
A Shade Of Blood Part 4

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I wanted to believe, to hope, but the ever present voice of darkness once again hissed at me. And look where caring about you got her. I shook the thought of her coming back away, eliminating all hope that she could once again be in my arms. Keeping her here would only put her in danger. Just let go of her, Derek. Just let go.


Night was the only time Ben and I chose to stay indoors. We decided to take a one-bedroom suite at the hotel, considering that as best friends, we'd slept in a single bed without malice dozens of times. For some reason, however, things changed and the idea of sleeping in the same bed as Ben felt uncomfortable, almost like it was a betrayal to Derek.

Back at The Shade, after Lucas killed Gwen, Derek asked me to start sleeping in his bedroom. He was more able to protect me that way. I couldn't even explain why, but it seemed the most natural thing for us to be in the same room. I expected for some period of adjustment, with a lot of awkwardness; him being a virile, attractive young man and myself being, well, a young woman. I was surprised by how well we adjusted to one another. It was like a dance. We just naturally knew how to move around each other. He got me and I liked to think that I got him too.

I couldn't understand why, but something changed between Ben and me. The rapport we had was gone. Our interactions felt forced. I a.s.sumed that the problem was with me and how my mind kept roaming back to Derek, so I shoved thoughts of my vampire captor out of my head. I had to push away thoughts of how much I missed Derek in order to let Ben in again. It was, after all, how Derek got to me in the first place when I allowed myself to stop pining for Ben.

As I sat on my side of the bed, lightly bouncing over it as I grabbed a pillow, I huffed and gave Ben a small pout.

"What?" he asked.

"I hate this."

"Hate what?"

"This! This tension ... Since when are we so on edge around each other, Ben?"

The expression in his eyes softened. I knew he couldn't deny that there was some level of awkwardness, because he had barely spoken to me since our trip down memory lane back at the beach. He sat beside me and grinned as he c.o.c.ked his head to the side, his blue eyes falling on me. "I don't understand how you could still appear so fair and pink and soft in spite of the fact that we spent the whole day in the sun."

"Fair and pink and soft? You make me sound like a pig..."

"No... You're pretty, Sofia. It's just weird how you never seem to get sunburn."

"That also means I never get that perfect tan you have."

I didn't realize how much I missed the arrogant grin on his face until I saw it again. "Yes, yes... The sun does love me. How did you describe me that one time?" He squinted an eye at me. "I believe you called me a Greek G.o.d..."

I rolled my eyes. "You never do get tired of bringing that up, do you? I was being sarcastic."

"Riiight... You keep telling yourself that." A self-satisfied smile formed on his lips as he lay flat on his back over the bed.

It was a glimpse of the Ben that I missed. Fun-loving, easygoing, never one to get all hung up over problems, issues or emotions. I smiled as I watched him fall asleep, and giggled when he once again began to snore. The tension between us having disappeared, I rolled to my side, trying to force myself to fall asleep.

By the stroke of midnight, I gave up trying and silently got up, pulled a robe over my body and quietly took the sealed envelope from the backpack given by the vampires. I didn't want Ben to know that it contained an envelope addressed to me, because I was hoping that it came from Derek. After everything Ben told me about his experience at The Shade, I didn't want him finding out about how much I missed Derek. I didn't want to deal with having to feel guilty that I didn't have as bad an experience as Ben did back at the island.

Clutching the envelope, I walked out onto the terrace, relishing the cool, evening breeze, carrying with it the distinct taste of salt from the ocean. I opened the brown envelope and found myself fighting back the tears when I saw what was inside.

The package wasn't from Derek. It was from Corrine, the witch. She'd become a kind of older sister to me during the time we spent together. The package contained the cell phone I used to teach Derek how to use mobile phones, my favorite Polaroid snapshot of us together after I showed him how to use a camera, a silver ring studded with what looked like rubies, and a note that said: The phone and the photo is for you to never forget. The ring is a gift from me. May it help you find your way home. The island is several shades darker without you. We'll miss your light. Love, Corrine.

I clutched the envelope to my chest. Hardly any time had pa.s.sed since we left The Shade and I already found the ache within me overwhelming. I wasn't supposed to feel that way. I was supposed to be thankful that I was one of the few humans who actually made it out of The Shade, but no... all I could think about was how much I wanted to go back.


Ben's voice from behind me caused me to jump back, startled. I quickly wiped the tears away from my face.

"What's that?"

"It's... just... it's... nothing..."

"How could it be nothing? Let me see." He stepped beside me and gestured for me to hand him over the envelope.

"Don't get mad." I handed it over to him, afraid of what his reaction would be especially over the photo, with me smiling and looking straight at the camera, while Derek's eyes were set on me.

