
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 40

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[footnote] *Arago, op. cit., p. 249-266. (See also, p. 268-279.)

The duration of the two first kinds scarcely continues the thousandth part of a second; but the globular lightning moves much more slowly remaining visible for several seconds. Occasionally (as is proved by the recent observations, which have confirmed the description given by Nicholson and Beccaria of this phenomenon), isolated clouds, standing high above the horizon, continue uninterruptedly for some time to emit a luminous radiance from their interior and from their margins, although there is no thunder to be heard, and no indication of a storm; in some cases even hail-stones, drops of rain, and flakes of snow have been seen to fall in a luminous condition, when the phenomenon was not preceded by thunder. In the geographical distribution of storms, the Peruvian coast, which is not visited by thunder or lightning, presents the most striking contrast to the rest of the tropical zone, in which, at certain seasons of the year, thunder-storms occur almost daily, about four or five hours after the sun has reached the meridian. According to the abundant evidence collected by Arago* from the testiimony of navigators (Scoresby, Parry, Ross, and Franklin), there can be no doubt that, in general, electric explosions are extremely rare in high northern regions (between 70 degrees and 75 degrees lat.i.tude).

[footnote] *Arago, op. cit., p. 388-391. The learned academician Von Baer, who has done so much for the meteorology of Northern Asia, has not taken into consideration the extreme rarity of storms in Iceland and Greenland; he has only remarked ('Bulletin de l'Academie de St. Petersbourg', 1839, Mai) that in Nova Zembla and Spitzbergen it is sometimes heard to thunder.

'The meteorological portion' of the descriptive history of nature which we are now concluding shows that the processes of the absorption of light, the liberation of heat, and the variations in the elastic and electric tension, and in the hygrometric condition of the vast aerial ocean, are all so intimately connected together, that each individual meteorological process is modified by the action of all the others. The complicated p 338 nature of these disturbing causes (which involuntarily remind us of those which the near and especially the smallest cosmical bodies, the satellites, comets, and shooting stars, are subjected to in their course) increases the difficulty of giving a full explanation of these involved meteorological phenomena, and likewise limits, or wholly precludes, the possibility of that predetermination of atmospheric changes which would be so important for horticulture, agriculture, and navigation, no less than for the comfort and enjoyment of life. Those who place the value of meteorology in this problematic species of prediction rather than in the knowledge of the phenomena themselves, are firmly convinced that this branch of science, on account of which so many expeditions to distant mountainous regions have been undertaken, has not made any very considerable progress for centuries past. The confidence which they refuse to the physicist they yield to changes of the moon, and to certain days marked in the calendar by the superst.i.tion of a by-gone age.

"Great local deviations from the distribution of the mean temperature are of rare occurrence, the variations being in general uniformly distributed over extensive tracts of land. the deviation, after attaining its maximum at a certain point, gradually decreases to its limits; when these are pa.s.sed, however, decided deviations are observed in the 'opposite direction'.

Similar relations of weather extend more frequently from south to north than from west to east. At the close of the year 1829 (when I had just completed my Siberian journey), the maximum of cold was at Berlin, while North America enjoyed an unusually high temperature. It is an entirely arbitrary a.s.sumption to believe that a hot summer succeeds a severe winter, and that a cool summer is preceded by a mild winter." Opposite relations of weather in contiguous countries, or in two corn-growing continents, give rise to a beneficient equalization in the prices of the products of the vine, and of agricultural and horticultural cultivation. It has been justy remarked, that it is the barometer alone which indicates to us the changes that occur in the pressure of the air throughout all the aerial strata from the place of observation to the extremest confines of the atmosphere, while* the thermometer and psychrometer only acquaint us with all the variations occurring in the local heat and moisture of the lower strata of p 339 air in contact with the ground.

[footnote] *K?mtz, in Schumacher's 'Jahrbuch fur' 1838, s. 285. Regarding the opposite distribution of heat in the east and the west of Europe and North America, see Dove, 'Repertorium der Physik', bd. iii., s. 392-395.

