
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 39

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The snow-line which, under the equator in South America, attains an elevation equal to that of the summit of Mont Blanc in the Alps, and descends, according to recent measurements, about 1023 feet lower toward the northern tropic in the elevated plateaux of Mexico (in 19 degrees north lat.i.tude), rises, according to Pentland, in the southern tropical zone (14 degrees 30' to 18 degrees south lat.i.tude), being more than 2665 feet higher in the maritime and western branch of the Cordilleras of Chili than under the equator near Quito on Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, and Antisana. Dr. Gilles even a.s.serts that much further to the south, on the declivity of the volcano of Peuquenes (lat.i.tude 33 degrees), he found the snow-line at an elevation of between 14,520 and 15,030 feet. The evaporation of the snow in the extremely dry air of the summer, and under a cloudless sky, is so powerful, that the volcano of Aconcagua, northeast of Valparaiso (lat.i.tude 32 degrees 30'), which was found in the expedition of the Beagle to be more than 1400 feet higher than Chimborazo, was on one occasion seen free from snow.

[footnote] *Darwin, 'Journal of the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle', p. 297. As the volcano of Aconcagua was not at that time in a state of eruption, we must not ascribe the remarkable phenomenon of this absence of snow to the internal heat of the mountain (to the escape of heated air through fissures), as is sometimes the case with Cotopaxi. Gilles, in the 'Journal of Natural Science', 1830, p. 316.

In p 331 an almost equal northern lat.i.tude (from 30 degrees 45' to 31 degrees), the snow'line on the southern declivity of the Himalaya lies at an elevation of 12,982 feet, which is about the same as the height which we might have a.s.signed to it from a comparison with other mountain chains; on the northern declivity, however, under the influence of the high lands of Thibet (whose mean elevation appears to be about 11,510 feet), the snow-line is situated at a height of 16,630 feet. This phenomenon, which has long been contested both in Europe and in India, and whose causes I have attempted to develop in various works, published since 1820,* possesses other grounds of interest than p 332 those of a purely physical nature, since it exercises no inconsiderable degree of influence on the mode of life of numerous tribes -- the meteorological processes of the atmosphere being the controlling causes on which depend the agricultural or pastoral pursuits of the inhabitants of extensive tracts of continents.

[footnote] *See my 'Second Memoire sur les Montagnes de Inde', in the 'Annales de Chemie et de Physique', t. xiv., p. 5-55; and 'Asie Centrale', t. iii., p. 281-327. While the most learned and experienced travelers in India, Colebrooke, Webb, and Hodgson, Victor Jacquemont, Fobes Royle, Carl von Hugel, and Vigne, who have all personally examined the Himalaya range, are agreed, regarding the greater elevation of the snow-line on the Thibeta=ian side, the accuracy of this statement is called in question by John Gerard, by the geognoist MacClelland, the editor of the 'Calcutta Journal', and by Captain Thomas Hutton, a.s.sistant surveyor of the Agra Division. The appearance of my work on Central Asia gave rise to a rediscussion of this question. A recent number (vol. iv., January, 1844) of MacClelland and Griffith's 'Calcutta Journal of Natural History' contains, however, a very remarkable and decisive notice of the determination of the snow-line in the Himalaya. Mr. Batten, of the Bengal service, writes as follows from Camp Semulka, on the Cosillah River, k.u.maon: "In the July, 1843, No. 14 of your valuable Journal of Natural History, which I have only lately had the opportunity of seeing, I read Captain Hutton's paper on the snow of the Himalayas, and as I differed almost entirely from the conclusions so confidently drawn by that gentleman, I thought it right, for the interest of scientific truth, to prepare some kind of answer; as however, on a more attentive perusal, I find that you yourself appear implicitly to adopt Captain Hutton's views, and actually use these words, 'We have long been conscious of the error here so well ppointed out by Captain Hutton, 'in common with every one who has visited the Himalayas,' I feel more inclined to address you, in the first instance, and to ask whether you will publish a short reply which I meditate; and whether your not to Captain Hutton's paper was written after your own full and careful examination of the subject, or merely on a general kind of acquiscence with the fact and opinions of your able contributor, who is so well known and esteemed as a collector of scientific data? Now I am one who have visited the Himalaya on the western side; I have crossed the Borendo or Booria Pa.s.s into the Buspa Valley, in Lower Kanawar, returning into the Rewaien Mountains of Ghurwal by the Koopin Pa.s.s; I have visited the source of the Jumna at Jumnootree; and, moving eastward, the sources of the Kalee or Mundaknee branch of the Ganges at Kadarnath; of the Bishnoo Gunga, or Aluknunda, at Buddrinath and Mana; of the Pindur at the foot of the Great Peak Nundidavi; of the Dhoulee branch of the Ganges, beyond Neetee, crossing and recrossing the pa.s.s of that name into Thibet; of the Goree or great branch of the Sardah, or Kalee, near Oonta Dhoora, beyond Melum. I have also, in my official capacity made the settlement of the Bhote Mehals of this province. My residence of more than six years in the hills has thrown me constantly in the way of European and native travelers, nor have I neglected to acquire information from the recorded labors of others. Yet, with all this experience, I am prepared to affirm that 'the perpetual snow-line is at a higher elevation' on the northern slope of 'the Himalaya'

