Group.

First, 15.4 per cent. 26.4 per cent. 13.8 per cent. 30.3 per cent.

Second, 12.4 " 7.0 " 9.6 " 7.5 "

Without measurement of their intensive values, interpretation of these variations is speculative. They indicate that the pairs of beats are combined in higher groups of four; that the differences of mean variation in the first interval are functions of an alternating major and minor accentuation, the former occurring in the second and fourth, the latter in the first and third; and that the inversely varying values of the mean variation in the second interval are functions of the division into minor and major groups, the reduced values of the second and fourth of these intervals being characteristic of the greater sensitiveness to variations occurring in the group pause than to changes occurring within the group.

The fixity of the group is markedly greater than that of the simple interval. In the one case in which the mean variation of the group is greater than that of the elementary period the material involved was meager (five instead of ten repet.i.tions) and the discrepancy therefore insignificant.

The difference in the mean variation of the first and second intervals respectively rises to an individual maximum of 3.000:1.000, and averages for all subjects 2.290:1.000; the fixity, that is to say, of the inter-group interval in this form of tapping is more than twice as great as that of the intra-group interval. The fixity of the larger rhythmical quant.i.ties is greater than that of the smaller, whether the relation be between the elementary interval and the unit group, or between the synthetic unit and its higher composite. The average mean variation of the beat intervals exceeds that of the whole group in the relation of 1.953:1.000. The differentiation of larger and smaller groups is less clear. When the material is taken in groups of eight successive beats the mean variation is less in the case of every subject than when taken in fours, in the ratio 1.000:1.521. The comparative values for groups of two and four beats is reversed in two thirds of the cases, yet so that an average for all subjects gives the ratio 1.000:1.066 between groups of four and two beats. The whole series of values arranged on the basis of unity for the mean variation of the beat interval is given in Table LXII.


Proportional. Single Beat. 2-Beat Group. 4-Beat Group. 8-Beat Group.

M.V. 1.000 0.512 0.480 0.320

The persons taking part in the investigation were next required to make a series of reactions composed of unit groups of two beats, in each of which the first member received accentuation, a simple trochaic rhythm. In this type the relation of intra-group to inter-group interval remains unchanged. In all subjects but one the mean variation of the first interval exceeds that of the second in the average ratio 1.722:1.000. The amount of difference is less than in the preceding type of reaction. In the former there is presented not an intensively uniform series, but an irregularly rhythmical grouping of intensities, in dependence on the well-defined parallel types of temporal differentiation; in the latter such intensive differentiation is fundamental and constant in its form. a.s.suming the character of the second interval to remain unchanged, there is in the intensive fixity of the initial accented element, on the one hand, and the alternate a.s.sertion of the impulse to accentuation and repression of it in the attempt to preserve uniformity, on the other, an occasion for the difference in the relation of the mean variation of this interval to that of the following in the two cases. It is to be expected that there should be less irregularity in a series of reactions each of which represents an attempt to produce a definite and constant rhythmical accent, than in a series in which such an accent is spasmodically given and repressed.

For a like reason, the difference in value between the mean variations of the elementary interval and the unit group should be less in the case of the positive rhythm form than in that of a series which combines a definite temporal segregation with an attempt to maintain intensive uniformity. The mean variation of the interval is still of greater value than that of the unit group, but stands to it in the reduced ratio 1.000:0.969.

The relations of higher groups present certain departures from the preceding type. In three cases out of five the unit has a greater > .

fixity than its immediate compound ( q. q; q q ), with an average _______/ ratio of 0.969:1.072. The original relation, however, is reestablished in the case of the next higher multiple, the eight-beat group, the whole series of values, arranged on the basis of unity for the simple interval, being as follows:


Proportional Single Beat 2-Beat Group 4-Beat Group 8-Beat Group M.V. 1.000 0.969 1.072 0.859

An a.n.a.lysis of the material in successive pairs of two-beat groups revealed a p.r.o.nounced rhythm in the values of the mean variations of the first and second members of the pair respectively, the fixity of the second group being much greater than that of the first, the mean variation having a ratio for all subjects of 0.801:1.000. The interpretation of this rhythmical variation, as in the preceding reaction series, must be speculative in the absence of quant.i.tative measurement of intensive changes, but is still not left in doubt. The rhythmic material is combined in larger syntheses than the groups of two beats, alternately accented and unaccented, which were avowedly in mind. This secondary grouping appears in at least a measure of four beats, into which the unit group enters as the elementary interval entered into the composition of that unit. In this larger group the initial period, or element of stress, is characterized by a greater mean variation than the unaccented period which follows it. There are present in this first interval two factors of instability: the factor of accent, that element which receives the stress, being in general characterized by a greater mean variation than the unaccented; and the factor of position, the initial member of a rhythmical group, independent of accentuation, being marked by a like excess of mean variation over those which follow it. The interpretation of the latter fact lies in the direction of a development of uniformity in the motor habit, which is partially interrupted and reestablished with the ending and beginning of each successive group, large or small, in the series of reactions.

Further, when the material is arranged with four unit groups in each series, the same relation is found to hold between the first period composed of two unit groups and the second like period, as obtained within these pairs themselves. The mean variation of the first period of four beats is greater than that of the second in the case of all subjects but one, with an average ratio for all subjects of 1.000:0.745. The a.n.a.lysis was not carried further; there is, however, nothing which points to a limitation of the process of synthesis to groups of this magnitude; rather, to judge from the close approximation in definition of the two orders manifested here, there is suggested the probability that it is carried into still higher groupings.