The simultaneous thermic and hygrometric modifications of the upper regions of the air can only be learned (when direct observations on mountain stations or aerostatic ascents are impracticable) from hypothetical combinations, by making the barometer serve both as a thermometer and an hygrometer. Important changes of weather are not owing to merely local causes, situated at the place of observation, but are the consequence of a disturbance in the equilibrium of the aerial currents at a great distance from the surface of the Earth, in the higher strata of the atmosphere, bringing cold or warm, dry or moist air, rendering the sky cloudy or serene, and converting the acc.u.mulated ma.s.ses of clouds into light feathery 'cirri'.

As, therefore, the inaccessibility of the phenomenon is added to the manifold nature and complication of the disturbances, it has always appeared to me that meteorology must first seek its foundation and progress in the torrid zone, where the variations of the atmospheric pressure, the course of hydro-meteors, and the phenomena of electric explosion, are all of periodic occurrence.

As we have now pa.s.sed in review the whole sphere of inorganic terrestrial life, and have briefly considered our planet with reference to its form, its internal heat, its electro-magnetic tension, its phenomena of polar light, the volcanic reaction of its interior on its variously composed solid crust, and, lastly, the phenomena of its two-fold envelopes -- the aerial and liquid ocean -- we might, in accordance with the older method of treating physical geography, consider that we had completed our descriptive history of the globe. But the n.o.bler aim I have proposed to myself, of raising the contemplation of nature to a more elevated point of view, would be defeated, and this delineation of nature would appear to lose its most attractive charm, if it did not also include the sphere of organic life in the many stages of its typical development. The idea of vitality is so intimatey a.s.sociated with the idea of the existence of the active, ever-blending natural forces which animate the terrestrial sphere, that the creation of plants and animals is ascribed in the most ancient mythical representations of many nations to these forces, while the condition of the surface of our planet, before it was animated by vital forms, is regarded as coeval with the epoch of a chaotic conflict of the struggling elements. But the empirical domain of objective contemplation, and the delineation of our planet in its present condition, do not include a consideration p 340 of the mysterious and insoluble problems of origin and existence.

A cosmical history of the universe, resting upon facts as its basis, has, from the nature and limitations of its sphere, necessarily no connection with the obscure domain embraced by a 'history of organisms',* if we understand the word 'history' in its broadest sense.

[footnote] *The 'history of plants', which Endlicher and Unger have described in a most masterly manner ('Grundzuge der Botanik', 1843, s.

449-468), I myself separated from the 'geography of plants' half a century ago. In the aphorisms appended to my 'Subterranean Flora', the following pa.s.sage occurs: "Geognosia naturam animantem et inanimam vel, ut vocabulo minus apto, ex antiquitate saltem haud pet.i.to, utar, corpora vitur capita: Geographia oryctologica quam simpliciter Geognosiam vel Geologiam dic.u.n.t, virque acutissimus Wernerus egregie digessit; Geographia zoologica, cujus doctrinae fundamenta Zimmermannus et Trevira.n.u.s jecerunt; et Geographic plantarum quam aequales nostri diu intactam reliquerunt. Geographia plantarum vincula et cognationem tradit, quibus omnia vegetabilia inter se connexa sint, terraetractur quos teneant, in aerem atmosphaeric.u.m quae sit eorum vis ostendit, saxa atque rupes quibus potissimum algarum primordiis radicibusque destruantur docet, et quo pacto in telluris superficie humus nascatur, commemorat. Est itaque quod differat inter Geognosiam et Physiographiam, 'historia naturalis' perperam nuncupatam quum Zoognosia, Phytognosia, et Oryctognosia, quae quidem omnes in naturae investigatione versantur, non nisi singulorum animalium, plantarum, rerum metallicarum vel (venia sit verbo) fossilium formas, anatomen, vires scrutautur. Historia Telluris, Geognosiae magis quam Physiographiae affinis, nemini adhuc tenata, plantarum animaliumque genera orbem inhabitantia primaevum, migrationes eorum compluriumque interitum, ortum quem montes, valles, saxorum strata et vemae metalliferae duc.u.n.t, aerem, mutatis temporum vicibus, modo purum, modo vitiatum, terrae superficiem humo plantisque paulatim obtectam, fluminum inundantium impetu denuo nudatam, iterumque siccatam et gramine vest.i.tam commemorat. Igitur Historia zoolopgica, Historia plantarum et Historia oryctologica, quae non nisi pristinum orbis terrae statum indicant, a Geognosia probe distinguendae." -- Humboldt, 'Flora Friburgensis Subterranea, cui accedunt Aphorismi ex Physiologia Chemica Plantarum', 1793, p. ix.-x. Respecting the "spontaneous motion." which is referred to in a subsequent part of the text, see the remarkable pa.s.sage in Aristotle, 'De Coelo,' ii., 2, p. 284, Bekker, where the distinction between animate and inanimate bodies is made to depend on the internal or external position of the seat of the determining motion. "No movement," says the Stagirite, "proceeds from the vegetable spirit, because plants are buried in a still sleep, from which nothing can arouse them" (Aristotle, 'De Generat.

