
French Book-plates Part 24

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Ex-libris de Champfleury dessine et grave par J. Adeline.

Portrait plate. Modern.

(See also Aglaus Bouvenne.) M. Henri Bouchot reproduced several works by this artist.

AGRY. 14 Castiglione. Maison Bouvet (Paris). Modern.

Bibliotheque de Mouchy.


Bibliotheque de Lafitte.

ALeS _Sc_.

Hilarii Gresy, 1868. Pictorial.

Ex-libris Gustave Chancel, 1876. Pictorial.

ALIAMET _Scul_. (See Eisen.) On a nameless armorial, designed by C. Eisen for Claude Antoine de Choiseul-Beaupre.

18th cent.

"J. Aliamet" on the nameless armorial, designed by C.

Eisen, for the Marquis de Paulmy.

ALLIN _Sculp. fecit._ Robert Jehannot de Beaumont, Conseilleur du Roy, etc., Verdun, 1742.


Conrad Robert, Comte de Wignacourt, Major au Regiment, etc. Armorial.

ALOYS _Comte la Rosee, fecit_ 1760, on a library interior, name indistinct; and on the plate of Theod. Cte. Morawitzky, 1770.

_Aloys, comes de la Rosee, inv.

del. et sculpst._, on his own ex-libris, dated 1769. He was a German from the Rhine provinces.

ANCELET, E. 19th cent.

ANDOUARD. 18th cent.

ANDRe, HENRY. Modern.

Jules Lermina. Symbolic plate.

Alex. Geoffrey. 1893.

Henry Andre, Secretaire de la Societe Francaise, etc.


Paul Vibert. Portrait plate.

Th^{re}. Vibert. Portrait plate.

Louis Bihn. 1893.

Abel Picard. A view of the book-stalls on the quays of Paris.

Ch. Guinot. 1894.

Leon Quantin. 1894.

Henry Andre 1894. Portrait.

Auguste-Geoffroy. 1895.

F. Bargallo. 1895. Allegorical.

L. P. Couraud. Pictorial.

Jan-des-Vignes. 1896.

Ex Libris P. P. Capucinorum Conventus Parisiensis.


Docteur Jules Le Bayon.


Ex Libris du Marquis de Gourdon de l'Echo.


APOUX. Modern.

Ex Libris Lucien Bodin.

Pictorial. Motto, "_Oh!

combien gai c'est!_"

ARIBAUD, J. P. 18th cent.

ARTHAUD. 18th cent.

AUBLe. 18th cent.

P. AUDINET _Sculp._ Rev. H. S. Cotton. Angling scene.

AUDRAN, J. 18th cent.

Engraved the monogram trophy plate for Louis XV., designed by A. Dieu.

AUGER, E. Modern.

Designed the plate for Mons.

Charles Givelet of Reims.

Motto, "_Remensia colui, mihi et amicis._" Engraved by A. Bellevoie. (See Les Bibliophiles Remois, pp.

101, 116.)

AUGUSTUS _In. et Sculp._ Madame De Bouchard. Label.

18th cent.

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