
Claws And Fangs Part 3

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He hesitated. "I'm taking the evening off. We'll talk when I return. Eat, la.s.s. Enjoy a warm bath." He glanced around the room. "It may look a bit rough with the concrete but the amenities in the bathroom are very modern."

He spun on his bare feet and walked to the door. His sword rested against the wall. He grabbed it up as he jerked open the door and disappeared into the darkness. No lights lit the hallway. She shivered at the thought of trying to sneak out...

She was in the bas.e.m.e.nt of some vampire club.

The smell of food drove her to inch closer to the side of the bed, release the sheet, and slide off the edge. The cold floor made her shiver as she tied the thick, fancy robe around her waist. He'd left a covered plate with wrapped silverware on a desk in the corner. A drink waited there as well. She lifted the lid, staring at steak and eggs with hash browns. Her stomach rumbled. She was hungry.

"What are you doing?"

Blaron frowned at his friend. "Informing you that I'm taking the night off. And can you have someone find me a good home? I'm not holing up with you for long, Lethal."

"You'd be safer. I told you living amongst humans wasn't the smartest thing to do. A hunter spotted you. Just move in here again."


"You're so stubborn."

"So are you. I need to go." He turned away but Lethal's voice halted him.

"I'm stunned you brought a human here. You really shouldn't have. I realize your home was invaded but you should have sent her to a hotel or something if you believed her safety was compromised. I take it that you aren't lovers yet, since you asked for the key to my place to shower?"

He spun around to face his friend. "We're lovers but our relationship is very new. I came on too strong so I'm giving her some breathing room. She's very special to me."

Lethal tilted his head and a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I see. You've bitten and fed from her? What happened to your sworn oath of not taking blood even from willing women?"

Anger tensed Blaron's body. "She's the one for me."

Shock gripped the other vampire's features. "Are you certain? You said your relationship was new."

"I'm certain. We just hit it off perfectly. It's almost instinctual for me to keep Matty at my side."

"How did you find her?"

"She found me. She's a neighbor who saw a hunter sneaking into my home and came to save me. We just met this morning."

"That little la.s.s you carried in came to your rescue?" He chuckled. "What did she do? Scream to warn you?"

"She had hogtied the hunter by the time I reached them. She's quick and smart."

"And you have bedded her already? That was fast."

"It happened before we came here. As I said, she's my one."

"Have you told her that you plan to keep her?"

"I'm getting there."

"Good luck. I take it she knows what we are?"

"She guessed before she ever met me. She's a brave la.s.s."

"How did she guess?"

"It's a long story."

"Shorten it for me."

"It seems she was watching my home for a bit, since hers was across the street. I got the impression she doesn't go out much. It's given her plenty of time to study me."

His friend leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk he sat behind. "You're telling me she figured out you're a vampire and still came to your defense when a hunter found your lair?"

"Yes. She's a special la.s.s."

"That seems an understatement. Most of them would either want to kill you or attempt to blackmail you into turning them into one of us, ever since all those stupid movies came out. Good luck telling her that you've chosen her to spend your life with. She won't be happy."

"Maybe she will be."

Lethal chuckled. "Always the optimist. Of course, perhaps she's a vampire movie fan. Let me know how it goes when the reality of it sets in for her-or maybe I'll hear the screaming from my office. We'll go hunting without you tonight. You stay to inform your la.s.s of her future." He opened a drawer and withdrew handcuffs lined with fur. "Here's to love. You may need these to convince her to stay."

Blaron stood. "I won't be needing those."

"Take them. It's best to be prepared." All humor faded from his features. "She's a danger to us if you don't convince her to stay with you. You brought her here and I don't wish to close the club down."

"She has no idea where we are."

"She's guarded to make sure she doesn't snoop around or try to leave?"

"No. She won't flee."

Lethal stood, glaring. "She is the enemy if she does. She could put us at risk of being attacked by her kind if they were to believe her. One post on an Internet social site and we'd have hunters from all over the world descending on us. I don't want to move. We've built a life here, Blaron. Are we clear?"

"Perfectly." Blaron gripped the handle of his sword. "Don't threaten her, Lethal. She's mine, and we'll fight if you try to harm a hair on her precious head."

Lethal's stance relaxed. "I didn't say I'd cause her harm. I would, however, make certain she couldn't tell anyone about us. Make sure we have no reason to come to blows. Friends are hard to keep as the years wear on. I don't want to lose you because I stir your anger by locking her up or trying to erase her memories."

They regarded each other and Blaron released his sword. He grabbed the handcuffs off the desk. "I'll be in my room."

"You should lock her in when you leave her alone. For her safety and ours."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Fine." Lethal sighed. "Just be careful. I would hate for a little human to kill you if she's so inclined. You'd probably hand her your own sword to stab you with."

"Matty and I have a connection. I'm certain she'll want to stay with me once she understands that."

"I hope so, for our sakes. You put us both at risk by bringing her here."

"She's no threat. I'll romance her into agreeing to be my companion."

Lethal grinned. "Do you remember how? Would you like some pointers?"

"You're as old as I am, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Blaron grinned, remembering they were as close as brothers. Lethal wouldn't harm Matty. He relaxed. "I sure wouldn't ask advice from you if I needed it."

"I've taken far more lovers over the years than you have."