Animal.', v. i., p. 778, Bekker); and again, "because plants have no desires which incite them to spontaneous motion." (Arist., 'De Somno et Vigil'., cap. i., p. 455, Bekker.)

It must, however, be remembered, that the inorganic crust of the Earth contains within it the same elements that enter into the structure of animal and vegetable organs. A physical cosmography would therefore be incomplete p 341 if it were to omit a consideration of these forces, and of the substances which enter into solid and fluid combinations in organic tissues, under conditiions which, from our ignorance of their actual nature, we designate by the vague term of 'vital forces', and group into various systems in accordance with more or less perfectly conceived a.n.a.logies. The natural tendency of the human mind involuntarily prompts us to follow the physical phenomena of the Earth, through all their varied series, until we reach the final stage of the morphological evolution of vegetable forms, and the self-determining powers of motion in animal organisms. And it is by these links that 'the geography of organic beings -- of plants and animals' -- is connected with the delineation of the inorganic phenomena of our terrestrial globe.

Without entering on the difficult question of 'spontaneous motion', or, in other words, on the difference between vegetable and animal life, we would remark, that if nature had endowed us with microscopic powers of vision, and the integuments of plants had been rendered perfectly transparent to our eyes, the vegetable world would present a very different aspect from the apparent immobility and repose in which it is now manifested to our senses.

The interior portion of the cellular structure of their organs is incessantly animated by the most varied currents, either rotating, ascending and descending, remifying, and ever changing their direction, as manifested in the motion of the granular mucus of marine plants (Naiades, Characeae, Hydrocharidae), and in the hairs of phanerogamic land plants; in the molecular motion first discovered by the ill.u.s.trious botanist Robert Brown, and which may be traced in the ultimate portions of every molecule of matter, even when separated from the organ; in the gyratory currents of the globules of cambium ('cyclosis') circulating in their peculiar vessels; and, finally, in the singularly articulated self-unrolling filamentous vessels in the antheridia of the chara, and in the reproductive organs of liverworts and algae, in the structural conditions of which Meyen, unhappily too early lost to science, believed that he recognized an a.n.a.logy with the spermatozoa of the animal kingdom.*

[footnote] *["In certain parts, probably, of all plants, are found peculiar spiral filaments, having a striking resemblance to the spermatozoa of animals. They have been long known in the organs called the antheridia of mosses, Hepaticcae, and Characeae, and have more recently been discovered in peculiar cells on the germinal frond of ferns, and on the very young leaves of the buds of Phanerogamia. They are found in peculiar cells, and when these are placed in water they are torn by the filament, which commences an active spiral motion. The signification of these organs is at present quite unknown; they appear, from the researches of N?geli, to resemble the cell mucilage, or proto-plasma, in composition, and are developed from it.

Schleiden regards them as mere mucilaginous deposits, similar to those connected with the circulation in cells, and he contends that the movement of these bodies in water is a.n.a.logous to the molecular motion of small particles of organic and inorganic substances, and depends on mechanical causes." -- 'Outlines of Structural and Physiological Botany', by A.

Henfrey, F.L.S., etc., 1846, p. 23.] -- Tr.

If to these p 342 manifold currents and gyratory movements we add the phenomena of endosmosis, nutrition, and growth, we shall have some idea of those forces which are ever active amid the apparent repose of vegetable life.

