
French Book-plates Part 36

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GIFFART, P. 18th cent.

Nameless armorial plate.

Motto, "_Antiqua aetate decorae_."

GILBERT. 17th cent.

GILLOR _sc._ Modern.

Ex Libris Paul Bellon. Literary.

(See Henri Bouchot, page 75.)


Bibliotheque de Mr. de Pellerin de Latouche. Motto, "_Est-il meillcure munition a cet humain pelerinage?_"


GIRARD, H. 19th cent.

GLOMY. 18th cent.

GOBY _Sc. r. du Bac._ 19th cent.

Guerrier du Maste. A literary plate, about 1830.

G.o.dARD, _a Alencon_. 18th cent.

A. G.o.dREUIL _del._ 1867.

Bibliotheque du Montessart (Baron Pichon). Landscape.

(See also A. Guillaumet and Varin.)

GOSSART. 18th cent.

Mr. Le Vte. de Gauville. Armorial.

No motto.


GOSSET, J. 18th cent.

Nameless armorial plate. No motto or date.


Ex-libris Herambourg, 1777.

A nameless armorial, dated 1778.

GOUJEAN. Modern.

Alfred Piet. Pictorial.

GOZO (Gozora). 19th cent.

J. GRANDJEAN _Sc._ Modern.

Ex-libris Francisci de Chanteau.

(See reproduction.)

H. GRAVELOT, _invenit._ Delafosse _sculpsit_.

Nameless library interior (Academie de Nancy), 1751.

H. Gravelot _inv._ Major _sc._, 1747, on the nameless plate (probably that of an actor), with the motto "_Facies mutat semperque decenter_."

On the plate of Mr. Thiroux d'Arconville, President au Parlement. Mde. Le D.

(Daulceur) _sculp._

Also the plates of Thiroux de Gervillier, and Jacobus Henricus Tribourdet, 1737.

The signatures _Gravelot inv.

J. Pine sculp._, are found on the armorial library interior plate of J. Burton, D.D., of which the design was appropriated for the plates of Wadham Wyndham, Esq., and Thomas Gaisford.

(See Poulet-Mala.s.sis, page 59.)

GREGOIRE _a Rennes_.

"Ecuyer Patrice Sus. Hamart de la Chapelle. Cons. du Roi, etc. Docteur Aqr. au College des Medecins de Rennes." Large armorial.

GRIBELIN, SIMON. A French engraver who came to England about 1680, and died in 1733.

He signed _S. Gribelin sculp._ on the plate of Sr. Philip Sydenham, Bart., 1699, and engraved plates for several other English people, and for parochial libraries.

GROSTOST, F. Lithographer of Strasbourg. Modern.

Signed the charming little nameless pictorial plate of M. Jacques Flach, formerly of Strasbourg, afterwards a solicitor in Paris. It is on this plate that the lines addressed to the owner's books occur:

"_Plaisants, je vous aime; Serieux aussi, Frivoles de meme; Pedants, merci!_"

(See "Ex-Libris Alsaciens,"

page 21.)


M. Remy de Gourmont.

GUeRARD, _a Beaucaire_. 18th cent.


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