
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures Part 49

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11. ABSURDITIES AND IMPROPRIETIES.--"I can learn him many things."

It ought to be, "I can _teach_ him." To _learn_, is to _acquire_ or _receive_ information; to _teach_, means to _communicate_ it.

"I don't think it is so." You _do think_, that it is _not_ so.

_Ever, always._ "I have ever been of this mind." I have _always_ been.

_Ever_ and _always_ are not synonymous. _Ever_ refers to _one_ indefinite period of time; as, "If he _ever_ become rich:" _always_ means _at all times_.

_Excuse, pardon._ The former signifies to release from an obligation which refers to the future; the latter, to forgive a neglect or crime that is past. "Excuse me for neglecting to call yesterday:" _pardon_ me.

_Remember, recollect._ We _remember_ a thing which we retain in our mind; we _recollect_ it, when, though having gone from the mind, we have power to call it back.

_Defect, deficiency._ A thing which is incomplete in any of its parts, is _defective;_ a total absence of the thing, is a _deficiency_.

This subject will be resumed in the appendix to this work.


From among those words which are often erroneously spelled, the following are selected and corrected according to Johnson, and to Cobb's Dictionary.


Abridgement Abridgment abscision abcission achievment achievement adze addice agriculturalist agriculturist ancle ankle attornies attorneys baise baize bason basin ba.s.s base bombazin bombasin boose bouse boult bolt buccaneer bucanier burthen burden bye by calimanco calamanco camblet camlet camphire camphor canvas canva.s.s carcase carca.s.s centinel sentinel chace chase chalibeate chalybeate chamelion chameleon chimist chemist chimistry chemistry cholic colic chuse choose cimetar cimeter clench clinch cloke cloak cobler cobbler chimnies chimneys chesnut chestnut clue clew connection connexion corset corslet cypher cipher cyphering ciphering dactyl dactyle develope develop dipthong diphthong dispatch despatch doat dote drouth drought embitter imbitter embody imbody enquire inquire enquirer inquirer enquiry inquiry ensnare insnare enterprize enterprise enthral inthrall entrench intrench entrenchment intrenchment entrust intrust enwrap inwrap epaulette epaulet etherial ethereal f.a.ggot f.a.got fa.s.set faucet fellon felon fie fy germ germe goslin gosling gimblet gimlet grey gray halloe halloo highth height hindrance hinderance honied honeyed impale empale inclose enclose inclosure enclosure indict endict indictment endictment indorse endorse indors.e.m.e.nt endors.e.m.e.nt instructor instructer insure ensure insurance ensurance judgement judgment laquey lackey laste last licence license loth loath lothsome loathsome malcontent malecontent maneuver manoeuvre merchandize merchandise misprison misprision monies moneys monied moneyed negociate negotiate negociation negotiation noviciate novitiate ouse ooze opake opaque paroxism paroxysm partizan partisan patronize patronise phrenzy phrensy pinchers pincers plow plough poney pony potatoe potato quere query recognize recognise reindeer raindeer reinforce re-enforce restive restiff ribbon riband rince rinse sadler saddler sallad salad sceptic skeptic sceptical skeptical scepticism skepticism segar cigar seignor seignior serjeant sergeant sh.o.a.r sh.o.r.e soothe sooth staunch stanch streight straight suitor suiter sythe scythe tatler tattler thresh thrash thwak thwack tipler tippler tranquility tranquillity tripthong triphthong trissyllable trisyllable valice valise vallies valleys vise vice vollies volleys waggon wagon warrantee warranty whoopingcough hoopingcough woe wo yeast yest


The following words being often erroneously p.r.o.nounced by polite people, as well as by the vulgar, their correction, in this place, agreeably to _Cobb's Dictionary_, it is presumed, will be useful to many. Some of the misp.r.o.nunciations given are _provincial_.

1 2 3 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 5 6 1 4 Fate, far, fall, fat--me, met--pine, pin--no, nor, not, move--tube, tub, 7 34 37 bull--oil--found---_th_in--THIS.