Since I attempted in a former work, 'Ansichten der Natur' (Views of Nature), to delineate the universal diffusion of life over the whole surface of the Earth, in the distribution of organic forms, both with respect to elevation and depth, our knowledge of this branch of science has been most remarkably increased by Ehrenberg's brilliant discovery "on microscopic life in the ocean, and in the ice of the polar regions" -- a discovery based, not on deductive conclusions, but on direct observation. The sphere of vitality, we might almost say, the horizon of life, has been expanded before our eyes.

"Not only in the polar regions is there an uninterrupted development of active microscopic life, where larger animals can no longer exist, but we find that the microscopic animals collected in the Antarctic expedition of Captain James Ross exhibit a remarkable abundance of unknown and often most beautiful forms. Even in the residuum obtained from the melted ice, swimming about in round fragments in the lat.i.tude of 70 degrees 10', there were found upward of fifty species of silicious-sh.e.l.led Polygastria and Coscinodiscae with their green ovaries, and therefore living and able to resist the extreme severity of the cold. In the Gulf of Erebus, sixty-eight silicious-sh.e.l.led Polygastria and Phytolitharia, and only one calcareous-sh.e.l.led Polythalamia, were brought up by lead sunk to a depth of from 1242 to 1620 feet."

The greater number of the oceanic microscopic forms. .h.i.therto discovered have been silicious-sh.e.l.led, although the a.n.a.lysis of sea water does not yield silica as the main const.i.tuent, and it can only be imagined to exist in it in a state of suspension. It is not only at particular points in inland seas, or in the vicinity of the land, that the ocean is densely inhabited by living atoms, invisible to the naked eye, but samples of p 343 water taken up by Schayer on his return from Van Diemen's Land (south of the Cape of Good Hope, in 57 degrees lat.i.tude, and under the tropics in the Atlantic) show that the ocean in its ordinary condition, without any apparent discoloration, contains numerous microscopic moving organisms, which bear no resemblance to the swimming fragmentary silicious filaments of the genus Chaetoceros, similar to the Oscillatoriae so common in our fresh waters. Some few Polygastria, which have been found mixed with sand and excrements of penguins in c.o.c.kburn Island, appear to be spread over the whole earth, while others seem to be peculiar to the polar regions.*

[footnote] *See Ehrenberg's treatise 'Ueber das kleinste Leben im Ocean', read before the Academy of Science at Berlin on the 9th of May, 1844.

[Dr. J. Hooker found Diatomaceae in countless numbers between the parallels of 70 degrees and 80 degrees south, where they gave a color to the sea, and also the icebergs floating in it. The death of these bodies in the South Arctic Ocean is producing a submarine deposit, consisting entirely of the silicious particles of which the skeletons of these vegetables are composed.

This deposit exists on the sh.o.r.es of Victoria Land and at the base of the volcanic mountain Erebus. Dr. Hooker accounted for the fact that the skeletons of Diatomaceae had been found in the lava of volcanic mountains, by referring to these deposits at Mount Erebus, which lie in such a position as to render it quite possible that the skeletons of these vegetables should pa.s.s into the lower fissures of the mountain, and then pa.s.sing into the stream of lava, be thrown out, unacted upon by the heat to which they have been exposed. See Dr. Hooker's Paper, read before the British a.s.sociation at Oxford, July, 1847.] -- Tr.

We thus find from the most recent observations that animal life predominates amid the eternal night of the depths of ocean, while vegetable life, which is so dependent on the periodic action of the solar rays, is most prevalent on continents. The ma.s.s of vegetation on the Earth very far exceeds that of animal organisms; for what is the volume of all the large living Cetacea and Pachydermata when compared with the thickly-crosded colossal trunks of trees, of from eight to twelve feet in diameter, which fill the vast forests covering the tropical region of South America, between the Orinoco, the Amazon, and the Rio de Madeira? And although the character of different portions of the earth depends on the combination of external phenomena, as the outlines of mountains -- the physiognomy of plants and animals -- the azure of the sky -- the forms of the clouds -- and the transparency of the atmosphere -- it must still be admitted that the vegetable mantle with which the earth is decked const.i.tutes the main feature of the picture. Animal forms are inferior in ma.s.s, and their powers of motion often withdraw them from our sight. The p 344 vegetable kingdom, on the contrary, acts upon our imagination by its continued presence and by the magnitude of its forms; for the size of a tree indicates its age, and here alone age is a.s.sociated with the expression of a constantly renewed vigor.*

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Ansichten der Natur' (2te Ausgabe, 1826), bd. ii. s.


