
French Book-plates Part 42

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Ex Libris L. Mar 1895.

MARCHAND. 18th cent.

C. C. MARECHAL, 1785.

On a nameless plate with the inscription: "_Papier parley, quand less Bouche se taisent_" (_sic_).

MARETZ. 17th cent.

P. MARILLIER _inv. et del._ 1779 on the armorial _Ex Libris d.u.c.h.e_, engraved by De Launay le jeune. (See reproduction.)

MAROTTE, LeON. Modern.

Designed and engraved an interesting plate for J.

Cartault. Motto, "_Chacun a son tour._"

A. MARTIAL _f._ Imp. Beillet, Quai de la Tournelle, 35, Paris.

On the library interior of Henry d'Ideville, dated 1867, with the motto, "_Fais ce que dois advienne que pourra._"

MARTINET _del. fec._

Ex Libris J. T. Aubry.

Monogram. 18th cent.

Ex libris Joannis Thomae Aubry. Doct. Theol. Soc.

Sorb. Rectoris S. Ludovici in insula. Motto, "_Ite ad vendentes et emite vobis._"

J. T. Aubry was cure de Saint Louis en I'lle, Paris.

See "Les Bibliophiles Remois,"

page 180.

MATH (Mathan). 17th cent.

MATHEY _Sculp._

Mr. Brochant du Breiul, Conseiller au Parlement.

Armorial. 18th cent.

MATTHIS, C. E. Alsatian artist.

"_A mon cher ami Louis Mohr_, 1879." This plate has the lines:

"_Tel est le triste sort de tout livre prete,

Souvent il est perdu, toujours il est gate_."

See "Ex-Libris Alsaciens."

MAUGEIN, M. 18th cent.

MAURISET. 18th cent.

MAURISSET, J. C. 18th cent.

MAVELOT, _Graveur de Mademoiselle_.

Louis Francois du Bouchet, Marquis de Souches conseiller d'Estat prevost de L'Hostel et Grand Prevost de France. 17th cent.


This famous artist signed with his well-known monogram the plate for Vigeant, the fencing master. It represents two monkeys with drawn swords.

Motto, "_Ense Vigeant_."

MERCADIER, J. 18th cent.

"_J. Mercadier inv. et sculp._"

on the very fine armorial ecclesiastical plate:--

Franciscus Trista.n.u.s de Cambon Episcopus Mirapiscencis.

Plate mark 97.

MERCHe _fecit._

A L'Hospital Comtesse, 1753.

A lady's armorial plate.

Mr. Taverne de Burgault, 1771.


MERCHe _a Lille_.

Henricus Le Couvreur canonicus Ipprensis.

(The coronet was cut out at the time of the Revolution.)

Felix de Wavrans, Episc.

Iprensis, 1762. Armorial.

Mr. le Ch^{er}. de Palys Montrepos, 1769. Armorial.

MERCHe, _Graveur des Etats, a Lille_, 1772.

J. Bowens. 1772. Armorial.

J. C. D. MERCHe, 1786.

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