4 1 4 4 Again a-gane' a-gen'

4 1 4 4 Against a-ganste' a-genst 4 1 4 1 Ally al'le al'li'

1 2 Are are ar 4 4 1 1 Azure azh'ur a'zhure 1 1 Bade bade bad 1 11 Beard bard beerd 4 11 4 Been ben or been bin 22 11 Bleat blaat bleet 1 34 Boil bile boil 4 4 5 4 Bonnet bun'net bon'nit 2 66 Brooch brotsh brootsh 4 3 4 4 Ca.n.a.l ka-nawl' ka-nal'

4 4 Catch ketsh katsh 4 1 3 1 Causeway kros'wa kawz'wa 4 4 1 4 Chalice kal'is tshal'is 4 1 Chasten tshas'tn tshase'sn 4 1 4 1 Chimney tshim'ble tshim'ne 3 1 Chine tshime tshine 34 1 Choir koir kwire 4 4 1 1 Clevy klev'is klev've 4 4 Clinch klensh klinsh 5 4 5 4 Column kol'yum kol'lum 5 4 4 4 Combat kom'bat k.u.m'bat 5 1 5 4 Comma kom'me kom'ma 1 4 3 4 Coquet ko-kwet' ko-ket'

3 1 Corps korps kore 4 4 4 4 Cover kiv'ur kuv'ur 11 4 Deaf deef def 1 4 4 1 1 4 Decisive de-sis'iv de-si'siv 1 5 1 1 Depot de'pot de-po'

4 1 1 1 1 Depute dep'u-tize de-pute'

4 1 1 1 1 4 Deputed dep'u-tizd de-pu'ted 1 1 1 1 Design de-zine' de-sine'

4 4 Dint dent dint 1 5 4 Docile do'slle dos'sil 4 4 4 4 Disgust dis-gust' diz-gust'

4 1 4 1 Dismay dis-ma' diz-ma'

4 1 4 1 Disown dis-one' diz-one'

1 4 Dost dost dust 1 4 Doth do_th_ du_th_ 66 4 Does dooz duz 11 1 Drain dreen drane 37 37 Drought drou_th_ drout 37 4 37 Drowned dround'ed dround 4 1 4 4 Ductile duk'tile duk'til 1 4 Edge aje edje 1 1 4 Either i'THur e'THur 4 4 4 4 English eng'lish ing'glish 1 1 1 1 Era e're e'ra 1 1 Ere ere are 1 4 Fasten fas'tn fas'sn 4 7 11 7 Fearful fer'ful feer'ful 4 4 4 1 Figure fig'gur fig'ure 4 11 Fiend fend feend 4 4 First fust furst 34 1 1 1 1 Foliage foil'aje fo'le-aje 3 4 3 1 Fortune for'tshun for'tshune 3 4 3 1 Fortnight fort'nit fort'nite 37 37 4 Fountain foun'tn foun'tin 4 4 4 1 Fracture frak'tshur frak'tshure 1 4 1 4 Fragrance frag'ranse fra'granse 1 1 1 4 Futile fu'tile fu'til 4 4 4 4 Gather geTH'ur gaTH'ur 4 4 Get git get 4 4 Girth gurt ger_th_ 66 1 Goal gool gole 1 1 4 1 4 Going gone _or_ go'in go'ing 66 1 Gold goold gold 66 4 Gum goom gum 1 4 4 Grudge be-gretsh' grudje 4 4 4 4 Gypsum gip'sum jip'sum 4 4 Has hez haz 1 4 Have have hav 11 4 Heard heerd herd 4 4 2 Hearth hur_th_ or ha_th_ har_th_ 4 4 Hiss siss hiss 1 34 Hoist histe hoist 4 1 1 1 Homely hum'ble home'le 4 66 Hoof huf hoof 3 4 5 4 Hostler haws'lur os'lur 4 4 Humble hum'bl um'bl 11 4 4 4 Jesting jeest'in jest'ing 4 4 Kettle kit'tl ket'tl 4 4 4 1 Lecture lek'tshur lek'tshure 4 4 1 1 Leisure lezh'ur le'zhure 4 4 1 4 Lever lev'er le'vur 4 4 Lid led lid 1 5 1 4 Lilach la'lok li'lak 66 1 Loam loom lome 1 66 Loo lu loo 1 1 4 1 Maintain mane-tane' men-tane'

