
Claws And Fangs Part 4

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"It was s.e.x one time. That's crazy to think just because it was good that we should get married. We're strangers!"

"What we shared was special, Matty."

He had a s.e.xy voice, and she had to agree on the special part. The s.e.x they'd had on his desk had blown her mind. What if every time he touched her it was that intense? She ran her gaze over his body and the urge to touch him again surfaced.

"We'll have a long time to get to know each other." He smiled, drawing her attention back to his face and his eyes. "I look forward to it." He paused. "And if you believe that was just 'good' s.e.x, I obviously need to take my time the next round." His gaze lowered to the tie of her belt. "Open it up. I'm on my knees already...just hook a leg over my shoulder." He brushed his hair back, winked, and licked his lips. "I'll show you greatness."

Her jaw dropped open. "You..."

"Plan to do a little worshipping of your bonny body." He reached for her.

Matty launched herself against the wall, avoided his hands, and ran for the door. The guy planned to seduce her, bite into her again, and make her a bloodsucking creature of the night. That wasn't on her "to do" list. He might be hot, have a rocking body, be totally hung, but no guy was worth giving up chocolate forever. Besides that, they were strangers.

She'd nearly reached the door when his arm snagged her from behind, around her waist. Kilt hugged her to his body, wrapped his other arm over her chest, and lifted her right off her feet. She twisted her head to stare at him with fear as he frowned at her, inches from her face.

"Don't be afraid."

"Put me down!"

"I won't hurt you. Are you afraid it's going to be painful? It won't be."

"I don't even know you, and I'm not ready to get married. Or whatever you call it." She struggled but his strong arms refused to release her. She did, however, feel his body respond when something hard pressed against her a.s.s. She froze and gawked at him.

"Sorry." He shrugged, turned them both to face the bed, and sighed. "I can't help it. I want you despite this not being the best time to be sporting a pole."

"A pole?"

He cleared his throat. "My d.i.c.k is hard anytime I touch you. Is that clearer?"

He gently dropped her on the bed and Matty rolled, sat up, and her gaze lowered to the breeches. He either wasn't wearing underwear or they were thin, because his "pole" was pointing straight out, the material of his pants stretched taut. She raised her eyes to stare at him.

"We're not having s.e.x-and don't bite me."

"How about we make love but I don't bite? I'm prepared this time for how strongly I will react to you." He grinned. "I need to convince you it's better than good between us." He stared at her lap. "Open the robe and I'll take you to heaven."

"Um, no. Fangs and that area aren't meeting. No way. I don't have any piercings down there and never plan to get any."

He chuckled. "Do you know what fangs are good for when I'm licking you?" He parted his lips, revealing they were fully extended. "They fit perfectly on the sides of that pretty little pearl to give my tongue full access. I won't have to use my hands to keep you spread enough to get to it well. They will be otherwise occupied."

The vivid picture he painted made her breath freeze inside her lungs and her body responded. She inched back, scooting away from him. "I think I should go home."

"d.a.m.n. I was afraid of this." He frowned. "You're scared. I won't force you to turn but you've got to at least give us a chance before you say no."

"You want to date me?" She paused, considering that. They could get to know each other. It wasn't as if she had a social life. The idea wasn't scary. Of course, they wouldn't be going out to dinner, since he admitted not eating food. Maybe they could see movies together. "We could try that."

He turned and reached for the sword he'd removed earlier. Fear gripped her. Would he kill her for refusing to become a vampire?

He discarded it and fiddled with the belt he'd removed, and her fear eased. There was a small pouch attached to the belt. He finally turned, holding up fur-lined handcuffs.

The relief was short-lived when he lunged at her.

Blaron hated to do it but he needed to convince Matty they belonged together. She cried out when he grabbed her. He was careful not to hurt her, but she put up a h.e.l.l of a fight when he stripped her of her robe. He was careful not to bruise her creamy skin as he gripped her wrists, tugged her up the bed as her feet kicked at him, and secured her wrists through the bars of the headboard.

"a.s.shole!" She tried to kick him in the face.

He dodged her foot, barely, and grunted when it impacted his shoulder instead. The la.s.s had fire, and he loved her a little more for it. His Matty was a fighter. He wouldn't bite her; he would refrain from tasting her blood. She struggled when he released her, her hips rising from the bed, her feet flat on the mattress, and his c.o.c.k hurt from the sight as she twisted and wiggled.