"I did fine with her earlier this morning."

"I'm glad to hear it. Have fun but not too much!" Lethal's amused tone irritated him.

Blaron departed quickly. "a.s.shole."

"It takes one to know one."

Chapter Five.

Matty rose from the warm bath, her hair washed, and tucked a towel around her body. The door in the other room opened. She froze, afraid it might not be Kilt, but instead some other vampire. The door closed and she heard a growl.

"Matty? Are you in there?"

"I'll be right out."

She knew that Scottish brogue. He'd returned. She dried off quickly, wished for clothing, but only had the robe to put back on. The blood-red color of it made her feel like a walking advertis.e.m.e.nt for a vampire meal on legs. Bad pun. Don't go there. She hesitated at the door but turned the handle, opening it up.

It surprised her to see that Kilt had showered and changed. His hair was still damp and the sight of him in loose black pants was enough to make her gawk. He looked like some kind of blond pirate out of a film with his long hair, the breeches, and a sword hung low from a belt secured at his waist. He stared at her with his s.e.xy eyes when she finally stopped noticing his shirtless, muscled chest. The guy had the best body she'd ever seen.

"You ate." He looked pleased as he smiled. "I take it the food was enjoyable? The plate is clean."

"They serve good food. You were right."

He shrugged, drawing attention to those broad shoulders. "I had heard but I don't eat food anymore."


"I used to but it's been a long time."

"But you can eat it though?"

He hesitated. "I don't need it, and I lost the urge to eat with others a good hundred years ago. Blood is what I need."

She unconsciously reached up and touched her neck. There wasn't a mark where he'd bitten her, she'd check in the mirror, but the memory remained. Kilt followed her hand with his gaze and licked his lips. The air between them seemed to warm up in the chilly room as both of them were reminded of what they'd done together on his desk.

Matty dropped her hand quickly. "Have you eaten?"

He hesitated. "Are you offering to feed me?"

She took a step back and b.u.mped the doorjamb of the bathroom, missing the opening, and halted. "No."

He reached for his waist, unfastened the belt, and turned his back on her to place his sword on the table by the bed. She watched him, leery of what would happen next. The guy weighed at least a hundred pounds more than her and was bodybuilder big. Their gazes met again when he faced her.

"I fed and showered to give you time to yourself. We need to talk."

"Yes, we do. I need to go home. I'm sure that I'm safe. That jerk was after you, not me."

"You haven't asked what I did to him."

She hesitated. "I don't want to know."

"Fair enough." He took a hesitant step toward her. "I'm an honorable man. I want you to know that. You'll learn, but we don't know each other yet." He stopped feet from her, watching her closely. "I'd never cause you harm, and I'd give my life to protect yours. Those are things you can always count on from me. I'm honest and I will pledge total loyalty to you. I'm a bag feeder, so there won't be any other women in my arms."

Mute, Matty listened. It sounded as if he were trying to make something more out of the crazy one-morning stand they'd had. Her heartbeat increased. The idea of dating him wasn't totally a bad one. She'd never forget him, and could admit he'd already become a part of her life while she'd watched him from her bedroom window. He said he wouldn't be returning to his house. That meant she wouldn't see him again as soon as they said goodbye-unless he was asking her out.

"In the old days, a vampire couple would've fed off humans. The best way to ensure a human could survive without knowing what we were was feeding off them during s.e.x." His cheeks blushed slightly. "Those days are over, and I'd kill anyone who touched you, even for feeding purposes."

"Um..." No other words formed.

"I'm saying this wrong. I'm not good with words but the pa.s.sion between us can't be denied. I'm attracted to you, the s.e.x was incredible, and sleeping with you wrapped inside my arms, against my body, was heaven on Earth. I've never known such rightness as touching you."

For a guy not good with words, he said the right ones to melt her heart. She still couldn't talk though. And he shocked her further by dropping to his knees before her and staring up at her face with sincerity.

"You bring me to my knees. I pledge my life to yours, Matty. I'll do whatever it takes to convince you to be my companion."

She swallowed hard. "What is that? Your girlfriend?"

He hesitated and offered a hand, holding it out to her. She placed her trembling one in his. He brought it to his lips to place a kiss on the back of her hand, turned it in his, kissed her palm. His gaze never left hers.

"It's a lover, a friend, and you'd use the term wife. It's a lifetime commitment...and we don't age. I'm going to be honest with you. It's forever-and that could be a long time. I've met a vampire over a thousand years old."

Her knees locked together to keep her on her feet and the wall at her back kept her standing. "You want to turn me? Make me a vampire?"

He nodded, still holding her hand. "I don't want to lose you to old age or illness. Humans are frail. You'd be much stronger as a vampire."

She yanked her hand out of his and hugged her waist. "No."

Pain etched his features. "Why not? Isn't that something tempting? You'll never age and I'll always protect you. I'm a skilled warrior. Only the sun could kill you, or a beheading. No one would ever get close enough to stake you to the ground or touch that pretty head of yours."

"I...this is insane. You don't even know me. We had s.e.x once, and while I'd only kind of thought you might be a vampire, you're real. I'm still reeling from the fact they exist! And why would you offer that to me? I don't understand."

"Kisses don't lie, nor do our bodies. You're a perfect fit for me."

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Claws And Fangs Part 3 summary

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