1 4 1 4 Matron mat'run ma'trun 1 1 4 1 Mermaid mare'made mer'made 37 37 Mountain moun'tn moun'tin 1 4 1 1 Nature na'tshur na'tshure 1 4 1 4 Neither ni'THur ne'THur 1 11 1 1 Oblige o-bleeje' o-blije'

1 11 5 1 Oblique o-bleek' ob-like'

5 5 Of of ov 1 34 Oil ile oil 5 4 1 1 1 Only on'le _or_ un'le one'le 1 4 4 4 Panther pane'tur pan'_th_ur 4 4 1 4 Parent par'ent pa'rent 2 4 2 4 Partner pard'nur part'nur 2 4 4 1 Pasture pas'tshur pas'tshure 4 4 1 4 Patron pat'run pa'trun 4 4 4 4 Pincers pinsh'urz pin'surz 4 4 Pith pe_th_ pi_th_ 11 1 Plait pleet plate 1 1 4 Poem pome po'em 1 34 Point pinte point 5 4 4 Pother poTH'ur puTH'ur 4 4 1 4 Precept pres'sept pre'sept 1 1 4 4 Preface pre'fase pref'fas 1 1 4 1 Prelude pre'lude prel'ude 1 4 5 4 Process pro'ses pros'ses 1 4 5 4 Product pro'dukt prod'ukt 1 4 5 4 Progress pro'gres prog'res 1 1 1 11 Profile pro'file pro-feel'

4 4 4 4 Pumpion pungk'in pump'yun 4 7 Put put (verb) put 1 34 Quoit kwate kwoit 1 1 4 1 Rapine ra'pine rap'in 1 11 Rear rare reer 4 1 4 4 Reptile rep'tile rep'til 4 4 Rid red rid 1 1 Rind rine rind 4 4 Rinse rense rinse 5 4 5 4 Rosin roz'um roz'in 87 1 66 11 Routine rou tene roo-teen'

4 66 Roof ruff roof 4 4 1 4 Sacred sak'red sa'kred 1 4 Said sade sed 4 4 Sat set sat 1 4 Says saze sez 2 1 Scarce ska.r.s.e ska.r.s.e 4 1 4 1 Schedule sked'ule sed'jule 4 4 Shut shet shut 4 4 Since sense sinse 4 11 Sleek slik sleek 4 4 1 4 Sliver sliv'vur sli'vur 3 7 1 7 Slothful slaw_th_'ful slo_th_'ful 4 66 Soot sut soot 4 4 1 2 Spikenard spig'nut spike'nard 1 34 Spoil spile spoil 4 4 11 2 Steelyard stil'yurdz steel'yard 5 4 Stamp stomp stamp 4 4 Stint stent stint 1 1 Sword sword sord 1 5 4 4 Synod si'nod sin'ud 1 1 4 1 Therefore THare'fore THer'fore 4 4 Thill fil _th_il 1 66 To to too 37 66 Tour tour toor 4 4 Treble trib'bl treb'bl 1 3 1 4 Towards to-wardz' to'urdz 5 1 1 1 Trophy trof'fe tro'fe 1 1 1 1 Tuesday tshuz'de tuze'de 4 4 4 1 Verdure vur'jur ver'jure 1 4 4 11 Vizier vi'zhur viz'yeer 5 4 5 1 Volume vol'lum vol'yume 1 4 Were ware wer 1 1 Yea ya ye 4 4 Yes yes yis 11 33 4 Yest yeest _or_ eest yest 4 4 Yet yit yet 1 66 You yu yoo 1 66 Your yure yoor 1 66 Youth yu_th_ yoo_th_ 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 Ague and fever fe'vurn-a'gur a'gu-and fe'vur 3 4 1 4 4 1 Alternate awl-ter'nate al-ter'nate 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 Annunciate an-nun'shate an-nun'she-ate 4 1 4 4 1 4 Andiron hand'i-urn and'i-urn 4 1 1 4 4 1 11 Antipodes an'te-podz an-tip'o-deez 4 4 4 4 1 4 Apparent ap-par'ent ap-pa'rent 2 1 4 4 2 3 4 1 Architecture artsh'e-tek-tshur ar'-ke-tek-tshure 4 4 4 4 4 4 a.s.sumption as-sump'shun as-sum'shun 3 4 4 1 3 4 4 1 Auxiliary awks-il'a-re awg-zil'ya-re 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 Certiorari sash-ur-ar'ur ser-she-o-ra'ri 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 Christianity kris-tshan'e-te kris-tshe-an'e-te 4 4 1 4 4 4 Clandestine klan-des'tine klan-des'tin 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 Coadjutor ko-ad'ju-tur ko-ad-ju'tur 5 4 1 4 5 4 1 4 Compendium kom-pen'de-um kom-pen'je-um 5 4 1 1 4 1 Connoisseur kon-nis-sure' ko-nes-sare'