In the animal kingdom (and this knowledge is also the result of Ehrenberg's discoveries), the form which we term microscopic occupy the largest s.p.a.ce, in consequence of their rapid propagation.*

[footnote] *On multiplication by spontaneous division of the mother-corpuscle and intercalation of new substance, see Ehrenberg 'Van den jetzt lebenden Thierarten der Kreidebildung', in the 'Abhandl. der Berliner Akad. der Wiss.', 1839, s. 94. The most powerful productive faculty in nature is that manifested in the Vorticellae. Estimations of the greatest possible development of ma.s.ses will be found in Chrenberg's great work 'Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommne Organismen', 1838, s. xiii., xix., and 244.

"The Milky Way of these organisms comprises the genera Monas, Vibrio, Bacterium, and Bodo." The universality of life is so profusely distributed throughout the whole of nature, that the smaller Infusoria live as parasites on the larger, and are themselves inhabited by others, s. 194, 211, and 512.

The minutest of the Infusoria, the Monadidae, have a diameter which does not exceed 1/3000th of a line, and yet these silicious-sh.e.l.led organisms form in humid districts subterranean strata of many fathoms in depth.

The strong and beneficial influence exercised on the feelings of mankind by the consideration of the diffusion of life, throughout the realms of nature is common to every zone, but the impression thus produced is most powerful in the equatorial regions, in the land of palms, bamboos, and arborescent ferns, where the ground rises from the sh.o.r.e of seas rich in mollusca and corals to the limits of perpetual snow. The local distribution of plants embraces almost all heights and all depths. Organic forms not only descend into the interior of the earth, where the industry of the miner has laid open extensive excavations and sprung deep shafts, but I have also found snow-white stalactiitic columns encircled by the delicate web of an Usnea, in caves where meteoric water could alone penetrate through fissures.

Podurellae penetrate into the icy crevices of the glaciers on Mount Rosa, the Grindelwald, and the Upper Aar; the Chionaea nivalis (formerly known as Protococcus), exist in the polar snow as well as in that of our high mountains. The redness a.s.sumed by the snow after lying on the ground for soome time was known to Aristotle, and was probably observed by him on the mountains of Macedonia.*

[footnote] *Aristot., 'Hist. Animal.', v. xix., p. 552, Bekk.

p 345 While, on the loftiest summits of the Alps, only Lecideae, Parmeliae, and Umbilicariae cast their colored but scanty covering over the rocks, exposed by the melted snow, beautiful phanerogamic plants, as the Culcitium rufescens, Sida pinchinchensis, and Saxifraga Boussingaulti, are still found to flourish in the tropical region of the chain of the Andes, at an elevation of more than 15,000 feet. Thermal springs contain small insects (Hydroporus thermalis), Gallionellae, Oscillatoria and Confervae, while their waters bathe the root-fibers of phanerogamic plants. As air and water are aniimated at different temperatures by the presence of vital organisms, so likewise is the interior of the different portions of animal bodies.

Animalcules have been found in the blood of the frog and the salmon; according to Nordmann, the fluids in the eyes of fishes are often filled with a worm that lives by suction (Diplostomum), while in the gills of the bleak the same observer has discovered a remarkable double aniimalcule (Diplozoon paradoxum), having a cross-shaped form with two heads and two caudal extremities.

