
Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions Part 6

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The ancient _Scandinavians_ had their legend of a deluge. The _Edda_ describes this deluge, from which only one man escapes, with his family, by means of a bark.[27:3] It was also found among the ancient Mexicans.

They believed that a man named c.o.xc.o.x, and his wife, survived the deluge. Lord Kingsborough, speaking of this legend,[27:4] informs us that the person who answered to Noah entered the ark with six others; and that the story of sending birds out of the ark, &c., is the same in general character with that of the Bible.

Dr. Brinton also speaks of the _Mexican_ tradition.[27:5] They had not only the story of sending out the _bird_, but related that the ark landed _on a mountain_. The tradition of a deluge was also found among the Brazilians, and among many Indian tribes.[27:6] The mountain upon which the ark is supposed to have rested, was pointed to by the residents in nearly every quarter of the globe. The mountain-chain of Ararat was considered to be--by the _Chaldeans_ and _Hebrews_--the place where the ark landed. The _Greeks_ pointed to Mount Parna.s.sus; the _Hindoos_ to the Himalayas; and in Armenia numberless heights were pointed out with becoming reverence, as those on which the few survivors of the dreadful scenes of the deluge were preserved. On the Red River (in America), near the village of the Caddoes, there was an eminence to which the Indian tribes for a great distance around paid devout homage.

The Cerro Naztarny on the Rio Grande, the peak of Old Zuni in New Mexico, that of Colhuacan on the Pacific coast, Mount Apoala in Upper Mixteca, and Mount Neba in the province of Guaymi, are some of many elevations a.s.serted by the neighboring nations to have been places of refuge for their ancestors when the fountains of the great deep broke forth.

The question now may naturally be asked, How could such a story have originated unless there was some foundation for it?

In answer to this question we will say that we do not think such a story could have originated without some foundation for it, and that most, if not all, legends, have a basis of truth underlying the fabulous, although not always discernible. This story may have an _astronomical_ basis, as some suppose,[28:1] or it may not. At any rate, it would be very easy to transmit by memory the fact of the _sinking_ of _an island_, or that of _an earthquake_, or a _great flood_, caused by overflows of rivers, &c., which, in the course of time, would be added to, and enlarged upon, and, in this way, made into quite a lengthy tale.

According to one of the most ancient accounts of the deluge, we are told that at that time "the forest trees were dashed against each other;"

"the mountains were involved with smoke and flame;" that there was "fire, and smoke, and wind, which ascended in thick clouds replete with lightning." "The roaring of the ocean, whilst violently agitated with the whirling of the mountains, was like the bellowing of a mighty cloud, &c."[28:2]

A violent earthquake, with eruptions from volcanic mountains, and the sinking of land into the sea, would evidently produce such a scene as this. We know that at one period in the earth's history, such scenes must have been of frequent occurrence. The science of geology demonstrates this fact to us. _Local deluges_ were of frequent occurrence, and that some persons may have been saved on one, or perhaps many, such occasions, by means of a raft or boat, and that they may have sought refuge on an eminence, or mountain, does not seem at all improbable.

During the _Champlain_ period in the history of the world--which came after the _Glacial_ period--the climate became warmer, _the continents sank_, and there were, consequently, continued _local floods_ which must have destroyed considerable animal life, including man. The foundation of the deluge myth may have been laid at this time.

Some may suppose that this is dating the history of man too far back, making his history too remote; but such is not the case. There is every reason to believe that man existed for ages _before the Glacial epoch_.

It must not be supposed that we have yet found remains of the earliest human beings; there is evidence, however, that man existed during the _Pliocene_, if not during the _Miocene_ periods, when hoofed quadrupeds, and Proboscidians abounded, human remains and implements having been found mingled with remains of these animals.[29:1]

Charles Darwin believed that the animal called man, might have been properly called by that name at an epoch as remote as the _Eocene_ period.[29:2] Man had probably lost his hairy covering by that time, and had begun to look human.