1 1 4 4 1 4 Courteous kore'te-us kur'tshe-us 4 4 4 4 4 4 Coverlet kuv'ur-lid kuv'ur-let 37 4 1 37 4 4 Cowardice kou'urd-ise kou'urd-is 1 4 4 1 4 4 Decrepit de-krip'id de-krep'it 4 5 1 1 5 1 Demonstrate dem'on-strate de-mon'strate 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 Desideratum de-sid-er-at'um de-sid-e-ra'tum 1 4 1 1 4 Diamond di'mund di'a-mund 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 Discrepance dis-krep'an-se dis'kre-panse 4 4 1 4 4 4 Disfranchise dis-fran'tschize dis-fran'tschiz 4 5 4 4 5 4 Dishonest dis-on'est diz-on'est 4 3 4 4 3 4 Disorder dis-or'dur diz-or'dur 1 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 Electrify e-lek'tur-ize e-lek'tre-fi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Emaciate e-ma'shate e-ma'she-ate 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 Expatiate eks-pa'shate eks-pa'she-ate 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 Expiatory eks-pi'a-to-re eks'pe-a-tur-re 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 Extempore eks-tem'pore eks-tem'po-re 4 1 1 4 1 4 Feminine fem'e-nine fem'e-nin 4 4 1 1 4 1 Frequently frek'went-le fre'kwent-le 4 1 1 4 1 4 Genuine jen'u-ine jen'u-in 2 11 2 1 4 Guardian gar-deen' gyar'de-an 4 4 4 4 4 4 Gymnastic gim-nas'tik jim-nas'tik 4 1 1 4 4 1 66 4 Hallelujah hal-le-lu'ja hal-le-loo'ya 5 4 4 5 3 4 Hospital hos'pit-al os'pe-tal 1 4 4 1 4 4 Humorous hu'mur-us yu'mur-us 1 1 1 1 4 Idea i-de' i-de'a 4 1 4 4 4 1 3 4 Ignoramus ig-no-ram'us ig-no-ra'mus 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 4 Indecorous in-dek'o-rus in-de-ko'rus 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 Irradiate ir-rad'e-ate ir-ra'de-ate 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 Literati lit-er-at'i lit-er-a'ti 1 1 4 4 1 4 Maintenance mane-tane'anse men-'te-nanse 4 1 1 4 1 4 Masculine mas'ku-line mas'ku-lin 4 4 1 mur'kan-tile } 4 4 11 } 4 4 4 Mercantile mur-kan-teel'} mer'kan-til 4 4 4 } mur-kan'til } 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meliorate me-li'o-rate me'le-o-rate 1 4 1 4 5 4 1 4 Molestation mo-les-ta'shun mol-es-ta'shun 1 1 4 1 1 4 Museum mu'ze-um mu-ze'um 1 4 4 4 4 4 National na'shun-al nash'un-al 1 4 4 1 5 4 1 1 Nomenclature no-men'kla-ture nom-en-kla'tshure 5 1 4 5 1 4 4 Nominative nom'e-tiv nom'e-na-tiv 5 5 1 4 5 4 4 4 Obstreperous ob-strop'pu-lus ob-strep'er-us 5 2 1 5 1 1 Octavo ok-ta'vo ok-ta'vo 5 1 1 1 5 4 4 1 Oratory or'a-to-re or'a-tur-re 1 4 1 4 4 1 Parentage pa'rent-aje par'ent-aje 2 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 Partiality par-shal'le-te par-she-al'le-te 1 4 1 4 4 4 Patronage pa'trun-aje pat'run-ije 4 1 2 1 1 2 Patriarch pat're-ark pa'tre-ark 4 1 4 1 1 4 Patriot pat're-ut pa'tre-ut 4 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 Patriotism pat're-ut-izm pa'tre-ut-izm 1 5 1 4 1 5 1 4 Philologist fi-lol'lo-jist fe-lol'lo-jist 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 Philosophy fi-los'o-fe fe-los'o-fe 1 1 5 1 4 4 1 5 1 4 Philosophical fi-lo-sof'ik-al fil-o-zof'e-kal 1 4 4 1 4 4 Plagiarism pla'ga-rizm pla'ja-rizm 5 4 5 4 Possess pos-ses' poz-zes'

