
After Getting Divorced, Her Powerful Birth Family Welcomed Her Home! Chapter 734: Zhao Family Banquet

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Chapter 734: Zhao Family Banquet


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, she looked at Ye Ying in disbelief. Could it be that she had to think of a way herself?

Although she was a well-known manager, she was only well-known overseas. She did not know many people in China. Even if she went, she would only embarra.s.s herself.

“Chen Xiang, calm down first. This matter isn’t that easy. The two of them are extraordinary people. How can we meet them just like that?” Ye Ying a.n.a.lyzed for her.

However, Chen Xiang did not listen to a single word. She was already agitated by the news of the two of them getting married. She was just short of running outside and going crazy.

“What a piece of trash.” Chen Xiang looked at her disdainfully. “I still have to do it myself.

After returning to her room, Chen Xiang dialed a number. “I want an invitation from the Zhao family.”

“What’s this for?” the caller asked.

Chen Xiang lied the moment she opened her mouth. “Zou Bai is going to attend. I’ll go and find out if he knows that the church is expanding.”

“I’ll find a way to get it for you,” the man promised.

After hanging up the phone, the church member asked, “Chen Xiang is so crazy about Zou Bai. Can we trust that she will work for us?”

“Even if that wasn’t her original intention, she would still cause some trouble to disturb Zou Bai’s vision. With her around, I don’t think anyone will notice what we did.”

Those who heard him looked enlightened and felt that he was really scheming.

Of course, Zhao Yan wouldn’t be stingy with this invitation, but he still reminded them to be careful and not let Zou Bai notice them.

On the day of the banquet, the Zhao family had meticulously arranged everything. This was also Zhao Yan’s selfish motive. He felt that this would show his ident.i.ty and prevent everyone from only looking at Zou Bai.

Zhao Yan had always liked to compete with Zou Bai. If he couldn’t even win at his own family’s banquet, that would really be a huge joke.

Tan Si had originally wanted to partic.i.p.ate as well. She felt that if she could attend such an occasion, it would be an acknowledgment of her status. It would make everyone think that she was definitely the mistress of the house.

There was no way Luo Xuan would agree, let alone the rest of the Zhao family. Although Zhao Yan had said on the show that Tan Si was his girlfriend, all the aristocratic families knew what was going on.

If they really wanted to be together, they would announce her as his fiancee. It was a taboo for families like theirs to be discovered when they were dating. If they dated too much, they would be labeled as flirtatious.

It would be fine if it was a child who was not valued in the family who did this. Zhao Yan was the heir of the Zhao family. His relationships and marriage were planned.

No one thought that Tan Si could marry into the Zhao family. The difference in status between the two families was huge. The Tan family was not considered a rich family to begin with, let alone now that they were living on the streets.

If not for their daughter, Tan Si, supporting them and bringing them to other places to settle down, they would really have to beg on the streets.

Initially, Tan Si wanted to persevere and continue making a fuss, but Luo Xuan’s deterrence was too great. When she put on a cold expression, Tan Si did not dare to speak.

In the end, she could only stay in her room obediently and not mention anything about going out again.

The Zhao family had invited many people to this banquet. Even the w.a.n.g family of Ying Chuan and the Li family of Ji Zhou had been invited.

Since they could be called the four aristocratic families, they naturally had forces that kept each other in check in the capital. Although these two families lived in the ancestral land, no one doubted their control over the capital.

Therefore, many small families also racked their brains to partic.i.p.ate. It was good to get to know each other.

When Jiang An got out of the car, she was a little surprised. “There are actually so many people here.”

Zou Bai supported her. “This has always been the style of the Zhao family’s banquet.”

Zhao Yan stood at the door to welcome the guests. They were really not used to seeing him smile.

When he saw Zou Bai, he quickly walked over. “It’s an honor to have Fourth Master Zou here. Miss Jiang is still so beautiful. I wish the two of you a blissful marriage in advance.”

It had to be said that Zhao Yan’s words were quite pleasing. Zou Bai was in a rare good mood when facing him.

“I invited your family. Why don’t I see the children?” Zhao Yan said deliberately.

Zou Bai knew that he had rejoiced too early. This person couldn’t say anything good.

Of course, Zhao Yan knew that the two children were Zou Bai’s, but outsiders didn’t know. He wanted them to discuss it. Anyway, as long as Zou Bai wasn’t happy, he would be happy.

“The children have to sleep early at night, so we won’t let them come here. They’ll naturally follow us when they’re older.” Jiang An said this very naturally, as if it was nothing.

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After Getting Divorced, Her Powerful Birth Family Welcomed Her Home! Chapter 734: Zhao Family Banquet summary

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