He backed away and reached for the waist of his borrowed breeches. He hated the feel of them, the constricting material rubbing the crown of his straining c.o.c.k. He sighed with relief as he tugged them down. He sat, yanking the d.a.m.n things off his legs and tossed them to the floor. He was a kilt man. He moved onto his hands and knees at the foot of the bed, watching her wear herself out, and grinned at the curses she muttered. His la.s.s had the mouth of a sailor when her temper was riled. He found it adorable.

She'd learn he'd never take her by force. He'd never be a brute to her, but the cuffs were for her own good. Lethal would try to harm her if she attempted to run away, and her old life was gone. Blaron had set the hunter free after messing with his mind. Of course, memories could return if something triggered them. If so, the hunter might remember Matty, target her. She'd be in danger. He couldn't allow that.

No, Matty belonged with him. He just had to convince her of that. Even if meant restraining her to his bed to show her he'd never harm her. Seduction was the best way. He'd love her, show her tenderness and pa.s.sion.

"Easy, Matty my love," he rasped. "I bring you pleasure, not pain."

"You're scaring me."

He flinched inwardly at her words. "'Tis a wasted emotion you don't need. I'll never harm you. Never."

He tried to reach for her again but she kicked her legs at him. He pulled back, waiting for her to stop. She had fire. He'd give her that. Maybe it would be better to back off for a few minutes. He sat back on his heels at the bottom of the bed and waited.

Chapter Six.

"Now, Matty," he sighed. "Calm down."

She glared at him. "Let me go. This is your idea of convincing me you're honorable? Stripping me and handcuffing me to a bed?"

"It's not perfect but it will do."

"Jerk. a.s.shole. Creep!"

He grinned. "I've already heard you use more colorful terms."

"You're amused?" She'd fought the restraints until she grew tired. "This isn't funny."

"It's not." His gaze lowered down her body. "Open those pretty thighs for me and I'll improve your mood. I won't bite you this time and I won't turn you during the heat of pa.s.sion. You have my word as a gentleman."

She snorted, not willing to believe him. "You're a vampire."

"I'm one who wants to pleasure you."

"You want my blood. You admitted to using s.e.x to get women to allow you to feed off them."

He looked hurt at her words. That surprised her. Some of her anger dissipated. What if he really did have feelings for her? She felt them toward him. It was insane. They'd just met that morning, but in her defense, she'd been watching him for months. She'd been fascinated from the moment she'd glimpsed her new neighbor.

They stared at each other until he sighed.

"You're more than that to me."

She wanted to believe him but what if he was lying? She knew next to nothing about real vampires. It was possible they went around lying to women to get them into bed for their blood. He could discard her the second he got what he wanted. "Let me go, Blaron."

"Give us a chance first. I will convince you or give your life back."

Why does it feel as though I'm making a deal with the devil? A hot, s.e.xy one, who keeps staring at my thighs as if I'm a big kid's meal he's starving for. She hated how her nipples hardened, knowing it didn't have a thing to do with the room temperature but more for what would happen if she gave him access to her p.u.s.s.y.

"You're saying if we have s.e.x again, you'll let me go if it doesn't convince me to marry you?" Maybe he said that to every woman, planning on letting her go regardless. "You know that's screwed up, right?"

He smiled again. "I do love that term. Screwed. Up. Down. Hard. Fast. Slow." His eyes seemed to glow. "Any way that will please you and make you scream out my name while I'm inside that tight, wonderful sheath of yours."

Her body wanted him, tingled from his words, and it made her a little sad. It would hurt if he were lying. She'd spent years alone, and he just seemed too good to be true.

What if he really did want to spend his life with her? What if he wasn't lying or just telling her what he figured she might want to hear? Worst case, he'd make love to her. She'd have the memories to live with.

She'd keep her pride, though, if she didn't cave to him too easily by seeming overly eager.

"Fine. Do your worst but I'm going home afterward." She took a deep breath. "No biting."

"No biting. I love a challenge, la.s.s."

He reached for her and she spread her thighs at his urging. She dropped her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. No matter how good he might be at oral s.e.x, she had to protect her heart for falling for him even more. She probably had nothing to worry about. Men had gone down on her before but it hadn't been great. They sure hadn't made her scream their names.

She relaxed when the bed moved and he spread her thighs even farther apart. She glanced down, saw him sprawled out on his belly, his face inches from her p.u.s.s.y. He raised his arms, bracing them over her legs to hold them down. His gaze met hers and he gave her a c.o.c.ky grin that showed his fangs.

"They won't cut you, and I'll show you just how much you're going to love them."

Fear and excitement fought for dominance. She'd kill him when he let her go if he bit her tender skin.