5 4 1 5 4 1 Possessive pos-ses'siv poz-zes'siv 5 4 4 5 4 4 Possession pos-sesh'un poz-zesh'un 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 Preventive pre-vent'a-tiv pre-vent'iv 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 p.r.o.nunciation pro-nun-se-a'shun pro-nun-she-a'shun 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 Propitiation pro-pis-e-a'shun pro-pish-e-a'shun 5 1 1 5 1 1 Prophecy prov'e-si (noun) prof'e-se (noun) 5 1 1 5 1 5 Prophesy prov'e-si (verb) prof'e-si (verb) 1 1 1 1 1 Ratio ra'sho ra'she-o 1 4 4 4 4 4 Rational ra'shun-al rash'un-al 1 4 4 1 4 4 Sacrament sa'kra-ment sak'ra-ment 1 1 1 4 1 1 Sacrifice sa'kre-fize, sak're-fize 4 _or_ (fis) 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stereotype ster'o-tipe ste're-o-tipe 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 Stupendous stu-pen'du-us, stu-pen'dus 1 4 stu-pen'jus 1 5 1 1 4 1 4 Synonyme se-non'e-me sin'o-nim 4 4 4 4 1 4 Transparent trans-par'ent trans-pa'rent 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 Transparency trans-par'en-se trans-pa'ren-se 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 Tremendous tre-men'du-us, tre-men'dus 1 4 1 tre-men'jus 4 4 4 4 1 4 Verbatim ver-bat'im ver-ba'tim 5 2 1 5 1 1 Volcano vol-ka'no vol-ka'no 4 1 4 11 Whiffletree hwip'pl-tre hwif'fl-tree

NOTE 1.--When the words _learned_, _blessed_, _loved,_ &c. are used as participial adjectives, the termination _ed_ should generally be p.r.o.nounced as a separate syllable; as, "A _learn-ed_ man; The _bless-ed_ Redeemer;" but when they are employed as verbs, the _ed_ is contracted in p.r.o.nunciation; as, "He _learn'd_ his lesson; They are _lov'd;_ I have _walk'd_."

2. The accent of the following words falls on those syllables expressed in the _italic_ characters: Eu ro _pe_ an, hy me _ne_ al, Ce sa _re_ a, co ad _ju_ tor, ep i cu _re_ an, _in_ ter est ed, _in_ ter est ing, _rep_ a ra ble, _rec_ og nise, _leg_ is la ture, _ob_ li ga to ry, in _com_ pa ra ble, ir _rep_ a ra ble, in _ex_ o ra ble. In a large cla.s.s of words, the vowels _a_, _e_, and _ai_, should be p.r.o.nounced like long _a_ in _late_; such as, _fare_, _rare_, _there_, _their_, _where_, _air_, _chair_, _compare_, _declare_, &c. In the words _person_, _perfect_, _mercy_, _interpret_, _determine_, and the like, the vowel _e_ before _r_, is often _erroneously_ sounded like short _u_. Its proper sound is that of _e_ in _met_, _pet_, _imperative_.