Prof. Draper, speaking of the antiquity of man, says:

"So far as investigations have gone, they _indisputably_ refer the existence of man to a date remote from us by many _hundreds of thousands of years_," and that, "it is difficult to a.s.sign a shorter date from the last glaciation of Europe than a quarter of a million of years, _and human existence antedates that_."[29:3]

Again he says:

"Recent researches give reason to believe that, under low and base grades, the existence of man can be traced back into the _Tertiary_ times. He was contemporary with the Southern Elephant, the Rhinoceros-leptorhinus, the great Hippopotamus, perhaps even in the _Miocene_, contemporary with the Mastodon."[29:4]

Prof. Huxley closes his "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature," by saying:

"Where must we look for primeval man? Was the oldest _h.o.m.o Sapiens_ Pliocene or Miocene, _or yet more ancient_? . . .

If any form of the doctrine of progressive development is correct, _we must extend by long epochs the most liberal estimate that has yet been made of the antiquity of man_."[30:1]

Prof. Oscar Paschel, in his work on "Mankind," speaking of the deposits of human remains which have been discovered in caves, mingled with the bones of wild animals, says:

"The examination of one of these caves at Brixham, by a geologist as trustworthy as Dr. Falconer, convinced the specialists of Great Britain, as early as 1858, that man was a contemporary of the Mammoth, the Woolly Rhinoceros, the Cave-lion, the Cave-hyena, the Cave-bear, _and therefore of the Mammalia of the Geological period antecedent to our own_."[30:2]

The positive evidence of man's existence during the _Tertiary_ period, are facts which must firmly convince every one--who is willing to be convinced--of _the great antiquity of man_. We might multiply our authorities, but deem it unnecessary.

The observation of sh.e.l.ls, corals, and other remains of _aquatic animals_, in places above the level of the sea, and even on high mountains, may have given rise to legends of a great flood.

Fossils found imbedded in high ground have been appealed to, both in ancient and modern times, both by savage and civilized man, as evidence in support of their traditions of a flood; and, moreover, the argument, apparently unconnected with any tradition, is to be found, that because there are marine fossils in places away from the sea, _therefore the sea must once have been there_.

It is only quite recently that the presence of fossil sh.e.l.ls, &c., on high mountains, has been abandoned as evidence of the Noachic flood.

Mr. Tylor tells us that in the ninth edition of "Horne's Introduction to the Scriptures," published in 1846, the evidence of fossils _is confidently held to prove_ the universality of the Deluge; _but the argument disappears from the next edition, published ten years later_.[30:3]

Besides fossil remains of aquatic animals, _boats_ have been found on tops of mountains.[30:4] A discovery of this kind may have given rise to the story of an _ark_ having been made in which to preserve the favored ones from the waters, and of its landing on a mountain.[30:5]

Before closing this chapter, it may be well to notice a striking incident in the legend we have been treating, _i. e._, the frequent occurrence of the number _seven_ in the narrative. For instance: the Lord commands Noah to take into the ark clean beasts by _sevens_, and fowls also by _sevens_, and tells him that in _seven_ days he will cause it to rain upon the earth. We are also told that the ark rested in the _seventh_ month, and the _seven_teenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. After sending the dove out of the ark the first time, Noah waited _seven_ days before sending it out again. After sending the dove out the second time, "he stayed yet another _seven_ days" ere he again sent forth the dove.

_This coincidence arises from the mystic power attached to the number seven, derived from its frequent occurrence in astrology._

We find that in _all religions_ of antiquity the number _seven_--which applied to the _sun_, _moon_ and the _five planets_ known to the ancients--is a _sacred number_, represented in all kinds and sorts of forms;[31:1] for instance: The candlestick with _seven_ branches in the temple of Jerusalem. The _seven_ inclosures of the temple. The _seven_ doors of the cave of Mithras. The _seven_ stories of the tower of Babylon.[31:2] The _seven_ gates of Thebes.[31:3] The flute of _seven_ pipes generally put into the hand of the G.o.d Pan. The lyre of _seven_ strings touched by Apollo. The book of "Fate," composed of _seven_ books. The _seven_ prophetic rings of the Brahmans.[31:4] The _seven_ stones--consecrated to the _seven_ planets--in Laconia.[31:5] The division into _seven_ castes adopted by the Egyptians and Indians. The _seven_ idols of the Bonzes. The _seven_ altars of the monument of Mithras. The _seven_ great spirits invoked by the Persians. The _seven_ archangels of the Chaldeans. The _seven_ archangels of the Jews.[31:6]

The _seven_ days in the week.[32:1] The _seven_ sacraments of the Christians. The _seven_ wicked spirits of the Babylonians. The sprinkling of blood _seven_ times upon the altars of the Egyptians. The _seven_ mortal sins of the Egyptians. The hymn of _seven_ vowels chanted by the Egyptian priests.[32:2] The _seven_ branches of the a.s.syrian "Tree of Life." Agni, the Hindoo G.o.d, is represented with _seven_ arms.