I could sense Ben tense when he saw what was inside. He handed it right back to me, almost as if he was disgusted by it. "Where did you get that?"

"It came with the backpack."

"I don't understand how you can trust him."

"He saved me so many times... I..."

"Don't you get it, Sofia? You wouldn't need saving if it weren't for him!" The outburst was a first in a long time. I couldn't remember seeing Ben direct that much anger at anyone before. Calming down after breathing in and out for a couple of seconds, he eventually said, "It was Derek. He was the vampire who killed Eliza."

His words came like a punch in the gut, knocking the wind right out of me. It wasn't like I wasn't aware that it was possible, but placing a name to the victim made the thought come to life. I remembered the night Derek came to the penthouse, blood dripping from his lips, how menacing he looked...

"You don't seem surprised."

"Some of the other vampires offer up their slaves to him... for him to feed on..."

"Did he ever feed on you?"

"No... never..."

"So what exactly are you saying, Sofia? As long as you're safe and taken care of, it's fine that he's a murderer who feeds off of other people?"

"No, Ben. It's not like that. You don't know him like I do... You haven't seen him struggle to take control..." My reasoning seemed hollow in the light of Ben's accusations.

"How on earth can you turn a blind eye to these things, Sofia? Since when did you become the kind of person who stood by, comfortably perched in some penthouse, sleeping with the enemy while people are being murdered all around you?"

"I never slept with Derek in the way you're implying."

He gave me a wry laugh. "Right, but that really isn't the point, is it? If the vampire prince suddenly shows up - right here and right now - takes you in his arms and kisses you full on the mouth, would you resist?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out.

"I thought so," he smiled bitterly. "You're too blinded by your infatuation with him to see him for what he really is." He eyed the envelope I was still clutching with both my hands. "He's a monster."

He turned back to the bedroom, but continued to speak. "Home is in California with the family who supported you and raised you for the past eight years. You don't need their witch's ring to find your way there. We make the drive back home first thing tomorrow."

That night, Ben made a call to his parents, informing them where we were. The only explanation he gave them was that we wanted a taste of independence and decided to run away.

I feared that we would have to make one lie after another in order to cover up that story, but I didn't want to worry much about it. The only lie that was circling my mind was the one I kept telling myself. I wanted Ben to be wrong about Derek and about how I simply turned a blind eye to what he'd been doing, but I knew he was right.

I didn't know if it was self-preservation or something more than that, but back at The Shade, I wrapped myself in this little bubble, secured by Derek's protection and unfounded fondness of me. I'd seen how other human captives were treated by other vampires, and never bothered to help. I simply thanked the powers that be that it wasn't me. I was selfish and blind. I was so wrapped up in my fear and my own survival, I failed to look at the bigger picture. I failed to look at the immensity of the darkness that permeated The Shade.

It was logical and natural to hate the island the way Ben did. I was threatened multiple times while I was there. I was held captive. I was almost raped and killed. A friend of mine was murdered. I had every reason to hate The Shade and want to destroy it.

But I didn't. And I couldn't understand why.


Breathless, Claudia and I rolled to our sides on her king-sized canopy bed. I pulled my arm from beneath her bare form, so I could sit over the edge of the bed and reach toward the table where I laid a pack of cigarettes. I propped myself up, leaning my back against the bed's headboard before lighting up a cigarette.

I could feel Claudia's eyes on me. She was often the girl I ran to whenever I needed a quick tumble in the bed. She served her purpose well. Of course, the entire time we were s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g each other, it wasn't really Claudia on my mind. It was Sofia.

My brother's slave managed to etch herself permanently on my subconscious from the very moment I first laid eyes on her and found myself wanting her only to realize that she could never be mine. When I finally got a taste of her blood, I was a lost cause. I couldn't get her out of my head. The fragile little twig.

"Word's out that Derek has got Cameron out on a full-scale hunt for you. They're hunting you as we speak." Six-hundred-year-old Claudia rolled her seventeen-year-old body over the bed so that she was lying on her stomach. She grabbed the cigarette I just lit before I could start smoking it and took a good, long whiff.

I glared at her, noting the amus.e.m.e.nt in her eyes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

She laughed. "You know I am. Can you blame me? You preying on Derek's precious little pet... Derek hunting you down... You, prince of The Shade, the royal highness himself, hiding out with me, ready for my bed whenever I please." She eyed me pointedly before saying with flair, "How the mighty have fallen."

I scowled at her, but it wasn't like I was in any position to dispute her delusions. Whether I liked it or not, I was at her mercy. I hated owing Claudia anything, but she was the only person among the Elite whose depravity and selfishness could equal perhaps even exceed mine. We'd had each other's backs for centuries simply because we allowed each other to indulge our dark sides. h.e.l.l, I wasn't even sure if Claudia had a side that wasn't made of pure evil. What I was sure of was that she wouldn't betray me by handing me over to Derek.

