
French Book-plates Part 41

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Armorial; ecclesiastical.

(See reproduction.)

(This artist must not be confounded with Cl. Roy.)

LE SAGE. 18th cent.

LETORT, _Graveur._ _Rue Castiglione_.


T. J. Foord Bowes. Armorial.


Ex libris de Brinon.

Ex libris Jouvencel.

LIZARS. 19th cent.

E. LOIZELET _sculp._ Juin, 1876.

Ex Libris A. Beurdeley.

A floral design.

LORDONNe _f._ Adole.

De Saporta. Armorial.

Motto, "_Fortis Custodia_."

LOREAU _a St. Omer_. 18th cent.

Louis de Givenchy. Armorial.

LORPHELIN _a Clermont_.

Nameless decorated armorial.

LORTHIER _f._ 18th cent.

De la Biblioteque de Lelarge Officier au grenier a sel de Reims.

This rococo plate is reproduced in "Les Bibliophiles Remois," page 76. The Lelarge family still exists in Reims.

JOANNES DE LOYSI _fecit_, 1659.

Nameless armorial, two varieties.

Qy. Philippe.

LOYSI, P. DE. See P. Deloysi.

LUC. 19th cent.

LUCAS _delineav. et fec._ a M. le Mquis de Courtarvel.

Armorial. Military trophy.

18th cent.

LUSSAUT. 18th cent.

C. M. M.

Ant. d.u.c.h.ene. Prevot des Batims. du Roi. Armorial.

MAINGOURD, E. 19th cent.

MAJOR, _sc._ 1747.

On a nameless plate, designed by H. Gravelot, with the motto "_Facies mutat semperque decenter_."

MALBESTE, _a Paris_, 1827.

Ex Bibliotheca Seren^{mi}. Principis Friderici de Salm-Kyrburg, anno 1827.

Mantled armorial.

MANDORMET _ft._ 17--.

Ex Musaeo Cli. Imbert.


MANESSE, H. 19th cent.

MANESSIER. 18th cent.


L'abbe Johann Bapti Berna.


R. G. MANUEL _inv._ 18th cent.

Rud. Gab. Manuel. Armorial.

LeOPOLD MAR, _Paris_.

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