Sura's[32:3] horse was represented with _seven_ heads. _Seven_ churches are spoken of in the Apocalypse. Balaam builded _seven_ altars, and offered _seven_ bullocks and _seven_ rams on each altar. Pharaoh saw _seven_ kine, &c., in his dream. The "Priest of Midian" had _seven_ daughters. Jacob served _seven_ years. Before Jericho _seven_ priests bare _seven_ horns. Samson was bound with _seven_ green withes, and his marriage feast lasted _seven_ days, &c., &c. We might continue with as much more, but enough has been shown to verify the statement that, "in all religions of antiquity, the number SEVEN is a _sacred_ number."


[19:1] See "The Deluge in the Light of Modern Science," by Prof. Wm.

Denton: J. P. Mendum, Boston.

[19:2] "There were _giants_ in the earth in those days." It is a scientific fact that most races of men, in former ages, instead of being _larger_, were _smaller_ than at the present time. There is hardly a suit of armor in the Tower of London, or in the old castles, that is large enough for the average Englishman of to-day to put on. Man has grown in stature as well as intellect, and there is no proof whatever--in fact, the opposite is certain--that there ever was a race of what might properly be called _giants_, inhabiting the earth. Fossil remains of large animals having been found by primitive man, _and a legend invented to account for them_, it would naturally be that: "There were giants in the earth in those days." As an ill.u.s.tration we may mention the story, recorded by the traveller James Orton, we believe (in "The Andes and the Amazon"), that, near Punin, in South America, was found the remains of an extinct species of the horse, the mastodon, and other large animals. This discovery was made, owing to the a.s.surance of the natives that _giants_ at one time had lived in that country, _and that they had seen their remains at this certain place_. Many legends have had a similar origin. But the originals of all the _Ogres_ and _Giants_ to be found in the mythology of almost all nations of antiquity, are the famous Hindoo demons, the _Rakshasas_ of our Aryan ancestors. The Rakshasas were very terrible creatures indeed, and in the minds of many people, in India, are so still. Their natural form, so the stories say, is that of huge, unshapely _giants_, like _clouds_, with hair and beard of the color of the _red lightning_. This description explains their origin. _They are the dark, wicked and cruel clouds_, personified.

[19:3] "And it _repented_ the Lord that he had made man." (Gen. iv.) "G.o.d is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that _he should repent_." (Numb. xxiii. 19.)

[20:1] Gen. iv.

[20:2] Gen. vi. 1-3.

[20:3] See chapter xi.

[20:4] The image of Osiris of Egypt was by the priests shut up in a sacred ark on the 17th of Athyr (Nov. 13th), the very day and month on which Noah is said to have entered his ark, (See Bonwick's Egyptian Belief, p. 165, and Bunsen's Angel Messiah, p. 22.)

[21:1] Gen. vi.

[21:2] Gen. viii.

[22:1] See chapter xi.

[22:2] Josephus, the Jewish historian, speaking of the flood of Noah (Antiq. bk. 1, ch. iii.), says: "All the writers of the Babylonian histories make mention of _this_ flood and this ark."

[22:3] Quoted by George Smith: Chaldean Account of Genesis, pp. 43-44; see also, The Pentateuch Examined, vol. iv. p. 211; Dunlap's Spirit Hist. p. 138; Cory's Ancient Fragments, p. 61, et seq. for similar accounts.

[23:1] Chaldean Account of Genesis, pp. 285, 286.

[23:2] Volney: New Researches, p. 119; Chaldean Acct. of Genesis, p.

290; Hist. Hindostan, vol. i. p. 417, and Dunlap's Spirit Hist. p. 277.

[23:3] Ibid.

[23:4] Legends of the Patriarchs, pp. 109, 110.

[23:5] Gen. vi. 8.

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