than on the southern slope.

"The facts mentioned by Captain Hutton appear to me only to refer to the northern sides of all mountains in these regions, and not to affect, in any way the reports of Captain Webb and others, on which Humboldt formed his theory. Indeed how can any facts of one observer in one place falsify the facts of another observer in another place? I willingly allow that the north side of a hill retains the snow longer and deeper than the south side, and this observation applies equally to heights in Bhote; but Humboldt's theory is on the question of the perpetual snow-line, and Captain Hutton's reference to Simla and Mussooree, and other mountain sites, are out of place in this question, or else he fights against a shadow, or an objectioon of his own creation. In no part of his paper does he quote accurately the dictum which he wishes to oppose."

If the mean alt.i.tude of the thibetian highlands be 11,510 feet, they admit of comparison with the lovely and fruitful plateau of Caxamarca in Peru.

But at this estimate they would still be 1300 feet lower than the plateau of Bolivia at the Lake of t.i.ticaca, and the causeway of the town of Potosi.

Ladak, as appears from Vigne's measurement, by determining the boiling-point, is 9994 feet high. This is probably also the alt.i.tude of H'La.s.sa (Yul-sung), a monastic city, which Chinese writers describe as the 'realm of pleasure', and which is surrounded by vineyards. Must not these lie in deep valleys?

As the quant.i.ty of moisture in the atmosphere increases with the temperature, this element, which is so important for the whole organic creation, must vary with the hours of the day, the seasons of the year, and the differences in lat.i.tude and elevation. Our knowledge of the hygrometric relations of the Earth's surface has been very materially augmented of late years by the general application of August's psychrometer, framed in accordance with the views of Dalton and Daniell, for determining the relative quant.i.ty of vapor, or the p 333 condition of moisture of the atmosphere, by means of the difference of the 'dew point' and of the temperature of the air. Temperature, atmospheric pressure, and the direction of the wind, are all intimately connected with the vivifying action of atmospheric moisture. This influence is not, however, so much a consequence of the quant.i.ty of moisture held in solution in different zones, as of the nature and frequency of the precipitation which moistens the ground, whether in the form of dew, mist, rain, or snow.

According to the exposition made by Dove of the law of rotation, and to the general views of this distinguished physicist,* it would appear that, in our northern zone, "the elastic force of the vapor is greatest with a southwest, and least with a northeast wind. On the western side of the windrose this elasticity diminishes, while it increases on the eastern side; on the former side, for instance, the cold, dense, and dry current of air repels the warmer, lighter current containing an abundance of aqueous vapor, while on the eastern side it is the former current which is repulsed by the latter.

[footnote] *See Dove, 'Meteorologische Vergleichung von Nordamerika und Europa', in Schumacher's 'Jahrbuch fur' 1841, s. 311; and his 'Meteorologische Untersuchungen', s. 140.

The agreeable and fresh verdure which is observed in many trees in districts within the tropics, where, for five or seven months of the yeqar, not a cloud is seen on the vault of heaven, and where no perceptible dew or rain falls, proves that the leaves are capable of extyracting water from the atmosphere by a peculiar vital process of their own, which perhaps is not alone that of producing cold by radiation. The absence of rain in the arid plains of c.u.mana, Coro, and Ceara in North Brazil, forms a striking contrast to the quanit.i.ty of rain which falls in some tropical regions, as, for instance, in the Havana, where it would appear, from the average of six years' observation by Ramong de la Sagra, the mean annual quant.i.ty of rain is 109 inches, equal to four or five times that which falls at Paris or at Geneva.*