He breathed on her c.l.i.t, making her more aware of the vulnerable position she was in, and she pulled on the handcuffs that refused to release her wrists. The sensation of being tied and pinned to the bed had a certain amount of s.e.xual appeal.

He lowered his head and growled softly, a masculine sound that turned her on more. There was something almost sinful and super s.e.xy about knowing how dangerous he could be. He nuzzled his mouth against her folds; she tensed when she felt his fangs brush her c.l.i.t. They pressed tight against her skin on either side. It seemed to push the bundle of nerves closer to the tongue that teased her with a slow trace of the tip. Matty squeezed her eyes closed and her fingers wrapped around the chains of the handcuffs.

He tortured her with flicks of his tongue over her c.l.i.t until it throbbed. When he applied pressure, pushed the flat of his tongue against it to rub, she tried to buck her hips but the weight of his arms kept her down. She jerked though when he reached up, and both of his hands found her straining nipples. He pinched them between his thumbs and forefingers, rolling the taut beads, and her body tensed.

Moans broke from her lips. His forearms pinned her but his fingers playing with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s drove her crazy. "Faster. Please?" She hated begging but she wanted to come so bad it hurt.

He refused to quicken the pace. Instead he kept up the slow gliding of his tongue until she cried out, the o.r.g.a.s.m ripping through her body. His tongue paused until she stopped trembling and the pleasure eased. His hands stopped pinching her nipples and instead ma.s.saged her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading them gently.

She gasped when he began again, his tongue fixating on her c.l.i.t.

"I can't," she panted. "Too sensitive."

He ignored her, and she cried out when he began sucking instead. Strong tugs of his mouth with the occasional swipe of his tongue made her writhe and moan. She came again, his name bursting from her lips.


He mouth pulled away. "Will you marry me?"


"I'm not done."

"You can't mean to keep doing that until I say yes?" She had a sinking feeling he did. And d.a.m.n him, he was good at it. She wouldn't survive hours of him licking her.

"Aye, la.s.s. I do."


He chuckled. "But I'm all yours."

She gasped when he nuzzled his mouth against her p.u.s.s.y again, his fangs fitting around her c.l.i.t, and his tongue licked her slowly. Her toes curled, feeling the sides of his ribs, and she hoped she at least tickled him. Her breathing grew faster as she panted and he refused to let up until she came again. She screamed his name that time. Her body bucked from the intensity of her o.r.g.a.s.m. He pulled away.

"Matty?" His voice was a little rough sounding. "What say you?"

"f.u.c.k you."

He growled. "That's next."

She gasped when he sat back on his haunches. He gripped her thighs, crawled in closer until they were spread over his own, his c.o.c.k pressed against the opening of her p.u.s.s.y. She stared at him, a little afraid of the dark, dangerous look on his handsome face.

"I won't hurt you but I have to have you. Say yes."

She nodded, wanting him. She hurt inside, needing to be filled. The o.r.g.a.s.ms had been great but they'd felt a little empty.

He entered her slowly, her body stretching around his thick c.o.c.k, and both of them moaned.

His hands slid down her thighs, cupped her a.s.s, and adjusted her a little higher on his lap. He rocked them both, f.u.c.king her deep and fast. His thumb moved to press over her c.l.i.t, and Matty went wild. The sensation of him inside her while he was touching her c.l.i.t, his powerful body taking hers, was too much ecstasy to handle. She screamed out as she came and opened her eyes in time to watch Blaron throw back his head, his body tensed. He shouted out her name as he came inside her. He shivered, his muscular, sweaty body the s.e.xiest sight ever, and his chin lowered as their gazes met.

"What say you, Matty?"

She couldn't form words. She was too blown away by what he'd just done to her and too out of breath. His eyebrow arched as he smiled.

"Again? Okay, Matty. I can go all night and day for you." He adjusted his hold on her, running his fingers over her lower stomach. "We'll both learn new limits of how much we can survive."

He began to move inside her, still hard, this time in slow, long thrusts, nearly withdrawing from her p.u.s.s.y, only to drive back in deep. He paused there, staring into her eyes, and withdrew. Her fingers clamped around the chains and her back arched. Blaron smiled.

"I've had hundreds of years to learn how to please a woman, but none mattered as much as you. Think of doing this every night."

She moaned in response when he brushed a thumb over her swollen c.l.i.t. Her v.a.g.i.n.al muscles clenched and Blaron groaned.

"Matty, my love, say yes to me. Agree to be mine."

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Claws And Fangs Part 4 summary

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