3. With respect to the p.r.o.nunciation of the words _sky_, _kind_, _guide_, &c. it appears that a mistake extensively prevails. It is believed that their common p.r.o.nunciation by the vulgar, is the _correct_ one, and agreeable to the p.r.o.nunciation intended by Mr.

John Walker. The proper diphthongal sounds 11 1 1 in skei, kyind, gyide, are adopted by the common ma.s.s, and _perverted_ by those who, in their unnatural and affected p.r.o.nunciation of these words, say, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ske-i; ke-inde, ge-ide. This latter mode of p.r.o.nouncing them in two syllables, is as incorrect and ridiculous as to p.r.o.nounce the words _boil_, _toil_, in two 3 4 3 4 syllables; thus, bo-il, to-il.

4. _My_, _wind_. When _my_ is contrasted with _thy_, _his_, _her_, _your_, 1 1 &c, it is p.r.o.nounced, mi: in all other situations, it is p.r.o.nounced, me; as, "_My [me]_ son, give ear to _my [me]_ counsel." When _wind_ ends a line in poetry, and is made to rhyme with _mind_, _bind_, kind_, &c. it is 1 4 p.r.o.nounced, wind; but, in other situations, it is p.r.o.nounced, wind.

"Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutored mind Sees G.o.d in clouds, or hears him in the _wind_."



As each of the following provincialisms and vulgarisms, has its locality in some one section or other of our country, it is hoped that these corrections will be found useful in the districts to which the various phrases respectively belong.


Aint Are not haint have not taint 'tis not haint are not maint may not wont will not wer'nt were not waunt was not woodent would not mussent must not izzent is not wazzent was not hezzent has not doozzent does not tizzent 'tis not whool who will don't can't i'll 'tis


4 Akst askt 4 4 ben bin 4 2 hul hole 4 1 hum home 4 1 stun stone 66 4 dooz duz 2 4 gla.s.s gla.s.s 2 4 ma.s.s ma.s.s 2 4 bra.s.s bra.s.s 2 4 pa.s.s pa.s.s 3 2 flawnt flant 4 4 hiz'zn hiz 37 37 4 hou'zn houz'iz 1 4 1 4 an'shent ane'tshent 1 4 1 1 an'jel ane'jel 4 4 1 4 dan'jur dane'jur 4 4 1 4 stran'jur strane'jur 2 4 1 4 tscham'bur tshame'bur 1 4 1 1 na'tur na'tshure 4 4 4 4 1 4 nat'ur-el natsh'u-ral 3 4 3 1 for'tin for'tshune 3 1 1 3 1 1 for'tew-nate for'tshu-nate 4 1 4 1 vur'tew ver'tshu 4 1 4 4 1 4 vur'tew-us ver'tshu-us 1 1 4 4 1 4 ak'tew-el ak'tschu-al 4 1 1 4 1 1 ed'ew-kate ed'ju-kate 4 4 2 4 faTH'ur fa'THur heft weight stoop porch stent task helve handle muss disorder dump unload scup swing shay gig or chaise cutter one-horse sleigh staddle sapling foxy reddish suple spry or supple


Strenth strength lenth length brenth breadth ort ought nan what wisht wish wunst once ouch oh cheer chair spook ghost furnentz opposite wanity vanity in wain in vain ornary ordinary for by to spare we bit small piece disremember do not remember


66 1 Door dore 66 1 floor flore 5 4 ond and 5 55 loss looz 66 1 koorse korse 66 1 soorse sorse 4 66 till too 4 7 put put 4 7 fut fut 4 66 4 54 a-koont' ak-kount'

4 4 7 4 pul'pit pul'pit 1 4 3 pare'sun par'sn


MD. VA. KY. MISS. &c.

2 1 THar THare 2 1 whar hware 2 1 bar [bear] bare 2 4 war wer 37 1 mout mite [might]

1 1 4 gwine go'ing 4 4 4 shet or shut rid 1 5 1 1 4 4 tote or fotch kar're, fetsh, or bring 1 4 hop'd helpt 4 66 2 4 4 ca-hoot' part'nur-ship 3 66 5 mar'bl moov off

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English Grammar in Familiar Lectures Part 49 summary

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