[footnote] *The mean annual quant.i.ty of rain that fell in Paris between 1805 and 1822 was found by Arago to be 20 inches; in London, between 1812 and 1827, it was determined by Howard at 25 inches; while at Geneva the mean of thirty-two years' observation was 30.5 inches. In Hindostan, near the coast, the quant.i.ty of rain is from 115 to 128 inches; and in the island of Cuba, fully 142 inches fell in the year 1821. With regard to the distribution of the quant.i.ty of rain in Central Europe, at different periods of the year, see the admirable researches of Gasparin, Schuow, and Bravais, in the 'Bibliotheque Universelle', t. x.x.xvviii., p. 54 and 264; 'Tableau du Climat de l'Italie', p. 76; and Martins's notes to his excellent French translation of K?mtz's 'Vorlesungen uber Meteorologie', p. 142.

On the declivity of the Cordilleras, p 334 the quant.i.ty of rain, as well as the temperature, diminishes with the increase in the elevation.*

[footnote] *According to Boussingault ('Economie Rurale', t. ii., p. 693), the mean quant.i.ty of rain that fell at Marmato (lat.i.tude 5 degrees 27', alt.i.tude 4675 feet, and mean temperature 69 degrees) in the years 1833 and 1834 was 64 inches, while at Santa Fe de Bogota (lat.i.tude 4 degrees 36', alt.i.tude 8685 feet, and mean temperature 58 degrees) it only amounted to 39 1/2 inches.

My South American fellow-traveler, Caldas, found that, at Santa Fe de Bogota, at an elevation of almost 8700 feet, it did not exceed 37 inches, being consequently little more than on some parts of the western sh.o.r.e of Europe. Boussingault occasionally observed at Quito that Saussure's hygrometer receded to 26 degrees with a temperature of from 53.6 degrees to 55.4 degrees. Gay-Lussac saw the same hygrometer standing at 25.3 degrees in his great aerostatic ascent in a stratum of air 7034 feet high, and with a temperature of 39.2 degrees. The greatest dryness that has yet been observed on the surface of the globe in the low lands is probably that which Gustav Rose, Ehrenberg, and myself found in Northern Asia, between the valleys of the Irtisch and the Oby. In the Steppe of Platowskaja, after southwest winds had blown for a long time from the interior of the Continent, with a temperature of 74.7 degrees, we found the dew point at 24 degrees. The air contained only 16/100ths of aqueous vapor.*

[footnote] *For the particulars of this observation, see my 'Asie Centrale', t. iii., p. 85-89 and 467; and regarding the amount of vapor in the atmosphere in the lowlands of tropical South America, consult my 'Relat.

Hist.', t. i., p. 242-248; t. ii., p. 45, 164.

The accurate observers K?mtz, Bravais, and Martins have raised doubts during the last few years regarding the greater dryness of the mountain air, which appeared to be proved by the hygrometric measurements made by Saussure and myself in the higher regions of the Alps and the Cordilleras. The strata of air at Zurich and on the Faulhorn, which can not be considered as an elevated mountain when compared with non-European elevations, furnished the data employed in the comparisons made by these observers.*

[footnote] *K?mtz, 'Vorlesungen uber Meteorologie', s. 117.

In the tropical region of the Paramos (near the region where snow begins to fall, at an elevation of between 12,000 and 14,000 feet), some species of large flowering myrtle-leaved alpine shrubs are almost constantly bathed in moisture; but this fqact does not actually prove the existence of any great and absolute quant.i.ty of aqueous vapor at such an elevation, merely affording p 335 an evidence of the frequency of aqueous precipitation, in like manner as do the frequent mists with which the lovely plateau of Bogota is covered.

Mists arise and disappear several times in the course of an hour in such elevations as these, and with a calm state of the atmosphere. These rapid alternations characterize the Paramos and the elevated plains of the chain of the Andes.

'The electricity of the atmosphere', whether considered in the lower or in the upper strata of the clouds, in its silent problematical diurnal course, or in the explosion of the lightning and thunder of the tempest, appears to stand in a manifold relation to all phenomena of the distribution of heat, of the pressure of the atmosphere and its disturbances, of hydrometeoric exhibitions, and probably, also, of the magnetism of the external crust of the earth. It exercises a powerful influence on the whole animal and vegetable world; not merely by meteorological processes, as precipitations of aqueous vapor, and of the acids and ammoniacal compounds to which it gives rise, but also directly as an electric force acting on the nerves, and promoting the circulation of the organic juices. This is not a place in which to renew the discussion that has been started regarding the actual source of atmospheric eletricity when the sky is clear, a phenomenon that has alternately been ascribed to the evaporation of impure fluids impregnated with earths and salts,* to the growth of plants,** or to some other chemical decompositions on the surface of the earth, to the unequal distribution of heat in the strata of the air,*** and, finally, according to Peltier's intelligent researches,**** to the agency of a constant charge of negative electricity in the terrestrial globe.