In the next rhythmical type a.n.a.lyzed--the iambic form--that relation of the first to the second interval holds which was found to obtain in the preceding forms. The excess of mean variation in the former over the latter presents the ratio 1.274: 1.000. In amount it is less than in either of the previous types (2.290:1.000 and 1.722:1.000). For here, though both elements have constant relations as accented or unaccented members of the group, the factor of stress has been transferred from the initial to the final beat. Instead, therefore, of combining in a single member, the factors of inconstancy due to stress and to position are distributed between the two elements, and tend to neutralize each other. That the preponderance of irregularity is still with the initial interval leads to the inference that position is a greater factor of inconstancy than accentuation.

Also, the group presents here, as in the preceding forms, a greater fixity than does the individual interval. This relation holds for all subjects but one, the average mean variations of the simple interval and of the unit group having the ratio 1.000:0.824.

In larger groupings irregularities in the relations of higher and lower again occur, and again the greater constancy obtains between the first and second orders of higher grouping (in which for only one subject has the lower group a greater fixity than the higher, and the averages for all subjects in the two cases are in the ratio 1.149:0.951), and the lesser constancy between the unit group and the first higher (in which two subjects manifested like relations with those just given, while three present inverted relations). The whole series of relations, on the basis of unity for the mean variation of the simple interval, is given in Table LXIV.


Proportional. Single Beat. 2-Beat Group. 4-Beat Group. 8-Beat Group M.V. 1.000 0.824 1.149 0.951

There is also presented here, as in the preceding forms, a synthesis of the material into groups of four and eight beats, with similar differences in the fixity of the first and last periods in each. A single subject, in the case of each order of grouping, diverges from the type. The ratio of difference in the mean variations of the first and second members of the groups is, for series of four beats, 1.000:0.657, and for series of eight beats, 1.000:0.770. This indicates a diminishing definition of rhythmical quant.i.ties as the synthesis proceeds, but a diminution which follows too gradual a curve to indicate the disappearance of synthesis at the proximate step in the process.

Three-beat rhythms were next taken up and the same method of a.n.a.lysis carried out in connection with each of the three accentual forms, initial, median, and final stress. In these types of rhythm the intra-group intervals are more than one in number; for the purpose of comparison with the final, or inter-group interval, the average of the first and second intervals has been taken in each case.

The results agree with those of the preceding types. The mean variation of the interval separating the groups is less throughout than that of the average group-interval. The ratios for the various rhythm types are as follows:


Rhythm Form. Initial Stress. Median Stress. Final Stress.

Ratios, 1.000 : 0.758 1.000 : 0.527 1.000 : 0.658

This relation, true of the average intra-group interval, is also true of each interval separately. Among these ratios the greatest departure from unity appears in the second form which all subjects found most difficult to reproduce, and in which the tendency to revert to the first form constantly rea.s.serts itself. The difference in value of the mean variations is least in the first form, that with initial accent, and of intermediate magnitude in the third form when the accent is final. The contrary might be expected, since in the first form--as in the second also--the factors of stress and initial position are both represented in the average of the first two intervals, while in the third form the factor of stress affects the final interval and should, on the a.s.sumption already made concerning its significance as a disturbing element, tend to increase the mean variation of that interval, and, therefore, to reduce to its lowest degree the index of difference between the two phases. That it does so tend is evident from a comparison of the proportional mean variations of this interval in the three forms, which are in order: initial stress, 4.65 per cent.; median stress, 4.70 per cent., and final stress, 7.15 per cent.

That the consequent reduction also follows is shown by the individual records, of which, out of four, three give an average value for this relation, in forms having final stress, of 1.000:0.968, the least of the group of three; while the fourth subject departs from this type in having the mean variation of the initial interval very great, while that of the final interval is reduced to zero.

If, as has been a.s.sumed, the magnitude of the average mean variation may be taken as an index of the fixity or definition of the rhythm form, the first of these three types, the ordinary dactylic is the most clearly defined; the second, or amphibrachic, stands next, and the third, the anapaestic, has least fixity; for in regard to the final interval, to the average of the first and second and also to each of these earlier intervals separately, the amount of mean variation increases in the order of the accents as follows:


Interval. Initial Stress. Median Stress. Final Stress.

First, 5.82 per cent. 9.95 per cent. 11.95 per cent.

Second, 6.45 " 7.87 " 9.77 "

Third, 4.65 " 4.70 " 7.15 "

In these triple rhythms, as in the two-beat forms, the simple interval is more variable than the unit group, and the lower group likewise more unstable than the higher. The series of proportional values for the three forms is given in the table annexed:


Rhythm Form. Single Interval. 3-Beat Group. 6-Beat Group.

Initial Stress, 1.000 1.214 1.037 Median " 1.000 0.422 0.319 Final " 1.000 0.686 0.524

A comparison of the second and third columns of the table shows an excess of mean variation of the smaller group over that of the larger in each of the three forms. It is true also of the individual subjects except in two instances, in each of which the two indices are equal.

This proportion is broken in the relation of the primary interval to the unit group in the dactylic rhythm form. A similar diversity of the individual records occurred in the two-beat rhythms.

The same indication of higher groupings appears here as in the case of previous rhythms. Rhythmical variations are presented in the amount of the mean variations for alternate groups of three beats.

Chronologically in the records, as well as in dependence on theoretical interpretation, the first member of each higher group is characterized by the greater instability. The amounts of this difference in coordination between the first and last halves in series of six beats is set down for the three rhythm forms in the following table:

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