
French Book-plates Part 25

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AUROUX, N. 17th cent.

A. AVELINE _Sculp._

On the armorial ex-libris of Carolus de Brosses, Comes Tornaci, Baro Montis, etc., with the motto "_Homunculi quanti sunt_." 18th cent.

M. Poulet-Mala.s.sis devotes considerable s.p.a.ce to this very little man--Charles de Brosses--and his quarrel with Voltaire. De Brosses had two other armorial book-plates engraved by Durand, from which the unfortunate motto was omitted.

Charles de Brosses, Comte de Tournay, was born in Dijon in 1709, and died in Paris in 1777. He was a true bibliophile, and his books were sumptuously bound in morocco stamped with his arms--_azure three trefoils or_.

They were sold in Dijon in 1778. See an ill.u.s.trated article on his ex-libris in "Les Archives de la Societe Francaise," Jany., 1896.

AVISSE _fecit_. (Signature indistinct.)

Josephi Xaupi, 1750 and 1765.


AVRIL, PAUL. Modern.

Philippe Gille.

Ex-Libris H. S. Ashbee. 1890.

Portrait rebus plate.

Ex-Libris Geo. B. de Forest (of New York). Library interior.

A. B. _del._

M. Arthur Benoit, of Berthelming in Alsace, designed several book-plates for himself and for his late brother Mons. Louis Benoit, librarian to the city of Nancy.

These ex-libris contain views of Alsatian buildings and costumes.

Mons. A. Benoit designed a modern plate for himself, copied from a library device of the last century; Motto, "_Avec le temps_."

See "Pet.i.te Revue d'Ex libris Alsaciens," p. 37.

BACHELEY, _del. et sculp._ 1768.

P. R. Le Cornier de Cideville.



L. F. BAOUR, _fecit_.

P. L. de Carbon, sen.

Armorial. 18th cent.

BAQUOY, C. 18th cent.

BARBAT, _a Chalons_, 19th cent.

Ex libris C. Remy. Armorial.

Mons. Charles Remy, Membre de l'Academie de Reims, carries the arms of a Chevalier de l'Empire, a t.i.tle granted to his father, the Baron Claude Charles Remy, on April 25, 1811.

(See "Les Bibliophiles Remois," p. 117.)

C. BARON _Sculp._ Bibliotheque de Madame Victoire de France. 18th cent.

This has the arms of France in a lozenge. (See p. 53, "Ladies' Book-plates.")

BAUMeS _fecit_.

Ex-libris D. D. Postic.

Armorial. 18th cent.

Reproduced in "Ex-Libris Ana."

BAUMeS, _a Montpellier_. 18th cent.

BEAU, _fils_. 18th cent.

BEAUMONT _fecit_.

On the armorial Ex Libris Vaucresson de Cormainville, etc., 1743.

And "Grave par Beaumont, grav^{r} ord^{re} de la ville," on the "Ex-libris D. Jacobi Olivarii Vallee, Equitis, regi a Consilius, et in Camera regiarum Rationum Magistri Anno 1730." Armorial.

Two supporters.

H. BeCAT _inv._ Signed the large allegorical "Ex-libris Thomae Gueulette et amicorum." With the motto, "_Dulce est desipere in Loco_." See reproduction.

Simon-Thomas Gueulette was a prolific writer of farces for the Theatre Italien, and the Theatre des Boulevards; he died in 1766.

BeHA, _Lith. Metz._ Ex-libris Arthur Benoit.

Modern; armorial.

BEILLET _Impr. 35 Quai de la Tournelle_. Modern.

Bibliotheque de Mme. la Comtesse de Montblanc, Baronne d'Ingelmunster.


J. D. BELEAU, _a Rouen_, 1724.

BELILLE, _a Verdun_. 19th cent.

BELLANGE, JACQUES. Painter and etcher. Born at Nancy, October 13th, 1594; died about 1638.

He is supposed to have engraved the large armorial plate for Melchior de la Vallee, dated 1613. (See "Archives de la Societe Francaise," vol. ii., February, 1895.)

BELLANGER _Inv. et Sc._ Signed an allegorical book-plate for Simon Thomas Gueulette, the novelist and farce writer, who died in 1766. (See also H. Becat.)



Mons. Bellevoye, an engraver, formerly of Metz, afterwards of Reims. Engraved a landscape plate for himself, inscribed: "Bibliotheque d'Adolphe Bellevoye de Metz"; also the plates for Mons. Charles Givelet and Mons. Anatole Paroissien.

(See "Les Bibliophiles Remois," pp. 91, 101, and 113.)

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