I lit another cigarette and pressed it to my lips.

"Do you really think Derek has it in him to kill you?" Claudia asked.

"He was going to. I could see it in his eyes. The human girl stopped him."

"Oh, that's rich. She saved you. Now, you owe her your life."

"I don't owe her anything." I blew out smoke, annoyed by where the conversation was going. It was me who found Sofia. She was supposed to be mine. I had the right to do with her as I pleased.

"If you say so... Be that as it may, you can't keep hiding here forever. What are you planning to do now you're being hunted down?"

"I don't know."

"You could always escape..."

"Oh yeah? And go where?" I took another puff from my cigarette. Claudia had already thrown hers away.

"Well, there's only one other coven who has it almost as good as we have."

I scoffed at the implication. "No way."

"Where else are you going to go? The Oasis is the only logical option."

I shortly entertained the idea in my mind. I found the prospect appealing for two reasons: seeing the legendary Oasis, and finally meeting Borys' right-hand woman, Ingrid. She was rumored to possess beauty unlike any other.

"Though the prospect of finally laying eyes on this mysterious pet Borys just added to his clan is not without its allure, you must've forgotten who I am, Claudia. I'm Lucas Novak. Novak. The Maslens will have my head the moment my feet hit Cairo."

Claudia shrugged. "Well, it really isn't my problem, is it? All I know is that you have to get out of here as soon as possible, because if they find out I'm aiding and abetting a criminal, I'm sure Derek won't hesitate to rip my heart out."

I gave her a wary glare. Claudia ... such a sympathetic friend. I tossed my cigarette into a nearby ashtray and turned toward her. I pushed her back so that she was lying flat on the bed. "Sometimes, I wonder where your loyalties lie, Claudia."

"That's easy." She smirked. "I'm loyal to me."

"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes. "I'll be out of your hair in no time, Claudia, but for now..." I kissed her deeply. She tasted of blood and nicotine. I distracted myself with the pleasures she provided one more time. I knew I still had a couple of days to spare. The real danger was when the impetuous and insane blonde vampire writhing beneath me finally got bored of me. Until then, she would keep me safe. Until then, escape could wait.


I spat on the dirt ground and threw my opponent a disgusted glare. Across from me on the make-shift circle that served as the training grounds' fighting arena, Xavier Vaughn was trying to catch his breath, his right arm hanging limply at his side with his hand clutching the hilt of his katana like his life depended on it. He was exhausted, b.l.o.o.d.y, and bruised.

I couldn't stand the sight of him. Before my sleep, he would've bested me in any sword fight nine times out of ten. After four centuries, it took half a dozen strikes from me to completely wear him down.

"We've only been at this for about ten minutes, Vaughn." I watched as the fresh wound the tip of my katana most recently inflicted upon him quickly closed up and healed.

"I haven't done this in centuries, Novak." Xavier never did address me as his prince or superior. It was one thing I liked about him. "I'm a little bit rusty."

I tilted my head to the side in scrutiny of him. "A little bit? Is that a joke? Where's the warrior that I once knew? If you fought this way during the Battle of First Blood, we'd all be dead by now."

A hint of amus.e.m.e.nt showed in the corners of his tired, steel gray eyes. He seemed to suddenly gain a bit more strength, because he raised his katana and lunged forward to attack me.

It took about a minute for me to slash an ugly wound across his back and have him lying face down on the ground. I was annoyed watching the wound heal. The blood that spilled from his back tainted the ground, mixing with that of the others who fought me before him.

What have they been doing for the past four hundred years? My merciless stare followed Xavier as he dragged himself out of the arena. "Looks like we've got a lot of work to do. Who's next?"

Eli Lazaroff stepped into the arena, looking more like a librarian than a warrior. I honestly felt sorry for one of our Elite's most valuable strategic minds, because as Eli approached me, it was clear to anyone watching that he was shaking like a leaf, mortified by the idea of close combat with me.

I flexed my neck muscles before taking a step toward him. That one motion caused him to visibly flinch. That was enough to make me suck up any guilt that I felt over what I was about to put him through. Raising my weapon, I dealt him the first blow.

Whether I liked it or not, as ruler of The Shade, I needed to remind my subjects what pain felt like. They needed to remember what it was like to fight for their lives and bleed for a cause.

The year was 1512. The battle would always be remembered in our hearts and minds as the Battle of First Blood. It was the first battle ever to take place on the island, the battle that marked the day we decided to stop running. We all agreed that it was high time to fight back or die doing it.

We were quite a sorry bunch, huddled within the caves that would eventually become the Black Heights, home to The Shade's prisoners and slaves.

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