
French Book-plates Part 37

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R. P. Placidia Sta. Helena.

Aug. disc. Gal. Regio Geographi.

Pictorial. Motto, "_In hoc signo vinces_."

NICOLAS GUIBAL. Peintre ordinaire du Duc de Wirtemberg.

Born at Luneville.

(See "Archives de la Societe Francaise," vol. ii., March, 1895.)

Designed a book-plate for himself, dated 1775, "N.

Guibal, Pr. Peintre du Duc de Wurtemberg." Literary.

GUIBERT, J. B. 18th cent.


Boscary de Villeplaine.



Cottin de Fontaine. Early Armorial. 17th cent.

GUILLAUME. 18th cent.

A. GUILLAUMET _sc._ 1867. A.

G.o.dreuil _del._

Bibliotheque du Montessart (Baron Pichon). Landscape.

GUSTAVE. 19th cent.

HALM _Sculp._ 1766.

On two nameless plates designed by _Wille filius_.

Halm was probably a pupil of Wille senior.

HAMEL. 19th cent.

HELMAN. 1767, 1768.

"J'appartiens a Cleenewerek de Crayencour."

Armorial. Three states.

HELMAN _le jeune._ 18th cent.

HeRISSET _sculp._ 18th cent.

De la Bibliotheque de Mr. Le Cat, Docteur en Medec: etc., 1741.

Doctor Le Cat was a famous French surgeon, born in 1700. An allegorical design.


A talented engraver, who ill.u.s.trated the edition of Moliere published by Perrin of Lyons, died 1886. He engraved book-plates for

Georges Champion,

Eugene Piot, the bibliophile, and one for himself: "Bibliotheque de Frederic Hillemacher."

HIRSCH. 19th cent.

HOUAT. Ex bibliot Costeana.


A. HOUAT, _l'aine_. 18th cent.

HUMBELOT. 18th cent.

HUOT, G. Paris. Modern.

A. P. (Pontilly--Monogram.) (See reproduction, p. 321.)

Ex Libris Farnou. See in "Ex-Libris Ana."

Ex Libris Bosch, a curious allegorical design.

Ex Libris de A. Hustin.


HUQUIER, J. G. 18th cent.

Jacques Gabriel Huquier _fils_, signed his own pictorial _Ex Libris J. G. Huquier_ (see in "Ex-Libris Ana," p. 9). He also designed and engraved a handsome plate for Le Berche, and the pictorial.

Ex Libris G. Bernard de Rieux, signed _Huquier sculp. docq.


Both Huquier senior and Huquier junior had the same Christian names, and as both were engravers in Paris their ident.i.ty is somewhat confusing. The father died in 1772, the son twenty years later.

INGRAM, J. 18th cent.

Colleg. Scotor. in Acad. Paris.

Armorial; pictorial; ecclesiastical.

(See "Ex-Libris Ana," p. 55.)

He also engraved the Ex Libris Le Va.s.sor de la Touche, designed by C. N.

Cochin _fils._

P. C. I. _inv. et sc._ 1785.

Signed the nameless plate of _Joseph Froment_, with the motto "_D'nus incrementum dat_."


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