Although the existence of meteoric Infusoria is more than doubtful, it can not be denied that, in the same manner as the pollen of the flowers of the pine is observed every year to fall from the atmosphere, minute infusorial animalcules may likewise be retained for a time in the strata of the air, after having been pa.s.sively borne up by currents of aqueous vapor.*

[footnote] *Ehrenberg, op. cit., s. xiv., p. 122 and 403. The rapid multiplication of microscopic organisms is, in the case of some (as, for instance, in wheat-eels, wheel-animals, and water-bears or tardigrade animalcules), accompanied by a remarkable tenacity of life. They have been seen to come to life from a state of apparent death after being dried for twenty-eight days in a vacuum with chloride of line and sulphuric acid, and after being exposed to a heat of 248 degrees. See the beautiful experiments of Doyere, in 'Mem. sur les Tardigrades et sur leur propriete de revenir a la vie', 1842, p. 119, 129, 131, 133. Compare, also, Ehrenberg, s. 492-496, on the revival of animalcules that had been dried during a s.p.a.ce of many years.

This circ.u.mstance merits serious attention in reconsidering the old discussion respecting 'spontaneous generation',* and the p 346 more so, as Ehrenberg, as I have already remarked, has discovered that the nebulous dust or sand which mariners often encounter in the vicinity of the Cape Verd Islands, and even at a distance of 380 geographical miles from the African sh.o.r.e, contains the remains of eighteen species of silicious-sh.e.l.led polygastric animalcules.

[footnote] *On the supposed "primitive transformation" of organized or unorganized matter into plants and animals, see Ehrenberg, in Poggendorf's 'Annalen der Physik', bd. xxiv., s. 1-48, and also his 'Infusionsthierchen', s. 121, 525, and Joh. Muller, 'Physiologie des Menschen' (4te Aufl., 1844), bd. i., s. 8-17. It appears to me worthy of notice that one of the early fathers of the Church, St. Augustine, in treating of the question how islands may have been covered with new animals and plants after the flood, shows himself in no way disinclined to adope the view of the so-called "spontaneous generation" ('generatio aequivoca, spontanea aut primaria').

"If," says he, "animals have not been brought to remote islands by angels, or perhaps by inhabitants of continents addicted to the chase, they must have been spontaneously produced upon the earth; although here the question certainly arises, to what purpose, then, were animals of all kinds a.s.sembled in the ark?" "Si e terra exort" sunt (bestiae) secundum originem primam, quando dixit Deus" 'Producat terra animam vivam!' multo clarius apparet, non tam reparandorum animalium causa, quam figurandarum variarum gentium (?) propter ecclesiae sacramentumin arca fuisse omnia genera, si in insulis quo transire non possent, multa animalia terra produxit." Augustinus, 'De Civitate Dei', lib. xvi., cap. 7: 'Opera, ed. Monach. Ordinis S.

Benedicti', t. vii., Venet., 1732, p. 422. Two centuries before the tiime of the Bishop of Hippo, we find, by extracts from Trogus Pompeius, that the 'generatio primaria' was brought forward in connection with the earliest drying up of the ancient world, and of the high table-land of Asia, precisely in the same manner as the terraces of Paradise, in the theory of the great Linnaeus, and in the visionary hypotheses entertained in the eighteenth century regarding the fabled Atlantis: "Quod si omnes quondam terrae submersae profundo fuerunt, profecto editissilimam quamque partem decurrentibus aquis primum detectam; humillimo autem solo eandem aquam diutissime immoratam, et quanto prior quaeque pars terrarum siccata sit, tanto prius animalia generare coep.i.s.se. Porro Scythiam adeo editiorem omnibus terris esse ut cuncta flumina ibi nata in Maeotium, tum deinde in Pontic.u.m et Aegyptium mare decurrant." -- Justinus, lib. ii., cap. 1. The erroneous supposition that the land of Scythia is an elevated table-land, is so ancient that we meet with it most clearly expressed in Hippocrates, 'De Aere et Aquis', cap. 6, 96, Coray. "Scythia," says he, "c.o.o.nsists of high and naked plains, which, without being crowned with mountains, ascend higher and higher toward the north."

Vital organisms, whose relations in s.p.a.ce are comprised under the head of the geography of plants and animals, may be considered either according to the difference and relative numbers of the types (their arrangement into genera and species), or according to the number of individuals of each species on a given area. In the mode of life of plants as in that of animals, an important difference is noticed; they either exist in an isolated state, or live in a social condition. Those species of plants which I have termed 'social'* uniformly cover vast extents of land.

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Aphorismi ex Physiologia Chemica Plantarum', in the 'Flora Fribergensis Subterranea', 1793, p. 178.

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