[footnote] *Regarding the conditions of electricity from evaporation at high temperatures, see Peltier, in the 'Annales de Chimie', t. lxxv., p. 330.

[footnote] **Pouillet, in the 'Annales de Chimie', t. x.x.xv., p. 405.

[footnote] ***De la Rive, in his admirable 'Essai Historique sur l'Electricite', p. 140.

[footnote] ****Peltier, in the 'Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences', t.

xii., p. 307; Becquerel, 'Traite de l'Electricite et du Magnetisme', t. iv., p. 107.

Limiting itself to results yielded by electrometric observations, such, for instance, as are furnished by the ingenious electro-magnetic apparatus first proposed by Colladon, the physical description of the universe should merely notice the incontestable increase of intensity in the general positive electricity of the atmosphere,* accompanying an increase of alt.i.tude and and the absence of trees, its daily variations (which, according to Clark's experiments at Dublin, p 336 take place at more complicated periods than those found by Saussure and myself), and its variations in the different seasons of the year, at different distances from the equator, and in the different relations of continental or oceanic surface.

[footnote] *Duprez, 'Sur l'Electricite de l'Air' (Bruxelles, 1844), p.


The electric equilibrium is less frequently disturbed where the aerial ocean rests on a liquid base than where it impends over the land; and it is very striking to observe how, in extensive seas, small insular groups affect the condition of the atmosphere, and occasion the formation of storms. In fogs, and in the commencement of falls of snow, I have seen, in a long series of observations, the previously permanent positive electricity rapidly pa.s.s into the negative condition, both on the plains of the colder zones, and in the Paramos of the Cordilleras, at elevations varying from 11,000 to 15,000 feet. The alternate transition was precisly similar to that indicated by the electrometer shortly before and during a storm.*

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Relation Historique', t. iii., p. 318. I here only refer to those of my experiiments in which the three-foot metallic conductor of Saussure's electrometer was neither moved upward nor downward, nor, according to Volta's proposal, armed with burning sponge. Those of my readers who are well acquainted with the 'quaestiones vexatae' of atmospheric electricity will understand the grounds for this limitation.

Respecting the formation of storms in the tropics, see my 'Rel. Hist.', t.

ii., p. 45 and 202-209.

When the vesicles of vapor have become condensed into clouds, having definite outlines, the electric tension of the external surface will be increased in proportion to the amount of electricity which pa.s.ses over to it from the separate vesicles of vapor.*

[footnote] *Gay-Lussac, in the 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', t.

viii., p. 167. In consequence of the discordant views of Lame, Becquerel, and Peltier, it is difficult to come to a conclusion regarding the cause of the specific distribution of electricity in clouds, some of which have a positive, and others a negative tension. The negative electricity of the air, which near high water-falls is caused by a disintegration of the drops of water -- a fact originally noticed by Tralles, and confirmed by myself in various lat.i.tudes -- is very remarkable, and is sufficiently intense to produce an appreciable effect on a delicate electrometer at a distance of 300 or 400 feet.

Slate-gray clouds are charged, according to Peltier's experiments at Paris, with negative, and white, red, and orange-colored clouds with positive electricity. Thunder clouds not only envelop the highest summits of the chain of the Andes (I have myself seen the electric effect of lightning on one of the rocky pinnacles which project upward of 15,000 feet above the crater of the volcano of Toluca), but they have also been observed at a vertical height of 26,650 feet over the low p 337 lands in the temperate zone.*

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes pour' 1838, p.


Sometimes, however, the stratum of cloud from which the thunder proceeds sinks to a distance of 5000, or, indeed, only 3000 feet above the plain.

According to Arago's investigations -- the most comprehensive that we possess on this difficult branch of meteorology -- the evolution of light (lightning) is of three kinds -- zigzag, and sharply defined at the edges; in sheets of light, illuminating a whole cloud, which seems to open and refeal the light within it; and in the form of fire-b.a.l.l.s.*

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